
Github Mirror

Week 45

"Bundestag launches hydrogen core network.. Barbara Fischer, Managing Director of FNB Gas eV, explains: 'With today's resolution, the Bundestag is paving the way free for a Germany-wide, expandable, efficient and quickly realizable hydrogen network with the target year 2032'"

Japan Times: "Japan and South Korea will establish a joint supply network for fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, the Nikkei business daily reported on Friday. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol will announce the framework on Nov. 17 in the United States, where they are expected to join the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting, the paper said

BBC: "Israel must stop killing babies and women in Gaza, French President Emmanuel Macron has told the BBC. In an exclusive interview at the Élysée Palace, he said there was 'no justification' for the bombing, saying a ceasefire would benefit Israel. While recognising Israel's right to protect itself, 'we do urge them to stop this bombing' in Gaza"

And Richard Perle


American Enterprise Institute president, with Jewish Beavis


He is like "ME needs bombing, mm-kay?"

The Project for a New American Century... see the smarmy fuck with his "m-kay" look.


Interesting work that Hossein-Zadeh book.. There are a lot of these "institutes" aren't there, churning out think pieces on how US-ISR should bomb the shit out of the Middle East.



Rumblings from inside Automattic that Tumblr may be being wound down.

Makes me really glad that Mastodon exists and that there are options for building communities online that don't depend on VC funding and number-go-up-forever"

Politico: "'Drink water' says Croatia's health minister after 4 suspected poisoned with Coca-Cola sodas"

CNBC: "Russia is turning increasingly hostile toward Israel as it picks sides in the Middle East"

A great work on the subject, below


Medea Benjamin #Hedges


Wiki: "Revisionist Zionism is a form of Zionism which is characterized by territorial maximalism. Revisionist Zionism promoted expansionism and the establishment of a Jewish majority on both sides of the Jordan River. Developed by Ze'ev Jabotinsky.. [it] insisted upon the Jewish right to sovereignty over the whole of Eretz Yisrael, which they equated to Mandatory Palestine and Transjordan..

Revisionist Zionism has strongly influenced modern right-wing Israeli parties, principally Herut and its successor Likud"

"Ex-UN official: Palestine-Israel two-state solution 'a joke’ at UN"


This reminds me words like "Palestenians never lose an opportunity to lose an opportunity", "it's complex" or "their grandfathers kicked out our grandfathers, now we are back".

Yeah. Give them billions in aid that makes them want peace less, than wash your hands off it with a slick little observation. Nice one Kerry. You were for it before you were against it.

Al-Monitor: "[Kerry 2014, on ISR/PAL conflict] We can't want peace more than they do"


BBC: "Rashida Tlaib censured over Israel-Gaza comments.. The US Congress has voted to censure its only Palestinian-American member over comments she made on the Israel-Gaza war. Michigan Democrat Rahida Tlaib was rebuked for her defence of the chant "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free".

The resolution formally condemned her for 'calling for the destruction of the state of Israel'. The measure passed by 234 to 188 votes. Twenty-two Democrats voted to censure"


Next 13th November is the launch date of the new hydrogen fuel cell Toyota Crown"

Arab News: "Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza blocked traffic Monday at the Port of Tacoma, where a military supply ship had recently arrived. Organizers said they opposed the Israel-Hamas war and targeted the vessel -the Cape Orlando- based on confidential information that it was to be loaded with weapons bound for Israel"


silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:

FuelCellsWorks: "China Has Over 400 Hydrogen Stations, the Most in the World"


In LLMs, software is continuing to eat the world and produce, on demand, statistically directed shits"

AA: "[2020] Increased air pollution in Afghanistan in recent years reportedly killed more people than the current civil war in the country, according to officials... [Researcher] said sub-standard fuel is used in [AFG]... 'Air pollution has further increased as thousands of families in Kabul started to use plastic, car tires and raw coal in their stoves as the temperature drops,'".

Big cities in Asia are polluted why Kabul in AFG? Their CO, PM 2.5 is off the charts.

Pollution map, PM 2.5

dtf = 'SILAM-AQstat-glob06_v5_8_2023110500.nc4'

Their pollution data is from a Finnish gov institute's system called SILAM, data is free and open, in NC4 format, 🐍 can process them easily.


