
Github Mirror

Week 2


The EU and Japan have registered the largest amounts of hydrogen-related patents in the past decade, although the US is not far behind, analysis by the European patent office shows"

Bloomberg: "China Has Set It Sights on Cornering Another Green Energy Market: Hydrogen"

December inflation down,

2022-11-01  7.110323
2022-12-01  6.454401


Data from CDC

A key founder of a TR nationalist party was of Jewish ancestry, born in Greece, converted to Islam and considered Turk. This is the "Young Turks" the Western media publicized back then (yes same ppl who were the perpetrators of much crime later on - 'allegedly').


Religion-Nationality is hiding deep categorization errors. Past milenia saw many peoples around Asia Minor converting to Islam including original Turks.. But 1920s TR nation recategorized all Muslims as Turks. So then.. not everyone is a real Turk, is it, as in from Central Asia riding a donkey arriving to Anatolia "bringing civilization" there (basically Greek music, Greek food, Mediterrenian customs, "brought culture" wink wink). 10% of Asiatic genes says it all - the latest official identity of Asia Minor is patently false.

Notice how religion was used as national identity. Not many realize but the 20s Turkification also took religion as the basis (but then deemphasized the religion itself, later reemphasized after 80s -confused yet?-).

"[T]he 1923 Treaty of Lausanne was drawn up in the peace settlement.. both Greece and Turkey agreed to a mutual exchange of populations, irrespective of those populations' wishes. Greece expelled approximately 600,000... while [TR..] expelled about 750,000 Anatolian Greeks... (some were allowed to stay in Istanbul). These figures differ, depending on the source. In deciding ethnicity, the criterion used was religion. A Turkish-speaking Orthodox Christian in Turkey was thus considered Greek, and expelled to Greece, while a Greek-speaking Muslim who knew no Turkish was considered Turkish and expelled to Turkey"


If minority culture does not even last one generation, how could it last for millenia, across continents, varied host cultures? That is the claim of the so-called Turks.

FCEVs need less metals, minerals especially rare ones. BEV tech is suboptimal, unfit for wide adoption.


'Looming copper shortage shifts attention to alternative supply solutions'. BEVs will exacerbate the copper problem"

Atlantic Council: "The exact volumes of gas currently lying deep underneath the Black Sea are not yet known. Rough estimates predict that the Ukrainian shelf may contain more than two trillion cubic meters of gas"

CEO: "Medium embraces Mastodon.. The fediverse is a breath of fresh air for writers and social media. Today, Medium is launching a Mastodon instance at to help our authors, publications and readers find a home in the fediverse. Mastodon is an emerging force for good in social media and we are excited to join this community"

They are using compressed H2 cylinders for storage. Lavo uses metal hydrides. There are many options in the H2 world.

PV Europe: "[2018] This March, Home Power Solutions (HPS) from Berlin is rolling out its new fuel cells for home energy supply.. Picea can generate both electricity and air heating.. [Their] PEM fuel cell system runs on hydrogen. The gas is produced in the summer by electrolysis when excess solar power is available. A certified hydrogen tank stores the gas for the months when there is only little sunshine"

Home Power Solutions: "Your solar electricity can be used as green hydrogen all year round.. The energy centre is located in the basement or utility room. Everything you need to provide a year-round solar power supply fits into 1.5 m² of space"


How do I sum up this blog's stance in a single word? Bollocks


A story not mine:- 'Last weekend my kids asked me what it was like growing up in the '80s. So, I took their phones and tablets off them, locked them outside and told them not to come back till the street lamps came on 😂'"

Forget FIFA games - this is the match I want to see

The Guardian: "Cristiano Ronaldo could face Lionel Messi for first game in Saudi Arabia"


.. 'I need a reverse Shark Tank where US oligarchs explain why they deserve billions of dollars while standing in front of 5 people living in poverty who work for them'"

Sundries: "[US] will launch the nation’s first passenger train powered by hydrogen fuel cells. San Bernardino County (California) has already signed a corresponding agreement. The first trains will start running on the state’s railways in 2024. At the same time, the authorities are ready to buy 25 more trains in the future"

Living in the Future's Past - Documentary, Jeff Bridges


Verification for the "new social media" will be easy - governments run their own MD servers, whoever they give usernames to are automatically verified. For celebrities, or other notable characters for-profit servers can offer a similar service.

