
Github Mirror

Week 18

Al-Monitor: "Iran's SAIPA signs $497 million car deal with Russia, Belarus"

Trillion dollar industry BTW, people in it look employed and the businesses they are in get credit. "To look after old people we need more young workers", then they go into this business.. Truly a bizarro system.. You might as well pay people to dig up holes and re-fill them.

Is there anything this shit is good for? Nutritious value = zero. Potential health damage = high. "Well but there is water in it that is kinda good?" No. It causes dedydration \(ツ)/ eyyy (medi shrug™).

"A can of soda may seem to quench your thirst, but the caffeine contained in most popular drinks is a diuretic, which can cause dehydration. The high levels of sodium and sugar in soda can also contribute to dehydration"

Why bother half of it will be under water w 7m water level rise.. You'll be confined to a 100m radius circle but hey, maybe you can get billionaire friends and do an island circle jerk in keeping up with the spirit of the place

"Billionaire Stephen Deckoff buys Jeffrey Epstein's private islands"

TASS: "Russian forces wipe out two Ukrainian mortar teams in Kherson area"

Physics Today: "A water-splitting reactor, located in the parabolic dish at its focal spot.. is solar powered and also.. generates heat... The system collects and concentrates solar light with a 7-m-diameter parabolic dish (shown above and in a simplified schematic below). Installed on the EPFL’s main campus, it tracks the Sun’s movement across the sky. A steady stream of tap water is then sent to the reactor’s electrolyzer subsystem, where it’s split with solar energy to generate hydrogen. Before reaching the electrolyzer, the water is heated as it passes through the solar reactor—specifically, a light homogenizer, photovoltaic module, and light shield. The researchers intentionally designed the system to generate heat, which not only accelerates the water-splitting reaction but also can be used for warming water and other elements.

Haussener and coauthor Saurabh Tembhurne have founded an energy company called SoHHytec and are now developing a prototype system based on their design that simultaneously produces hydrogen, oxygen, electricity, and heat. They’re also designing it so that multiple systems can be linked to scale to the energy demands of the application"


The Japanese Times: "China takes the yuan global in bid to repel a weaponized dollar.. President Xi Jinping's government has been busy striking deals over the past year to expand the ways in which the currency is used"

Michigan Live "Michigan lands $400 million hydrogen fuel ‘gigafactory,’ Whitmer announces..

Governor Gretchen Whitmer takes a ride on the Flint MTA’s new hydrogen fuel cell bus on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at a Mass Transit Authority facility in Grand Blanc Township. Flint will be replacing its last two diesel buses with hydrogen fuel cell powered buses completing its transition to clean energy public transportation"

The Detroit News: "The [$400 million] project from Nel Hydrogen, intended to produce renewable hydrogen, would be the largest of its kind in the country and is expected to create 500 jobs at a still-undecided site in southeast Michigan. Nel CEO Håkon Volldal said the company had decided to build another plant in the United States because of new federal incentives passed through the Inflation Reduction Act"

AP: "[Australian Prime Minister] Albanese’s comments Friday in an Australian Broadcasting Corp. interview appeared to escalate diplomatic pressure on the United States to drop the charges against the 51-year-old Assange, who has spent four years in Britain’s Belmarsh Prison fighting extradition to the United States. Before that, Assange had taken asylum for seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Albanese said Assange’s case had to be examined in terms of whether the time Assange had 'effectively served' was in excess of what would be 'reasonable' if the allegations against him were proved. 'I just say that enough is enough. There is nothing to be served by his ongoing incarceration,' Albanese said"

Freight Waves: "ACT Expo a coming of age for hydrogen-powered trucking... A parade of significant hydrogen-related announcements began even before what has become a must-attend event that outgrew its Long Beach, California, venue. Toyota Motor North America (TMNA), which doesn’t make commercial trucks, confirmed production later this year of a heavy-duty fuel cell system at its Kentucky manufacturing complex"

"Wall Street Memes

The Fed raises interest rates by another 0.25%"


Arab News: "Police across Europe arrested more than 100 people on Wednesday in a crackdown that dealt a “serious blow” to the Italian ‘Ndrangheta mafia, with suspects accused of drugs and weapons trafficking with counterparts in Latin America"

TASS: "On Monday, Scholz said that it was important for Western weapons not to be used for strikes on Russian territory. According to him, Germany won’t take unilateral steps on the issue of arms deliveries to Ukraine to avoid escalation between NATO and Russia"

I lived near Hudson River for a while... I joked earlier in other posts four-eyed fish, one-legged frog etc, those weren't just random burns, I'd hear that stuff from the natives of the area. RFKj's version of HR history was interesting - had some successes but ultimately crony capitalism won.