Ventusky is a great app for climate monitoring, it has a section for air quality, shows general AQI map and individual pollutants


No still chillin

#Protests #ISR



Surprising fact: no major professional scientific organization has flipped from a paywalled publishing model to 100% Open Access.

The @ACM the world's foremost professional computing organization, is going to be the first on January 1, 2026, when its entire digital library will become freely available to the public"

Ars Technica: "[W]hen evidence emerged in the early 1970s about the health effects of indoor nitrogen dioxide exposure from gas stove use, the American Gas Association launched a campaign designed to manufacture doubt about the existing science. As a researcher who has studied air pollution for many years—including gas stoves’ contribution to indoor air pollution and health effects—I am not naïve about the strategies that some industries use to avoid or delay regulations. But I was surprised to learn that the multipronged strategy related to gas stoves directly mirrored tactics that the tobacco industry used to undermine and distort scientific evidence of health risks associated with smoking starting in the 1950s"

Same pattern appears everywhere; academia discovers, private sector turns it into product. Private sector cannot perform basic research.

Without the free the commercial cannot exist.

The Guardian: "When a microbe was found munching on a plastic bottle in a rubbish dump, it promised a recycling revolution. Now scientists are attempting to turbocharge those powers in a bid to solve our waste crisis.. [I]n 2001, a group of Japanese scientists [from Kyoto Institute of Technology and the Keio University] made a startling discovery at a rubbish dump. In trenches packed with dirt and waste, they found a slimy film of bacteria that had been happily chewing through plastic bottles, toys and other bric-a-brac... [S]ince 2021, a French company named Carbios has been running an operation that uses a bacterial enzyme to process about 250kg of PET plastic waste every day, breaking it down into its precursor molecules"


I always find it funny when getting into arguments with libertarians and they're like 'The profit motive is great. See? Look at my phone' and my response is 'Dude... I've written some of the code that's running on your phone, and I did it for free. It's a device built on open standards and the unpaid labour of 100,000 unpaid nerds. You are not making the argument that you think you're making'"

Cosmos Mag: "The race to produce cheap green hydrogen has a new and serious competitor with India announcing a suite of green hydrogen plans.. The Green Hydrogen Policy put out by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) envisages the production of 10 million tons of green hydrogen by 2030 with half of that being used as a substitute for fossil fuels in transport and in the hard to abate industrial sectors. The other 5 million tons would be earmarked for export... [N]umerous private firms such as Reliance, Adani, ReNew Power and L&T [are] lining up for a piece of the action. Reliance wants to produce green hydrogen for $USD1 a kg by 2030. Ten states led by Gujarat, but including Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala, have also been identified as potential production hubs"

The Telegraph: "Hydrogen plan could save taxpayer '£5bn a year' more than heat pumps.. A study has found that using 'hydrogen-ready' boilers could cost billions less as ministers are urged not to shut down UK gas network"

Hedges: "Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated on Nov. 4, 1995 by a Jewish fanatic. Rabin’s widow, Lehea, blamed Netanyahu and his supporters for her husband’s murder... Netanyahu, who first became prime minister in 1996, has spent his political career nurturing Jewish extremists.. His father, Benzion — who worked as an assistant to the Zionist pioneer Vladimir Jabotinsky, who Benito Mussolini referred to as 'a good fascist' — was a leader in the Herut Party that called on the Jewish state to seize all the land of historic Palestine"


Non-tech, manager level folk mostly do not have an ability to judge tech on its own merits. They look at "connections", who is connected to who, if a person in the chain says a tech is good, they'll jump in the FOMO. Occasionally morons sneak in the chain, which screws everything (look at how battery electric cars became prevalent) if you talk to the wrong people you end up a pea puffer, not a shark. Ask O'Conned.

Attended by Clinton, Blair, Buttafuoco, Kevin O'Conned.. Their rep took a beating, made an ass of themselves by showing up there. Sad.

FTX Conference 2022, Bahamas.


#Ta-Nehisi Coates #Palestine



No city can spiritually prosper if only millionaires can afford to own there"

There is some hope left for MSDNC #ReidOut



Large number of Jewish Americans in Washington DC join what organisers say could be a biggest pro-Palestine protest in the US since Israel’s attack on besieged Gaza"


#Protests #ISR


Nikkei Asia: "Toyota joins a 280-member consortium to boost hydrogen production and storage infrastructure in Japan"