
Github Mirror

Week 13

H2 View: "Green hydrogen production plant begins operations in South Wales"

H2 Central: "[Motor Vehicle Manufacture Poppe + Potthoff GmbH] has designed an alternative specifically for pipes and rails in hydrogen applications... PPH2 is an alloyed carbon steel with high mechanical properties, which are further enhanced by the innovative PPSH annealing treatment. These special properties allow the production of thinner-walled components (compared to stainless steel) and thus a reduction in weight while increasing the availability of hydrogen pipes and rails"

CBS News: "'California's price gouging penalty is simple – either Big Oil reins in the profits and prices, or they'll pay a penalty,' said Newsom said in a press release. 'Big Oil has been lying and gouging Californians to line their own pockets long enough. I look forward to the work ahead with our partners in the Legislature to get this done.' California lawmakers kicked off a special legislative session on Monday to consider the proposed penalty"

That is a nice little word play there with the title, it can be read as either "ISIS is U.S." or "ISIS is us".

From the book ISIS IS US: "Did the 'Islamic State' spring full-blown into spontaneous being as the fanatical scourge of the Middle East, or was it helped along by state sponsors?

The parallels with Iran-Contra are uncanny. In the 1980’s, the Reagan administration wanted to topple the government of Nicaragua, using right-wing mercenaries, death squads, based in Honduras. But Congress passed a law prohibiting that. So they went around it, by financing the Contras via Iran. Thirty years later, the hawks in Washington wanted to topple the elected governments of Libya and Syria, crush the popular resistance in Iraq, and split up those countries on ethnic lines. Once again, they wanted to do this using death squads...

To set up the Sunni and Shiite death squads to fight each other in Iraq, they sent John Negroponte as Ambassador to Baghdad in 2004. The same guy they sent to Honduras as Ambassador from 1981 to 1985. Then in 2011 they sent some of those killers from Iraq to Libya to overthrow Qaddafi, with NATO air cover. From Libya, they were sent to Syria to start the killing there – the dirty war directed by Negroponte’s right-hand man, US Ambassador Ford. The US embedded media perversely pinned these killings on Assad, following the script for another NATO invasion. Only Russia’s UN veto spared Syria"

ISR strategist on Palestine, Arabs. The secterian divisions he advises for Iraq and other Arab countries were clearly pursued by US.



✔️ Decarbonising the gas sector

✔️ Reaching climate goals

EU energy ministers agreed this week on the Council’s position on boosting renewable and low-carbon gases and creating a European market for #hydrogen"

H2 View: "Clean hydrogen tax credits revealed in Canadian 2023 Budget.. The Government of Canada in its 2023 Budget revealed details for its CAD$5.6bn (4.1bn) Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit..

Supporting between 15-40% of eligible projects, the credit offers a tiered structure based on hydrogen carbon intensity, with projects producing less than 0.75kg CO2/kg H2 receiving a 40% credit, 0.75-2kg CO2/kg H2 receiving 25% and 2-<4kg CO2/kg H2 getting just 15%... Additionally, the tax credit will also extend a 15% tax credit to equipment needed to convert hydrogen into ammonia for transportation"

WION: "Rand Paul blocks TikTok ban, asks if US is 'going to be just like China' and block free speech"

Reshare 2018

J. Devereux: "If owning a gun was an effective means of self-defense, your insurance rates would go down when you bought one. But they go up, because actuaries have proven that you're far, far more likely to shoot yourself or a family member than someone attacking you"

Trading View: "Why Metropolitan Bank Stock Is Tumbling Today.. The firm noted that MCB laid out plans to exit the crypto space back in 2017, but it still has several crypto clients, per its third-quarter investor presentation"

The Strait Times: "China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the United States dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian government said on Wednesday"

Politico: "‘O.J. Simpson on steroids’: Team Trump preps for a post-indictment frenzy.. Aides to the former president moved aggressively on Thursday to capitalize politically on news that a Manhattan grand jury had charged Trump — using it to fill their fundraising coffers, mobilize loyalists and further solidify his hold on his base of supporters in the GOP presidential primary"