#RFKJr talks about industrial polution. It is surprising for foreigners so many ppl in US have bizarre medical conditions compared to developing countries. Some chalk it up to US improved med tech diagnosis but the culprit could be elsewhere.

This is good to hear

The Independent: "Albanese says nothing served by US still pursuing Assange.. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has expressed frustration at the United States’ continuing efforts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange"

Forbes: "In Europe and the U.S., the green hydrogen boom is exploding...

• In January 2023, a Norwegian company announced a $4.3 billion investment in a steel plant with an integrated hydrogen production facility.

• Construction of Finland’s first green hydrogen plant also began early this year, backed by a $76 million private investment.

• In Spain, a Madrid-based company is developing the first green hydrogen supply chain between southern and northern Europe, anticipated to supply Northwest Europe with 6 million tons of green hydrogen by 2030.

• In the U.S., the government is investing heavily in clear hydrogen initiatives. And the states are getting into the act, too. New York, for instance, has entered into an agreement with nearby states and 40 hydrogen ecosystem partners to develop a regional hydrogen hub to accelerate green hydrogen energy innovation and investments"


AJR Trucking Announces Order for 50 Nikola Tre FCEVs"


Michio Kaku: "The James Webb Telescope is upsetting the apple cart. All of a sudden we realize that we may have to rewrite all of the textbooks about the beginning of the universe. It takes many billions of years to create a galaxy like the Milky Way galaxy with a hundred billion stars many billions of years old, but the James Webb Telescope has identified six galaxies that exist half a billion years after the big bang that are up to 10 times bigger than the Milky Way galaxy. That shouldn't have happened. There should not be primordial galaxies that are bigger than the Milky Way galaxy that are only half a billion years old. Something is wrong, we may have to revise our theory of the creation of the universe"

Note the '78 Sadat comment about a possible dam - "we are not going to wait to die of thirst in Egypt, we’ll go to Ethiopia and die there". Everyone from Mobarak to Morsi to now Sisi talked tough on this project.

Sudan is intertwined into the story. They are now against GERD, if Egypt is planning something they would like to deal with Sudan's official military for it IMO not RSF.

GERD construction was announced two months after Mobarak resignation and a month before South Sudan break-up.

This calls for a timeline.


🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

The Nile is fed by two branches; the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The BN starts in Ethiopia, and they built a dam, the GERD on their side, threatening the water supply for Egypt 🤨. Sudanese capital Khartoum is at the very intersection where the two Nile branches meet 🤔


Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Egypt was dead-set against it, Sudan was first neutral, now against.. What's going on?

Are the Qataris angry? Maybe Messi will leave PSG and join Al Nassr. Last game I heard LM was phoning it in, I dont think he wants to be there anymore

CBS Sport: "Lionel Messi suspended two weeks by PSG following unauthorized trip to Saudi Arabia with family. "

Reddit User: "[Answering question 'Why is water see through?'] It's a little bit backwards. Life needed to be able to see through water, so it created eyes that could see the light that water was clear to.

That might need some explanation. All things are "clear" to some kinds of light and "opaque" to other light. Like how an X ray can go right through your skin and see your bones. It's that way for all light, including visible light.

So there was always some wavelength of light that made water "clear". And some of those wavelengths are the visible light spectrum.

So when life evolved in the ocean, and eyes developed, it was very useful to be able to see the light that could pass through the water. And so you get eyes that can see in the ocean"


Washington Post: "The underbelly of [battery] electric vehicles.. [their] production can exact a significant human and environmental cost. To run, EVs require six times the mineral input, by weight, of conventional vehicles..

