
Github Mirror

Week 17

reNEWS: "Global hydrogen pipeline 'surges by 55GW'.. In the past six months the global pipeline for hydrogen electrolyser projects has surged by just over 55GW, according to the latest Q2 2024 European Hydrogen Market Report (HyMaR) by Aurora Energy Research"

S&P Global: "Europe is set to continue to rely on Russian LNG in short term"

WION: "Asia warming faster than rest of the world, was 'most disaster-hit region' in 2023: UN"

The Guardian: "Labour promises rail nationalisation within five years of coming to power"

CNBC: "Apple iPhone sales drop 19% in China as demand for Huawei smartphones soars, research says"


'AI is here to stay'

Generative models are horrendously expensive and, at best—once you factor in the need to safety and reliability—give you a productivity boost at tasks most businesses value less than the crud in the coffee maker (clip art, email, meetings, boilerplate code.. I’m on the record as saying that these systems are too risky to use in dev for anything other than prototypes so don’t come at me with 'oh, but coding')

The notion that it’s here to stay is entirely contingent upon a number of fairly unlikely events:

And it’s just as likely that the hypothetical completely new more 'reliable and safe' thing would be different enough for all of your investments in current era models to crash in value and become an active hindrance"


99% of tech social media:

'I like this thing, but people say it’s bad so here is a list of self-serving reasons why I should be allowed to like it. They’re my soothing koans to calm the phantom pain of my long-amputated conscience'

'No, none of them actually address the criticism. Why do you ask?'

You can have a tech that is mostly used for fraud, bankrupts the elderly, or even literally kills people, but tech enthusiasts will defend it by saying it saves five minutes on their morning breakfast routine..

It’s a worldview where individual benefit, no matter how trivial, trumps societal harm. There’s no arguing with people who respond to 'this will destroy lives' with: 'but I find it useful'"

Hossein-Zadeh: "[2006] Despite the fact that oil companies nowadays view war and political turmoil in the Middle East as detrimental to their long-term interests and, therefore, do not support policies that are conducive to war and militarism, and despite the fact that war is no longer the way to gain access to cheap oil, the widespread perception that every U.S. military engagement in the region, including the current invasion of Iraq, is prompted by oil considerations continues. The question is why?..

[T]he major reason for the persistence of this pervasive perception seems to stem from certain deliberate efforts that are designed to perpetuate the myth in order to camouflage some real economic and geopolitical special interests that drive the U.S. military adventures in the Middle East. There is evidence that both the military-industrial complex and militant Zionist proponents of 'greater Israel' disingenuously use oil as a U.S. 'national interest issue' in order to disguise their own nefarious special interests and objectives: justification of continued expansion of military spending, extension of sales markets for the products of war and war-related industries, and recasting the geopolitical map of the Middle East according to the designs of hard-line Zionism. Evidence indicates that for every dollar’s worth of oil imported from the Persian Gulf region the Pentagon takes $5 out of the federal budget to 'secure' the flow of that oil! This is a clear indication that the claim that the U.S. military presence in the Middle East is due to oil consideration is a fraud"

US' backyard..

u.map_loc(['Antigua and Barbuda'],4,"map3.html")


Firstpost: "Is China attempting to create a satellite state in Caribbean.. ? According to reports, China’s strategic maneuvers in Antigua and Barbuda could signify a broader effort to expand its influence throughout the Western Hemisphere"

CNBC: "Ukraine can keep on fighting Russia — but the ‘victory’ it wants might be out of reach"

Al-Monitor: "Gaza protests spread to over 25 US universities with hundreds arrested"

F24: "Students at elite Paris university join protest movement"


Government officials are worried about tiktok radicalizing young people but I think calling in a militarized police force against their friends who are peacefully protesting a genocide will probably do it"

Getting slammed by North Korea - a new low. There is a lot of truth in what they say.

