
Github Mirror

Week 3

Construct the math, formulate concepts and code instead of shoving data into a black box. This is the way.

TU Munchen: "Researchers.. have developed a model that enables a robot to serve tea and coffee faster and more safely than humans – with no sloshing... They based their mathematics on a Moroccan tea tray that applies the principle of a spherical pendulum.. embed[ding] the dynamics of a spherical pendulum into the robot’s control software. That also means that the robot’s movements are limited by the basic principles of geometry. With his team, he also integrates the correct angles, speeds and accelerations into the model"


told my daughter to watch her attitude. she said for complaints about her attitude, contact the manufacturer"


'Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.' - Francis Bacon"

TASS: "US takes agricultural commodities out of sanctions against Russia — Treasury"

David Gold championed this idea and he was proven right. He was also against the Big Bang theory.

Calcium carbonate is sedimentary rock, iron oxide is a component of igneous rock. Water can certainly seep down from ocean floor, and combine with the rest.

This means there is no need for 'fossils' for the production of hydrocarbons, simple compounds present in the mantle at high pressure / temparature will do.

"[2004] We present in situ observations of hydrocarbon formation via carbonate reduction at upper mantle pressures and temperatures. Methane was formed from FeO, CaCO3-calcite, and water at pressures between 5 and 11 GPa and temperatures ranging from 500°C to 1,500°C... The study demonstrates the existence of abiogenic pathways for the formation of hydrocarbons in the Earth's interior and suggests that the hydrocarbon budget of the bulk Earth may be larger than conventionally assumed"


TASS: "Ukraine redeploying troops from Zaporozhye region to Donbass"


If you live in Kentucky, please send the state legislature a message of support for House Bill 21, which makes it easier for homeless people to get state IDs so they can register for the help they qualify to receive but aren't [due to Rep shenanigans]"

MLK: "We have fought hard and long for integration.. and I know we will win, but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house... I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised"


[MLK] "When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered'"


'Someone with a 1-hr car commute needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work'" via Fast Company

H2 Central: "The Albanese Government is turbocharging Australia’s green hydrogen industry, with a $70 million investment to support the development of a hydrogen industry in North Queensland"

H2 Central: "Larsen & Toubro, an Indian multi-national engaged in EPC Projects, Hi-Tech Manufacturing, and Services, announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Norway-based H2Carrier (H2C) to co-operate towards developing floating green ammonia projects for industrial-scale applications"

Reuters: "India OKs $2 bln incentive plan for green hydrogen industry"

H2 Fuel News: "Porsche hydrogen engine prototype outperforms 8-cylinder gasoline engine"

Russia was being shelled in Kherson City, they pulled out, Ukraine moved in, now they are being shelled by Russian forces \(ツ)/ eyyy (medi shrug). The river line proved to be defensible. UA counteroffensive there stalled.

BKM is major strat point; Ukraine sacrificed much to hold on to it.. One could even argue the counteroffensive last year was done partly to shift the focus elsewhere when the battle there was not going well.

But things are now back to where they were; RU shored up the South, and now moving ahead with plans taking the rest of Donetsk.

Latest frontline in Ukraine (in red), compared to 2022/11 (gray). Gains in Soledar, also south of Bakhmut. RU will surely attempt to encircle BKM. Some gains in Zaporizhia too? The start of something from there perhaps, with plans of pushing towards the north.

geo = [['Soledar',48.68207521, 38.0896357,(5,20)],
       ['Bakhmut',48.59681687, 37.9957181,(-20,0)]]

Al Jazeera: "China reports almost 60,000 COVID-related deaths in past month"

H2 Central: "Masdar Signs Agreement to Explore Exporting Green Hydrogen from Abu Dhabi to Europe"

TASS: "Kazakh companies purchase Russian sovereign bonds worth $1.4 bln — Bloomberg"

Automative World: "Cummins: hydrogen ICE to take off from 2024..The engine specialist shares its outlook for hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines in heavy trucking... it falls to Jim Nebergall as General Manager of the Hydrogen Engine Business to steer its global efforts in commercialising hydrogen-fuelled ICE specifically. 'There is interest here because the technology is low cost in nature and represents a zero-carbon option,' he says. 'On the whole, it offers a significant boost for the decarbonisation of commercial vehicles with a technology that customers understand.'"

