
Github Mirror

Week 6

Sad #OpenGraph



Presented without comments"


Electrification mantra was foolish an idea marketed as a new solution simply bcz it sounded contrarian. Fuels were always the optimal solution, we merely needed a clean one #H2 #NH3

Still the total projected cost of F-35 project is at $1.7 trillion. That's a lot of money... I suspect price-performance ratio of this project is pretty high.

There've been some pushback against this view recently coupled with better numbers at dogfighting, but, interesting .. Smoke coming out of a fire, or just smoke.. as in somebody's blowing it

TDB: "[2015] Air Force Admits: Our New Stealth Fighter Can’t Fight.. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is supposed to replace almost 90 percent of America’s tactical aviation fleet. Too bad it ‘wasn’t optimized for dogfighting,’ according to the Air Force"


180,000 users have paid for blue checks in the past two months which will generate under $25M/year for Twitter. This is a drop in the bucket for their revenue goals and less than 0.5% of pre-acquisition revenue.

Also revenue is down -40% since acquisition"

Right now there is a running server at with all of OSM's data. After the apocalypse you'll be running that locally. It's easy.

Driving from Boston to Wyoming..? For f sake

import requests, json, polyline, folium

lat1,lon1 = (42.36880059119,-71.141522762)
lat2,lon2 = (41.125673090,-104.835825219)
url = f'' + \
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)
resp = json.loads(response.text)
decoded = polyline.decode(resp["routes"][0]['geometry'])
map = folium.Map(location=(lat1,lon1),zoom_start=5,control_scale=True)
folium.PolyLine(locations=decoded, color="blue").add_to(map)


For mobile Unix computing A Raspberry Pi will do - power it up with solar, run micro web server on it access thru local wifi / smartphone hotspot, view pages served from Pi on the phone's browser.

OSM data is produced by volunteer contributors. Freely available, anyone can contribute.

Getting stuck with paper maps after the Zombie Apocalypse? C'mon. To get ready for that aftermath, need a recent copy of all the files here. There is open source software that can read those files, it can extract the road network, compute driving directions, report on POIs from it.. The files aren't too sizeable, compared to the value they can provide.

E&E News: "Census: Disasters displaced more than 3M Americans in 2022"

FT: "Alphabet shares fall sharply after Google's AI chatbot debut stumbles"

H2 Central: "PowerCell has joined the Newborn project, part of EU’s Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, that aims to develop environmentally sustainable aviation... The EU´s Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking encompasses a total of 20 projects with a budget exceeding EUR 700 million and aims to support the EU Green Deal."

He's here

When region geo points are not available, what do we do? Reverse-eng from images, as in pictures of that area... Custom UI displays img, captures clicks on it, trace area on that manually, get pixel data, w/ two pixel-geo ref points reverse-engineer geo coordinates. Easy as Py.

The Azeris had some help from the poodle, and the poodle's poodle.

After the 2020 war they lost all the surrounding areas and some of NK, now down to the yellow area, Russkie peacekeepers are all around that region plus guarding the Lachin crossing (red line).



ARM had areas around NK too (in pink).


2020 AZE-ARM fighting was pretty bad - over Nagarn-Karabakh. NK is outlined below.



Have to pick dried vegs carefully; beet root, dried mangold.. Carrots are good for eyesight, but its high potassium will create tiredness, beets are perfect. Spinach is fine, but too high on iron.. mangold is bland, just as rich in vita.

Left Voice: "Everything You Need to Know About Sahra Wagenknecht’s 'Left Conservatism'.. Die Linke has a program calling for 'open borders.' Wagenknecht became convinced that this — and this alone — was why her party was losing support in the East, where it was once a Volkspartei, a mass party.. [Her book] is a 345-page diatribe against what she calls 'identity politics' [that] 'amounts to focusing on ever smaller and ever more bizarre minorities, each of which finds an identity in some quirk which distinguishes it from the majority of society, and from which it derives the claim to victimhood'"

"Die Linke politician [Wagenknecht].. is rumoured to be planning a breakaway party.. In her bestselling book [.. she] accused Die Linke of having neglected 'ordinary people' in favour of what she refers to as a city-dwelling 'academic clientele'. She says its preoccupation with issues such as 'gender-conscious language and pricey organic products' rather than bread-and-butter issues such as 'fighting low pay' has made it a stranger to its grassroots working-class support base... Polls show her chances of succeeding as head of a new party to be good... Among [right-wing] AfD voters the interest was a staggering 68%"


Bloomberg: "[2018] Russia Supports Political Role for Qaddafi's Wanted Son in Libya"

That's a good catch by WION, AK came to power on the back of public discontent around the earlier 99 earthquake.. They mention the AK era construction craze, also accurate.

