
Github Mirror

Week 35

Windpower Monthly: "Brazil calls hydrogen a ‘fundamental milestone’ in global energy transition.. Minister Alexandre Silveira’s comments came during the presentation of the triennial work plan for 2023–2025 of the country’s national hydrogen programme (PNH2)"

H2 View: "Hydrogen pipeline could see Scotland meet 10% of Europe’s import demand, says report"

AggNet: "JCB install hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine into Mercedes Sprinter van.. The white van retrofit was completed in just two weeks and one of the vehicle’s first test drivers was JCB chairman Anthony Bamford, who is leading the company’s £100 million hydrogen engine project"

The EV Report: "Hyzon Motors Inc., a leader in high-power hydrogen fuel cell technology, has successfully completed its first commercial demonstration of a liquid hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (LH2 FCEV)...


Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto is building four calcifiers using #hydrogen as fuel in their Yarwun in Gladstone, Queensland, Australia.

Rio Tinto partnered with Sumitomo Corporation and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency for the project.

The new plant will include a 2.5MW on-site electrolyzer to produce #greenhydrogen to supply operations.

Construction will start in 2024 and operation in 2025"

Utility Week: "Cadent has calculated that 40GW of offshore wind capacity would be sufficient to create the green hydrogen needed to decarbonise home heating across the UK"

How about Peter Thiel and the merry band of assclowns around him? They have some shady dealings.. Thiel himself reportedly turned his Roth IRA "into a gargantuan tax-exempt piggy bank". Thiel's bestie is neck deep in all kinds of fraud, not to mention involvement in dysfuctional battery-electric tech.

FedSoc is one of those "originalist" groups - ie libertarians who interpret the Constitution in a "freedom oriented way" basically for the benefit of oligarchs, claiming "the framers" meant it that way.


D.C. Attorney General is probing Leonard Leo’s network.. The Federalist Society co-chair.. has utilized nonprofit groups to collect more than $1 billion for conservative causes... in March that one of Leo’s nonprofits — registered as a charity — paid his for-profit company tens of millions of dollars in the two years since he joined the company" via Politico


WaPo: "[08/17] The U.S. intelligence community assesses that Ukraine’s counteroffensive will fail to reach the key southeastern city of Melitopol.. a finding that, should it prove correct, would mean Kyiv won’t fulfill its principal objective of severing Russia’s land bridge to Crimea in this year’s push"

NYT: "As Ukraine’s Fight Grinds On, Talk of Negotiations Becomes Nearly Taboo.. Discussion of a Plan B, should Ukraine fail to win a total victory, has become more fraught than ever, say those who have tried"

SciTechDaily: "The Los Alamos National Laboratory introduced a corrosion-resistant fuel cell design featuring a coaxial nanowire electrode. This innovative approach holds promise for heavy-duty trucking, showing impressive durability in stress tests"


Fukushima water: Sellafield in the UK dumps more radioactive material onto the Irish channel every year than what is currently planned to be released from Fukushima, and no one reports on it. Japan and Fukushima is facing a PR disaster rather than an environmental one"

Arab News: "Greece wildfire destroys area bigger than New York City"

If milk can be lab-grown then you get cheese, and yogurt or kefir. Companies Perfect Day, New Culture are working on this problem. Lab-manufacture meat and dairy, vertical farm vegs. We can do away with animal and plant farming for most needs.

The Sound Stylistics - Get Ya Some #music


H2 Central: "Western Australia is a step closer to the creation of a large-scale green hydrogen hub with bp completing its concept development"


'10 years ago today, people said we were crazy to pedestrianize Broadway. Today, it would be crazy to bring the cars back.' ~ Janette Sadik-Khan"


OM is a fantastic app.


Just donated $100 to the amazing Organic Maps project: Trackerless, fully offline, OSM based, open source mapping for Android/iOS. Great UX & routing, super fast & good coverage even of hiking paths, elevation lines & public transport layers...

From their website: 'Organic Maps is one of a few applications nowadays that supports 100% of features without an active Internet connection. Install Organic Maps, download maps, throw away your SIM card (by the way, your operator constantly tracks you), and go for a weeklong trip on a single battery charge without any byte sent to the network'"


It was always hilarious to me Clintons slinging mud all over the place using bizarre conspiracy theories like Russiagate. Anyone can dig up dirt on them under 10 minutes flat - no need to go back to even before 2000s.