First Post: "India, Russia consider Arctic shipping line to link Southeast Asia with Europe in lesser time than Suez, Panama canals"

CNBC: "We're halfway to a tipping point that would trigger 6 feet of sea level rise from melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet"

Al Monitor: "Senate passes repeal of Iraq war authorizations.. US senators advanced cross-party legislation on Wednesday to repeal authorizations for the wars in Iraq -- 20 years after American forces invaded the country to remove Saddam Hussein from power.Both parties supported canceling the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) that empowered George W Bush to launch the invasion, as well as the 1991 version that allowed his father, George HW Bush, to attack Iraq after Saddam's forces invaded Kuwait"

H2 View: "European law to deploy hydrogen refuelling infrastructure agreed.. The European Parliament and European Council have agreed to boost hydrogen refuelling stations across the EU’s main transport corridors"

KC is pro-H2? That's good.. Then forget Nostrodamus, no abdication

Politico: "Charles also used his [German parliament] address to return to a pet theme — climate change.. 'Our countries are both accelerating the expansion of our hydrogen economies, the fuel which could transform our future,' the king said"

This lecturer totally sounds like Ned Flanders - it's like learning adv math from The Simpsons.


1990s web experience

2020s web experience

Arling & Cameron - Dirty Robot #music


Al Jazeera: "Saudi partners with China-led security bloc as ties grow"

Thornton: "Maxine Waters not happy with the VC's who started the SVB bank run"

Yicai Global: "[Chinese carmaker] Haima, Toyota to Jointly Promote Hydrogen Cars in China.. The two companies will use China’s southern Hainan province as a testing ground, Haikou-based Haima said.. Toyota Motor China Investment will bring mature components and systems, such as Toyota Mirai’s [engine] to Haima models, complete vehicle adaptation development, and conduct tests with Haima’s self-built hydrogen supply system and travel network, it added."

Al Jazeera: "Russia starts Yars intercontinental ballistic missile drills"

H2 Central: "Varennes Carbon Recycling or commonly referred to as VCR, a leading provider of green hydrogen solutions, has announced that it has selected Accelera by Cummins to manufacture and supply a 90MW electrolyzer system for its biofuel plant in Quebec.. VCR’s biofuel plant will take non-recyclable waste material from households and businesses and convert it into usable fuel through an innovative process developed by the company. The fuel created from this process can then be used for powering cars, trucks or other vehicles without emitting harmful pollutants into the atmosphere"

The Cold Weather Problem #lion #batteries


The Verge: "Disney reportedly eliminates metaverse division in first round of layoffs"

H2 Fuel News: "Chile's top steel producer CAP to develop green hydrogen plant to decarbonize steel production in Chile"

H2 Central: "Green Hydrogen to Flow from Denmark to Germany from 2028"

Netan has always been a status quo handling inconsequential middle manager, like many others in his generation. The one time he did something substantial albeit foolish, as with judicial reform, the whole thing blew up in his face. He won't go down in history as.. anything really; He'll get the muck out at some point when he does and noone will care.

Al Monitor: "Winners, losers emerge after Israel’s Netanyahu suspends judicial overhaul.. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the ultra-Orthodox parties and even the IDF are on the side of the losers now that the judicial overhaul has been postponed"

Al Monitor: "Israel's Netanyahu backs down, pauses judicial overhaul in face of protests"

Hindustan Times: "China’s Xi, Saudi’s Salman laud each other for peace talks with Iran"

Heard it on a MacGregor podcast; Zelensky grew up speaking Russian, learned Ukranian much later.. It is interesting. Apparently he mispronounces "Bakhmut" all the time.

Op India: "Following west’s financial sanctions on Russia, Indonesia to phase out Visa and Mastercard, reduce dependence on western payment systems.. In a move that could have significant implications for businesses operating in Indonesia and the visitors there, President Joko Widodo has announced that the country will gradually phase out the use of Visa and Mastercard"

Attempting to coexist with an existing fiat system invites undue problems for both sides; new money's selling point will be freer, easier exchange and that invites crime, money laundering. Over years old fiat added all sorts of safeguards, which the Wild West of the new threatens to run roughshod over burning big and small users, something old fiat gov cannot ignore (ppl vote). When mildly integrated into the old, the new is a speculation plaything, pushing it away from its original mission. Lose-lose all around.

