
Github Mirror

Week 7

The Register: "Microsoft's water consumption surged 34 percent to 6.4 million cubic meters in 2022 and a generative AI guzzle may be to blame"

Dgtl Infra: "Data centers primarily get their water from municipal or regional water utility companies. This water is essential for the data center's cooling and humidification systems. For cooling, data centers mainly use potable water, which is suitable for drinking, provided by these utilities"

There is no challenge.. you simply do not switch to inferior technology - battery-electric tech.

Nebraska Today: "Designed as an inexpensive, high-performing barrier, the.. MGS, was developed.. in response to barrier ruptures and rollovers with older systems. The MGS has been tested with small cars that weigh up to 2,400 pounds and pickups that weigh 5,000 pounds... EVs.. typically weigh 20% to 50% more than gas-powered vehicles, with lower centers of gravity.. Today’s challenge is to again adapt roadside barriers to match the mix of heavier electric vehicle"

That makes sense.. The same software looked at the situation concluded the same thing. This could be a problem in the future if self-driving car deployment increases.

"Waymo.. issued a recall for its own self-driving car software after two of its vehicles hit the same truck minutes apart"

Blood in the Machine: "We don’t yet know exactly why a group of people very publicly graffitied, smashed, and torched a Waymo car in San Francisco. But we know enough to understand that this is an explosive milestone in the growing, if scattershot, revolt against big tech.. We know that self-driving cars are wildly divisive, especially in cities where they’ve begun to share the streets with emergency responders, pedestrians and cyclists. Public confidence in the technology has actually been declining as they’ve rolled out, owing as much to general anxiety over driverless cars as to high-profile incidents like a GM Cruise robotaxi trapping, dragging, and critically injuring a pedestrian last fall. Just over a third of Americans say they’d ride in one"

That was funny with the sandwich..

"A man is not a plan" 🤣

"MOL Teams up with Australian Energy Company Woodside, South Korean Shipbuilder HD KSOE and Shipping Firm Hyundai Glovis to Study Transport of Liquefied Hydrogen.. In this project, the participating companies will study the technology, safety, construction, operation, and economics of a carrier with 80,000 m3 tank capacity, with the aim of establishing a liquefied hydrogen supply chain in Asia and other regions"


Fox Business: "Tesla Cybertruck owners claim $80K, stainless steel vehicles developed corrosion, rust: reports"

Hey if you aid and abet state terrorism against Gazan children it's only fair yours lose sleep once in a while

Politico: "Antony Blinken’s Family Is the Latest Target of.. protests..Yelling at Antony Blinken’s kids does not help Gazan children."

Al-Monitor: "Egypt building 'enclosure' for displaced Gazans in Sinai"

H2 Fuel News: "China’s H2 strategies includes building over 1,200 hydrogen fuel stations.. The country’s ambitious plan is to have those refueling locations in place before the end of 2025"

CNBC: "‘The holy grail’: Startup backed by a Nobel laureate vying for a breakthrough on hydrogen storage.. H2MOF, which was co-founded in 2021, is working to develop a solution for hydrogen storage by deploying the latest advancements in the field of molecularly engineered materials"

Oman Observer: "US firm gets [DOE] grant to study Oman’s geologic hydrogen potential"

Deodato - Do It Again #music


Yard: "Celebs with the Worst Private Jet Co2 Emissions.. Taylor Swift.. is the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of this year so far"


After the Berlin Wall collapse why was Russia demonized not China? The potential customers due to a demonized Russia are far richer than ones with a demonized China, it was more profitable to do so for "the complex".. For China's case who are the would-be customers? Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia..? AU has some money to spare, Japan can buy some stuff too but can also build its own. Compare that with DA GULF countries, and the whole of Europe, all in the areas near Russia... Now we hear the sound of ka-ching. Look how the muckers roped in Sweden, Finland. They are screwed IMHO.

The Korea Bizwire: "Seoul Boosts Green Mobility with $14 Million Investment in Hydrogen Vehicles and Infrastructure.. Starting from February 13, the city will begin accepting applications for hydrogen car purchase support. Buyers of hydrogen cars can avail themselves of a subsidy of 32.5 million won, along with tax incentives, effectively halving the cost of a hydrogen vehicle priced around 70 million won"

First Post: "Tech Honeymoon Over: Apple Vision Pro’s early adopters start returning their headsets, issues galore. Comfort is a prominent issue among dissatisfied users, with reports of headaches and motion sickness attributed to wearing the device"

Empty restaurants, hotels could be a sign of a money laundering operation.