Claire Wong: "Guys, I think I've solved it. Hear me out..

We make any day the temperature goes above 32 C in the UK an automatic bank holiday.

And then watch the big corporations scramble to fix climate change ASAP"

Meg 2: The Trench, fun action.. Chinese characters weren't placed awkwardly in the script this time, cast/story was great. Had a fine 90s lighthearted action vibe, it even had a goofy little dog. Recommend.

CNBC: "European savers complain lenders are quick to raise mortgage costs, but very slow at increasing returns on deposits"

Changes in fundamental tech is different than productivity achieved through that tech. For most of us twofold tech increase since 50s sounds odd - it feels like it should've been more. When you talk to older boomers, you can see they are actually shocked with the types of tech that became available during their lifetime. A notebook, a smartphone, for people who grew up seeing these things in their clumsiest forms the new products have features that approach magic.

But productive application of a that tech is different. You could manufacture scratch resistant, cyrstal clear smartphone screen, there is surely productivity associated with its production, but if most consumers will use this device for silly pastime applications, that is not productive.


'Interesting new law in Denmark...'"


NYT: "Pope Says a Strong U.S. Faction Offers a Backward, Narrow View of the Church.. In unusually sharp remarks published this week, Pope Francis said some conservative American Catholics wrongly ignore much of the Church’s mission and reject the possibility of change...

Pope Francis has expressed in unusually sharp terms his dismay at 'a very strong, organized, reactionary attitude' opposing him within the U.S. Roman Catholic Church, one that fixates on social issues like abortion and sexuality to the exclusion of caring for the poor and the environment"

GB News: "Britain's multibillion-pound free trade deal with India is at risk of collapsing.. The UK is demanding new curbs on the production of cheap generic drugs.. India has rejected the demand that patents on drugs should be extended before cheaper copies can be produced"


Three groups — 'Fridays for Future', 'Fight Fossil Fuels', and 'End Fossil Fuels USA' — are teaming up to stage mass climate protests and strikes all around the world next month"

Aw shit fires in Greece again, and near homeboi



FuelCellWorks: "French Government Allocates 4 Billion Euros to Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production"


The Digital Services Act went live in the EU on Friday. The below is a handy list of the most visible changes Europeans will see

  1. Chronological views are now a required option in social media apps including TikTok.

  2. It’s easier to report harmful content.

  3. You’ll get an explanation when your post is moderated and taken down.

  4. You can report fake products on marketplaces like Amazon.

  5. Teens under 18 won’t see targeted ads based on their interests"


Quick reminder that we are not actually in a 'Cost of Living Crisis'. It's a 'Extreme Inequality and Record Untaxed Profits Crisis..'"

Spanish football coach with that female player.. it doesn't look good, unprofessional. What will he do in the next game, after a win run to a player slap that ass and go 'woo hooo'? C'mon. He can apologize publicly to the player in a joint press conf, if he doesn't agree, reprimand.

CBS News: "50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, [London School of Economics] study says"

Dem infighting.. Hochul slams federal gov, Adams slams Hochul.. Lota Dem-on-Dem violence #immigration

Politico: "Adams condemns Hochul’s handling of New York migrant crisis as ‘wrong’"

"SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall building unique pilot project in Luleå for large-scale hydrogen storage.. The 100 cubic metre hydrogen storage is being built in an enclosed rock cavern approximately 30 metres below ground"

Some visuals.. UA advanced on Robotyne, but RU is not standing still, approaching Kupiansk.

geo = [['Main'],['Urozhaine','Staromaiorske'], ['Robotyne'],
       ['Marinka'],['Bilohorivka'], ['Synkivka','Kupiansk','Lyman Pershyi'],



Amount of area taken back by Ukraine since the start of the counter-offensive

df = u.ru_areas()
a1 = df.loc[(df.index.month == 6) & ( == 9)]
a2 = df.tail(1)
print ('a1 =',int(a1.area),'km2','a2 =',int(a2.area),'km2')
print (int(a1.area) - int(a2.area), 'sq km taken')
a1 = 154618 km2 a2 = 154401 km2
217 sq km taken

A square whose sides are 14 x 14 km. UA took back a third of the Tenerife island. Many more Tenerifes to go.

