
Github Mirror

Week 1


I have found the Fediverse remarkable low stress and peaceful so far. I feel that I am able to give strangers the benefit of the doubt and it seems to be working out shockingly well"

It sounds like the invention can help massively increase CSP output; an interesting combo btw panels and solar concentration.

Science Daily: "A new kind of solar panel, developed at the University of Michigan.. represents a major leap in the technology, nearly 10 times more efficient than solar water-splitting experiments of its kind... The outstanding result comes from two advances. The first is the ability to concentrate the sunlight without destroying the semiconductor that harnesses the light... the second is using both the higher energy part of the solar spectrum to split water and the lower part of the spectrum to provide heat that encourages the reaction. The magic is enabled by a semiconductor catalyst that improves itself with use, resisting the degradation that such catalysts usually experience when they harness sunlight to drive chemical reactions"



Cheap, sustainable hydrogen: New catalyst is 10 times more efficient than previous sun-powered water-splitting devices #hydrogen #solar"



Hey everyone. Just wanted to eliminate the confusion and let you know that this is actually me. 😂 Hope you are having an awesome Thursday!"



[A] core Bitcoin developer can get their whole wallet emptied out unrecoverably on them, and that developer's immediate reflex is to start calling a centralized authority for help.."


That's true - Babylon 5 spaceship was an O'Neill Cylinder.

Bunch of jagoffs had taken the Prize earlier in physics for QED 👎 and another guy for renormalization - the trick used to sweep infinities under the rug.

It's sad..

The econ guy shouldn't even be there his Prize isn't Nobel

Zeinab Badawi going ga-ga over Nobel lauretes in that BBC show.. boy did that stuff get old fast.

The unit they showed was from Treadwell. Those guys have the know-how to use seawater efficiently. They can use that know-how for H2 generation on land.


When submarines need air what do they use? Electrolysis, of course! Electrolysis of water generates hydrogen and oxygen. Saw in a sub docu.

Maybe they'll find one that will eat coronaviruses one day

New Atlas: "First 'virovore' discovered: An organism that eats viruses... '[viruses are] made up of really good stuff: nucleic acids, a lot of nitrogen and phosphorous,' said [researcher]. 'Everything should want to eat them'. ... And sure enough, one particular microbe seemed to be snacking on the viruses – a ciliate known as Halteria"

Reshare #2015

Saw this at a bookstore in Berlin today. A piece of history etched in stone


Rewewables Now: "Egypt allocates more land for renewables, green hydrogen"

Tryptophan also makes serotonin so it helps making ppl feel good, not tired. The ep could've used that, maybe in the next one where Opposite George is all happy because of the turkey.

"Tryptophan in turkey gained some notoriety, thanks to an iconic Thanksgiving episode of the sitcom 'Seinfeld' as the chemical that makes people tired after eating. The actual truth is people tend to get tired after a Thanksgiving meal because they generally eat a lot of food in one sitting"

NYT: "Meta Fined $414 Million After Ad Practices Ruled Illegal Under EU Law"

McCarthy is having a tough time.. I thought he had dotted the i's before seeking SOTH but "the 20" doesn't trust him. Not on Ukraine, not on government spending...


The collection of the crime data wasn't easy, had to hit the API for each PD, one by one. A single API call for a summary could be better. The calls that return bigger results have bizarre paging issues. If FBI needs it I could give them a few pointers.

There needs to be an ETF for these "Congressionally endorsed" stocks.

Government of the market, by the market, for the market.

Unusual Whales: "2022 Congressional Stock Trading Report.. By analysing publicly accessible financial disclosures, we found that a quarter of Congress actively traded up to $788M in various assets through 12,700+ transactions in 2022... Congress beat SPY based on total returns in 2022, as well as a secondary way of calculating based on if they traded SPY instead of the stocks they traded"



#Jaywalking, the fake 'crime' created by automobile industry lobbying to blame victims of #TrafficViolence, no longer exists in California"

Huge news.. Great for football in the Middle East.

Al Monitor: "Ronaldo signs for [Saudi] Al Nassr in deal worth 'more than 200m euros'"

Theater's revenue needs to come out of the gross not be a multiple of the budget. Joker had a budget of abt 70 mil..? Did the theaters say "oh we'll take pity on this tiny little movie, give you a pass, charge you less"? That's not how it works. The more a movie makes, the more a theater makes - no matter the budget.

I don't think the 'multiply budget with two' trick is a sound estimation approach for marketing + distribution.

Example Toy Story 4, grossed 1.13 bil, cost 200 mil. Using 40% of the gross, half of budget for (good) marketing,

gross = 1130
budget = 200
marketing = budget/2
print (gross - (marketing + budget + gross*0.40), 'mil')
378.0 mil

This movie's profit was $368 million. Close.

I'd say roughly 40% of the gross is for dist, and half the budget for marketing

"Opening weekend the theater makes between 10 to 20 percent of ticket sales. Week 2 15 to 30 percent. And so on till it's a 50 50 split after about 4 to 5 week"

How to calculate the profit of a movie? They are not published immediately, but with known budget, box office gross we could estimate a total cost (including marketing, distribution).

"[I]t is fundamental research—investigations whose findings don't seem to be immediately useful—that suffer first when technological development slows. Today those areas are clearly cosmology and particle or high-energy physics—where the link between science and technology, theory and human progress, has been broken as in postclassical Greece, the stagnation of society has led to the return of mathematical myths, a retreat from the problems of base matter to the serene contemplation of numbers."


"Big Bang supposedly occurred only about twenty billion years ago, nothing in the cosmos can be older than this. Yet in 1986 astronomers discovered that galaxies compose huge agglomerations a billion light-years across; such mammoth clusterings of matter must have taken a hundred billion years to form."