These minerals, including cobalt, nickel, lithium and manganese, are finite resources. And mining and processing them can be harmful for workers, their communities and the local environment...

[U]nderneath the floor of your car is an approximately 900-pound battery block containing materials that have been mined from the ground, sent around the world and put through complex chemical processing to fuel your ride from point A to point B. That supply chain has a significant human and environmental toll"

H2 Fuel News: "Cummins Inc. has announced plans to invest over $1 billion in its US engine manufacturing network for a transition into hydrogen fuel. The investment will upgrade facilities supporting “fuel-agnostic” engine platforms that operate on low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen, with the aim of decarbonizing truck and bus fleets in the US. The company announced that this investment is on top of those recently made in its Minnesota plant"


Real vs hyped causes of deaths"


Hey thats a great idea.. Dems truly effed it all up on this issue, especially the Clintons, time to get creative and improve things here and there.

Hindustan Times: "Over 3,000 guns exchanged for gift cards in a single day in New York.. Participants were offered $500 gift cards in exchange for surrendering untraceable "ghost guns" and assault-type rifles with no questions asked, ABC news reported"

I studied Hinton's, Bengio's Le Cun's work, as it pertains to the science of intelligence there is nothing there. It's time to bring back the AI Winter - in fact Hinton seems to be calling for it, subconciously wanting to be "put out of his misery".

He is not the Godfather of AI, he is one of the three people who brought back the neural net approach to weak AI (ending the so-called AI Winter which also was about neural nets). The "conspirators" made NNs "deep" hence the monikor deep neural networks which helped further their parrot capabilities. That's it. The tech is as parroty as it was, but now, it can generate better spam. It still can't drive a car or summarize a text. And it won't get there as long as maintream remains on this misguided path. They will try bigger "better" neural nets that will go nowhere just like some physicists want to keep building bigger and better colliders instead of going back to the drawing board and fixing their science.

😆 😆

BBC: "‘Godfather of AI’ Geoffrey Hinton quits Google to warn over the tech’s threat to humanity"

sudo init 3 can shut off all desktop proc on Linux based board Nano. Handy.

H2 View: "Korea sets up first blue hydrogen facility and signs 13 clean energy MOUs with US.. Korea.. seeks to develop stronger hydrogen links... The agreements, which also covered hi-tech industrial areas, were signed on the occasion of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s state visit to the US"

"German Press Commends Moroccan Green Hydrogen Capabilities.. The strategic partnership between Morocco and Germany brought them to sign a joint declaration on the development of green hydrogen in 2020, called Power-to-X, which aims to promote renewable energies...

According to Taggeschau, Morocco should become the leading producer of green hydrogen in Africa by 2025, while the KfW German Development Bank is financing the construction of a green hydrogen production plant for an amount of 300 million euros"

The division in US might have had repercussions reaching all the way to Asia Minor so-called Turkey; in gov some elements were pro-jihadi, other elements wanted to keep out of Syria - the latter group could have triggered, or were provoked into a coup attempt in 2016. This Syria business did a number on everyone.

Per the Doran article and what we know about WH wanting better rels with Iran/Syria/Russia 2008-16, it makes sense admin became divided between supporting 'moderate rebels' and others who did not want to knock out Assad. Joint Chiefs would later help Assad according to Hersh, and some in that circle could've even been responsible for taking Petreaus out of the picture. Someone dropped that oppo on him, the affair w biographer, because they did not like what "his side" were doing. They likely had backing from the WH, as taking out the chief of CIA is no easy feat.

Wiki: "[2012/09/11] Petraeus resigns as Director of the CIA, after admitting having a sexual relationship with his biographer"

Doran: "[In 2012] The director of the CIA, David Petraeus [.. created] a plan to train and equip Syrian rebels in Jordan and to assist them once back in Syria. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.. all supported the Petraeus plan. But Obama rejected it"


The Anglo, jihadis, against Russia ally Assad; the usual cast of characters, present and accounted for.

Hersh, The Killing of Osama bin Laden: "The Obama administration has never publicly admitted to its role in creating what the CIA calls a 'rat line,' a backchannel highway into Syria. The rat line, authorized in early 2012, was used to funnel weapons and ammunition from Libya via southern Turkey and across the Syrian border to the opposition. Many of those in Syria who ultimately received the weapons were jihadists, some of them affiliated with al-Qaida...