It is interesting in his video the Gabon deposed Prez spoke in English, not French, good catch by F24 anchor - was he making a plea to the Anglo and perceives the coup as "anti-US"?

F24: "Gabon's economy: A wealth of resources that fails to trickle down to the population..The Central African nation is the fourth-largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa, but a third of its population lives below the poverty line. One particular source of frustration lies in the high levels of corruption: the country ranks 136th in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index"

The Guardian: "Gabon military officers declare coup after Ali Bongo wins disputed election"


'A study published in the Journal of Safety Research last year found that children were eight times more likely to die when struck by an SUV than those struck by a passenger car'"

H2 View: "Enoah orders 101 of Enapter’s AEM electrolysers to deploy in Japanese hydrogen projects"

H2 Central: "Ulsan’s hydrogen tram passes feasibility study. Ulsan’s long-awaited urban railway, Line 1, has successfully passed a government feasibility study, marking a significant step toward its realization"

Low-Tech Magazine: "Direct Solar Power: Off-Grid Without Batteries.. Using solar panels without backup infrastructure makes renewable energy production much more affordable, efficient and sustainable. As an example.. take [my] small autonomous solar installation.. while the solar panels should last 30 years and the charge controller about 10 years, I have to replace the lead battery on average every three to five years. Over a 30-year lifespan, the costs then amount to €120 for the solar panels, €150 for the charge controllers and – in the best case scenario – €1,020 for the batteries. The batteries (and associated charge controllers) therefore account for about 90% of the total lifetime costs"


This is huge. This should be headline news but it isn't.

The NLRB just ruled that when companies engage in illegal union-busting they will be automatically forced to recognize the union and start negotiations"

J. Stewart's "You Don't Know Dick" segments were funny back in the day, I'll give him that

It is clear corporate interests wanted to invade Iraq from the start, with or without 9/11. Halliburton Dick and his posse aptly used 9/11 for the invasion though, they managed to sell it to W, they buttonholed Colin Powell who was uneasy with the idea #vice

Dick had Dubya truly surrounded, with his people, only he had 100% access. #vice

The right info (from a real human) is here #vice

Searched for the book the film was based on, landed on Quora, its douchebag chatgpt gave a completely wrong answer #vice

FCC had a fairness doctrine, HW killed it 1987, Dick apparently persuaded other Rep House members not to re-introduce the doctrine as law. Vice claims the cancellation of the doctrine gave rise to hacky opinion news.

Interesting scene with Rummy/Cheney plotting to undermine Kissinger who was advocating for a Ford admin detente with the Soviets. Him and his team were pushed out. Ford later lost the election. #vice

Vice was great work, a movie about "Halliburton's Dick"

BloombergNEF: "Hydrogen Subsidies Skyrocket to $280 Billion With US in the Lead"

It's good to strive to bring clean energy costs down, eg solar energy, of clean fuel production.. but we need to remember beyond a certain number price doesn't really matter - what matters is that the storage medium has certain optimal characteristics in terms of engineering properties. Crude oil, natgas had that, and so does hydrogen (batteries do not). IMF report showed the world spent over a trillion on fossil fuel subsidies - wout the subsidies, without national navies protecting sea transport routes, how much would the true cost of oil, natgas be? Let's bring the price down for renewables, but we also need to see subsidies give life to the alternative. The market is irrelevant.


Still can’t get over the fact that an editor of the Financial Times said that we need to do away with #capitalism in order to deal with the #climate. "


E-mail had been around for too long for the free market to f--k it up, in a way it was too late - the system was already established, it was working too well. Too late for unfettered capitalism.

Even for social media, disparate solutions are still not talking to eachother. Imagine GMail not being able to communicate with Yahoo Mail. What kind of dipshit would build a system like that? Well unfettered capitalism did (by encouraging it). Regulation can mandate they all implement a common protocol, eg ActivityPub.

