
Github Mirror

Week 42

FuelcellsWorks: "Ballymena's Wrightbus lands significant order for hydrogen-powered buses from Germany"

FuelcellsWorks: "Germany Initiates The First Conversion Of A Natural Gas Pipeline To Hydrogen"

FuelcellsWorks: "Brazil Eyes Northeastern Ports for Green Hydrogen Exports, Attracts Massive Investments"

FuelcellsWorks: "Australian First: The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP Unveils Boundary Power’s Hydrogen Integrated Stand-Alone Power System (HiSAPS).. A first-of-its-kind in Australia, Boundary Power has developed a relocatable, hydrogen integrated stand-alone power system (HiSAPS) funded by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Victoria"

FuelcellsWorks: "Oman is Investing $30 Billion in Hydrogen Economy"

FuelCellsWorks: "Multimillion Pound Investment to Develop Hydrogen Supercluster in South West England and South Wales.. Academic, civic and industry partners will work together to unlock the huge potential of our region’s hydrogen ecosystem providing solutions for storage and distribution, transport, and the energy sector"

JPT: "Inpex, Japan’s largest oil and gas exploration and production company, and Green Hydrogen International (GHI) have signed a joint study agreement to advance GHI’s flagship Hydrogen City production hub in South Texas with the aim of producing green hydrogen and green ammonia to meet growing Asian and global market demand"

TechXplore: "New system to harness 40% of the sun's heat to produce clean hydrogen fuel.. In a study published today in Solar Energy, [MIT] engineers lay out the conceptual design for a system that can efficiently produce "solar thermochemical hydrogen." The system harnesses the sun's heat to directly split water and generate hydrogen..

At the heart of a conceptual STCH system is a two-step thermochemical reaction. In the first step, water in the form of steam is exposed to a metal. This causes the metal to grab oxygen from steam, leaving hydrogen behind. This metal "oxidation" is similar to the rusting of iron in the presence of water, but it occurs much faster. Once hydrogen is separated, the oxidized (or rusted) metal is reheated in a vacuum, which acts to reverse the rusting process and regenerate the metal. With the oxygen removed, the metal can be cooled and exposed to steam again to produce more hydrogen. This process can be repeated hundreds of times.

The MIT system is designed to optimize this process. The system as a whole resembles a train of box-shaped reactors running on a circular track. In practice, this track would be set around a solar thermal source, such as a CSP tower. Each reactor in the train would house the metal that undergoes the redox, or reversible rusting, process.

Each reactor would first pass through a hot station, where it would be exposed to the sun's heat at temperatures of up to 1,500°C. This extreme heat would effectively pull oxygen out of a reactor's metal. That metal would then be in a "reduced" state—ready to grab oxygen from steam. For this to happen, the reactor would move to a cooler station at temperatures around 1,000°C, where it would be exposed to steam to produce hydrogen"

NYT: "[Khalidi] Israel has ordered more than a million people to leave northern Gaza, presumably to prepare for an imminent ground offensive. Its military strategists appear to be planning the depopulation and reoccupation of at least part of an area home to around 2.3 million people — nearly half of them children — and most of them descended from people driven from their homes before and during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. We must understand that these are human beings at grave risk, not just numbers. Consider what some in the Israeli defense establishment have said. 'The State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in,' a reservist major general, Giora Eiland, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli newspaper. 'Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal.' He added, 'Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.' Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said, 'We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.' Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian declared that in Gaza, 'there will be no electricity and no water. There will only be destruction. You wanted hell; you will get hell. 'The depopulation of Gaza would be manifestly inhumane and a violation of international law. President Biden and his advisers should ask themselves how it can be in the national interest of the United States to allow another mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes. Such a cataclysm would be a second nakba, or catastrophe, as the displacement of 1948 is called"

"What Israel faces in a ground invasion in Gaza" #AlJazeera


#Chomsky #Biblical #ISR



An open secret of big pharma is that the bulk of their 'innovation' is trivial—they're mostly generating analogues to evade patents—and the real breakthroughs are always mostly/entirely government initiated and funded, then handed to private companies for rent-seeking"

Prospect: "As the Senate holds confirmation hearings today for a new director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the agency quietly filed a proposal last month to grant an exclusive patent for a cancer drug, potentially worth hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, to an obscure company staffed by one of its former employees"