TASS: "The situation in Ukraine serves the interests of the US military-industrial complex and the administration of President Joe Biden, both profiting greatly from the conflict, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister for Russia Im Chon Il said. ' least a third of the $60 billion US military aid to Ukraine remains in the US to replenish the army's equipment and ammunition. This once again blatantly reveals the cunning and despicable nature of the 'helping hand' the US offers to Ukraine with its military aid. Its goal is to use the Ukrainian conflict to serve the interests of the US military monopolies and at the same time to subjugate the puppet regime of [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky.. ' the diplomat said in a statement quoted by the Korean Central News Agency. 'It is not surprising that experts assess that it is the US that is reaping the maximum benefit from the situation in Ukraine, and the Biden administration is drinking "blood wine" and receiving large revenues,' the deputy foreign minister said"

Advanced Science News: "Researchers from the University of Nottingham have discovered that the surface of swarf, the waste metal ringlets discarded by the metal machining industry, is textured at a nanoscale level in a way that boosts the catalysis [for H2 electrolysis] reducing the need for rare metals.

The authors of the study, published in the Journal of Material Chemistry A, claim it overcomes two major challenges. “Firstly, it enables the production of green hydrogen using the least amount of precious metal possible, and secondly, it upcycles metal waste from the aerospace industry, all in a single process,” said one of the study’s authors, Andrei Khlobystov"

Rowan Atkinson, The Guardian: "[2023/06] Electric motoring is, in theory, a subject about which I should know something. My first university degree was in electrical and electronic engineering, with a subsequent master’s in control systems.. In advance of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow in 2021, Volvo released figures claiming that greenhouse gas emissions during production of an electric car are nearly 70% higher than when manufacturing a petrol one. How so? The problem lies with the lithium-ion batteries fitted currently to nearly all electric vehicles: they’re absurdly heavy, huge amounts of energy are required to make them, and they are estimated to last only upwards of 10 years. It seems a perverse choice of hardware with which to lead the automobile’s fight against the climate crisis...

If the lithium-ion battery is an imperfect device for electric cars, concerns have been raised over their use in heavy trucks for long distance haulage because of the weight; an alternative is to inject hydrogen into a new kind of piston engine. JCB, the company that makes yellow diggers, has made huge strides with hydrogen engines and hopes to put them into production in the next couple of years. If hydrogen wins the race to power trucks – and as a result every filling station stocks it – it could be a popular and accessible choice for cars...

Increasingly, I’m feeling that our honeymoon with electric cars is coming to an end, and that’s no bad thing: we’re realising that a wider range of options need to be explored if we’re going to properly address the very serious environmental problems that our use of the motor car has created"


I dont think it's his fault. The tech is crooked

Yahoo News: "[2024/02] Rowan Atkinson blamed for poor electric car sales"

Euronews: "Car sales in Europe decline: Is the future of electric vehicles at stake?"

Reuters: "[2024/01] Tesla slashes electric car range amid claims it exaggerated mileage.. Tesla has cut back claims about how far its electric cars can travel as it faces scrutiny from the US government."

I think this is what the private complex, the surface state is afraid of.. You can't question militarism - it's a product. Do you question a burger? That's crazy talk!

Wapo: "[2023/11] On Monday, a TikTok user with 371 followers, using the screen name '_monix2,' posted a video where she read parts of Osama bin Laden’s 'Letter to America,'.. By Wednesday night, the letter had become a point of discussion among left-wing creators on the video app, with some saying its critiques of American foreign policy had opened their eyes to a history they’d never learned"

Tiktok ban?

#Demilitarization #Davis


TASS: "Moscow slams NATO drills near Russian borders as inflammatory"

"Holocaust Survivor Message to US Campus Protesters:

This survivor of the Holocaust is against Genocide in Gaza & conflating Jewishness with Zionism, which does nothing but increase antisemitism.

Your protests are so persistent, large and global that eventually the Western leadership, which are trying to deny what’s going on, will be forced to face up to it.

There is a historic responsibility towards injustice, genocide and fascism.

Thank you for being brave and on the right side of history.

