
Github Mirror

Week 44

Politico: "Sam Bankman-Fried was found guilty on seven criminal counts of fraud and conspiracy by a federal jury in lower Manhattan... Now, much of the rest of the industry is facing its own legal showdowns with the government"

Still chillax.. R&R.. layin lo, hey ho


me: so whats the prognosis

doctor: well. lets put it this way. you're full of microplastics and teflon. like everyone in your generation youve been exposed to so much BPA, talc asbestos, aspartame, and volatile organic IKEA offgassing compounds that you have, to use the medical term, transformed, into what we could call, to use the medical term, a 'cryptid'"

Politico: "Senate Republicans introduce a climate bill [that] aims to protect U.S. companies from cheap imports from countries that lack robust greenhouse gas regulations"


two days into using @organicmaps -> did use Google Maps only to check food reviews ;) For all the rest I used #OrganicMaps :)"

Reuters: "[Uber and Lyft] will pay a combined $328 million to settle claims by New York's attorney general that the ride-sharing companies systematically cheated drivers out of pay and benefits. Attorney General Letitia James said Uber will pay 290 million and Lyft will pay 38 million to resolve her office's multi-year investigation into the companies, calling it the largest wage theft settlement in her office's history"

Lab-leak theory does not blemish government exactly - elected gov did its job, Bama admin wanted GoF research shelved. Dr. Luigi did not follow orders.

WION: "A lab in Montana, United States under acclaimed American immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci was reportedly experimenting with coronaviruses brought from a lab in China's Wuhan which is thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic by some. The revelation was made after a research paper published in the journal Viruses in 2018 resurfaced which revealed the existence as well as the nature of experiments conducted there"

The theory below is not senseless, say Pals are pushed out of Gaza, the PA had no authority there anyway, they go to West Bank. Israel needs space, the settlers in WB and new ones can be directed towards Southern Syria. US would cut Iran off from Syria more efficiently, and along with Israelis obtain a supply line from the sea all the way towards the Kurds in Northeast Syria.

Al Jazera: "Israel air raids kill eight soldiers in southern Syria: State media.. Israel’s army says the attack from the occupied Golan Heights is a response to earlier rocket fire from Deraa"

Al Jazera: "[08/30] The clashes that took place between Arab clans and the Syrian Democratic Forces in Deir Az Zor countryside are among the worst in recent years... a local journalist living [there], told Al Jazeera the clashes reminded him of the violence that had transformed the Syrian uprising in 2011 into an all-out war"

One month ago US-aligned SDF (Kurds from NE Syria) started attacking some Arab tribes in the southeast already (see map), that would be the other end of the sought-after block, allegedly. Americans already hold the middle piece at al Tanf, and the region is infested with Isis, who are good friens of Israel / US industrial-complex. Moreoever, theory continues, the PA is in on it.

Theories are legion on recent Pal-Israel conflict. One says ISR will use opportunity to take southern Syria and connect to Syrian Kurds.

TASS: "US, Israel mulling options for deploying peacekeepers to Gaza if Hamas routed"

Forbes: "Turquoise Hydrogen Producers Could Capture Flourishing Graphite Market.. Turquoise, like blue hydrogen, relies on natural gas, but it uses a production pathway called methane pyrolysis.

Pyrolysis takes the natural gas 'methane molecule' (CH4) and splits it into hydrogen and solid carbon. The result is black gold, carbon powder that can be transformed into synthetic graphite, an increasingly lucrative critical mineral"


Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized [free open-source] Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply more likely to file bugs.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA"

The Guardian: "Top UN official in New York steps down citing 'genocide' of Palestinian civilians . He said that the UN had failed to prevent previous genocides against the Tutsis in Rwanda, Muslims in Bosnia, the Yazidi in Iraqi Kurdistan and the Rohingya in Myanmar and wrote: '.. we are failing again.. The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist colonial settler ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs … leaves no room for doubt.' Mokhiber added: 'This is text book case of genocide'"

WION: "After Jordan, Bahrain recalls ambassador to Israel, cuts economic ties"

#202310 #Howley #Ukraine


NYT: "Ukraine’s Top Commander Says War Has Hit a 'Stalemate'.. In a candid assessment, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny said no 'beautiful breakthrough' was imminent"

Arab News: "Bolivia severs diplomatic ties with Israel as Chile and Colombia recall their ambassadors"

Politico: "Egypt’s envoy to Brussels accuses West of pro-Israel bias"

#Inflation #Profits


CNN: "They went hunting for fossil fuels. What they found could help save the world.. When two scientists went looking for fossil fuels beneath the ground of northeastern France, they did not expect to discover something which could supercharge the effort to tackle the climate crisis... A couple of hundred meters down, the probe found low concentrations of hydrogen"

Saw commercial for BEV car insurance - if u get stuck they'll tow ur car to the next charging station. You know youre gonna need it with that shit tech.