Green hydrogen: Brazil opens first research center on the topic in Minas Gerais

Business Green: "'Rock cavern' storage promises to almost halve the cost of hydrogen for fossil-free steel production.. Fossil-free steel pilot from SSAB, LKAB, and Vattenfall finds that 'lined rock cavern' hydrogen storage cuts gas production costs by up to 40 per cent"

FuelCellsWorks: "Netherlands: €40 million European backing for Dutch hydrogen innovator Battolyser Systems"

BEVs were a stupid idea whose time will never come

Yahoo Finance: "EVs Are Piling Up on Dealer Lots as Supply Outpaces Demand"


Exactly why billionaires hate remote work. Here's another way to spin the headline:

'Remote work to reduce fossil fuel revenue by more than half'"


While there is not much we the people can do to immediately help Palestinian civilians being bombed to smithereens bar demanding our MP representatives stop funding Israel’s war machine while we donate to charities — — in the vain hope Israel lifts it total blockade of Gaza we can withdraw our support for the wider Israeli economy by boycotting Israeli products, especially those from the occupied territories"

Find out how here:

Gaza came into being as a refugee camp. Now people are fleeing there, its habitants can become refugees, ie refugees from a refugee camp. The pain of these people never ends.

Who first called Gaza an open-air prison? I believe it was David Cameron actually, back in 2010.

CNBC: "Egypt does not see why country should ‘bear solely’ the responsibility for Gaza’s refugee influx"

Arab News: "The Israeli embassy in Brazil protested Tuesday against a resolution by the party of leftist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva that accuses Israel of 'genocide' and 'war crimes.'"

Arab News: "Indonesia, Malaysia join global condemnation of Israeli strike on Gaza hospital"

Al-Monitor: "Angry protests across Muslim world after Gaza hospital strike"


I don't think they saw any chance of that... Best they hoped for was RF KKK would stir things up inside the Dem party damaging Biden a little bit during the nomination process, making the Rep side's job easier in the general, that's all.

"But what if Fox News promo had helped RFK to win the Dem nomination and he went on to beat the Rep candidate in the general"?

And lost the leftist guy.. probably for a reason

NYT: "Dennis Kucinich Leaves Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential Campaign"

As long as RK was causing problems inside the Dems he was fine with Fox. But now he might peel away some votes from Reps, he is not fine. McShamrock Finnigan turned on him.

WaPo: "Once upon a time, it seemed that Sean Hannity was excited about no presidential candidate more than Robert F. Kennedy Jr... Then Kennedy announced that he would run not as a Democrat against Biden but as an independent — against both Biden and whoever wins the Republican nomination for president. That almost certainly means running against Hannity’s friend Donald Trump. It also may mean pulling more support from Trump than from Biden, which is very much not what Hannity or other Republicans would like to see... So, when Kennedy again joined Hannity on Tuesday night, he earned a much briefer and colder reception"


Mitchell Baker from Mozilla tells the German news agency that we shouldn't 'leave AI development to the tech-giants', that somehow 'the training data should be controlled by users'.

And that does on a surface level sound nice. User control and criticizing tech giants. Great. But it accepts the tech-giants' narrative: That 'AI' is inevitable and that all data has to be dumped into these systems, that unfairness is a tech issue to solve with more data. That is not true.

We can also decide not to build these huge and wasteful statistical systems.

Sure there are useful machine learning tools, I spend parts of my day building some, but these overreaching, all-encompassing, general models are a mistake. They promise things that they'll never deliver, are untestable, unverifiable, massively wasteful, express systemic violence (and all the other structural issues [Timnit Gebru, Margaret Mitchell, Emily Bender] and Angelina McMillan-Major have written about).

If there is something in machine learning, it is in small, focused, testable networks"

Vox: "Why Biden’s multibillion-dollar bet on hydrogen energy is such a big deal.. The federal funding is just a start. The Biden administration hopes these projects attract another $40 billion in private investment. And generous government subsidies earmarked in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act are aimed at providing the private sector with the incentive to boost not only the production of hydrogen but also the demand for it..

So the Biden administration has an unusual opportunity to set the contours of how clean the hydrogen really becomes. The newly announced hydrogen hubs are just the first step in a multiyear, multibillion-dollar road. The government is essentially propping up a nascent industry, but with that massive support comes an opportunity to set the terms of an industry right..

