
Github Mirror

Week 26

H2 Central: "New design for high-power-density fuel cells offers improved performance and durability – Los Alamos Lab. Promising new hydrogen fuel cell technology has up to 50% higher performance than current, state-of-the-art technology, with improved durability. The grooved electrode design advance may help optimize next-generation fuel cell technology"

Arab News: "Kuwait’s Q8 to build first hydrogen refueling station in Rome"


The minute a search engine has content-based products, they have a massive incentive to ruin search to benefit those products. The more profitable those content products are, the stronger the incentive to use search to guide traffic there"

.. We know how important it was to get cigarette and alcohol advertising either banned outright or simply out of family spaces, despite how immensely profitable it all was — yet we still have to tolerate the lobbying around gambling ads?


'We thought we could use gas as a transition energy source, but that is challenged now by the war of Russia against Ukraine. So, we really have to speed up #hydrogen solutions', outlines @MarkusFerber"


Works starting for a major #H2 #Hydrogen production unit in Port la Nouvelle, France thanks to a #EU #CEFTransport grant worth €14.5 M"

H2 Central: "Novelis Inc., a leading sustainable aluminium solutions provider and a world leader in aluminium rolling and recycling, announced that its Latchford plant in the UK has been awarded £4.6 million to establish hydrogen burning trials as part of the UK Government’s £55m Industrial Fuel Switching Competition"


Bad heritage.. There was once a Pope who tried to argue Jesus wasn't poor.

Only certain sects of Christianity have an issue with abortion, the ones that are "Romanized". Why are they against it? Think about it - the sect continues the customs of the Empire the most - and back then the Empire needed soldiers.

Ideally admission should be color blind, however the current conditions are anything but ideal. Until then, at least for admissions, positive discrimination was better. Bad decision.

The Independent: "Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action, banning colleges from factoring race in admissions"

Hardball.. Note they are cutting supply specifically for the US (and for everyone to the west of the Suez apparently).

Bloomberg: "Saudi Arabia set to cut oil supply to US"

With 'private enterprise' anything is possible.. do a handshake, need to count your fingers afterwards, they might have stolen a few

Business Insider: "Putin says he hopes Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries 'didn't steal much' of the billions Russia spent on them"


I was just comparing the #clarivate 2022 citation data of JCheminform and jcim, two central cheminformatics journals. The open science journal is outperforming the hybrid journal on almost all fronts"

H2 View: Successful testing of high-pressure pure hydrogen pipeline in China.. China Daily has reported China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corp. (PipeChina) completed its first test on the pipeline at a testing ground in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Northwest China.

Any software company can be split, and not vertically (along different competencies) either. They can be split horizontally, cutting across all of its services. Any service can be split. Mastodon proved even a social network, which people thought had to be owned by one organization (uh, like due to 'network effect' or something) could be split across many servers combined by a light protocol. What else can be seperated this way? How about digital ad monopolies?

"Two newly-announced projects add to a growing list of hydrogen-propulsion partnerships in Northern Europe. In Boden, Sweden and Duisburg, Germany, H2 suppliers and shipping companies have announced additional initiatives to bring this green fuel to the maritime market.

Swedish ferry operator Gotland Company announced Monday that it has reached an offtake agreement with hydrogen producer H2 Green Steel (H2GS). H2GS is the developer of a massive electrolyzer plant in Boden, a town in northern Sweden. The 700 MW plant will be among the largest in the world, and it will primarily supply a carbon-neutral steel mill"


Ultra free-market fucknut is all about attention shift, diversion. "Look over there, squirrel!" "covid! lockdowns! freedom!", but they mean their bidness paymasters' freedom to pollute, encroach on public land, money and well-being. Some will follow them thinking the working class will benefit somehow until the point they find themselves running on a treadmill being farmed for biodata, electricity to mine bitcoins so they can pay their sky-high rent owned by the Big Landlord.

