
Github Mirror

Week 45

H2 Central: "Photocatalytic water splitting technology.. [was] developed over five years by the two universities. During this period, they progressed their understanding and designs of a solar reactor which utilises the sun’s radiation and thermal properties to increase reaction efficiencies beyond the baseline performance of a photocatalyst material.

Key elements of the technology.. include the use of the entire solar spectrum to enhance reaction efficiencies along with incorporating concentrated solar radiation via mirror reflectors. Solar concentration increases temperature in the solar reactor, which has been shown to increase reaction efficiencies, while allowing for a reduction in the amount of photocatalyst material required for a given production rate.

This technology significantly reduces the need for wind farms or massive arrays of solar panels that are required for traditional electrolysis, which is expected to reduce costs substantially"

"Lennar, ICON partner to build largest 3D-printed neighborhood"


Stacy Abrahams, Beto kept saying abortion abortion abortion. Didn't matter. They lost.

The Ukraine situation is a complete fuck-up, mostly US and UK's fault.. but voters don't see any of that. The war is not at their doorstep.

H2 View: "African countries embrace hydrogen as ‘second era’ climate financing kicks in.. African countries are busy embracing hydrogen and other clean energies as a ‘second era’ of climate financing is underway, according to discussions on Finance Day at COP27 today... 'The energy picture is changing, and in five years' time, the share of hydrogen will be much bigger than it is today – and that requires lots of investment and collaboration.' [said an Abu Dhabi Bank official]"

It sounds adventerous times for East Asia. It's same old same old around Europe, ME. Boring. Never-ending war, ppl die constantly.. Nothing even started yet in the Far East!

🤣 #lithiumion


They need desalination tech. Israel has it, hook a brother up. Aren't they an ISR protectorate already?

NYT: "Jordan Is Running Out of Water, a Grim Glimpse of the Future"

TASS: "Serbia doesn’t plan to join NATO but sees accession to EU as its priority — minister"

When did Buttafuoco get involved in there? Did he become a crypto-bro? Now you know they are finished in 10 days.

Kevin O'Leary lost money? #FTX

See vid. Sounds like a stupid kid.. who'd follow this shit #FTX


Investor Tchir is saying FTX fall could mean less purchase of mining rigs (less demand on microprocessors -good-) less ad spending. Less ads with Matt Damon telling us 'march off and do something exciting' (he said that very disparagingly), and finally we will see less energy use as mining drops - great.

Journo says FTX was 'systemically important' - these words freak me out.. bcz they were precursor to bailouts during the 08 crisis

Yahoo Finance: "FTX collapse ‘worse than Theranos, worse than Madoff,’ expert says"


CNN: "Sam Bankman-Fried, the crypto entrepreneur known for providing a financial lifeline to struggling firms in the industry, is now in need of a bailout himself... SBF, started this week firmly in the realm of billionaires, with an estimated fortune of more than $15 billion, according the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. After the collapse of his crypto exchange, FTX, in a matter of days he may find himself out of the club"

H2 Fuel News: "Heliogen to build green hydrogen generation facility in collaboration with the City of Lancaster"

H2 Central: "Hydrogène De France – COP27 – HDF Energy and The European Investment Bank Partner to Implement Namibia First Green Hydrogen Power Plant"

The name Oz is actually Öz, with two dots on top, meaning "essence" a name with nationalistic overtones (TR lastnames started in 30s). Oz got lucky, in US the dots are dropped so the name sounds like Oz as in "The Wizard of Oz", plus he looks Vulcan he could rock that image of wizardy, scifi doctor-bro for many years.. US is a place of reinvention, right?

There ..

The Independent: "[2018] Japan to bolster military base on island idyll that could become front line in event of war... [in the] disputed seas around China.. Japan is building radar, anti-aircraft guns and missile silos to counter what it sees as Chinese aggression.. If war is to break out, then Ishigaki would be the front line. This is the island where Japan feels the most under threat from China"

Maybe CH won't go after Taiwan but one of those smaller JP islets in that chain near Taiwan; Taketomi, Ishigaki... CH needs a deep-sea port for subs, a smaller islet might do for them.

Hindustan Times: "Japan is preparing for war with China, say all telltale signs"

Wales & West Utilities: "[WWU] is announcing plans for a major hydrogen pipeline in south Wales, to accelerate decarbonisation plans for industry and gas customers in the region"

Alex Cortiz - The Man, The Myth #music


H2 Fuel News: "[Researchers] created a method of hydrogen fuel production that derives energy from light while using gold nanoparticles for the conversion of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur within a single step"

Some called the (more likely) lab leak theory racist. But wasn't saying "Chinese ppl eat anything, bats, snails, their hats, that's why they had covid" comment also racist?

