
Github Mirror

Week 25

TechXplore: "Experts from the University of Adelaide [improved he efficiency of iridium-based catalysts].. 'We have found that a lattice-water-assisted mechanism—a way of arranging water molecules in a specific pattern—boosts the efficiency of an iridium oxide catalyst by 5–12% resulting in higher energy output while consuming less energy'"

Big military costs too much money, why would UK need it? Russia isn't really a threat unless one has gone mad w Russofobia, EU is not either and was a close partner not long ago will likely be again soon, China is too far away and a chapter with them has closed after turnover of Hong Kong. A de-globalized Britain on which the sun does set on a specific f-ing hour can do wout a big commitment in its armed forces, right?

Daily Express: "Shrinking military threatens UK's NATO influence, deputy commander warns"

Giordano Bruno: “If the first button of one’s coat is wrongly buttoned, all the rest will be crooked.”

The Epoch Times: [2022/09] Incidents of electric vehicles (EVs) catching fire after being submerged in saltwater are not uncommon, a federal traffic safety authority said. 'We are tracking Florida EV fires through news reports, fire department social media sites, and other sources, and we can confirm your experience in North Collier with reignition is not an isolated event,' the [NHTSA] wrote in a letter to Jimmy Patronis, the chief financial officer of Florida Department of Financial Services. NHTSA made the statement in response to a letter from Patronis. Patronis mentioned in his letter to the traffic safety agency an incident in North Collier, Florida, where an EV ignited and kept re-igniting after Hurricane Ian. 'I joined North Collier Fire Rescue to assess response activities related to Hurricane Ian and saw with my own eyes an EV continuously ignite, and continually reignite, as fireteams doused the vehicle with tens-of-thousands of gallons of water,' he wrote. 'I was informed by the fire department that the vehicle, once again reignited when it was loaded onto the tow truck.' 'I am very concerned that we may have a ticking time bomb on our hands,' he added. NHTSA said it first observed EV fires after a hurricane in October 2012 in Newark, New Jersey. The fires—which are caused by the lithium-ion battery—can happen right after the vehicle was submerged in saltwater or 'several weeks' after being submerged"

SCMP: "Inspired by photosynthetic bacteria, international team develops material that uses light to convert water into hydrogen for fuel cells.. It can be used in fresh and salt water under ambient conditions, potentially increasing efficiency and decreasing costs of process"

The Greek town name Kalamata on the news... Kalamata as the olive? Of course the olives are named after the town. Good stuff.

An event for the programmable board Raspberry Pi called "Raspberry Pint". Good name

Daily Kos: "The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Railroad Department has announced that its members at four of the nation’s largest freight carriers finally have paid sick days.. [IBEW said] 'We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,'.. Bernie Sanders was also singled out for his efforts"

"8 Rivers proudly announces.. technology that will revolutionize the production of ultra-low carbon hydrogen and ammonia"


CleanTechnica: "HydGene has come up with a biocatalyst for producing green hydrogen through fermentation. The process is analogous to beer making, only instead of hops and grains, HydGene is looking to other sources, with an initial focus on upcycling waste biomass.

'Using Synthetic biology, we have engineered a next generation biocatalyst that is able to convert carbohydrates extracted from biomass into hydrogen at unprecedented rates and yields. Our biocatalyst is extremely robust and tolerant to compounds that are typically toxic to microorganisms,' HydGene explains.

HydGene can also deploy its biocatalyst to draw green hydrogen from other sources, including wastewater and purpose-grown energy crops, which the company refers to as “designated energy crops.”


Climate doomerism is capitalist realism"

You can take a William Shatner anywhere

You can't even take a Leonardo di Caprio at that depth you'd be crushed. Your di Caprio might survive though.

Sea depth where Titanic wreckage is located

u.elev_at(41.72571568986003, -49.94691220725848)
Out[1]: -3783

3.7 kilometers deep! Dam!

Pine Bluff Arkansas, not looking good



.. International media and journalists need to stop labelling Israeli violence on Palestinians ‘clashes’. Doing so gives the false impression that it’s an equal fight"

What really scared these freedom defenders during covid was that you would not "freely" buy your Coca Cola as much as they liked. Freedom matters insofar you buy the product, they would freely pollute a river impede on others' freedom for a buck without giving it a second thought. They whine about the government but then ask for a bailout too the moment things get rough. Whiners. Wankers.