Money is inextricably tied to politics / governance. There is no "politics free money". Unlike what some naive libertarians seem to think even gold was tied to a system - kings made it possible, without them there would be no gold currency. Therefore, hard to change currency (ie to crypto) without changing governance, at a fundamental level.

Argonne National Laboratory: "We are investigating automotive fuel cells and hydrogen storage systems in support of activities in the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE-EERE), Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO)"

2011 was a good time to do it, they gave that success to the black President whose orders to assasinate (an Arab) would be more palatable in terms of P.R.

The left hand, and the right hand.. One does not know the other. But sometimes, the right hand can leave bread crums for left hand to find, to force action on a certain problem.. Through friends in Pakistani ISI US deep state knew where Bin Laden was kept. It's all about information. Once you know that location, you sit on it, and you own his ass. Then, at the right time, the "invisible hand" will release the info where it can be "discovered" by the other hand because it is obvious what they will do with that information, attempt to kill Bin Laden, which they did. As most know by now BL was killed at a residence half a mile away from a Pak military training academy.

Sailfish OS works on Xperia 10 II? Sweet



.. A typical EV contains more toxic electronic components than a couple of desktop computers. A typical small EV is run by over 1000lb of toxic and carcinogenic lithium battery which is very expensive to recycle and hence will never be 100% recycled"

GreenBiz: "[T]he lithium-ion batteries used in BEVs are expected to cause a serious environmental crisis when they reach the end of their useful lives.. Several studies, including one by Argonne National Laboratory, have demonstrated that creating and using hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles is more environmentally friendly than using grid electricity to power battery EVs"

"Europe is Leading The World in Hydrogen-Derived Green Steel"



Denmark and Germany announce plans for hydrogen pipeline"

CR is the champ

Fox Sports: "Cristiano Ronaldo breaks men's international cap record with 197th appearance for Portugal"

The inflation of faux ethnic "heritage" or PC identities help alienate the common man from the rest; they want your being chopped up into tiniest little pieces so it will be impossible for you to identify with a fellow citizen, and especially with the plight of the common man or woman. The further away the system makes one from the masses, in mentality, in general feeling, the better off they are. Fellow citizen is one paycheck away from bankruptcy but shitlib looks at him and thinks 'does he identify as non-binary, genderqueer, metrosexual? Is he Estonian / Scottish, Scottish / Italian, she/him/they, Polish / Eskimo / Whateverfuck?' All these labels create artificial obstacles for relating.. which likely is the aim.

Hotcars: "Why Kawasaki Is Putting All Its Eggs In The Hydrogen Basket For Future Motorcycles.. Looking for a greener alternative to fossil fuels, Kawasaki is expected to launch its hydrogen-fueled motorcycles in the next two years"

Formulation, theory requires more than "functions". In materials science a steel beam under stress has the displacement formula $E I \frac{d^4 y}{d X_1^4} = q$ , a fourth order dif eq, that ain't a function. When solved w given cond result is one, and a different one for each condition; all from the same base formula. AI has a long way to go.

There has been some clumsy attempts to create "theoretical basis of AI" I remember one proof that equated learning with compression - if one cld compress certain data one can learn that data. But, the way they defined learning (they called "PAC learning") was such that naturally compression would be the obvious answer, which isn't that interesting at all. You assume inputs, outputs and a "function" in between, what the flack else could be the outcome? A smaller representation in terms of a function, which is, compression.

"[Workers at a] construction company noticed something odd about their Xerox photocopier: when they made a copy of the floor plan of a house, the copy differed from the original in a subtle but significant way... a modern Xerox photocopier.. scans the document digitally, and then prints the resulting image file. Combine that with the fact that virtually every digital image file is compressed to save space, and a solution to the mystery begins to suggest itself... Lossy compression is often used for photos, audio, and video in situations in which absolute accuracy isn’t essential...