Reshare #Batman #2020

Bad covid joke


H2 Fuel News: "A research team from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has developed a water-splitting clean hydrogen production method that delivers high-efficiency and stable hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts to split seawater"

H2 View: "Iberdrola has successfully completed the supply of green hydrogen to CAF in Zaragoza for the on-track dynamic tests of the hydrogen-powered demonstrator train of the FCH2Rail project"

Quantum Leap 2022, not bad.

H2 Central: "Newmed Energy and Uniper Sign a Non-Binding MoU to Explore Collaboration Options for The Delivery of Natural Gas to Europe and The Development of Blue Hydrogen"


"US midterms saw less misinformation, but it was there"

They aren't anywhere really.. People vote on their well-being, if not doing well they vote out the incumbent, can vote in anyone else... 1933 Germany voted in Nazis.

"Most Americans are in the middle"

This is Hydrogenious with its LOHC tech, allows transport of H2 in an diesel like substance.

"@hydrogenLOHC .. [I]n North Rhine-Westphalia at Chempark Dormagen.. a storage plant with a storage capacity of 1,800 tonnes of #hydrogen will be built"

Waiting for Orbital release

The non-existence of the red-wave probably had more to do with the pocketbook then culture war. Econ wasn't doing too bad...

"Abortion rights and Republican tilt to the far right helped Democrats hold on in key races across the US, analysts say"

Inflation down. Rate rises are working.

2022-10-01  7.745427

H2 Fuel News: "A busy week in the world of decarbonisation, with a key event taking place in the House of Lords on Tuesday 1st November, organised by the HyDeploy consortia.. HyDeploy2 delivered 20% blended hydrogen with natural gas in a second trial for around 1,600 residents in the village of Winlaton, near Gateshead"

Climate activists need to get into the weeds of climate tech and policy. Can't just call fossil companies bad names. Fossil companies have a lot of know-how they can be helpful in the transition - given we use the right tech.

It's not about whether to "bring back nuclear" - but what kind. The defining feature of the new tech is not they are "small and modular" either, MSM is off. The key word is helium-cooled - coupled with their TRISO cartridges, making them safe. Spent fuel utilization is another new way.

CHCFA: "The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) and its members applaud the 2022 Fall Economic Statement presented by the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Minister of Finance last week.

The statement, which highlights clean hydrogen as an essential part of Canada’s net-zero future, outlines the government’s commitment to accelerate hydrogen energy adoption through the new Canada Growth Fund and investment tax credits for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and refueling infrastructure"

CENTO, now-defunct organization, was formed to contain, you guessed it, Russia from its South, consisting of Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, TR. Look at Britain, way the f--k over there in the West.


Everyone knows the radio speech of an '60 coup leader, "we are respectful of NATO and CENTO". That guy later became the founder of an ultra-nationalist party.

Tigger nationalists are useful idiots for the Anglo... Nat ideology makes ppl feel foreign to their land ("just" arrived, nomadic migrants) fear their neighbors, so they will be more in need of overseas friends.

This takes me to the aughts, when an EU official's (Fogg) emails were leaked to the press by this guy, EU-Anatolia relations were damaged. Many thought the intel was given to him by RU FSB. MI6 makes more sense - they would have more to gain - ala inner vs outer fight.

Name is Perincek. Turkist dickwad

Saw a vid, a retired TR spy chief just blurted out a politician, "journalist" was actually in the employ of the Brits. Everyone thought the fucker was Russian / Chinese asset.

Whatever her effect was earlier, on PA race, she'd made a difference because she knew Oz personally, helped him become the big celebrity he is today. As "character witness" for Oz her vote would count.

"Oprah's effect on politics is not as it used to be"

Disney underdelivered.

              startdatetime  epsestimate  epsactual
4  2022-11-08T16:05:00.000Z         0.55       0.30
5  2022-08-10T16:06:00.000Z         0.96       1.09
6  2022-05-11T16:05:00.000Z         1.19       1.08

I realize SA has organization skill, she was helpful for 2020 get-out-the-vote efforts. But running for office herself apparently is not her thing.

Beto and Stacy Abrahams got the crap beaten out of them. These are perennial losers, I hope they stop trying to run for office, they are taking up space, attention someone else can use, someone who can win and gain governing experience.