Hard crime is the type where if arrested you can find yourself in a plane sitting next to Danny Trejo, Steve Buschemi, John Malkovich and after a scuffle JM is like 'I have the only gun on board', everybody is screwed.

Hard crime was up during Dubya, property crime during Bama


Calculated US annual crime rate since 1999. First graph is violent crime, second is property. Data from FBI.


CNBC: "Europe starts 2023 with historic winter heatwave; snow shortage forces ski resorts to close"

"A fundamental breakthrough in chemistry promises to unlock ammonia as a clean fuel, and it could help decarbonize the entire chemical industry in the process. Rice University researchers have created a small, LED-powered device that converts ammonia to hydrogen on the fly. It uses a light-driven catalyst that's as efficient as expensive thermal catalysts that need thousand-degree temperatures to operate, and it's made from cheap, abundant copper and iron"


Yicai: "China’s SinoHytec Gains After Yutong Places Order for 500 Fuel Cell Engines"

Maersk is mostly responsible of course.. they needed armed security, they were likely trying to cut costs.

"Approximately half of the crewmembers.. are claiming that the shipping company, Maersk Lines Limited, willfully allowed the Maersk Alabama to sail directly into pirate-infested waters despite receiving multiple warnings to avoid the area. And the lawsuit further claims that the Alabama didn’t have adequate anti-pirate security measures. "


Watched Captain Philips - the cargo ship hijacking movie. Shipping is rough.

This "AI" is truly powerful


I've figured out what pisses me off so much about Facebook's Galactica demo. It's not because people can use to to write bad essays for their homework. There are plenty of large language models that can do that. It's because Facebook is presenting it as something that it most definitely is not. Facebook is selling it as a knowledge engine, a 'new interface to access and manipulate what we know about the universe'. Actually it's just a random bullshit generator"

Trailer for 65 looks fine


Some real hardcore Streisand Effecting going on right now at Meta HQ. Don’t mess with @pixelfed bros"

Pixelfed is a photo sharing platform which also implements the Mastodon protocol ActivityPub, so it's a federated Instagram competitor just like Mastodon is a federated, distributed soc media competitor. Maybe ActivityPub will kill more than one bird (!) with one stone.


Instagram is trying to intimidate us with threats of legal action"

‘Green Methane’ is not a good idea - it will not spur the consumer side to switch to clean fuels faster, the carbon budgeting will be tricky. It will create more cases of Volkswagen-level cheating.

It has a :blobcheer: ok..

My MD host does not have party parrot emoji? đŸ˜¶ Nooo

This is Eric Lerner's fusion company; they were researching dense plasma fusion for propulsion for NASA, until 2001 funding cuts. His is an alternative approach to fusion.


"JWST Images Raise Questions about the Big Bang"


😂 😂 😂

Nature: Down with the Big Bang

That's a lot of crisis!

Wired: Cosmology Is in Crisis Over How to Measure the Universe

New Scientist: Cosmological crisis: We don't know if the universe is round or flat

Scientific American: Best-Yet Measurements Deepen Cosmological Crisis

Business Insider: The universe is expanding faster than scientists thought, a study confirms — a 'crisis in cosmology' that could require a 'new physics'


#India is planning a $2 billion incentive for the green #hydrogen industry, in an attempt to lower costs of the #fuel and to become a major exporter" via Reuters



Need a bit of GOOD news? 'A research team.. is introducing in a new type of solar cell produced without silicon. Not only does the new cell have extremely high efficiency and record-setting voltage, it also bypasses the need for silicon, which is energetically costly to produce and purify'"


WWII JP battleship Yamato was a beast; had the biggest guns. But docu suggests its anti aircraft guns were not good, so it fell prey to bomber planes lifting off from nearby US carrier - it sank.



Great tool to follow your follows and suggest you more ppl to follow


The DU research shows the benefits of betting on efficient, simple, strong base structure - H2 as medium allows further innovations easily.

The Deakin University research mentioned previously accomplishes two things; one is to seperate crude oil gases, the other is to capture and store H2 with boron nitrade powder. Prof Ying Chen says the storage part will work on its own, nanopowder captures H2 and keeps it, later heating it in vacuum releases the gas. Says they have a patent for their process and already pursuing industrial applications for it. 👍 Whoever he is talking to (he didn't say) I'd find out and invest. Storage is cheap, in ambient conditions, release of H2 is straightforward.

It turns out KK ships were somewhat shoddy; My man Kublai was not a seafearing kinda guy

"[In 1281] Kublai Khan’s plans were thwarted when a two-day typhoon – known as a kamikaze (or “divine wind”) – hit the Tsushima Strait, apparently destroying approximately 80% of his fleet."

"Scotland's renewable energy jackpot: #Hydrogen exports alone could be worth ÂŁ25 billion a year by 2045"


People just died in their car bcz of snow.. bummer

Newsweek: "In Erie County [Buffalo, New York] at least 12 people died.. some bodies were found overnight in cars and in snowbanks"

Yeah.. that one didn't work #2010


The 2002 New Years Eve glasses were probably the best; balanced on each end with the 2's, the eyes go in the middle where the two 0's are


Stop hating on lazy people. We didn't even do anything"

Bolsonaro complaining about leftists on his way out is the best 2022 closer.

Air and Space Forces Mag: "[2022/8] B-2 Crew Successfully Tested Long-Range Cruise Missile, Northrop Grumman Says"

They did a war-game recently on China-Taiwan conflict, if US were involved most effective US asset was long-range bomber with cruise missiles; the bombers can be based outside of CH missile range, but still strike at the attacking CH forces.


First Post: "Putin tells 'dear friend' Xi Jinping to strengthen cooperation of Russia and China armed forces"