Biden’s recent $7 billion announcement, it deserves to be said, is a major one. It reveals the broad blueprint the Department of Energy intends to follow to build an entire energy industry almost from scratch. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law gave the department 8 billion to develop both supply and demand for hydrogen — the other 1 billion dollars will be used for supporting demand — and now we know some details about how it will spend the vast majority of that on the projects the DOE has prioritized"

MLH has some history on this issue, remember the "CNN event" back in 2018


#BreakfastClub #LamontHill


#AlJazeera #UpFront


Right before Biden arrives in ME, IDF bombing kills (at least) 300? Could be a message; ISR indicated to US they don't want to temper their hard-line position.

Reuters: "At least 300 dead in Gaza hospital bombing"

They just told him the get f--k out.. That's great.

The Times of Israel: "Colombia tells Israel envoy to leave.. for rebuking President Gustavo Petro. [President] Petro.. [had] accused Defense Minister Yoav Gallant of using language about the people of Gaza similar to what the 'Nazis said of the Jews.'"

Andersen: "I’ve now learned that my natural civilian suspicion of the [stock buyback] practice had been encoded in federal securities law since the New Deal: buying back shares of your own stock was tantamount to illegal market manipulation, insider trading in the spirit if not the letter of the law, and it had been essentially outlawed. But then in 1982, without any real debate and without almost anybody outside finance noticing, the SEC did away with that ban"

Janel Comeau: "hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave"

EW: "Tek Knight rises: Meet [spinoff] Gen V's fascist Batman with a twist.. Showrunner Michele Fazekas and The Boys-verse architect Eric Kripke explain how they made the comic character.. 'He's a combo of both [IM and Bats].'".

Sad. The Boys is basically a parody of the superhero genre, and they are beating the superhero genre. They recently featured Tek Knight in the spinoff show - guess who he is a parody of (likely both of Iron Man and Batman). The parody would not be complete without addressing the fascist billionaire corporatist overdressed clown who thinks he is above government.

CBR: "The Boys Was More Popular Than Any of Disney+'s Marvel Series in 2022"

Data collection, verification of theories is great, NASA and other agencies help science in a big way through data collection. Data from Webb telescope debunked the Big Bang in a way it had many scientist shook.

That's makes sense; see excerpts from a book shared before.

Salon: "NASA found materials on an asteroid like those that may have 'triggered the origin of life' on Earth"

The Rep nominee, most likely DJT, will have a chance but Biden, even with -15% net approval rating at 2% QoQ GDP growth has the advantage. Elections are about the incumbents. The first-term incumbent (party) for prez almost never loses. HW lost but that was GOP's third term, the party affiliation (and fatigue) transfered onto him. For Dems 2024 this is not the case. Only at lower GDP, eg 0% growth, the challenger would have the upper hand. If the backdrop stays the same the race will be a tough one on the Reps, even for Trump.


JSON is easy. But we might have created a whole generation who doesn't even know what a file is. Big Tech apps are hiding away major comp concepts in their shiny little apps.

I could offer a travel planner, but u have to write some effin JSON dear user, and host the main file and the waypoint files somewhere.

How to know starting to truly use a language? For me when I start writing regex with it. Just wrote one in that little nifty language running in all browsers.


Everything you need to know about the Biden administration's massive, $7 billion clean hydrogen program.

Heatmap News reports: 'By the end of the decade, the program seeks to replace fossil fuels across a variety of industries that can’t easily run on renewable energy.'

They've curated a collection of stories on the topic"

GPL is a form of software license, if software developers "open" their code under that license anyone modifying that code has to open their modifications as well. The license creates a "cascading openness" effect which was Richard Stallman's intention from the start. GPL is a brilliant, major piece of legalese-fu that deserves praise from users and programmers alike.

Now, if artificial parrot algos, so called "AI", generates its (shit) code based on GPL trained neural net than that output is likely GPL too.. So if a company tries to close-source that generated code, make it commercial, it is possible u could sue their ass.


@tante Yes, and lawsuits are on the way"


A thing I keep wondering about as a non-lawyer.

So we know that #GitHub #Copilot was absolutely trained on GPLed code.

My naive understanding is that therefore any code Copilot generates could be (at least partially) derivative and would need to be GPLed. Where am I wrong?"