For every regulation you take out, two more needs to be put in its place

How is the system hindering application of tech? Monopolies are likely hindering it. There isn't enough regulation, most patents need to be banned, especially for software. There are companies who need to be broken up.

Informed Comment: "European Union Strongly Condemns Israeli Minister Ben-Gvir’s Racist Remarks on Palestinians.. 'My right, my wife’s, my children’s, to roam the roads of Judea and Samaria are more important than the right of movement of the Arabs,' Ben-Gvir said on Wednesday in an interview with Channel 12, using the biblical term for the Occupied Territory. His remark drew widespread condemnation, including from the US, which labelled it 'racist rhetoric'".

Informed Comment: "Israeli Minister Eliyahu: The Palestinians aren’t under Apartheid, they’re Just in a Prison Camp"

Variety: "Walt Disney Pictures VFX Workers Move to Unionize"

Telegraph India: "Tata Steel is set to amplify its utilisation of hydrogen in the steel-making process following the successful completion of a pilot project at its Jamshedpur plant in Jharkhand"

Aviation Today: "[2022] American Airlines Invests in Hydrogen-Electric Engine Developer ZeroAvia.. American Airlines announced an investment into ZeroAvia as well as its intent to order up to 100 hydrogen-electric engines"

Business Insider: "Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap... The tech industry has been on a quest for profitability lately. To get there, some tech companies have been raising prices. The result: Supposedly revolutionary services are looking a lot like what came before"

Producing H2 from metals. Note the side products of this H2 generation are heat and alumina. Heat can be used for central heating of buildings, alumina is obviously useful for many consumer products. #GHPower

H2 Central: "GH Power has developed a unique renewable energy technology.. The hydrogen produced by the modular version of GH Power’s 2MW reactor is pure and clean, with zero emissions, zero carbon and zero waste, using only 2 inputs (recycled aluminum and water)... It also produces green hydrogen, exothermic heat, as well as highly valuable green alumina, which has numerous commercial applications..

The company has also had successful tests using scrap steel (iron) as another metal fuel for hydrogen generation. The use of recycled metals provides a scalable solution with a much lower costs basis at under a $1/kg hydrogen. Scrap iron is the most widely available metal fuel in most markets" "[2022] Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic $7 Billion Funding Opportunity to Jump-Start America's Clean Hydrogen Economy"

You fit a formula / model to data, what remains is the residual. As below, I fit a straight line to data, it looks linear, the fit looks ok, I look at the residual (diff between formula and data), if it looks "noisy" that's good, all patterns are explained with the formula, the rest is noise (which has a precise statistical definition, anyway).

The Solow method looks at the residue and tries to find leftover patterns there, proposes once labor, capital are accounted for, what remains has to be technology.


Maybe that's why Solow also said "you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics". Tech is not being applied properly, or the system was hindering their application.

Since the 50s TFP nearly doubled. Certain amount of tech progress surely (although some could argue it's not enough). Time to re-distribute the benefits and grow less (as growth requires more dirty fuels)?



Using residuals from capital + labor regression.. that makes sense... Whatever growth labor and capital cannot explain has to be technology.

"How to Measure Technological Progress.. The Solow Residual method works under the assumption that all changes in output that can’t be explained by changes in the capital stock or changes in the number of workers must be due to technological progress. The method uses a simple linear regression to estimate growth. Regress output on capital and labor using simple linear regression. The regression residuals are [Total Factor Productivity] growth"

Mother Jones: "A March 2023 Washington Post investigation revealed.. how regional insurance companies in Florida were “aggressively seeking to limit payouts to policyholders by altering the work of licensed adjusters,” reducing the amount the initial adjuster estimated by as much as 97 percent"

It happens in engineering all the time; the Euler-Bernoulli beam formula $E I d^4 y / d X_1^4 = q$ shows how a construction beam behaves under stress. You can derive this formula from start to finish, with certain assumptions, one which is uniform width, that is why the $I$ is constant. But then we want to apply this formula to complex shapes where $I$ changes. Here the scientist knows he cannot use the formula as-is, so says the math. But.. what if he uses the the formula on a small piece of the object where $I$ can stay reliably constant so the formula is still relevant and we put all the pieces together computationally? Voila. This BTW is the famous Finite Element approach, entire buildings, complex structures are now designed this way.