The "freedom scare" around the issue of covid - another smokescreen. Ultra free market nuts use it to shift focus from the private sector towards the government, painting them as a sole source of negativity, rather than unregulated business of whom you should be scared of more, as they are actively killing you.

Annual US deaths from the flu at max 50,000.

US covid deaths in 2021 = over 350,000.

Railway Gazette: "A collaboration to convert diesel locomotives to hydrogen fuel cell power has been announced by Canadian Pacific Kansas City and CSX"

The Morning Call: "Bilel Hamzaoui, Air Products' global manager of hydrogen energy systems, gives U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., a test drive in a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.. at Air Products headquarters in Upper Macungie Township. Casey highlighted how the Inflation Reduction Act will invest in domestic clean energy manufacturing, promote sustainability..

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, a passenger in the hydrogen cell-powered car, was delighted by the prospects of the Upper Macungie Township company producing the energy to make these cars go. The senator came to the Lehigh Valley to promote the Inflation Reduction Act, which offers funding, programs and incentives to accelerate clean energy development. Air Products has invested billions into hydrogen production in recent years...

The U.S. lags behind other countries, most notably South Korea, because of a lack of hydrogen fueling stations, the study says, though it has been picking up in places such as California. Another study, by Market Research Future, expects the U.S. hydrogen fuel cell market to increase by more then 68% to $46.8 billion by 2030. Casey said tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act will help the U.S. catch up as it fights climate change"

In perspective it looks like RU was playing the economic influence game (little carrot, little stick), and succeeding. Fair game. But USG was like "nah we'll just stir shit up over there, fair shmair, who cares?".

Smith, The Permanent Coup: "In 2010 Yanukovych was again elected president.. [T]he Ukrainian leader [was advised] to sign the association agreement offered by the European Union. It was little more than a trade deal that dumped European, especially German, goods into the Ukrainian and, more important, Russian, markets. There were hints the agreement was a first step toward EU accession, but that was fanciful. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, and Berlin was not looking to float another economic basket case after bailing out Greece.

Putin saw the association agreement as a threat to Russia’s economic stability and therefore his power. Late in 2013 he gave Yanukovych a choice between crippling economic measures and a $15 billion aid package. When Yanukovych withdrew from the EU deal, the streets filled with [.. protestors] demonstrating for EU membership that would allow them to flee their beloved homeland in search of a future elsewhere. On November 21, 2013, the arrival of protestors at Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) marked the birth of the Maidan Revolution, or Euromaidan"

Changes in the past 7 days. RU losses around Makarivka, gains around Robotyne... fighting around Marinka.

geo = [['Main'],['Bakhmut'],['Vuhledar','Velyka Novosilka'],
       ['Marinka'],['Lobkove'],['Orikhiv', 'Robotyne', 'Malaya Tokmachka'],


Euractiv: "Steinmeier breaks ground for German business in Kazakhstan.. A 50-billion euro plant to produce green hydrogen is among the many investments announced on the occasion of the visit of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Kazakhstan on 19-21 June"

H2 Central: "The German Government will allocate €1.3 million through the German Development Bank to support introduction of green hydrogen technology in Georgia, the Georgian Ministry of Economy announced"

SCMP: "China has built what it says is the world’s most powerful hydrogen-powered locomotive, rolling stock that state media suggests has potential to replace most fossil fuel engines in service... The 'Ningdong', China’s first hydrogen locomotive converted from an internal combustion engine, rolled off the line at the Datong subsidiary of state-owned manufacturer China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC) on Thursday"

CNBC: "Powell expects more Fed rate hikes ahead as inflation fight 'has a long way to go'"

Aviation Week: "A dual-fuel combustor designed to enable current-generation single-aisle airliners to operate on both sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and hydrogen is being proposed by UK-based aerospace technology developer Derwent Technologies"


The mobile duopoly strong-arms news publishers into using their payment processing services, and paying 30% for the privilege. Regular payment processing comes in at less than 5%. App store choice would give news publishers a huge boost to their revenue"

EFF: "To Save the News, We Must Open Up App Stores"

H2 Central: "Toyota Says Next-Gen Fuel Cell will Be 50 Percent Cheaper by 2026 – CarBuzz"

Coast Guard spox keeps refering to ppl stuck in that sub as "the crew". I guess he wants to use a palatable word instead of "bunch of rich people doing rich people shit".