I agree with the audience score

u.rottentomatoes2("The Continental")
Out[1]: {'tomatometer score': 63, 'audience score': 80}

Hindustan Times: "China says Israel acting 'beyond scope of self-defence': Cease punishing Gaza"

Al-Monitor: "China says supports 'just cause' of Palestinian people"

NYT: "Israel-Hamas War: Gaza Border Remains Closed for Aid; Water and Fuel Shortages Worsen"

Firstpost: "Donald Trump wants to testify in London court over 'Steele dossier'"


6️9️ projects are funded by the #InnovationFund reducing #GHGemissions in many sectors 👇

💧 #Hydrogen

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Discover the data 👉!8gQ67m

New calls coming this autumn 👀 #staytuned"

CleanTechnica: "Fuel Cell Trucks Win Big In New $7 Billion US Hydrogen Plan"


Racing gas-powered cars on Easter Island is ironic given that the Islanders allegedly died due to famine due to overallocation of scarce resources to conflict and superstition"

Mother Jones: "EPA opens civil rights probe of Alabama's sewage failures.. Impoverished Black residents are saddled with.. unsanitary systems"

Reuters: "Biden awards $7 billion for 7 hydrogen hubs in climate fight plan.. U.S. President Joe Biden traveled to Philadelphia on Friday to announce the recipients of 7 billion in federal grants across 16 states for the development of seven regional hydrogen hubs"

WH: "Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs to Drive Clean Manufacturing.. Today, President Biden and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm are announcing seven regional clean hydrogen hubs that were selected to receive $7 billion [in funding]"

Summary of the i24 report (link below): Qatar bought a power plant and was buying fuel from Egypt for it for Hamas who collected the resale money for public servant pay. Oil price rose, resale did not make much money so Hamas held up another Qatar aid package for more money even organized some riots to make a point..

Looks like things were getting tense from all directions.. Ultra-religious zealot admin for Israel, rising oil price, Gulf raproachement with unpredictable results for Palestine, and the ever-present prison-like conditions in Gaza and creeping settler expansionism, plus apartheid. Why did the attacks happen now? The better question is why isn't there an outburst / attack every day of the week?


Arafat was poisoned BTW

What a progression of jackasses, one after another... I remember this era, "get rid of Arafat and all will be fine" phase.



Today [Oct 15] in 1994, 29 years ago: Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the establishment of the Oslo Accords and the framing of future Palestinian self government"


.. I once had a consulting gig with the TSA which required an in-depth background check that included an hours-long interview.. The final q was, 'Are you now, or have you ever been a member of an organization which advocates the use of violence to overthrow governments.'

We had just hung Saddam Hussein three days before. It took all of my self control not to say, 'Well, I told you I'm an American citizen, didn't I?', instead of, 'No, sir.'"

The data in the tracking system is somehat behind, Ford is reportedly already in the eastern Medi, along with others.

u.sm_usnavy(clat=31, clon=34, zoom=3.0)


@tess The British Empire carved up its territories using the 70/25/5 rule: a 70% majority, taxed and worked for profit, plus a 25% minority from another ethnic group, armed with whips/clubs/rifles and enlisted as a middle class and tax collectors, ruled over by a 5% elite of British colonial administrators and soldiers with Gatling guns and artillery (in case of a 25% uprising). The empire then left behind new nations with built-in ethnic strife: a poor 2/3 majority vs. a less-poor 1/3 minority"


If you want to know the root cause of any inter-ethnic strife or genocide in the modern world, 'the British' is usually a pretty safe bet"

Firstpost: "Gaza death toll rises to 2,450; over 1,400 killed in Hamas attacks on Israel"

Al-Monitor: "Israel, Gaza bloodshed divides the world, isolates West.. The global response to the bloodshed in Israel and Gaza has revealed deep divisions, with Western countries increasingly isolated on the global stage, a trend that has gathered pace since the outbreak of the Ukraine war"

Can characters like that in gov trigger your opponent? Absolutely. The fucker is a con. Your opponent will think 'they are coming for me' and can make a move themselves.

Gvir, from Otzma Yehudit, is the sitting Minister of National Security of Israel

New Yorker: "[2023/02] Ben-Gvir.. has been convicted on at least eight charges, including supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism, compiling a criminal record so long that, when he appeared before a judge, 'we had to change the ink on the printer,' Dvir Kariv, a former official in the Shin Bet intelligence agency, told me. As recently as last October, Netanyahu refused to share a stage with him, or even to be seen with him in photographs. But a series of disappointing elections persuaded Netanyahu to change his mind"

Some of the party names in the current coalition:

Shas - literally meaning 'Sephardi Guards' or Union of Sephardic Torah Observers

Religious Zionism

United Torah Judaism

Otzma Yehudit (means Jewish Power)

"Religious extremist Hamas".. It is actually the current Israeli gov that is stuffed with religious zealots.