Stephen Kapos"

H2 Central: "Aurora Hydrogen, an Edmonton-based hydrogen technology company, is producing the world’s first high-efficiency clean hydrogen through methane pyrolysis and collaborating across the industry to develop the low-carbon hydrogen market in Canada"

H2 Central: "Green hydrogen company Hiringa Energy has launched what it says is Australasia’s first zero-emission green hydrogen refuelling network – Hiringa Refuelling New Zealand (HRNZ). The initiative was officially opened by energy and transport minister Simeon Brown. With 25% of New Zealand’s transport emissions coming from the heavy transport sector in spite of only making up 4% of the vehicles on the roads, this marks a groundbreaking step towards decarbonising the country’s heavy transportation sector, says Hiringa"


'The FTC’s final rule to ban noncompetes will ensure Americans have the freedom to pursue a new job, start a new business, or bring a new idea to market.' This is genuinely wonderful"


Who killed Britain? This Danish article has the correct answer: Thatcher"

The Verge: "Amazon is shutting down its drone delivery service in California"

Productivity growth (workers producing more with less) does not guarantee income growth. See the case of US. Factory installs better machines, workers produce more with it, but will they have barganing power to increase their wages because of those machines? No. To the contrary during globalisation, in the absence of unionization, they could lose barganing power.

BOE Gov Mark Carney: "[2015] In the medium term, productivity growth – doing more with less – is the key determinant of income growth"

US will likely end up like other democratic countries who have deep structural issues - prez gets elected, in a few months, wham! Net popularity sinks sub -20,-30 (we see such numbers globally), in that case even incumbency advantage won't help for a second term, every president is a one-term president. Gets elected falls to -30, and booted out in four years.

"If US prez net popularity keeps decreasing for each prez, where does that lead?"


So where are all these A.I.-assisted dev shops out-bidding their competitors with their increased productivity, then? We should be seeing them by now, surely?"

Sounds crazy but can work #Terraform #Sequester



Wild test results from Phoronix. Great work @AMDRyzen and @ubuntu teams!"

While Planck was formulating the black-body radiation he reached a point when he said "I was ready to sacrifice any of my previous convictions about physics" (well, except thermodynamics anyway). The man was ready to throw it all out. That is courageous - the hallmark of a great scientist.

Does he need their money? All of a sudden not the gungho 80s style cold warrior anymore.

Bloomberg: "Milei backed off on China"

#Sudan WTF? Who are these guys called "SLM" in Sudan? They just took a bite out of RSF territory (around Thabit).


"In an astonishing [!] turn of events, Israel has failed to provide evidence to back up its allegations against Unrwa for the UN’s final report... because that evidence doesn't exist. I know, my jaw dropped too! Israel had made the totally plausible claim that 1 in 10 Unrwa workers are members of Hamas, but it provided no evidence to the independent investigation led by French foreign minister Catherine Colonna"


The war was worth it for the MIC on this alone.

NYT: "Ukraine War Helped Push World Military Spending to 35-Year High, Study Says"

Firstpost: "After Columbia, other top US universities rocked by pro-Palestine protests.. Prestigious universities like Yale,.. MIT, and [NYU] have been attempting, but failing, to put an end to these demonstrations amid mounting calls for divesting from Israel and a ceasefire in Gaza"

The Japan Times: "The oil-rich Malaysian state of Sarawak in Borneo is aiming to transform itself into a center for clean hydrogen energy"

Regression is like multidimensional line fitting (to noisy data)

Yep, bop, domcred are statistically significant, so are the exchange rate xch, and govdebt. Gov debt can matter if one is distributing unfunded money that circulates among the population. The classic inflation culprit overheated econ (low unemployment) did not work independently but in correlation with balance of payment. Argentina's job creation might be tied to foreign currency dependent sectors.. ARG case is a clear case of econ mismanagement rather than the result of an econ cycle.

Let's look at the data, run a little regression

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

df = u.get_fred(1990,cols)
df.columns = ["bop","cpi","domcred","gdp","xch","govdebt","m2","unemploy"]
df['inflation'] = (df.cpi - df.cpi.shift(12)) / df.cpi.shift(12) * 100.0
df['growth'] = (df.gdp - df.gdp.shift(12)) / df.gdp.shift(12) * 100.0
df = df.interpolate()
smf.ols('inflation ~  unemploy:bop + domcred + xch + govdebt', data=df).fit().summary()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:              inflation   R-squared:                       0.407
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.374
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     12.03
Date:                Sun, 21 Apr 2024   Prob (F-statistic):           1.69e-07
Time:                        10:50:21   Log-Likelihood:                -417.30
No. Observations:                  75   AIC:                             844.6
Df Residuals:                      70   BIC:                             856.2
Df Model:                           4                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                   coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept      593.4201    103.217      5.749      0.000     387.560     799.280
unemploy:bop    -1.1730      0.290     -4.047      0.000      -1.751      -0.595
domcred          0.0106      0.003      3.914      0.000       0.005       0.016
xch             -4.6241      0.931     -4.967      0.000      -6.481      -2.767
govdebt         21.8747      7.291      3.000      0.004       7.334      36.415
Omnibus:                       18.622   Durbin-Watson:                   0.972
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               23.387
Skew:                           1.136   Prob(JB):                     8.35e-06
Kurtosis:                       4.523   Cond. No.                     9.63e+04