Theories on UFOs, political assasinations help to keep the image of all-powerful gov alive, shifting attn away from the private sector towards the government. In most UFO mysteries there's always the subtext "government knows more than they are telling you". Ok that's scary brrr so I guess now I should buy me some guns help Bushmaster make some money, be against all regulations help Norfolk Southern make money, or any kind of busienss restriction so all businesses make even more money. 🤨

Surprising if true

Jerusalem Post: "Israel has never been on the list"

Jerusalem Post: "UN Children and Armed Conflict report to blacklist Russia, not Israel"

Informed Comment: "China adds 62 Gigawatts of Solar Capacity in Just 5 Months, Compared to 10 Gigs in the US"

WION: "Jaishankar says depth of India-Russia relations goes beyond defense dependencies"

Framework Laptop, looks great, every piece in it is replaceable / upgradable (quite a feature these days, when closed-off proprietary systems rule the day), and Unix OS friendly.



Spain raises bet on green hydrogen, biogas in draft plan.. Spain will double its 2030 biogas production target and almost triple its green hydrogen goal as part of a broad upgrade of its energy and climate ambitions, a draft of the government's strategy showed on Wednesday"

Nikkei Asia: "Toyota Motor announced Monday that it will start producing hydrogen in Thailand from November using biogas, a step forward in its project with Thai conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Group to utilize hydrogen to help decarbonize the country's transport sector"

"Backronym", fudging up an origin, meaning for word long after it has been created, like "Wily Oriental Gentleman" for the Australian slang word WOG.

"SpaceX launches so far caused pollution equivalent to 17,000 car GHG emissions in a year"

RNZ: "The prime minister and the largest ever delegation to travel to China have been formally welcomed at the New Zealand embassy"


North America’s first hydrogen passenger train runs from Montmorency Falls in Quebec City to Baie-Saint Paul, and back every day"

CBC News: "Canada's first hydrogen train is taking passengers"

Wired: "[2023/04] The Search for Long Covid Treatments Takes a Promising Turn.. Three years in, the pandemic mania has settled to a rumbling hum.. thanks to vaccines and treatments.

The same can’t be said of long Covid, the mysterious, life-limiting ailment that lingers on after an initial Covid infection... Estimates of how many people have long Covid vary, but it’s been put as high as around 65 million..

The idea that long Covid has different causes could go some way toward explaining the sheer diversity of symptoms, which number up to 200"

MedicalXpress: "Novel drug could treat long COVID and prevent re-infection"


I've had the incredible experience of reviving a software project after it's original creator has died. There's probably only a single person left in the world who relies on that software, but they managed to find me and because it's open source, I was able to get it back into working order"

Hellenic Shipping News: "Green hydrogen produced in Brazil may in the future be exported competitively to the EU and US to make low-carbon steel in decarbonized installations, according to speakers at the Hydrogen Expo event in Rio de Janeiro. From 2030 onwards, the cost of producing green hydrogen in Brazil is expected to fall significantly from new projects’ startup levels... The.. Expo is organized by the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry"

"A hydrogen pipeline carrying 2.5 million tonnes per year from the Gulf to Europe would be feasible, according to a new study. RINA and Afry carried out the study. Such a [transformative opportunity] would unlock the Gulf’s potential to provide low-carbon hydrogen – green or blue – to Europe"


Let's say a mechanism to compute the area of a circle (given its radius) is needed. Do we throw bunch of "data" of radius/area pairs to a parrot learner and hope it spits back something approaching real answer? No.

Here is what you do; mentally take out a piece of the circle,

Figure 1

.. and other pieces like that, flip every other one place them side by side

Figure 2

Again, mental exercise, we think 'if I made the pieces smaller does that approach a known calculation?' Yes it does,

Figure 3

It approaches the area of a rectangle. We already know how to compute that, height times width, $C/2 r$, $C$ is circumference, $C = 2 \pi r$, area is $\pi r^2$. Boom.

We just used mental transformations (in complex problems the algebra is more complex but still symbolic) to reach something simpler. That final formula is the end-result, the fruit of science. The end-result is fast to compute, and accurate. Simple manipulation w algebra, geometry saved me from countless computations. This is how science is done, through representations, mental transformations.

Why is the neural net approach to AI is a big fat failure? They are not following the proven method of science, even of pre-modern science.. From get-go they compute stuff, and compute blindly. Science uses representations, transformation, mental shortcuts so you don't have to compute shit all the time. Practitioners of faux AI have it backwards.