Hochul win is good - strong supporter of H2

I like the emph on healthcare, working class

Fetterman: "I am proud of our campaign platform: protect women's right to choose, raise the minimum wage, fight (for) unionization.. Healthcare is a fundamental human right. It saved my life, and it should be there for you too if you need it"

H2 Bulletin: "Certarus engineered and over the course of two weeks, safely supplied and controlled hydrogen at blend rates up to 25% to an 18MW Wärtsilä natural gas engine across multiple engine-load capacities"

WSJ: "China's Xi Jinping to Visit Saudi Arabia Amid Global Reshuffling.. Riyadh’s expanded ties with Washington’s global rivals have helped deepen Chinese influence in the Middle East, where the U.S. once reigned supreme"

ABC AU: "Andrew Forrest says big companies are 'forcing' customers to 'destroy the planet.. "All I'm saying to the fossil fuel sector is, if you're like the single-use plastic sector, if you're like Coca-Cola and you just give single-use plastic as your container for Coke, then you're forcing your customers to be single-use plastic nature destroyers".. Coca-Cola is one of the sponsors for the UN Climate Change Conference — a move which has drawn criticism from climate activists..

Mr Forrest is investing in solar farms to lay the groundwork for Fortescue Future Industries to be producing 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030"


Al Monitor: "Climate change is speeding up, warns major UN report" "Republican success could mean more constraints on US aid to Ukraine, more trade tensions and more drag on global climate ambitions"


Science is like playing Jeopardy: here is the answer - what was the question?"


🌓🌎🌞 <-- lunar eclipse

🌎🌓🌞 <-- solar eclipse

🌎🌞🌗 <-- apocalypse"

Leary, Pharmageddon: "On the surface medical practice appears the same but underneath it’s not. For instance, a small number of people have a genetic disorder that leads to excessively high cholesterol levels and for them drugs like the statins can save lives.. For the most part, however, the statins are instead given to healthy people who have mild elevations of their cholesterol levels. Similarly, treatments for asthma or osteoporosis are now given to many people who would never have been diagnosed and treated before. Treatment happens now in response to results on a series of tests that have emerged in recent years—but these new tests don’t help make a diagnosis that will lift a threat to our lives. Instead they effectively make a diagnosis of some drug deficiency disorder, and they often enter medical practice as part of the marketing strategy for a new drug.

These new diseases and their treatments have gained a purchase on us because they are presumed to represent the latest advances in a story of progress that runs through insulin and the antibiotics and will hopefully lead someday to cures for cancer. These are the drugs that, had they been available, some presume might have saved many of my father’s generation. But far from saving either their lives or ours, clinical trials show that the indiscriminate use of drugs to lower lipids or blood sugars, to relieve respiratory wheeze, or to block stress hormones may even increase the risk of loss of life, and appear to be doing so in the United States, the country that makes the greatest use of the latest pharmaceuticals, where since the mid-1970s life expectancy has been falling progressively further behind other developed countries"

Excellent title for a book on pharma - Pharmageddon

AP News: "Warnock, Walker in tight race in Georgia; runoff possible"


Thank you, PA! 🥰"


First ever clinical trial underway of laboratory grown red blood cells being transfused into another person"


Amiga? Partying like it's 1989..


.. people are still making brand new expansion boards for the #Amiga, like this ZZ9000 by @mntmn"

"How will DOE loan out $250B to make dirty energy systems clean?.. A new Biden admin program can help replace coal plants with clean energy, switch gas pipelines to hydrogen"


The increased competiteness would help if UK did not cut itself off from their BIGGEST EXPORT MARKET.

CNBC: "A historically weaker pound on a medium- to long-term basis has a variety of impacts on the U.K. more broadly... The most basic one is that imports get more expensive, while exports theoretically get more competitive"

They are looking to buy a lot of Pfizer vaccines, reportedly.. That'll help, Pfizer can fight effectively against the older strains, not too effective for new ones but they are not as deadly.

WSJ: "China Weighs Zero-Covid Exit but Proceeds With Caution"

H2 Fuel News: "European Commission invests €3 billion in innovative clean tech projects to deliver on REPowerEU"

DOE: "LPO's new Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) Program provides a powerful [DOE] financing mechanism to help meet national emissions reduction goals by transforming old or dirty energy infrastructure into new or modernized clean assets and revitalizing communities where old energy infrastructure sits. 'The entire energy infrastructure ecosystem qualifies to come into the.. program to be repurposed,' [said..] head of DOE’s Loan Programs Office. '[The program] can help replace coal plants with clean energy, switch gas pipelines to hydrogen, upgrade transmission, and more.'"

TFI Global: "In a final blow to the west, South Africa to host Naval exercise with Russia & China"

Finally one poll that shows JF ahead.

(['John Fetterman', '11/6/22', 'Research Co.', 49.0],
 ['Mehmet Oz', '11/6/22', 'Research Co.', 48.0])

(['Herschel Junior Walker', '11/7/22', 'Landmark Communications', 46.8],
 ['Raphael Warnock', '11/7/22', 'Landmark Communications', 46.4])

TFI Global: "China becomes the first casualty of Rishi Sunak’s new foreign policy"

Arab News: "UK ramps up mosque visits in immigration crackdown"

First Post: "Facebook parent Meta plans to begin mass layoffs this week, says report"

H2 Central: "Global Power Leader Cummins Inc. will begin producing electrolyzers in the United States, underscoring the company’s continued dedication to advancing the nation’s green hydrogen economy...