Argentina: Inflation is effected by balance of payments, domestic credit.. Of course.. You buy more than you can sell, foreign products rise in price.. If such products have no local subtitute and are essential, there is inflation. You print money for credit, money value decreases, inflation..


'Use those rights-of-way for a better purpose: trains, housing, and linear parks'"


Dam, they have Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Transformers.. Could be a gold mine for Sony.

Would the purchase mean Halo on Sony Playstation? Probably.

Paramount has IP for Terminator, and Halo? Yeah plz fix those too.

I have only one request, please fix Trek.

NYT: "Sony in Talks to Join a Bid to Buy Paramount"

Frontline #UA #RU 04/13 - 04/23


Creative Good: "Vision Pro, unscrambled, is 'I Poison VR'.. Apple’s new face jail goes on sale today.. In Apple’s promotional video, I wrote, we can see people sit on a couch, talk to coworkers, play with their kids – all while blinded by the tentacled grip across their eyes. There’s nothing liberating, exciting, or hopeful in any of it. And if it looks futuristic at all, it’s because we’ve lost our sense of what the future should be. As Alan Jacobs writes, the machine 'doesn’t look like something to use, it looks like something to be sentenced to – by an especially cruel judge'"

A company colonizing the world.. there it is.. plutocratic fascism.. The concept is stil alive today, we are living in it.

Wiki: "The East India Company was a.. British, joint-stock company founded in 1600.. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia. The company gained control of large parts of the Indian subcontinent and colonised parts of Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. At its peak, the company was the largest corporation in the world by various measures and had its own armed forces"

Some accounts claim they actually succeeded in doing that, cutting off thumbs that is

The Guardian: "For at least two centuries the handloom weavers of Bengal produced some of the world's most desirable fabrics, especially the fine muslins, light as 'woven air', that were in such demand for dressmaking and so cheap that Britain's own cloth manufacturers conspired to cut off the fingers of Bengali weavers and break their looms"

UK corporate media is a cesspool of plutocracy, circle jerk among the members of corporate power. All they care about is protecting their interests.. 90% people are for Gaza, 90% of corporate press support Israel's attack on Gaza. They smear, attack, bury the mildest troublemakers drag them through the mud. Remember Red Ed?

Two cheeks of the same ass.. That's great. It describes corporate Dems and Reps to a T, ditto for "Third Way" Labor of Blair and Tories.

Galloway: "In Western democracies, we have two cheeks of the same butt side, two sides of the same coin. Sure you can go for this party or that party, but both parties stand for the same thing and have the same program essentially of neoliberal economics"

They attacked Iran, when it responded, most corporate media and the bought out politicians ignored why the counterattack happened. Decontextualization at work again. Just like Pal/Isr history started on October 7, Irn/Isr history started when they sent drones towards Israel. The sights in the UK parliament were especially sad, both parties acted like Iran just woke up one day and decided to lob bunch of missiles.. George Galloway helpfully reminded everyone what the hell was going on, so at least now that statement is on record. What a shit show.

Israel's attack on Iran was likely to shift focus from recent events that made them look bad, eg the killing of World Central Kitchen workers, among others... They knew the attack would not cause WWIII, that Iran would respond in a balanced way. The overall attempt was a success, nobody talks about the WCK event, and other distractions anymore. Forgotten.

The previous "dated metaphor for racism" comment on the X-Men is from an Marvel action / comic relief character Deadpool who is allowed to go meta and even break the fourth wall once in a while.