UConn: "Creating a Corsi-Rosenthal Box/Do-It-Yourself air purifier is as easy as ordering a 20" box fan, four MERV13 air filters, and a roll of duct tape"


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research testing of do-it-yourself ‘Corsi-Rosenthal Box’ indoor air filters shows they are 99% effective in removing airborne virus.


Belgian transport unions refuse to load and unload weapons going to Israel (both via ports and airports) and call for an immediate ceasefire"

"The Russian offensive to take the eastern city of Avdiivka threatens to become another 'meat grinder' like the famous World War II battle of Rzhev [or Bakhmut]"




It's sinking in to oligarch owners of the GOP that a re-invigorated IRS will uncover decades of hidden tax avoidance and things far, far worse. Hence THE objective... will be to slash that IRS budget"

Christopher Blackwell: "I'm an incarcerated journalist. Today Securus, a predatory prison communication co, silenced journalists. With no warning they deleted all drafts of writing. Years of work. Manuscripts. Articles. Everything gone. We're no longer able to save drafts. Now near impossible to write"

The Chaser: "'Don’t talk about gun control after a mass shooting' says country always in the aftermath of a mass shooting"

AA: "Scientists suggest that using Black Sea's hydrogen sulfide for green hydrogen, can provide clean energy production benefit environmental health.. [Scientist] explained that hydrogen sulfide, meanwhile, contains sulfur as well as hydrogen, and procedures such as electrolysis, thermal, catalytic, and photocatalytic separation can be used to produce the fuel. He added that for an energy type to be considered green, it needed to be produced without using fossil fuels and without emitting greenhouse gasses like carbon.

'These methods make it possible to separate hydrogen sulfide to obtain both hydrogen and sulfur. These emission-free projects are crucial for the health of the Black Sea. You will rehabilitate the Black Sea, improve the ecosystem, increase biodiversity; this is an unparalleled opportunity and chance,' he said.

'We did the math, and if we separate it using electrolysis methods, there's the potential to obtain 270 million tons of green hydrogen and 4.3 billion tons of sulfur. The current annual consumption of hydrogen in the world is 118 million tons, and sulfur consumption is 85-90 million tons'"

Politico: "Mitch McConnell is abandoning his typically cautious style when it comes to aiding Ukraine, shrugging off potshots at his leadership and expending political capital for the embattled country despite a painful rift in the party.

McConnell is at odds with new Republican Speaker Mike Johnson, who wants to split off Israel aid from Ukraine funding rather than pass a sweeping national security package. And the Senate GOP leader faces brewing discontent within his own conference, which is buzzing over whether to stick with McConnell or side with conservatives who want a strategy change on Ukraine"

Oil Price: "A technique called flash joule heating at Rice University can convert plastic waste, even unsorted and unwashed, into clean hydrogen and valuable graphene. If sold at just 5% of its market value, the graphene produced could make the hydrogen essentially free, provided the process is powered by renewable energies"

No the support is to maintain the illusion of empire - it's the illusion of empire on the cheap. For domestic audience it looks like "a hard choice" that doesn't hurt your citizens directly, in a far flung part of the world that didn't necessitate much attention except the occasional massive aid package that your own industry would feed off anyway, and the random veto on the UN Security Council. This is the illusion of empire.

"Is US die-hard support for Israel because it is Empire?"

Doctorow: "Facebook's metaverse pivot has thus far cost the company 46,500,000,000 [dollars]. That is: $46.5 billion. That's even more money than Uber torched, seeking to maintain the illusion that they will be able to create monopolies on both transport and the labor market for driving and recoup the billions the Saudi royal family let them use for the con: Don't worry: the Saudi royals are fine! They cashed out at the IPO, collecting a tidy profit at the expense of retail investors who assumed that a pile of shit as big as Uber must have a pony under it, somewhere.. Uber has doubled the cost of rides and halved drivers' wages, using illegal gimmicks like 'algorithmic wage discrimination' to squeeze a little more juice out of the nearly exhausted husks of its workforce:

But Stein's Law hasn't been repealed. Drivers can't drive for sub-subsistence wages. Do that long enough and they'll literally starve: that's what 'subsistence' means. We lost a decade of transit investment thanks to the Uber con, at the same time as traditional taxi drivers were forced out of the industry.. Which means we're at the point where you can get off a commuter train at a main station and find yourself stranded: no taxis at the taxi-queue, no busses due for an hour, and no Uber cars available unless you're willing to pay $95 for a ten-minute ride in a luxury SUV (why yes, this did happen to me recently, thanks for asking)"


FuelCellsWorks: "Jericho Energy Ventures Teams Up With Superior Boiler To Produce Zero-Emission DCC (TM) Hydrogen Boilers"



Missed me already.. ok here's little something, still chillax