With a neural net the data effects neuron #11121 or neuron #889444, which one we have no idea, it's a jungle in there, it does whatever the hell it does before parroting its shit out, its structure is not something you can work with, legibly. The best anyone can hope for is can generating "art" impressing audiences who are not aware of how the sausage is made.

For the circle area formula we used the mental gymnastics to reach a final formula, but do not revisit the derivation once we are done. Could this be similar to a neural net learning from data, once done, we pay no attention to how you got there (so ignore the internal junk that is the NN design)? That is not the same thing at all.. In the first case even if not used, we still have the math, it makes sense to us, still connected to the problem domain somehow, can always go back and change some assumptions, for a different problem, or a new application. With NNs this is not possible.

There are no first generation Polish, Irish, Lithuanians in America. There are no Turks in Turkey.

Anatolia ("Turkey") is a traditional Paki ally - they were Anglo poodles together, their militaries were similar (loved coups, constantly meddled in politics). Is Paki rival India balancing out a Paki ally with a friendship of that ally's rival?

Firstpost: "India, Greece agree to double bilateral trade by 2030"

The Guardian: "Niger coup leaders give French ambassador 48 hours to leave country"

Politico: "Trump’s lead is more than double [compared to 6 months ago]: 42 percentage points."

TASS: "'The strategy pursued so far in NATO, based on constant military supplies to Ukraine and the logic of escalation, did not lead to a military defeat for Russia,' [ex-Italian PM] Giuseppe Conte said"

Computer Weekly: "Why water usage is the datacentre industry’s dirty little secret.. most datacentres use chlorine and bromine-based chemicals and disinfectants, causing pollution and acid rain. Bromine is a nasty chemical that is highly toxic for organic systems and impacts the neuronal membrane. It has a toxic effect on our brains, and exposure to the chemical can result in drowsiness and psychosis amongst other neurological disorders"

The Guardian: "An influential thinktank closely linked to two billionaires who provided lavish travel gifts to conservative supreme court justices is behind a successful lobbying campaign to get the US high court to take on a case that could protect them and other billionaires from a possible future wealth tax"




'While real trolleys languish for lack of patronage...people flock to Disneyland to ride fake trolleys.' —historian Kenneth Jackson"


Walt Disney World has significantly better transit than most cities in the US.

Its 12-train-set monorail, 325 buses would make it the 16th most ridden transit system in the nation.

America's fantasy world, it turns out, is a place you can get around without getting into a car"


We need a better model for how we create the future than just idiots trying to make money"

CNBC: "Mastercard ends Binance card partnership in latest blow to crypto giant"

"AI" researchers are divided on whether these f-ing neural nets can actually think or not... Hinton admitted as much. In comparison does materials science have divisions? Aeorodynamics? How about the Fluid Dynamics community? Are they divided? No. They are not divided on core issues because their branch is scientific - it has solid mathematical foundations.

China's subsidies are high I bet bcz much industrial production is outsourced to them (the world's factory). Some of the would-be Western subsidies would show up on their side of the ledger.

IMF: "Globally, fossil fuel subsidies were $7 trillion in 2022 or 7.1 percent of GDP.. By country.. China contributes by far the most to total subsidies (2.2 trillion) in 2022, followed by the United States (760 billion), Russia (420 billion), India (350 billion), and the European Union (310 billion)"


SciTechDaily: "Scientists have now proven that graphene is naturally permeable to protons.. This discovery, which defies previous theories, holds significant potential for [providing better H2 electrolysis catalysts in the form of] sustainable 2D crystals"

😂 😂

"GPT detectors frequently misclassify non-native English writing as AI generated, raising concerns about fairness and robustness" #AI


Numbers Station ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Mud ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Writer: "Comic companies are spending more money on the multiple covers then they pay the artist doing the 20 pages of interiors. Let that sink in"

Yahoo News: "Facebook data center water use scrutinized.. The proposed expansion of the Facebook data center in Los Lunas has prompted community concerns about water use competing with local farms and businesses"


It is often more worthwhile to read the best paper written in your field in 1972 than to read the latest paper everyone on social media is talking about"