Disney's overwhelming slew of cuck repertoire surely is not helping matters - spending too much gaining too little.

2.48 billion in debt payments son.. The shareholder was already strapped for earnings, that payment killed them. That would piss a man off

u.biz_cash("DIS")['totalCashFromFinancingActivities'] / 1e9
2022-01-01   -0.292
2022-04-02   -1.817
2022-07-02   -0.150
2022-10-01   -2.482

A lot of debt, due to Fox deal likely.

u.biz_balance("DIS")['longTermDebt'] / 1e9 # in billions
2022-01-01    47.349
2022-04-02    46.624
2022-07-02    46.022
2022-10-01    45.299
Name: longTermDebt, dtype: float64

He is right DIS earnings went to shit. 0.09? This is a joke.

2022-01-01    0.605399
2022-04-02    0.257733
2022-07-02    0.772652
2022-10-01    0.088836

CNBC: "Disney is facing a proxy fight as Nelson Peltz’s activist firm Trian Fund Management pushes for a seat on its board... Peltz.. raised issues with Disney’s $71 billion acquisition of Fox in 2019 and how the company’s shareholder value has eroded in recent years"

H2 Fuel News: "In New Orleans, the technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility have taken the next step forward in the production of the liquid hydrogen tank for the Artemis III mission"

H2 Central: "Report: UK Risks Losing Hydrogen Innovation Race, with EU And Japan Pulling Ahead"

Cory Doctorow: "As I type these words, a mass exodus is underway from Twitter and Facebook... [T]he long-delayed MySpacing of Facebook and Beboizing of Twitter began"

The Eagle, there was enough criticism of imperialism, of Rome that one can mentally skip over opression of distant locals (Brits!), and the Roman "heroes". The movie can be seen as being about brothers in arms, ppl fighting together, for something, even if that something was Rome, an expansionist band of feudal cobsuckers.

Well written, directed, acted - five stars without a doubt.

Hand crafted code could have its own issues, but NN based approaches are especially fragile, they are too dependent on data - data that is curated for a specific purpose.

Yes BD control code is hand-crafted. Preferable than neural net based "AI", at least they are trying to formulate an approach from ground up, thinking about the problem, not blindly showing in data into a black box.

Quora: "How does Boston Dynamics use AI/machine learning? For the most part, it doesn't. Boston Dynamic's secret sauce is a “stack” of very carefully hand-designed classic control laws... It's good because classic control theory provides strong mathematical guarantees of stability and performance, and this does not require any 'training'. It just works, right out of the box, assuming you get the control design right.. Nobody has yet figured out how to apply machine learning to robotic motor control in a practical way. Machine learning takes far too much data, typically hundreds of thousands to millions of trials. You can't collect that much data on a real robot. And simulation isn't good enough, yet, for simulated data to transfer without change onto real robotic hardware"

Bad smells coming out of Sweden; the "Nobel" Econ Prize is funded by their Riksbank BTW, and the last one went to people who ardently argued for "saving the banks".

H2 Central: "India Sets Targets for Green Hydrogen Use by Some Industries"

Why Not Mars


The head of the oil company, Al Jaber, supports blue H2

"The United Arab Emirates has picked the head of its national oil company as president of this year's COP28 climate talks"

Al Monitor: "Brazil’s Lula fires Israel ambassador as part of pro-Palestine shift..Former President.. Bolsonaro was a strong supporter of Israel and friend of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu"

TASS: "Taking Soledar under control makes it possible to advance toward Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and paves the way for [taking all of] Donetsk"

TASS: "Ukraine lost about 25000 people in struggle for Soledar"

TASS: "Russian troops complete liberation of Soledar, top brass reports"