TR earthquakes - who is to blame? #WION



Did a half empty plot of commercial real estate write this?"



Africa is likely to be Europe's most important partner as it looks to increase its renewable energy supply and switch to green hydrogen, EU climate chief Frans Timmermans told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview"

:) "The energy in the room felt vaguely like the end of a Zoom meeting"

H2 Central: "Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and INPEX Complete Conceptual Study for Ammonia Bunkering Vessel"


H2 View: "Linde to supply hydrogen to OCI’s blue ammonia plant in Texas, investing $1.8bn"

"Linde to Increase Green Hydrogen Production in California"


John Cockerill Records India’s Largest 140MW Electrolysers Order from Greenko for the First Indian Green Ammonia Plant"

CNBC: "[2019] Sen Marco Rubio takes aim at stock buybacks"


Market Watch: "Biden on Tuesday night will call for quadrupling the tax on corporate stock buybacks, the White House said Monday"

Why ChatGPT won't kill journalism - Media Watch


Euractiv: "Nine EU countries want low-carbon hydrogen included in bloc's renewables goals"

Reuters: "France leads push for EU to boost nuclear-produced hydrogen"

Renew Economy: "South Australian government.. intends to build a 250MW hydrogen electrolyser – 10 times bigger than any other operating plant in the world – to feed into a 200MW hydrogen power plant, which would also be the biggest in the world.

The man in charge of this ambitious project is Sam Crafter, the CEO of the Office of Hydrogen Power in South Australia"

I thought Ardern was ok.. had child mid term prob got stressed out due to work-life, quit to spend time w kid, there is no shame in that. Served, and now out; but she's young might come back who knows..

Prev PM was careful around this issue too

TASS: "New Zealand not to participate in AUKUS partnership, [new] PM Hipkins reaffirms"

Plane with G. Butler, M. Colter - great movie.

A Richter 7.5 and 7.8 within a day???

Earthquake #TR

df = u.eq_at(lat=38,lon=39,radius=300,ago=10)
df = df[df.mag > 6.0]
u.sm_plot_list1(38, 39, 0.5, np.array(df[['mag','lat','lon']]))
plt.text(37.355759, 37.05983787,'Gaziantep')
plt.text(37.170340, 36.19170861,'Aleppo')

WaPo: "The Big Tech companies that won dominance of the internet brought in billions of dollars a year, spending it on eye-popping salaries, gleaming offices and constant acquisition of smaller companies.

But the past year of rising interest rates and falling stock prices has shaken the industry, along with the San Francisco Bay region it dominates. Now, tens of thousands of layoffs from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and dozens of other companies have made it clear: The golden age is over. Speeches about austerity have replaced the free-flowing stock grants and free sushi lunches"

ABC News: "Honda is expanding the use of hydrogen to trucks and construction equipment, electricity for buildings and even in outer space, not just cars on roads.. [The company] plans a new fuel cell vehicle for sale next year, packed with a fuel cell stack developed with General Motors Co. of the U.S., its general manager, Testsuya Hasebe, told reporters.. That will lower the cost of the fuel cell stack to a third of what it is now, he said"

This new age of durability can help prev shared poultry mix to last longer... good

Yogurt used to go bad, now it doesn't. Seriously it'll stay for weeeks and still good esp certain brands.. Read some of the processing they do, heat, cool, add yeast, heat, cool, goes on and on.. I guess whatever bacteria is in there gets smacked around really bad. Mfkers are like f.. this Im outa here. "[Adelaide Professors Shizhang Qiao Yao Zheng] 'We have split natural seawater into oxygen and hydrogen with nearly 100 percent efficiency, to produce green hydrogen by electrolysis, using a non-precious and cheap catalyst in a commercial electrolyzer'. A typical non-precious catalyst is cobalt oxide with chromium oxide on its surface"