#Ramaphosa #Rafah


Bari Atwan on George Golloway's show... He used to be on BBC Dateline with Gavin Esler, 2010s.. great debates.. Anytime someone remotely downplayed the importance of Palestinians' cause Bari would jump on him, deliver a fiery retort. Good TV, and informative.

An Ethiopian Jew coasts through the internal Rep primary, and had a shot of becoming an House member. Were she elected imagine one day there is legislation on Israel / Palestine, providing arms for the former and this person will surely vote yes, BOMB THE PHUCKERS. An Ethiopian Jew.. If I were a Palestinian that would bother me more than anything.. like you are done in by someone who should have neighborly relations with you but goes all the way to Merica to vote yes on dropping a bomb on your ass.

Al-Monitor: "World leaders urge Israel to avoid 'catastrophic' Rafah operation"

TASS: "EU making mistake by supporting armed conflict in Ukraine, Hungarian expert says.. Endre Simo believes that the leading countries of the European Union, as well as the EU leadership, are under the false illusion that they can defeat Russia"


When people say 'RSS is dead' what they really mean is 'we couldn’t figure out a way to monetise RSS.'"

LiveScience: "Massive hydrogen reservoir discovered beneath an Albanian mine could be an untapped source of clean energy"

WaPo: "Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Thursday he hoped for an amicable end to the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after lawmakers ramped up pressure on the United States and Britain by passing a motion calling for the Australian citizen to be allowed to return to his home country"

Kucinich running for congress, great news. Politics is a numbers game.. the left needs to increase its numbers in all power centers to make a difference.

The Men Who Stare at Goats.. time-filler, forgettable comedy. Not Clooney's best.

The Beekeper, American Star 👍

The Night Manager with Hiddelston, Hugh Laurie. Excellent work.

An Ethopian Jew? Israeli citizen? And surely a raging Zionist. She lost apparently but the winner is likely another one of those establishment Dem Zionist dickheads.

The Times of Israel: "GOP picks Ethiopian-born Israeli-American to run for seat of expelled NY Rep. Santos.. Nassau County legislator and former IDF paratrooper Mazi Pilip to face off against Democratic former congressman Tom Suozzi in February 13 special election"

UnHerd: "To [Wagenknecht] identity politics is neither Left-wing nor liberal, and doesn’t serve those who face class-based or economic disadvantages. What’s more, she argues that Die Linke’s shift towards identity politics is responsible for the bad election results"

AP: "A high-profile German opposition politician.. formally founded a new party that combines left-wing economic policy with a restrictive approach to migration and other positions that some observers believe could help it take votes away from the far-right Alternative for Germany... [Sarah] Wagenknecht broke in October with the Left Party, an opposition party in which she was long one of the leading figures.. She also.. opposes current sanctions against Russia"

The Guardian: "Australia, Canada and NZ warn Israel against ‘catastrophic’ Rafah ground offensive"

H2 Insight: "[2023/10] 'We will place the biggest hydrogen bus order in US history because battery-electric can't do the job'.. Santa Cruz Metro in California tested an electric bus, but it struggled with the hilly terrain, a senior official explains"

David Deutsch: "AGI cannot possibly be defined purely behaviourally.. the relevant attributes of an AGI program do not consist only of the relationship between its inputs and outputs.. unlike any functionality that has ever been programmed to date this one can be achieved neither by a specification nor a test of the outputs. What is needed is nothing less than a breakthrough in philosophy, a new epistemological theory that explains how brains create explanatory knowledge, and hence defines in principle without ever running them as programs which algorithms possess that functionality and which do not. Such a theory is beyond present day knowledge. What we do know about epistemology implies that any approach not directed towards that philosophical breakthrough must be futile"


AP: "Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands.. A hidden path to America’s dinner tables begins here, at an unlikely source – a former Southern slave plantation that is now the country’s largest maximum-security prison"

Alfred Jazeera also has an irrational dislike for Assad, again Qatar funded the civil war against him and had their ass handed to them, along with their good friend "Turkey".