Break-even point for Avatar 2 was 1.4 billion.. What was the budget? 🤔 Can reverse engineer it from profit estimation; Profit P, Gross G, Budget B, Marketing M, $ P = G - (B + M + 0.4 \cdot G) $ breakeven means the $P=0$, marketing half the budget as before, $ 0 = G - (B + \frac{B}{2} + 0.4 G)$ rearrange $0.4 G = B$, G=1400, then budget could be ~560 million.

Lota money.. the GDP of a small island nation.

Hey people love the movie and it is generating sales. Awesome.

You couldn't even help the country switch to cotton instead of poppy seeds how else could you improve anything else? The point is moot. You should be glad for getting ass kicked and finally leaving.

"But if we stayed longer in Afghanistan girls could go to school"

Five stars for Pixels, Paul, Danger Close.

HALO jump with oxygen masks? That has to be a 4 km jump at least.

Act of Valor - realistic, fine action.

Tesla Battery Mileage Fraud


Top Speed: "Toyota’s Hydrogen Combustion Engine Has The Potential To Make EVs Obsolete.. Toyota is taking a diversified approach to achieve carbon neutrality and it could be a winning formula for the Japanese automaker"

But the intent to repeal created deeper inter-party ideological divisions on an economic issue, created less overall unity.. great. One side is for the rich, the other side is, hopefully, for the poor. Better to have arguments around econ rather than everyone getting worked up over marginal secondaries, like gay-trans, vaginas, or an ass crack.

The bill was a crowd pleaser act to show, practice some internal unity - that's all. WH will surely veto even if it magically passed the Senate.

Quartz: "Republicans’ first bill makes tax fraud easier for high earners"

Railway Gazette: "[China's] CRRC has unveiled a hydrogen fuel cell powered train"


"Plans to establish a [€4 billion] #GreenSteel plant with an integrated #hydrogen production facility in Inkoo, Finland, were announced by Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel on Tuesday"

Bloomberg: "How Changing Diets Leave Us Exposed to War, Extreme Weather and Market Turbulence.. The convergence of global diets means just three crops provide 50% of the world’s calories... A combination of rising incomes, the impact of Western culture and industrial farming focused on specific crops means we are all eating increasingly alike. And that means more of us than ever depend on imported food. Wheat, now an integral part of most diets, is produced predominantly by just a handful of countries. When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine disrupted trade, global prices spiked almost 40%...Of the 6,000 plant species humans have eaten over time, the world now mostly eats nine, of which just three — rice, wheat and maize — provide 50% of all calories"

SP Langley: "[the scientific community is] a pack of hounds.. where the louder-voiced bring many to follow them nearly as often in a wrong path as in a right one, where the entire pack even has been known to move off bodily on a false scent"


Germany and Norway reach #BlueHydrogen agreement.. 'Germany's RWE and Norway's Equinor have agreed to supply Germany with #low-emissions #hydrogen fuel. The long-term plan is to provide 100% cleanly sourced green hydrogen'"

Creating chaos in Ethiopia, Somalia.. Bring on the freedom

Nasdaq: "Somalia rejected.. what it called an 'illegal claim' by [UK's] Genel Energy GENL.L to oil exploration and exploitation rights in the country's northern breakaway region of Somaliland"

Foreign Policy: "[2021-12] A one-sided U.S. approach provided political cover to the [Ethiopian] TPLF insurgency... Many Ethiopians even fear that Washington actively backs the insurgency and is seeking a Libya-Iraq-Somalia-style intervention to shatter Ethiopia and the new efforts for regional peace that Abiy, for many, has come to represent"

H2 Insight: "Prepare for lift-off | Why 2023 will be the year that green hydrogen moves from idea to reality around the world.. Government subsidy schemes are due to begin this year in the US, EU, UK, Germany, and probably Canada, India and Portugal, all but guaranteeing profitability for renewable H2 projects"


Hear hear the gaseous Sun crowd; how could two atoms be pressing eachother if not for a solid/liquid backdrop?