Think of ChatGPT as a blurry jpeg of all the text on the Web. It retains much of the information on the Web, in the same way that a jpeg retains much of the information of a higher-resolution image, but, if you’re looking for an exact sequence of bits, you won’t find it; all you will ever get is an approximation"


All Africa: "Central African States Want to Dump Colonial Currency.. The Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) has taken a decision to stop using the Franc CFA (FCFA)"

Arab News: "Pakistan’s ex-PM Khan calls for snap elections at massive Lahore rally"

TASS: "Number of protesters in Tel Aviv exceeds 100,000"

TASS: "Police use water cannons to disperse Tel Aviv protesters against Netanyahu"

Scientific Frontline: "Researchers of the [RU] Institute of Hydrogen Energy of the Ural Federal University.. have created a promising material for hydrogen energy devices. The new material has high proton conductivity and unusual properties (depending on the degree of doping). It can be used as an electrolyte (at high doping levels) and as an electrode (at low doping levels) in solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers.. This allows these materials to be used as electrodes for.. both solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and electrolyzers"


"Ben" has some interesting observations on crypto land..

Prospect: "Signature Bank had reinvented itself as one of the crypto-friendliest banks in America, possibly to offset an unusual slump in its previous client base, the New York City landlord class. But while the big bet had shrunk its stock price, Signature seemed to have weathered Crypto Winter all right until a hysterical billionaire bank run took out Silicon Valley Bank on March 10...

[I]t’s a uniquely American feature of political and financial crises that the characters our systems hold accountable for their bottomless supply of elaborate malfeasance seem always to lean toward the implausibly clownish. A conspicuously impaired 22-year-old named Lynndie England bore responsibility for a sprawling assembly line of physical and psychological torture at Abu Ghraib while her higher-ups skated; a 30-year-old Goldman Sachs trader nicknamed “Fabulous Fab” was the most senior bulge bracket bank executive indicted in the multitrillion subprime CDO racket while his hedge fund clients walked away billionaires.

So it goes with the gargantuan phalanx of flimflammers and rug-pullers who sold America’s debt-enslaved youth on the fever dream of the blockchain. Yes, SBF is behind bars, but.. billionaires who shamelessly shilled for so many other interconnected cash-for-counterfeit schemes just orchestrated a $42 billion bank run and were instantly rewarded with an unprecedented bailout"


This word became prevalent with the US deep state project ISIS who called themselves "a worldwide caliphate" which tells you what the shadowy figures in the dark corners of US policy want to happen in the Islamic world. They would like to have a Caliphate which they could influence, the label could be used as a wrecking ball, hit one goverment or the other when they disagree, manufacture managed chaos which then could further be utilized as a pretext for operations "to bring democracy" there.

An official Caliph no longer exists; the title was abolished when the last Ottoman mucker holding it was stripped of it, and later the royal family fled from Stanpoli to UK en masse anyway (to UK, interesting isn't it?). Saudi Arabia is not a caliphate, they are the keepers of the holy sites, but SA ruler is not a caliph. Neither is the Egyptian head of gov, or UAE, or even Jordan (where the current king is a descendant of Mohammad).

American complains "women cannot go to school in Afghanistan". You lost your chance to improve that country when u failed to switch AFG agro from ophium to cotton. Livelihood trumps school. Improvement in livelihood could pave the way for more changes. Now you are out, and oppo kicked your ass on the way out. Why constantly whine about it?

That whole "Taiwan is so close to China" observation (suggesting they can invade easily) was probably to argue that he didn't want to defend Taiwan, strategically speaking. Factually, US could help defend China even with the proximity problem. People in politics can change facts to argue an opinion sometimes, DJT more than others.

Trump changed some aspects of CH rel but he wasn't too anti-China. There are Reps 10 times more hawkish.

Nanowerk: "Researchers from the University of Twente developed a new composite material that outperforms the individual compounds... The composite consists of several earth-abundant elements"


H2 Central: "Extreme E has announced a ‘successful showcase’ of ENOWA’s hydrogen mobile fuel cell system following its first test during Desert X Prix, at the planned Saudi Arabian smart city of NEOM"