The Guardian: "Billionaires and the Titanic: the allure of extreme expeditions"

H2 Central: "Labour Pledges 'British Jobs Bonus' as it Sets Out Green Energy Strategy, Party to Offer £500m, Hydrogen Included"

H2 Central: "POSCO -Led Consortium Wins $6.7 Bn Green Hydrogen Deal From Oman"


#batteries #fire #ebike



.. It’s apparently not very cost effective to make all sorts of different [headphone] models. But then how do you justify selling headphones at different prices? Why would someone pay hundreds more for the same headphones?

Why, just make one version shittier. Turns out Sennheiser was inserting a piece of foam into some of its headphones, to deliberately lower the sound quality, in order to sell the same headphones at different prices to different people.

Once you recognize sabotage for what it is, you can’t help but start to see it in every aspect of your life: a deliberate shittiness imposed on us so someone else can earn a profit"


Change is a good thing

NYT: "A rising generation of Republican politicians is more skeptical of the free market and more comfortable using government power to regulate the economy than the party has traditionally been. Consider:Senator J.D. Vance, the Ohio Republican, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts progressive, have collaborated on a bill to claw back executive pay at failed banks.. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has signed a public letter calling for the reinvigoration of collective bargaining and praising the German approach, in which labor unions play a larger role in the economy. Rubio this month published a book, “Decades of Decadence,” that criticizes the past 30 years of globalization.Senator Todd Young of Indiana has helped write a bipartisan bill to restrict noncompete agreements, which companies use to prevent their employees from leaving for jobs at a competitor.Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas was among a bipartisan group of lawmakers who began pushing a few years ago for federal subsidies to expand domestic semiconductor manufacturing. President Biden signed a version of the policy last year"

Ellsberg did a good job.. but folks of his generation were/are too focused on government while the corporate take over of America proceeded under their noses... Exposing the truth abt Vietnam shld have been followed w/ exposing the truth abt corporate malfeasance, following money trails, tracing kickbacks and the like. RIP.

NPR: "Daniel Ellsberg, who exposed the truth behind the Vietnam War, dies at 92"

😂 😂

F24: "'Toxic masculinity': Macron criticised for downing beer with rugby champions"

H2 Central: "A consortium of businesses and science and technology bodies, led by the Eunice group, has announced an investment of 11 million euros for the construction of a hub for the production and distribution of green hydrogen in Atherinolakkos, Crete"

H2 Central: "PNNL researchers recently coauthored a paper that investigates a baking soda solution as a means of storing hydrogen... The efforts at PNNL are funded by the DOE"

They're just making shit up at this point. Whatever sounds "sciency" just throw it in there.. Anything for clicks #ScienceTube


Wiki: "[Chindian] food is generally characterised by its ingredients: Indian vegetables and spices are used, along with a heavy amount of pungent Chinese sauces, thickening agents, and oil. Stir-fried in a wok, Sino-Indian food takes Chinese culinary styles and adds spices and flavours familiar to the Indian palate"

TASS: "Situation in arms control bad, no potential for negotiations — Kremlin Spokesman"

Odd coincidence; that "20 times less" issue keeps showing up when the subject is lithium.

Eric Lerner: "[Answering the question 'can you save the Big Bang Theory by tweaking it' outlines the problems with the approach an listing gross mistakes of the BBT. First is] too little helium.. a very basic prediction of The BBT which is that there should be a certain amount of helium produced by Fusion reactions during the Big Bang and there should be more helium and older in stars that have processed hydrogen.. but observations have shown that in nearby stars and even in planetary nebula.. where we can observe helium directly the amount of helium is only half what's predicted by the [BBT]..