"We Need To Rewild The Internet.. The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.. Rewilding 'aims to restore healthy ecosystems by creating wild, biodiverse spaces,' according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature... [it] has much to offer people who care about the internet"


MIT Technology Review: "Hydrogen trains could revolutionize how Americans get around.. Like a mirage speeding across the dusty desert outside Pueblo, Colorado, the first hydrogen-fuel-cell passenger train in the United States is getting warmed up on its test track. Made by the Swiss manufacturer Stadler and known as the FLIRT (for “Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train”), it will soon be shipped to Southern California, where it is slated to carry riders on San Bernardino County’s Arrow commuter rail service before the end of the year...

So far, hydrogen has been the big technological winner in California. Over the past year, the California Department of Transportation, known as Caltrans, has ordered 10 hydrogen FLIRT trains at a cost of $207 million. After the Arrow service, the next rail line to receive hydrogen trains is scheduled to be the Valley Rail service in the Central Valley. That line will connect Sacramento to California High-Speed Rail, the under-construction system that will eventually link Los Angeles and San Francisco. In its analysis of different zero-­emissions rail technologies, Caltrans found that hydrogen trains, powered by onboard fuel cells that convert hydrogen into electricity, had better range and shorter refueling times than battery-electric trains"


Replacing your junior developers with LLMs is a bit like replacing your tomato plants with pasta sauce"

Zitron: "Researching the beginning of this article took me about 30 minutes, because every time I googled something — like what percentage of web traffic goes to Google — I kept being given 'authoritative' sources like 'Forbes Advisor' (the affiliate marketing arm of Forbes with nothing to do with the magazine) with sources ranging from 'Blogging Wizard' to a literal list of website names, with no actual links... This is the state of the modern internet — ultra-profitable platforms outright abdicating any responsibility toward the customer, offering not a 'service' or a 'portal,' but cramming as many ways to interrupt the user and push them into doing things that make the company money.. These platforms are now pathways for the nebulous concept of 'content discovery,' a barely-personalized entertainment network that occasionally drizzles people or things you choose to see on top of sponsored content and groups that a.. database has decided are 'good for you.'"


Oxford shuts down the institute run by Nick Bostrom. Guy's is a gasbag, good call.

CNBC: "Defense giant BAE Systems linked to arms deals in countries accused of human rights abuses, report finds"

The Turing test might have been passed by "AI" but I don't think Turing foresaw the bullshit generator machines of late... modern computers did not exist in his time, much of the concepts around intelligence were simply beyond that era's science.

Marisa Kabas: "I spoke with a Google worker fired for protesting a $1.2 billion contract with Israel. 'It was a complete overreaction on their part to not only fire everyone who was and wasn't involved, but then also threaten everyone else in the company who would dare think to stand up against feels like a very fascist environment"



Just imagine what could have been in the US"


.. which isn't much of a democracy. Plutocratic muckers are running your lives. After the New Deal people ended up with Raw Deal, and they sold that via an actor in a cowboy hat promising the return of good ol' days when things were "rougher". Well congrats, it got rougher, even when there is plenty of wealth to go around.


'Democracy with American characteristics'"

The X-Men, "a dated metaphor for racism in the '60s" is becoming part of MCU.. That is grand. They can beat that dead horse too now, bring back that Red Skull guy (with a red cap this time), and have him fight X-Men, while watching in our minds we can always create parallels between that and different varities of Woke and its phobes, root for the X-Men, fear government, cherish "freedom".

Disney will serve a MAGA Hulk basically (who in human form will also be president), and I am guessing he will be fighting "diversity"? Because, well, along with abortion, gender issues, there are no other important issues in the country, like millions without health insurance, poverty, shit jobs and concentration of wealth. No. We will have a MAGA Hulk fighting non-MAGA heroes (and wink wink fighting the government at the same time, remember that when they want to tax our ass). Bidness interests gaslight. Look, squirrel!

Red Hulk eh? I smell corporate messaging again.. Will he have cufflinks, one says "MA" the other "GA"?

"Captain America 4 Brave New World will feature Red Hulk as the villain."

#Fallout had a good villain. I see big names, MacLachlan (80s Dune), M. Emerson (PoI).

Yahoo Finance: "Seattle gave low-income residents $500 a month no strings attached. Employment rates nearly doubled"

Railway Technology: "EU’s FCH2Rail hydrogen train project finishes testing in Portugal"

Palestine Chronicle: "China Leads the Way – Beijing Supports Full UN Membership for Palestine"

Quick! Attack Iran again to shift focus!

