
Github Mirror

Week 48

Greentech Lead: "Lhyfe, a leading company in renewable green hydrogen production, has unveiled plans for the development of a [$14 m] green hydrogen plant in Spain"

H2 View: "Fortescue plans to invest around $550m to establish its Phoenix Hydrogen Hub in Arizona, US. Expected to boast 80MW of electrolysis as well as liquefaction capacity, the facility is anticipated to produce up to 11,000 tonnes of liquid green hydrogen per year. First production is planned for 2026.

The company announced it would acquire the Phoenix hub from Nikola Corporation in July"

Reshare - Boycott, Divestment Targets



Epic, which most people in the US know from their MyChart software, seems to have a near-monopoly. Strongly suspect it's leading to giant inefficiencies and added costs across the healthcare system. A great big gatekeeper at the heart of American medicine"

Latest UA/RU frontline 11/17 - 12/1. Some UA gains around Robotyne, and a few other places, but overwhelming advance is made by Russia, gains around Avdiivka, Marinka, Novomykaliivka, Stepove.


Electrek: "Tesla has clandestinely downgraded its performance brakes on the Model Y Performance and even put a cover to hide the change in a deceptive move"


I can see why gpt might seem good for coding and writing but I don't want to write code or text that I don't understand. Anything it generated I'd have to go over really carefully to make sure I understood or agreed with. I don't see this as likely to take less time than just writing it in the first place"

What a effin retard... The entire family is like this. They have a genetic condition

JFK was had? 🤣 Why is that not shocking?

Foreign Policy: "[2016] How the Israelis Hoodwinked JFK on Going Nuclear.. Newly declassified documents reveal how David Ben-Gurion's mumbles and a trick sightseeing tour helped Israeli officials pull the wool over Washington's eyes on the real purpose of the Dimona reactor"


WaPo: "MSNBC draws backlash for canceling Mehdi Hasan show.. The network said the changes, which include a new weekend panel show, were made with 2024 election coverage in mind. But fans and prominent liberals questioned whether Hasan, one of the few Muslim hosts in cable news, was being penalized for his criticism of the Israeli government's actions in Gaza and strong support for the Palestinian people"

Bertrand Russell below, 1970. Sounds like article was written only yesterday.


FuelCellsWorks: "CMB.TECH And Boeckmans To Build 4 Future-Proof Hydrogen-Powered 5.000dwt General Cargo Vessels"

"After numerous fires, e-bike-related injuries and even deaths, NYC landlords are banning e-bikes on their properties"

Futurism: "Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers.. We asked them about it, and they deleted everything"

It's crazy that after two UA presidents in a row ran by declaring they will make peace with Russia, things got worse with Russia. Previous guy wanted peace, troubles in the east and Crimea started. Zelensky was the peace candidate, full-on war broke out. How can two presidents run as anti-war but get mired in war? Should we ask Boris Johnson?

Semler: "[2022/12] the US House approved [NDAA] a more than $80 billion increase in military spending by a whopping 350 to 80 margin... [A]fter comparing the average amount a House member received to how they voted on the NDAA, I found that lawmakers who supported the 80 billion military spending hike accepted seven times more cash from military contractors than members who opposed it...

The distortionary effect of the weapons industry goes far beyond one roll call vote. Arms industry contributions systematically fuel a hypermilitarized, destructive foreign policy. They help drive up Pentagon spending for arms races and endless wars and reward particularly hawkish lawmakers.

If two-state solution is implemented, will the ISR settlers leave their newfound lands, the West Bank? Well, like fmr ambassador Chas Freeman said in an interview, French settlers in Algeria left and went back to France after Algeria gained independence, that was nearly a million colonists. It can happen. It won't be pretty, but possible.

Hill Harper: "One of AIPAC's biggest donors offered $20m if I dropped out of the U.S. Senate race to run against @RashidaTlaib. I said no. I won't be bossed, bullied, or bought"

"Canada TV channel fires journalist Yara Jamal over pro-Palestine remarks"


"AI filmmaking is not the future, its a grift" #Willems



Next stop: both-sides-ing reporting of "existential risk". OpenAI is deep within the TESCERAList cult. It's staffed by people who actually believe they're creating autonomous thinking machines, that humans might merge with one day, live as uploaded simulations, etc...

It is an enormous disservice to the public to report on this as if it were a "debate" rather than a disruption of science by billionaires throwing money at the hope of bringing about the speculative fiction stories they grew up reading---and philosophers and others feeling important by dressing these same silly ideas up in fancy words.. If you want to be entertained by science fiction, read a good book or head to the cinema"


With the OpenAI clownshow, there's been renewed media attention on the existential risk / "AI safety" / doomer nonsense. Personally, I've had a fresh wave of reporters asking me naive questions (as well as some contacts from old hands who are on top of how to handle ultra-rich man-children with god complexes)...

As a quick reminder: AI doomerism is also #AIhype. The idea that synthetic text extruding machines are harbingers of AGI that is on the verge of combusting into consciousness and then turning on humanity is unscientific nonsense. At the same time, it serves to suggest that the software is powerful, even magically so: if the "AI" could take over the world, it must be something amazing.

Reporters working in this area need to be on their guard and not take the claims of the AI hype-mongers (doomer OR booster variety) at face value.. Remember.. [OpenAI] Chief Scientist says that "ChatGPT just might be conscious (if you squint)" (and gets this remark platformed by MIT Tech Review, alas)..

"AI" is not "good at writing" ? it's designed to produce plausible sounding synthetic text. Writing is an activity that people to do as we work to refine our ideas and share them with others. LLMs don't have ideas. (And it bears repeating: If their output seems to make sense, it's because we make sense of it.)