What's worrying.. Big Bang cosmologists is that the very basic assumption of [the theory] is that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic modulus.. Isotropic means the same in every direction. Without those basic assumptions there would be no expanding universe there would be no BB. General relativity only predicts an expanding or contracting universe if the universe is homogeneous and isotropic which has never been observed and today with even better observations there are more and more anisotropies. When we look in different directions in the sky we get different measurements, for example of the Hubble constant, the constant that describes the relationship between redshift and distance, we get different densities of radio galaxies of X-ray galaxies of quasars. All of these are different in different directions [leading to] lopsided star maps and therefore again contradict the basic hypotheses of the BB...

[Another problem is] too little lithium; this again is the well-known lithium problem, the BB makes predictions about three light elements, helium, lithium and deuterium which is the heavy isotope of ordinary hydrogen. The lithium it gets wrong entirely.. observations of lithium are 20 times less than the predictions of the BB - a gross contradiction...

If an airline advertises that out of the last 17 flights 16 crashed and one got through would you fly on that airline? I think the answer is obvious, and the answer to the question [of tweaking BB to save it] is also obvious, with 16 wrong answers and one right answer this isn't a theory that needs to be tweaked, this is a theory that needs to be thrown away"

Gridded raw data is costly; any measure on earth surface, in a big enough area can result in millions of data points. "Well see it is 6K by 10K grid mate, chump change, just thousands!" But 2D grid requires 6K times 10K = 60 million data points. It can be handled, but not frequently, any ol' time u need something from it.

Extraction 2 written by a Russo, fine camera work. This one was even better than the first.

Wasn't the inspiration for SW Kurosawa? RLA, SW did not particularly strike me as remakes but I guess some cld make the case...

"Most of the most popular movies released in 1973 trafficked in twentieth-century nostalgia.. Even the one enduring new Hollywood genre that arose in the mid-1970s and early 80s, what Lucas and Steven Spielberg created with Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark, was actually just a big-budget revival of an old genre, forgettable action-adventure B movies and serials from the 1930s and 40s and 50s"

Al Jazeera: "Russian leader says no need for new round of mobilisation for now, claims Ukraine has suffered 'catastrophic' losses"

Al-Monitor: "Putin, MBZ meet in St. Petersburg, vow to boost Russia-UAE ties"

#Florida #BEV


H2 Central: "Switzerland - Hydrogen Trains are to Roll Between Stade and Bremervorde"

Median house prices finally fell thanks to higher rates. Rents should follow. At one point it reached 480 thousand bloody dollars.. unbelievable.

df = u.get_fred(1992,"MSPUS")
print (df.tail(4))
print (df.max())
2022-04-01  449300.0
2022-07-01  468000.0
2022-10-01  479500.0
2023-01-01  436800.0
MSPUS    479500.0
dtype: float64

More U.S.!

Arab News: "Two ballistic missiles fired by North Korea landed in waters within Japan's exclusive economic zone"

S&P Global: "California transit agencies establishing road map for hydrogen fuel cell use in buses"

The inhabitants of Israel were pushed there, as part of strategery to turn it into an Anglo outpost. Their "heritage" was weaponized and unleashed on the Arabs. They were outsiders, not descendants of people who used to live at the place during the biblical times. Those people never left, they could not have descendants who could later come back and reclaim the land they had "left behind". It is all smoke and mirrors (and a land grab).


Europe pushes ahead with hydrogen pipelines to meet energy demand.. Companies aim to transport the gas over long distances as countries cut back on fossil fuels"

#Florida #BEV


"Ivan make basket" is obvously a line from '96 movie Eddie


A Chinese annex attempt is in the works? Some claim the main reason Xi stayed for a third term was Taiwan.

Daily Express: "Amid mounting tensions, U.S. Government reported to be working on evacuation plans for Americans in Taiwan"

Al-Monitor: "China's Xi hosts Abbas, vows support for Palestinian state on 1967 borders"

One degree of latitude/longitude roughly corresponds to 110 kilometers, so each 0.01 degree change can be interpreted as 1 kilometer distance. Looking at the previous frontline map if there is an advance from 47.50 to 47.45 in latitude that is roughly a 5 kilometer advance.