Mariners - Ipirotiko (Balearic Ibiza Mix) #music


More resources, more munee

Peoples Dispatch: "[2022/12] US interference in the DR Congo has been apparent since its independence, Musavuli added—in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, support given to the brutal regime of Mobuto Sese Seko, the invasions of the 1990s and the subsequent peace talks, and changes to the country’s constitution in 2006 to allow Joseph Kabila to contest the election. 'In 2011, the US was one of the first countries to recognize the results of the rigged elections..' Musavuli said.

Three months later, the M23 uprising began. 'It is the same rebel force over twenty years, with the same soldiers and the same commanders, to serve the interests of Rwanda, which itself is a strong US ally in the so-called War on Terror. And what are Rwanda’s interests in the Congo- its land and its resources,' he added.

As such, 'the conflict in the DRC must not be seen as fighting between a rebel group and the Congolese government.' This was reiterated by activist and writer Claude Gatebuke, 'This is not an ordinary rebellion. It is an invasion of the Congo by Rwanda and Uganda'"

All that cobalt, lithium is needed so you can enjoy your crooked battery electric car not working over winter, after floods, and watch it spontaneously combust once in a while

Researcher Kambale Musavuli: "[In Congo the killing civilians by groups such as M23] is a tactic of displacement. Whenever you are massacring civilians in public.. those things are to terrorize the population. When it happens in your community tomorrow you are not going to be in the same area because you are afraid. We have mass displacement over [about] five million internally displaced Congolose.. [and right after ppl leave a place] you see development of mining concessions in that same area. Not only that, there is the dispossession of land" #AlJazeera

Toni Campo - Two Way Stretch #music


Janes: "[US] and India have announced agreements to accelerate defence industrial co-operation including the potential joint production of General Electric (GE) F414 engines for future combat aircraft"

No attention for Pence? Doesn't he love Jesus?

Arab News: "US evangelicals still all-in for scandal-plagued Trump"



I guarantee it during the short-lived bizarre attempt, centers of responsibility in the West were shitting in their pants... 'Whats gonna happen? What if someone crazy gets hold of the nukes? (they already know Putin isn't)'. Nothing was going to happen, political adversaries routinely get poisoned in Russia, they would have nuked this stupid son of a bitch... But still the events gave people scare. It all goes to prove the more this needless war lasts, the more pain everyone will suffer. The people who triggered the non-sense need to understand, this ain't like 2013 stirring little shit up in Ukraine can "change" some stuff... It already changed for the worse thanks to you. This clusterfuck is your fault. Time for a fix?

Wagner soldiers being more integrated into RU mil acting less like a private company can be useful for Russian efforts in Ukraine (to the chagrin of Ukraine). Privatization can pollute gov organizations.

Was the Iraq War partly done for Haliburton (former CEO was VP)? Does the gov today get good advice from SecDef on Ukraine, not encouraging towards continued fighting? More war would mean more profits for Rayteon of which the Secretary was a former board member? Makes you wonder.

War Dogs has some psyop in it.. Its main characters were small contractors for the US military, the movie essentially said "see even the little guy benefits from the wars somehow". At the same time they were made to look like jackasses, so by the end you are probably thinking "mil is probably better off with the big defense contractors". Mission accomplished.

Doomsday Meteor looks like B-level, but a good one #trailer

"As indicated in the [table..] the biggest financial beneficiaries of the post-9/11 military spending surge have been major U.S.-based weapons contractors.

But weapons makers were far from the only beneficiaries. Companies benefiting from the buildup of the past 20 years range from weapons manufacturers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, to logistics and reconstruction firms like Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) and Bechtel, to armed private security contractors like Blackwater and Dyncorp. As noted by Heidi Peltier in her analysis of the “camo economy,” roughly half of the Pentagon budget—$370 billion in 2019 — went to military contractors, for both war-related and ongoing peacetime activities"


Doc And Richard Watson - Walk On Boy #music


All code used here is freely available on the same repo of this blog. The u. calls assume import util as u which for each year's microblogging archive is under mbl/[year]/ e.g. for eq_at usage see this year's code and look for def eq_at.

Informed Comment: "Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court"

The Wagner event likely wont effect the current UA-RU conflict