And before anyone asks me to prove that AGI doesn't exist: The burden of proof lies with those making the extraorindary claims. "Slightly conscious (if you squint)", "can generalize, learn and comprehend" are extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence, scrutinized by peer review"




People vaccinated before their first case of #COVID-19 are diagnosed with #LongCOVID almost four times less than unvaccinated people, suggests a large new study published Nov. 22 in the BMJ."

Corporatations like their munee but they can also gain something greater through movies even after a loss - propaganda. Especially the type that is useful for their ideology. It's better to have people fighting over identity, Woke issues rather than economic ones. Economic issues might mean pitchforks can come for them one day.


u.boxofficemojo("The Marvels")
{'Domestic Opening': '$46,110,859',
 'Domestic': '$67,653,446',
 'International': '$96,556,717',
 'Worldwide Total': '$164,210,163',
 'Release Date': 'November 8, 2023'}

"A week after.. Susan Sarandon.. addressed a crowd at a pro-Palestinian rally at New York City's Union Square.. where her speech was well received, she was dropped by her talent agency"

"Tom Cruise stepped in to stop his agent from being fired over pro-Palestine social media posts"

JFK was a hipster, young, suave, he gave rise to bunch of copycat hipster young Presidents like himself, who failed to impress.

JFK initiated the Agent Orange programme they dropped tons of that stuff on Vietnam, escalated the war there, increased funding of the military complex (who obviously would not kill him) and died like an imbecile (vintage Kennedy) bcz of a feud with Castro, yet Kissinger / Nixon get all the hate.

EFF: "Police, on the hunt for easy solutions to the ebbs and flows of crime, are quick to reassure residents they have found the technological silver bullet. But police must also overcome growing community concerns about surveillance technology, and find ways to justify license plate readers that result in innocent people being pulled from their car by gunpoint, face recognition that too often misidentifies people, and acoustic gunshot detection technology shown by studies to not work well. To do this, police and companies work together to justify the often-shocking expenditures for some of this tech (which these days might be coming from a city’s COVID relief money)...

One investigation into Amazon’s surveillance doorbell, Ring, found that Los Angeles Police Department officers were given discount codes—and the more devices purchased with that code, the more free devices were given to the officer. In this situation, how would a person know whether the officer encouraging them to purchase a security camera is making an independent recommendation, or hoping to win increased perks from the company?"

IO: "Spanish researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking method to produce hydrogen by harnessing sunlight.. The team found that when they use a special method involving tiny titanium dioxide particles and small platinum clusters, they create a better photocatalyst. This combination not only generates higher quantities of hydrogen but also ensures enhanced stability, outperforming previous models"

FuelCellsWorks: "Hyundai Motor And Beeah Group Sign Mou To Test The First Hydrogen Truck In The United Arab Emirates"


Charlie Munger: “I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.”


Dear Microsoft. Here is a list of things I want the Start Menu to do:

Here is a list of things I do not want the Start Menu to do:




AI animation? Here is a good video on that

"[2022/06]The Ukrainian news outlet Ukrayinska Pravda reported.. that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used his surprise visit to Kyiv last month to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut off peace negotiations with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have made tenuous progress toward a settlement to end the war"

Open Democracy: "[2021/04] Boris Johnson's new ethics adviser works for arms company [BAE]"

Brits have their "media-military-complex" too, smaller than US but it is there. BAE is a big part of it.

Aipac has some pull on congressional races but less influence on presidential elections imo. With congress they can focus a few candidates who are acting againt them, for president, there wld be too many states in play all at once. Note h clinton loss after billions of aid was promised to Israel a month before the election.

Squaring the underlying short termism, the greed with policy sounding, faux long-term soundbytes is a full time job. This is the 24/7 job of a certain type of modern politician. The task is a humangous effort, in many ways this is the part of the job that is "complex". The problems, their potential solutions are not.

The $10,000 Pentagon toilet seat is a feature, not a bug. In fact it is the primary feature of the existing system.

There hasn't been much logic behind US foreign policy except kowtowing to corporations. It's basically bunch of money grubbing mucktards driving things hence US policy has been mostly about greedily seeking out things to exploit and has the attention span of a gnat. Even these "bases", there are 800+ around the world but they aren't exactly useful in a strategic sense.. They get built, Fluor, the Walsh Group, Hensel Phelps, or Lendlease get contracted, they make munee. Some survaillance equipment is placed on them, Lockheed, Raytheon, GM gets munee. Are the bases useful? Doubtful. When US decided to truly contain China, it was realized 'oh shit we need substantial presence in Philippines'. Where was the wizbang strategery before that? What kind of bleeping empire is this?

"Zionist anti-Palestine censorship is surging w/Dylan Saba | The Chris Hedges Report"


H2 Energy News: "China has surged ahead in the green hydrogen race, funneling an impressive 300 billion yuan ($42.04 billion) into the burgeoning industry this year, according to a report by state broadcaster CCTV"

H2 Central: "Hydrogen Power Generators - Hitachi Energy unveils new emission-free alternative to diesel-powered generators"

Boycott, Divestment Targets



There is a sense of impending chaos surrounding Big Tech now that I've never sensed before simultaneously along so many vectors. Technological chaos. Financial chaos. Regulatory chaos. Political chaos. Legal chaos. Disinformation chaos. Social chaos. Everything is pointing toward a maelstrom, a perfect storm heading toward implosion. And rather than helping to ameliorate this, many Big Tech execs appear to be hell bent on speeding the process"

War - You Know Who It Is Good For

#Lobbies #War #Samler
