
Github Mirror

Week 47

Let's try this one more time.. R&R.. don't blow up the world while I'm gone people

The Verge: "Adobe has been issued with a formal antitrust complaint by EU regulators regarding its $20 billion bid for cloud-based product design platform Figma"


Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%"

Farrell: "What OpenAI shares with Scientology.. Strange beliefs, fights over money and bad science fiction"


[T]o investors, it doesn't matter if self-driving cars or AGI actually happen. All that matters is that the markets believe it will. They have an active interest in perpetuating and amplifying the grift, just as people who bought Bitcoin had an active interest in doing the same. I still can't spend Bitcoin anywhere I'd need to, so as a currency, it's a busted flush"

ProPublica: "Insurance Executives Refused to Pay for the Cancer Treatment That Could Have Saved Him.. This Is How They Did It. A Michigan law requires coverage of cancer drugs. One insurer came up with a 'defensible' way to avoid paying for treatments.. executives came up with a semantic workaround: These cancer drugs aren’t technically drugs, they argued, they’re gene therapies. All Priority Health had to do was to exclude gene therapies from its policies, and it could say no every time"


The Irish Council of Civil Liberties says that an Israeli company named ISA Security is selling access to Patternz, a powerful surveillance tool. The ICCL says Patternz taps into real-time bidding information from online ad platforms to provide customers the ability to track almost anyone around the world. ISA claims Patternz has data points for five billion individuals, including information on their driving routes, children, co-workers, and approximate geo-locations"


My oven announced the arrival of a software update devoted to green beans and carrots. That’s when I reached for my revolver"



People out here making excuses for [coder aid "AI" tool] Co-Pilot generating garbage code like it's a naughty child that must be indulged"

The Creator, fine scifi.

Why not Mini PC rather than SBC? Mini PCs can be compact, run fast, have HDMI output. But they are marketed as PC replacements (hence the name) therefore have the power req to match. Tough to run them in a completely mobile setting. SBC use less power, obviously there is a tradeoff, latter may not be as responsive running all tasks as Mini PCs can be. MPC attemps to match PCs even in gaming. "The German government has launched a new Open Source software project called openDesk, which aims to reduce the country’s dependency on proprietary software vendors and support transparency and interoperability. openDesk is a collection of Open Source software modules that are important for day-to-day work in the public sector, such as text creation, file collaboration, project management, email, calendar and messaging"


Most of the time, no it doesn't make sense for businesses to run like a government.

Part of government services is that in order to actually cover 100% of people, it's going to require massively overbuilding the infrastructure to ensure that there's enough resources to handle even the edge cases - despite the fact that those edge cases oftentimes aren't 'profitable' to serve.

Take, for example, USPS vs FedEx. The remit of USPS is to deliver mail to EVERY SINGLE ADDRESS IN THE COUNTRY. Yes, even the ones that require taking a sea plane 500 miles into rural Alaska to serve a village of a dozen customers. FedEx, on the other hand, will only serve the addresses that it finds profitable to do so.

When conservatives want to 'government like a business', part of what they're saying is that they simply want to not serve the parts of the population that aren't 'profitable'. But profit should never be the point of government services. It's defining what services are worth providing to every single citizen, and ensuring that they're delivered to them - yes, even the ones that are far more difficult to provide"


NEW: Paris has released a new 5-Year Pedestrian Plan!



ProPublica: "Over the last four decades, states have enacted hundreds of laws dictating precisely what insurers must cover so that consumers aren’t driven into debt or forced to go without medicines or procedures. But health plans have violated these mandates at least dozens of times in the last five years, ProPublica found"


Crypto theft was the biggest source of foreign currency for North Korea in 2022.


H2 Central" "Energinet and Gasunie agree on next steps towards a cross-border green hydrogen infrastructure. Co-operation agreement aims to develop a realisation path that makes the large quantities of green hydrogen produced in Denmark available for the German market"

SP 500 will go down to 4200 very soon if we are to follow "the FED balance sheet drives all" maxim.

The Times of Israel: "Biden, for the first time, urged the international community on Saturday to help manage the security of the Gaza Strip for an interim period after the war, to be followed eventually by Palestinian Authority governance"

The Times of Israel: "Biden threatens to issue visa bans against extremist settlers carrying out violence against Palestinians in the West Bank"

EU IR Rep Borell: "There is no hierarchy between horrors. One horror does not justify another horror. And the pain that you inflict on children of others, will not justify never, will not compensate the pain your children have been suffering. On the contrary, it will create a violent spiral that will come once again unless we got a peace, a sustainable peace.

That is why the European Union has called for immediate humanitarian pauses, and the United Nations Security Council.. adopted a very important resolution asking for immediate, urgent and sustained humanitarian pauses..

I want to remind that the decisions of UN Security Council are not just words. They are compulsory, they have to be implemented.

But this resolution has not been implemented, not yet. To the contrary, the bombing has continued. I have to recall that this decision of the UN Security Council has to be implemented. Too many lives are being lost every day"

The Guardian: "The European Union has become the first international body to criminalise wide-scale environmental damage 'comparable to ecocide'. Late on Thursday, lawmakers agreed an update to the bloc’s environmental crime directive punishing the most serious cases of ecosystem destruction, including habitat loss and illegal logging, with tougher penalties. Marie Toussaint, a French lawyer and MEP heading EU efforts to criminalise ecocide, said the decision 'marks the end of impunity for environmental criminals' and could usher in a new age of environmental litigation in Europe"

Ravi: "[Al Jazeera] On the question of Palestine India's independence leaders Mahatma Ghandi and Nehru were vocal in their support. In 1936 when Palestinians rose up against the British and their push for a Jewish state, Nehru compared Palestine with India under colonial rule. He talked about gross betrayal of Arabs by the British imperialism. 'Palestine was not an empty land, it was well populated with little room for large numbers of colonists. Is it any wonder that the Arabs objected to this intrusion?' A little more than 10 years later when the UN voted to create the state of Israel, there were only three non-Arab countries that voted against that resolution. India was one of them"

Plus isn't the worry more on the military application than commerce? Clearly they can produce plenty for any military need.

Reuters: "[10/19] China's Huawei sells 1.6 mln Mate 60 series"

Of course they can produce at scale. Does US think a few chips were produced by some old kung-fu master in his basement with a side job on chip making toiling away all his life and producing a few dozen? Result of a lifetime of work.. But that's it! 🤨 That doesn't make sense. How many of those phones were sold?

At scale ???

Yahoo Finance: "Commerce Secretary.. said she was 'upset' when China’s Huawei Technologies Co. released a new phone with an advanced chip during her visit to the country last month but noted that the US has no evidence China can make those components 'at scale'"

I guess the lodging, hospitality industry still isn't "disrupted", or "reinvented". Silicon Valley was blowing smoke up everyone's ass.

I dont care what happens to ABNB, they can go muck themselves along with Uber and its derivatives.

"The (Overdue) Collapse Of Short Term Rentals"


AirBnB stock way down from its highs back in 2021..



H2 Central: "Lenten Scheepvaart (the Netherlands) will go down in history as the owner of the world’s first-ever newbuild hydrogen-powered inland shipping barge. With this, the shipping company sets a new standard. An important step towards zero-emission transport on Dutch inland waterways. The Hydrogen Electric Cargo Ship ‘Antonie’ (WEVA) was realised by Concordia Damen. On 23 October the technical sea trials were held, during which the ship was inspected by Lloyd’s Register and received a provisional certificate to be put into service"