
Github Mirror

Week 27

Time for a little break, see ya l8ah suckaz

H2 Central: "Martin Carolan, Provaris CEO said: '..This collaboration will benefit from the synergies of Provaris and Gen2 Energy’s approach to using compression as an energy-efficient carrier for green hydrogen.. to import pipeline-ready, gaseous green hydrogen to meet the REPowerEU ambitions for 10 million tonnes by 2030'"

Upside Foods chief scientist was a reputable researcher before he was at UF, made use of a lot of government grants I'm sure. If this product takes off, hopefully their patent is made public by gov decree shortly afterwards. Similar opening up of IP was applied to transistors, that's why that industry had energy, had lots of innovation.

Upside Foods


ABC7: "For the first time, U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer "lab-grown" meat to the nation's restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.

The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn't come from slaughtered animals - what's now being referred to as 'cell-cultivated' or 'cultured' meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.

The move launches a new era of meat production aimed at eliminating harm to animals and drastically reducing the environmental impacts of grazing, growing feed for animals and animal waste.

'Instead of all of that land and all of that water that's used to feed all of these animals that are slaughtered, we can do it in a different way,' said Josh Tetrick, co-founder and chief executive of Eat Just, which operates Good Meat"


'Mixed' means 'the vested interests in the academic publishing industry are against it' and everyone else is for it.

'[Nature] EU council’s ‘no pay’ publishing model draws mixed response'"

France 24: "Polluted drinking water in France: Are pesticides the new 'forever' chemicals? Water is a fundamental but fragile common resource that's being increasingly depleted and polluted by human activity. For several months now, traces of a pesticide called chlorothalonil – known as metabolites – have been detected in drinking water all over France, despite the pesticide being banned since 2020. How has France's most strictly controlled substance proven to be so polluted?"


Yesterday was the hottest day in the instrumental record"

"China has implemented export controls on gallium, germanium, and several other key compounds integral to semiconductor production. This directive comes hot on the heels of the Netherlands’ decision to limit China’s access to advanced chip manufacturing equipment [of ASML]"

The funny part is the sides create faux conflicts on those same issues hiding near total agreement on their econ right-wing bent. Almost anyone can find sustanance from the spectacle, on the fringes u could even ask for comity / unity and manage to get attention, appear to want to fix the faux problem but in actuality only addressing the symptom... The existing bargain persists.. The viewers are left with following this junk as if it is some kind of sane political discourse.

US is living its "peak grand bargain" moment. The 70s deal btw the economic right and the cultural left has reached its apex; both sides mistrusted, fought the government to "gain freedom" for their own pet individuality goals and now are mired either in gender-affirming care issues while the other side routinely mows down others in mass killing sprees using their individuality-affirming guns. Both sides, in a way, got what they wanted. They created the current hellhole they are living in.

First Post: "Russia, China dump dollar, settle 80% trade in ruble, yuan: Putin at SCO"

Alarabiya News: "Germany denies Ukraine’s plea for Taurus missiles"

Informed Comment: "Taxpayers subsidize these more-than-ample [military contractor] paychecks. Corporate giants like Boeing and Raytheon depend on government contracts for about half the dollars they rake in. For Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman, it’s at least 70 percent"

"The Warfare State: How Funding for Militarism Compromises Our Welfare.. In FY 2023, out of a 1.8 trillion federal discretionary budget, $1.1 trillion — or 62 percent— was for militarized programs.. Less than 2 out of every 5 dollar in federal discretionary spending was available to fund investment in people and communities, including primary and secondary public education, housing programs, child care programs, federal disaster relief, environmental programs, and scientific research"


Looks like a world of hurt. There is more than shown, there's some kind of triangle thing around Ivanivka, looked bad.

RU built fortifications in the area. See below (in black), in rough outlines.



Focus needs to be on the essentials, 2% generates 100% of the farm products, similar advances are present in all essential sectors. Money distribution within population cannot rely exclusively on "work" something defined by employers who get almost all new money created for them as credit. If the system forces this, as it does now, then we get junk production, an econ mired in wage/inflation dilemma, unchecked migration, and 85% of people hating their job. Most who writes about and claims to know population dynamics do not understand what the f--k is going on, especially as it relates to economics.

The comment is based on crooked accounting. Some look at tax revenue coming in from (shit) work and money spent, there is mismatch, the neophyte neolib goes "well we need more people to generate (shit) products and services so we can tax them to fund government". 🤨

"But we need to have more younger people to pay for older people"

NL Times: "Students from the Technical University of Delft established a new world record last weekend. They succeeded in driving a hydrogen car 2,488.4 kilometers in three days without refueling. Remarkably, this feat was accomplished using just one kilogram of hydrogen. The Guinness World Records officially recognized this achievement"

Changes of past 12 days - UA made some gains but so did RU. Heavy losses reported for the Ukranian side and we know losses matter more for Ukraine.

geo = [['Main'],['Spirne', 'Berestove'], ['Orikhiv'],
       ['Lobkove'],['Makarivka'], ['Vuhledar', 'Velyka Novosilka'],
       ['Marinka'],['Avdiivka', 'Opytne'],['Bakhmut', 'Chasiv Yar']]



I love all of the new capitalist innovations like:

Boston Globe: "A powerful type of rat poison has also been killing eagles and owls in Massachusetts"



Politico: "'So often, we just accept that money, power, and privilege are perfectly justifiable forms of affirmative action, while kids growing up like I did are expected to compete when the ground is anything but level,' Michelle Obama wrote in her statement"

WION: "Study shows volcanic eruptions becoming more frequent due to climate change"

WION: "Extreme heatwave kills at least 13 in the United States"

Will Canada succeed where Australia failed?