"What forces are involved that cause hydrogen nuclei to fuse? The Sun's gravitational force confines the positively-charged hydrogen nuclei.. to fuse to form the heavier helium"

Self-propelled howitzers and tank difference? On the surface they might look similar but SPH is basically artillery on wheels. Tank physically moves in an active battlefield heavily armored, heavily armed, and ready for direct fire. SPH isn't as heavily armored as tank, but can carry out indirect fire missions on targets that are not in direct sight.

Janes: "[2022] Indonesia conducts loading trials of 155 mm howitzers"

Alex Cortiz - Return of the Funky Babies #music


H2 View: "[Dutch-based tank storage firm] Vopak and Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies have revealed plans to launch a joint venture in a bid to establish the first industrial-scale hydrogen supply chain using liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC)"

H2 View: "Indian state-owned power company, NTPC announced it had started blending green hydrogen into a piped natural gas (PNG) network at Kawas in Surat, Gujarat"

Posted about these guys two weeks ago via Bloomberg - now they are dead

Capitol Trades: "Silvergate Capital Crashes As FTX Collapse Fuels Bank Run"

Great analysis on the correlation between the mood in society and scientific research culture of an era #Lerner


The clapping for Karzai photo shared previously was not a dig in admin for quitting on an ally. It was about US invading and staying giving ppl false hope against entrenched forces, and not helping a country properly when they could.

War Machine paints the screw up that was the US involvement in AFG well. The McMahon-Karzai scene; the general is just another US official meddling.. US did not help the country, institutionally was not capable. Another scene, general asks someone about growing an alternate crop to poppy seed, the response was cotton is suitable, but Congress will not let USAID help grow a product that will compete with US farmers.

I searched for that exact quote in The Operators, movie's source material, not there, but there is the story around few brave officials in this book who tried to push cotton to supplant poppy in Afghanistan, and failing thanks to USAID torpedoing the idea.


India Approves $2.3 Billion Plan To Become Global Hub for Green Hydrogen by 2030" via TIME


India approves national green hydrogen mission, adding 125GW of renewables by 2030"

df = u.covid_hospitalization() # per million ppl
dfu = df[ == 'United States']['Daily hospital occupancy per million']
dfu.plot(title='Covid Hospitalizations, US', ylim=[0,600])

dff = df[ == 'France']['Daily hospital occupancy per million']
dff.plot(title='Covid Hospitalizations, France', ylim=[0,600])

Did covid hospitalizations in the rest of the world increase due to CH opening up? Data,


A German Pope trying to mend relations with Russians (their church)? No no no.. That is a no-go my friend... Europe had to be fighting Russians, not mend relations. Then Benedict resigned. 🤨

Newsweek: "At the start of Benedict's tenure in 2007, the newly-installed pope met with Putin for what was considered at the time to be the highest-level Kremlin-Vatican talks in more than three years, with the pair focused on easing tension between Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians in the country"

Zucman: "As Roosevelt’s message to Congress expresses clearly, the quasi-confiscatory top marginal income tax rates championed by the United States were designed to reduce inequality, not to collect revenue"


All this stuff needs enforcement

NYT: "Private Inequity: How a Powerful Industry Conquered the Tax System The I.R.S. almost never audits private equity firms, even as whistle-blowers have filed claims alleging illegal tax avoidance"

Market Watch: "IRS misses ‘substantial’ tax evasion by the wealthiest Americans — far more than the average worker"

Bloomberg: "According to IRS rules, if a Roth IRA account holder engages in a prohibited transaction—like using the money to invest in a company you legally control—then that person loses the tax break for the entirety of the portfolio’s value. In Thiel’s case that would mean he could be on the hook for a tax bill in the billions"

Not good... The repeal will serve the ultra-rich

McC: "Our very first bill will repeal Biden's 87,000 new IRS agents"

McCarthy SOTH speech: the key is what was left out - not a single mention of Russia, Ukraine, but early mention of competition with China.

TASS: "Ukraine’s economy and military potential are currently fully dependent on the Western support while time is not on the side of Ukraine, ex-US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.. and former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.. said in a joint opinion piece published by the Washington Post on its website on Saturday"