The New Arab: "Munther Isaac [interviewed by Tucker Carlson..] is a Lutheran pastor in Bethlehem, slammed right-wing Evangelical Christians in the US who have supported Israeli actions in Gaza and the occupied West Bank which bring huge harm to the Palestinian Christian community.

He noted how despite the strongly held views by the religious right on the subject 'their knowledge on the situation here seems to be very very shallow'..

Isaac further described how Israel's military occupation was causing many Palestinian Christians to flee the occupied territories and its assault on Gaza is endangering the Christian community in the enclave"

UnHerd: "The capitalists are circling over Ukraine.. Western multinationals had long had their eyes on Ukraine’s vast agricultural wealth, but a 2001 moratorium on the sale of land to foreigners had always represented an obstacle to unrestrained privatisation. As post-Maidan governments turned again to the IMF for financing, aid was conditioned on a series of land reforms that would finally allow foreign corporations to acquire vast tracts of the country’s farmland. In the 2015 TV series, Servant of the People — which starred Zelenskyy as the fictional president, Goloborodko — the conditions required by the IMF for a new loan are rejected and the Western delegation is expelled. But in reality, things went rather differently. In 2020, Zelenskyy gave in to the IMF’s demands and finally repealed the moratorium"

Bidnessman.. they make the best terrorists..

Wiki: "The 2003 ricin letters were two ricin-laden letters found on two occasions between October and November 2003... The letters were sent by an individual who referred to themselves as 'Fallen Angel'. The sender, who claimed to own a trucking company, expressed anger over changes in federal trucking regulations... [which] took effect which directly affected the over-the-road trucking industry in the United States. The rules.. aimed at reducing fatigue related accidents and fatalities. Called the most far-reaching rule changes in 65 years, the regulations reduced daily allowed driving time from 11 hours to 10"


If you do 12 Bitcoin transactions per year, you use a higher amount of energy than we use for a complete family.. in the same year"


The security features of windows basically consist of checking through the 100 million files on your computer and 35 hours later it announces that it's found, and helpfully deleted, a keygen for age of empires II"

Andersen: "Rupert Murdoch had started buying U.S. newspapers and magazines in the 1970s, including the New York Post, which he turned overnight.. to right-wing. Jack Kemp said in 1981 that 'Rupert Murdoch used the editorial page, the front page and every other page necessary' in the Post 'to elect Ronald Reagan President.' In 1985 Murdoch moved into television, spending the equivalent of $5 billion to buy TV stations in seven of the ten biggest cities. Reagan helped: he fast-tracked Murdoch for U.S. citizenship so that his company could get around the federal law forbidding foreigners from owning stations, then waived the federal rule forbidding anyone from owning a TV station and a newspaper in the same city, as Murdoch suddenly did in New York and Boston"

Eric Holder works for these guys too.. Tony Blink 737, Raytheon Austin.. Dems like their revolving doors.. Reps too of course

NYT: "[2016] Longtime U.S. Prosecutor to Join Covington & Burling.. Arlo Devlin-Brown, a veteran federal prosecutor in Manhattan who led a string of prominent Wall Street cases.. is departing for the private sector. In August, he will join the law firm Covington & Burling"

easyJet: "Leads First Hydrogen Refueling Trials At Bristol Airport"

Clean Technica: "Solar Foods.. has developed a system for producing large quantities of a natural microorganism, fed by carbon dioxide along with green hydrogen and oxygen"

Zucman: "As Roosevelt’s [1942] message to Congress expresses clearly, the quasi-confiscatory top marginal income tax rates championed by the United States were designed to reduce inequality, not to collect revenue. Why would anyone try to earn more than a million dollars if all of that extra income went to the IRS? No employment contract with a salary above a million would ever be signed. Nobody would amass enough wealth to receive more than a million in annual capital income. The rich would stop saving after they reached that point. They most likely would give their assets to heirs or charities once they surpassed the threshold. As such, the goal of Roosevelt’s policy was obvious: reduce the inequality of pre-tax income. The United States, for almost half a century, came as close as any democratic country ever has to imposing a legal maximum income"