Cummins plans to dedicate 89,000 square feet of its existing Fridley [MN] plant to electrolyzer production. Initially, the facility will manufacture its HyLYZER®-500 and HyLYZER®-5000 proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers here, with the potential to manufacture other electrolyzer products in the future.

This range of products can accommodate power needs from 1.25MW to more than 200MW for both small- and large-scale hydrogen generation projects"

Dems post-2016 were also "election-deniers" weren't they? They blamed Russian meddling and questioned the legitimacy of the election. What goes around comes around.


Corporate media is, by this point, literally a threat to the survival of humanity.

'WSJ: The U.S. Should Show It Can Win a Nuclear War'"


According to Reuters, for the first time in several years, rail links between Russia and North Korea have resumed"

The truth is out there


Most likely bullcrap.. Whoever released the vid plopped it on there digitally to f--k with people. Was it gov? Not an efficient use of tax dollars.


The "triangle-shaped UFO" claim on the aircraft carrier deck (2018).. Checking




When I started out in sci/tech I did not expect to end up with a junk science category one day with nearly a dozen items in it.

How about a sociopathological explanation?

Kroupa: "Why the scientific community is in denial about the falsification of the dark matter model is a question that requires both a sociological and philosophical explanation"

BTW the vid below talks about nuclear waste; but it turns out using spent (MOX) fuel is feasible. Russia now has a plant, and I've seen articles about US, France facilities. This tech should be more widespread.

#HTGR #Japan


Offshore Energy: "Danish shipping and logistics giant A.P. Moller – Maersk has signed a general protocol for collaboration with the Spanish government to explore the opportunities for large-scale green fuels production in Spain. The signing of the protocol was described as a significant milestone in the collaboration that, if fully implemented, could deliver up to 2 million tonnes of green fuels per year"

Lefty move from Trudeau.

The Guardian: "Trudeau.. criticised Ontario legislation tabled by Doug Ford’s conservative provincial government['s..] 'draconian' bill that would fine school.. staff C$4,000.. a day for striking"


It’s easy to defeat the global propagandists nowadays; they’re overstretched.

They don’t know against whom they should spread their lies: Muslims? Russians? Chinese? Arabs? Indians? Africans? Latinos? East Europeans?

Their propaganda machine is spread too thin & ineffective"

Politico: "Hakeem Jeffries on track to replace Pelosi"

"The European Union is one step closer to securing the annual supply of two million tonnes of green hydrogen produced using electricity from wind farms and solar power plants in the steppes of Kazakhstan. The volume is equivalent to one fifth of European imports planned for 2030.

Hyrasia One, a subsidiary of Swedish-German company Svevind Energy Group, reached an investment agreement in Astana with the Kazakh government for the massive project"


Jar Jar Ibrahim disciple was on Rings of Power.. No wonder the show -reportedly- sucked, clearly another Woke-Cuck production.. I haven't seen it


(['John Fetterman', '11/3/22', 'InsiderAdvantage', 46.0],
 ['Mehmet Oz', '11/3/22', 'InsiderAdvantage', 48.3])

Dems are making a mistake by leaning too heavily on Rep election denialism. This election is now about them, not the other guy.

Finally found some tallow sold as product.

Complaining about a third term for Xi's regime.. What difference does it make for outsiders if in an already dictatorial system a leader serves a third term or not?

Generated single PDF for all blog posts w pandoc bcz, why not?

Added the item to the junk science category.

More science fail

Kroupa: "Dark Matter Doesn't Exist.. The current cosmological model only works by postulating the existence of dark matter – a substance that has never been detected, but that is supposed to constitute approximately 25% of all the universe. But a simple test suggests that dark matter does not in fact exist. If it did, we would expect lighter galaxies orbiting heavier ones to be slowed down by dark matter particles, but we detect no such slow-down. A host of other observational tests support the conclusion: dark matter is not there. The implications of this are nothing short of a revision of Einstein’s theory of gravitation. Why the scientific community is in denial about the falsification of the dark matter model is a question that requires both a sociological and philosophical explanation"


First time Im hearing it, I bet the singer was a big shot in France back when.

Not bad.. Ella, elle l'a by France Gall.

H2 Fuel News: "Hawai company gets $1.6M clean hydrogen fuel production funding from DoE.. Simonpietri Enterprises is receiving the funds to broaden its waste-to-energy strategy into H2"