CNBC: "Google will block Canadian news outlets from search results in the country... The move, like Meta's, comes after Canada's parliament passed a law requiring the two companies to pay fees to news outlets for linking to their content"

Without free open source software, most of the Big Tech would not exist.

The Register: "[22/10, There are] universal problems that all organizations face: resource allocation and opportunity cost. Meta is going hell for leather for one big idea that is delusional nonsense. Google's strategy of letting a thousand flowers bloom is a recipe for a backyard filled with weeds. Both these things are illnesses of the rich; you have the luxury of doing things badly for a long time if the cash keeps flowing...

Linux, on the other hand, is anything but rich. Its ecosystem of reward is enlightened self-interest, people and organizations that commit time and minds. They understand the importance of making things that matter and are very motivated to be a part of that. These resources are limited.

There may seem to be no FOSS [free and open source software] equivalent of Azure or AWS or Google Cloud Platform, but the intellectual infrastructure that open source provides through the ecosystem of libraries and frameworks is arguably as important to modern IT as the cloud itself...

It's amazing how making money the motivator can break that down. One cost of being rich is that you can ignore the outside world, or see it as something to be bought. That shields against relevance to users"

True the concept's use is nebolous to the point that it is useless.

Wiki: "The word populism has been contested, mistranslated and used in reference to a diverse variety of movements and beliefs. The political scientist Will Brett characterised it as 'a classic example of a stretched concept, pulled out of shape by overuse and misuse'"

Yep.. that's how the corksuckers did it.. that's the sale

"'Do your own thing' is not necessarily so different from 'every man for himself'"

The Deal

Amnesty International: "Israel's surveillance of Palestenians is 'Automated Apartheid'"


Comparing the three editions of my textbook, Introduction to Modern Climate Change, 2011 to 2021. Not looking forward to 4th edition"


Tape Five - Club De Cigale #music


France 24: "Polluted drinking water in France: Are pesticides the new 'forever' chemicals? Water is a fundamental but fragile common resource that's being increasingly depleted and polluted by human activity. For several months now, traces of a pesticide called chlorothalonil – known as metabolites – have been detected in drinking water all over France, despite the pesticide being banned since 2020. How has France's most strictly controlled substance proven to be so polluted?"


Hey journalists: want a fun story? Look up all the people who filed amacus briefs against student loan forgiveness and cross reference that with the PPP loan forgiveness database"

Oh yeeaa. top 4 are shown, there is more

import requests

url = ''
query = '''
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?mastoadress
  ?item wdt:P4033 ?mastoadress ; wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q737498 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } 
r = requests.get(url, params = {'format': 'json', 'query': query})
df = u.get_pd().DataFrame([(x['mastoadress']['value'], x['itemLabel']['value']) \
     for x in r.json()['results']['bindings']])
df.columns = ['address','name']
                         address                                    name
0                                     BuB
1                             GigaScience
2            Nature Ecology and Evolution
3  Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry

Wiki has a query language apparenty, can query all its data, @egonw just gave the query in the post. Accesible over simple Web API.


btw, academic journals that already joined #mastodon can be found in #wikidata"

A reminder 95% of new money is printed for businesses as credit by private banks. If excessive "money printing" is a problem it is a private sector problem.


Companies need to think ahead like BMW, when the BEV excitement dies down they wont want to be stuck with servicing defunct technology, should be able to quickly swap out the fire hazard battery with a clean gas tank.

Auto Expres: "Hydrogen fuel-cell powertrains that can be refuelled in minutes could be a zero-cost option across a range of BMW electric car models by 2035.. We’re told that while BMW’s latest FCEV prototype, the iX5 Hydrogen, has two large gas tanks located centrally in the vehicle, suppliers have worked hard to produce much smaller tanks which can be sited in multiples within the chassis compartments otherwise used for battery storage [for BEV models], while retaining the same strength and overall capacity of 6kgs of hydrogen gas. Innovations such as this, and the fact that it’s much cheaper and easier to recycle FCEVs at end of life compared to BEVs, will make it possible for BMW to contemplate offering fuel cell power as a no-cost option for customers"

"Population increase creating a burden on the environment"; poor people have more kids, so if population is a big worry it implies we need to have less poor people.

First Post: "Pixel Flop: Google Pixel Fold users are facing issues with new devices within 24 hours of purchase"

Severance and Silo attracted some big names, and neither of them do a good job of describing a dystopia, they seem to describe a typical work day of some of the actors involved. In Silo people get in and out of closed, cramped spaces, like in a movie set (?), in Severance people arrive at work "leave their other self behind", in the way an actor works. Both shows take a dive quickly.

Jeff Geerling: "My self-published book.. still earns enough every month to pay my health insurance bill (sans deductible)—which has soared to beyond $2,000/month! (Living with a pre-existing condition in the USA is... bad.)"

Reuters: "Sinopec's first green hydrogen plant starts production in Xinjiang"