TASS: "Lithuanian imports of Russian LPG rise 8.5-fold in 2022"

"[A]s of 2023, open source really has won. There are more Unix-like OSes than ever, and some very un-Unix-like OSes which are highly compatible with it, but the official line [about Unix's death] is, to all intents and purposes, dead and gone. All the proprietary, commercial Unixes are now on life support: they will get essential bug fixes and security updates, but we won't be seeing any major new releases.

Send flowers. ®"



.. Yesterday Bitcoin mining company Luxor mined the largest block ever, containing almost exactly 4MB of data. Only 63 transactions could fit into the block, as the NFT used up the rest of the available space

The carbon footprint: ~888 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to the per passenger carbon footprint of taking a flight from New York to Tokyo and back - 466 times"

But overall a lot of hardware is parked stateside and Japan, not a war-time mobilization.


One carrier is at a Greek port

df = u.usnavy(); u.sm_plot_list1(38, 24, 2.0, np.array(df[['name','lat','lon']]))

Some groups in TR are in a tizzy on US warships - one docked in Stanpoli?

The Guardian: "Six states in the western United States that rely on water from the Colorado River have agreed on a model to dramatically cut water use in the basin.. [the] river [is] stressed by drought and overuse"

H2 Fuel News: "GP JOULE ordering over 100 Nikola hydrogen trucks"

H2 Fuel News: "BP considering German hydrogen hub"

There's been no treaty after Cold War.. Treaty after Thirty Years' War, treaty after WWI, treaty after WWII, nothing after the Cold War? Forget Europe, Japan and Russia are still at war today - legally speaking. Same for North and South Korea.

Whatever SOTA is, e-jagoff's company is surely below it.

Insider: "Mercedes-Benz 'Drive Pilot' surpasses Tesla's autonomous driving system"

Mercedes-Benz: "At the time of this publishing, Drive Pilot's ODD [Operational Design Domain] is limited to fully access-controlled highways (commonly called 'freeways') up to a specific maximum speed. (A fully access-controlled highway is defined as a divided highway with at least two lanes of traffic in each direction that has no intersections – only on-ramps and off-ramps.).. ODD is further restricted according to the presence or absence of certain road features and/or conditions, such as:

• Machine-detectable lane markings

• The absence of tunnels, toll booths and traffic control devices (stop signs, traffic lights, etc.)

• Applicable legal requirements

The resulting ODD boundaries (including available routes) are defined within a precise, high-definition map. These boundaries comprise the “geo-fence” for the area of operation of Drive Pilot; it will not allow the driver to engage the feature, nor will the feature operate the vehicle, outside of these boundaries"


Mercedes self-driving reached Level 3 - one of the highest right now, but even its abilities are pretty limited.


New: Memphis spent $10 million installing thousands of 24/7 police-linked surveillance cameras, called SkyCops, on the promise they'd deter crime. But crime's only gone up. And even the cops who beat Tyre Nichols to death weren't deterred" via WaPo

2022 police shootings data is now all in. Data file location changed, its content too somewhat.. The increase of 'Other' category for 2021 was higher previously which I'd interpreted as they were simply not recording the race, fudging the numbers.

But an increase of overall killings for 2022 is clearly visible.


H2 Central: "The H2 retrofit kit proposed by SAFRA, registered under the brand name H2-PACK®, and supported by ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological Transition, is a real technical achievement which enables the transformation of a diesel coach into a Zero Emission vehicle running on hydrogen"

Putin's gonna Putin. Opposing leader's job is to make sure things did not escalate to this situation... I won't sit here and repeat the "evil Putin" mantra just to cover up someone else's fuck up

Why won't Russia follow the rules-based-order? They won't follow your rules if they are not part of the order. In fact, it looks like the order was built to freeze them out... Which lead to Ukraine.