In general AJ has good coverage of Palestine.. I really don't care who in charge there as long as it can lead to a sustainable peace. PA is fine bcz 1) Netan doesn't want it 2) Hamas did create certain amount of chaos in area, a change could benefit the overall picture.


AJ is funded by Qatar who had direct relationship with Hamas (so did Israel BTW). The channel might be covering for their paymaster so they don't lose their influence in Gaza.

Alfred Jazeera.. did that mfka just bash the PA for no good reason (see the rest of the article)? Talking about 'crisis of legitimacy'..

Al Jazeera: "What is the Palestinian Authority..? Set up in the mid-’90s as an interim body.."

Good to see Jon Stewart hosting again..

#Borrell #EU


TASS: "Yemen’s Houthi rebels have attacked the Star Iris commercial vessel which the attackers have identified as belonging to the United States, Yahya Saria, spokesman for the rebel movement Ansar Allah, said"

Al-Monitor: "Court orders Netherlands to stop F-35 parts delivery to Israel.. The Netherlands must stop delivering parts for F-35 fighter jets used by Israel in the Gaza Strip, after a Dutch court Monday upheld an appeal by human rights organisations"

Jezebel: "A good meme is like lightning in the bottle—timing and context (or, sometimes, lack of context) are everything, and the wrong person joining in on the fun can ruin it all. Case in point: Joe Biden’s official Twitter account posting the Dark Brandon meme.. the post came at precisely the same time that Israeli forces attacked the Rafah evacuation zone in Gaza (after Palestinians were told Rafaf would be a safe zone), massacring dozens of civilians in a single day. Meanwhile, that same night, the U.S. Senate voted to send billions more in military aid to Israel, all as the Biden administration continues to stand with Israel despite over 28,000 Palestinians being killed in four months. And, somehow, Biden’s campaign thought Sunday was the right time for some online humor"

Andersen: "As the right marched on victoriously through the end of the 1980s and into the 1990s, even what appeared to be occasional reversals weren’t really setbacks for the economic right. For instance, just after rejecting Bork, the same Democratic-majority Senate promptly and unanimously confirmed Reagan’s choice of Anthony Kennedy for that Supreme Court seat. Justice Kennedy is known today as a moderate because of his liberal votes on abortion and gay rights, but on economic questions—concerning unions, campaign spending, regulation—he was for thirty years an absolutely reliable hard-line supporter of big business"

They'll decontext the shit out of you.. 'Russians are war-like' as if a typical Russian wakes up everyday and the first thing on their mind is 'whose ass am I gonna kick today?'. Like it was for Muslims after 9/11, 'they are driven to terrorism', 'they are culturally pathalogical' blah blah (hint: we need to bomb them, give more money to Lockheed, Raytheon)

Putin went over a lot context in that Tucker interview. The corporate propaganda against Russia is intense, and a good way to counter US narratives which likes to decontextualize is providing the context.

Stop eating avacado toast if you want your grandkid to own a home on his multigenerational mortgage.. If you fail, it's all your fault. Didn't you have enough role models? We gave them to you in all genders, races, ages, as financiers, managers, superheroes. They 'represented', and 'splained it all to you..

MLK: "[1961] Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children"

H2 View: "Calix Limited has completed a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study on a hydrogen direct reduced iron (H-DRI) demonstration plant in Australia... The 30,000 tonne per annum Zero Emissions Steel Technology (ZESTY) H-DRI plant is estimated to produce near-zero emissions hot briquetted iron (HBI) from low grade iron ore for AUD$630-800 (USD 410-521) per tonne, according to the FEED study"

First Post: "Will Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif form unlikely alliance?"

First Post: "Pakistan Election: Imran Khan-backed independents lead in final count"

NYT: "Short on Soldiers, Ukraine Debates How to Find the Next Wave of Troops"

Here is latest Fukuyama BTW, talking about natural monopolies, regulation..