A highly classified.. report.. described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between [.. US, UK, Asia Minor, and some Gulf countries which] was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria. A number of front companies were set up in Libya, some under the cover of Australian entities. Retired American soldiers, who didn’t always know who was really employing them, were hired to manage procurement and shipping. The operation was run by David Petraeus, the CIA director"

Is there a Boomshakalaka?

Dude's lastname is Jamjoom

CNBC: "Fed report on SVB collapse faults bank's managers — and central bank regulators.. The Fed blamed failures on mismanagement and supervisory missteps, compounded by a dose of social media frenzy"

Ibew Local 11: "Coming Green Hydrogen Wave Set to Create Thousands of New Union Jobs.. Local 11 has been well ahead of the clean-job curve, making sure new, green hydrogen jobs will be filled by union members – everything from fitting pipes and building fueling cells and fueling stations to running electrolyzers and creating the physical hydrogen transportation infrastructure"

:) "Colonel Dan" is a great nick for Lindsay Graham

Vegemite? Is that like Marmite? #Oz

I would not rely on the Fortran lang for anything new - would also aim to replace existing code with newer languages.


This is how Western companies get to stay in Russia? Little naming hocus pocus, little ownership change...


2013 NK's Un had his uncle Jang Song Thaek executed (by anti-aircraft fire -yeah-), he was the most pro-China figure in NK gov. Un wants the Americans as his neighbor, he has a pro-China figure executed, and constant displays of weaponary is giving neighboring leaders an excuse to invite more US presence to the region. Put the two and two and two together, you get six.

cs = ['BM Railway','Khromove','Levanevskoho St']

Arab News: "A Chinese coast guard ship cut off a Philippine patrol vessel carrying journalists in the disputed South China Sea, causing a near-collision, an AFP team on board another boat saw"

Janes: "China, Philippine coastguard vessels trade warnings in near collision"

H2 View: "Ohmium to provide 52 tonnes of green hydrogen for Spanish LNG terminal project, secures $250m in fundraising round"

Clean fuel tech is a win for both new and existing energy companies. Fossil companies can pivot to H2 and utilize their existing know-how. Republicans have nothing to fear as oil, gas companies have much to gain in this space. Trump started the H2@Scale program while in office. Everyone from BP to Total are active in domain.


Harry Truman: "Can’t somebody bring me a one-handed economist?"

Safe House good spy thriller


.. as it's bin day, the bin wagon rolls around, and its new, and it's powered by #hydrogen! And it's got big green stickers all over it and it's in the South Derbyshire District Council livery.

So it's mine. I've paid for it through my rates and #SDDC have made the kind of decisions I would make if I was sitting there deciding.

It's been a #Labour council since 2021. I'll be exercising my privilege to keep it that way on 4 May.

Local #council #elections matter. Don't waste your #vote"

H2 Central: "Governor Ron DeSantis Signs MOU with LowCarbon Hydrogen Corporation in South Korea, Company Set to Break Ground on Clean Hydrogen Facility in Florida"

My focus is the FCEV and H2 production, the rest, I dont care. If BEV support gets cut that is a good thing. Inferior technology.

I read the bill guts IRA. Not good.

WSJ: "The House GOP's Debt-Ceiling Win.. The chamber’s bill is now the only plan in Washington for avoiding a default"

WSJ: "North American Clean Hydrogen Projects Are Booming"

Un didnt get what he wanted from Trump. He was asked to disarm, which wld cause a reduction of US involvement in the region.

😂 The sister gets in there delivers some punches.. But if we are to believe Pompeo acct, NK really does not like China and beligerent displays of weaponary helps increase US involvement in the region. It is as if Un works for US' interests 🤔

TASS: "'Old man with no future': Kim Jong-un’s sister hits back at US leader"

GDP QoQ slowdown

2022-10-01    2.574072
2023-01-01    1.062291

Baking with Hillary


Who Wants To Be A WARMONGER?! - Mischa Paullin