McManus: "One of the sad truths about American socialist writers post-1980 is they’ve struggled to reach a wide audience (despite the fact that there are plenty of societal conditions to be unhappy about, which could be used to spark a reader’s interest in alternatives to capitalism). This is in part due to the sheer ideological clout and vast resources poured into defending neoliberal capitalism at the climax of the Cold War and after it. This effort was so pervasive that even many leftists became closet Fukuyamaists, convinced we had reached 'the end of history.' (As the idea went, after the fall of Communism, there was simply no better kind of society that could be envisioned other than Western liberal democracy.)

But.. this failure was also partially a result of the socialist left retreating into intellectual, artistic, and academic spaces in the aftermath of failed ’60s radicalism. One consequence of this is that socialists tended to adopt the tone, style, and expectations aligned with those communities: writing for a select audience that valued dense intellectualism, self-conscious novelty, and insular referentiality over more democratic and popular styles"


Bitch the fuck?

It's ILLEGAL to build sidewalks or pedestrian spaces in murica?

You guys killed the natives for that?"


I had a similar thought when I was at the Opryland resort for a conference. Like, you go outside and it's parking lot as far as the eye can see (that's a bit of an exaggeration. But was able to do my morning 3 mile runs without ever leaving the parking lot) but the inside is this super nice, walkable, "outside inside" place. It would be kind of cool if we could build places like that in the US"


Yup. Same thing in Canada. Zoning laws actively make this impossible to build. Funnily enough, building more strip malls with 5 acres of asphalt per store is totally A-ok"


Yep, midrise mixed use developments with minimal parking are not legal to build anywhere in most cities in the US, and where they are allowed, are strictly limited"


Big business does tho"


In America, nobody wins"


Most true in Orlando and Vegas. Also San Antonio. The Riverwalk is the most popular tourist destination in Texas. Americans will eat at overpriced chain restaurants just to experience some walkability"

Julian Briggs: "Las Vegas is so funny because it's just putting walkable urban spaces from around the world indoors since it's illegal to build actual places like this in the US"



Anne Hidalgo: 'Cars Will Not Return To the Eiffel Tower' after the Olympic Games.

'The Trocadéro will be greened and the Pont d'Iéna pedestrianized, up to the Champ de Mars, which will be reforested. The whole thing will form a large park in the heart of Paris'"

CNBC: "Egypt threatens to suspend key peace treaty if Israel pushes into Rafah on its border, officials say"

Motorious: "BMW Shifts Focus to Hydrogen Power.. In a significant shift within the automotive industry, BMW is reportedly pivoting away from electric vehicles (EVs), turning its attention to hydrogen fuel cell technology as a groundbreaking alternative for sustainable transportation. Amid the burgeoning popularity of EVs, hydrogen-powered vehicles, which have largely been in the background, are now emerging as a significant contender in the eco-friendly vehicle market"

Hampton Hawes - Tune Axle Grease #music


"Dressed for the parade not for the battle"

Axios: "The outlook for hydrogen-powered vehicles is improving.. thanks to unprecedented federal support.. General Motors and Honda have started producing fuel cells at a factory near Detroit, to power a new plug-in hybrid fuel cell version of Honda's CR-V crossover utility coming this spring.

Even Republicans in US weren't shy of using non-free-market solutions before neoliberalism, see Nixon in 1971. Wage/Price control doesn't have to be permanent, do it for a short time, break the cycle in terms of psychology.

How to kill hyperinflation? For a short-period of time, institute price controls on the supply-side, wage freezes on the demand side. Do this for a year, and watch inflation fall like a rock. Inflation has to do with excessive money circulation among the regular people, money chasing regular everyday items, a freeze on both supply and demand on those items will fix the issue.

Half-assed intervention, raising wages to match inflation will make inflation worse

McManus, Current Affairs: "It really is the case that home ownership is becoming unattainable for everyone without a trust fund, our planet is facing a serious environmental crisis, and economic elites do in fact wield tremendously outsized influence relative to ordinary citizens. Uber-rich bros like real estate CEO and multi-millionaire Tim Gurner may try to blame this discontent on too much avocado toast or 'arrogant' workers, but many of us right now have adopted an 'it’s not me, it’s you' attitude towards what we call neoliberal capitalism—a state of arrangements in which profit is prioritized above human needs, personal grit and developing 'a brand called you' are deemed more important than social welfare policies, and the state and the private sector work hand in hand to enrich corporations and billionaires at the expense of the rest of us"