
Github Mirror

Week 35

Fortune: "Before ‘quiet quitting’ in the U.S., there was ‘lying flat’ in China. How the anti-work movement swept the world’s two largest economies..

A world apart, 'lying flat' and 'quiet quitting' have sprouted parallel passive resistance movements among young people in the world’s top two economies, flouting assumptions that Gen Z will work just as hard as previous generations.

Individual followers of the movements have their own motivations—from pandemic-era burnout to existential dread—but a shared sense economic defeatism is binding them together as they confront critics and defy workaholic cultures in China and the U.S."


The US will give $1 billion to Israel for a possible war with Iran that Americans don’t want. Meanwhile, Americans in Jackson, Mississippi don’t have clean water"

At once both naive and shady.. those merry band of mucksuckers around him are all the same way..

You just left the man high and dry, Focker? What kind of political approach is this?

WaPo: "Mitch McConnell called Peter Thiel, the billionaire investor who had pumped $15 million into a super PAC backing Vance, to congratulate him but also to make a request: Since McConnell’s resources were limited, the senator said, would Thiel continue to finance Vance through the general election? Thiel demurred"


Why did boomers retire early? Once covid hit they probably said "I'm old, it's not worth risking it by increasing exposure by going to work, so I'll just retire a few years early".

CNN: "Zuck is betting the future of his half-a-trillion-dollar company, Meta, on a vision of the future in which all of us spend more time in a virtual space known as the metaverse.. The trouble is, everything we've seen of that future so far looks lame as hell. 'It's genuinely puzzling that Meta spent more than $10 billion on VR last year and the graphics in its flagship app still look worse than a 2008 Wii game,' tweeted New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose"

H2 Fuel News: "Why are fuel cell buses becoming so popular in public transportation?.. For many routes, [HFC] buses have proven to have considerable performance advantage over battery electrics, becoming the top choice for the replacement of traditional diesel models. Among the reasons for this included the advantages of zero-emission operations without sacrificing schedules, routes or existing functions at depots. H2 offers longer range and faster fueling than batteries"

Culture differences can rub the yankees the wrong way, the American is full of dreams and ideas then the Brit goes 'interesting' 🧐 Major downer.

Haha he got a little stiff upper lip there didn't he?

"David Lawrence Sackett is widely regarded as 'the father of evidence based medicine,' which is arguably the most important movement in medicine in the past 25 years... Sackett, although at one time a professor in Oxford, had no pomposity whatsoever. Of Oxford he said, 'They have 20 ways of saying ‘interesting,’ all of them negative'"

Confirmation Pisky is gone


Röpcke looks to be a legit journo, from the German Bild.


It’s disappointing to see that many Ukrainian journalist would rather defend each and every move of their government instead of critically questioning its concrete actions to defend the nation. But I guess this is what war makes out of journalism during the threat of extinction"

Ukrainian counter-offensive? I think they are getting their ass kicked. It is sad to watch.

Forbes: "A new study has estimated that life expectancy in the United States dropped sharply between 2019 and 2021, decreasing by three years on average, the steepest decline in nearly 100 years...

A precise accounting of the causes of this devastating development cannot yet be made, but Dr. Steven Woolf, a co-author of the study, attributed it broadly to “the U.S. health disadvantage.” 

The United States is over-invested in war and preparation for war, and under-invested in measures aimed at alleviating poverty and disease, which kill more Americans than any current or recent global conflict, by a wide margin"

H2 Central: "DOE Awards Clarkson University $535K to Advance Clean Hydrogen Production.. “Metallic Membrane Reactors: An Intensified Process to Transforming the Production of Carbon-Neutral Hydrogen,” [project].. aims to develop a potentially transformational approach to produce low-cost, carbon-neutral hydrogen from biomass gasification using hydrogen-selective membrane-assisted water-gas shift reactors"

H2 Central: "Singapore – Keppel to Develop First Hydrogen Ready Power Plant.. Running initially on natural gas as primary fuel, the Keppel Sakra Cogen Plant is also designed to operate on fuels with 30% hydrogen content and has the capability of shifting to run entirely on hydrogen"

"@Ilhan [Omar]

The House just passed the Inflation Reduction Act! [08/12]. This bill will combat the climate crisis, lower drug prices, and create millions of good-paying jobs"

Palin was probably the first modern-day high-profile Rep to talk about Russia without the obligatory animosity. "I can see Russia from Alaska". She might have influenced the Trump narrative later on.. But she was McCain's VP pick who was an extreme Russia hawk.. Strange.

Palin lost Alaska HoR election.. Cotton jumped to her defense

Al Monitor: "Saudi firm Alfanar to build green hydrogen plant in Egypt"

Got all of that right? Right? Ok.. Moving on

Excerpt, F&H paper


[We celebrate] Fifty Years of Semiconductor assisted photocatalytic H2 generation. In 1972 Fujishima and Honda published a paper in @Nature.. It remains a seminal paper in the photocatalysis field"

Dugina was his father's little girl wasn't she - repeated most of his ideas.. Some of them pretty extreme, war-like. UKR probably tried to have Dugin assasinated, they missed, got the daughter, it's sad but these people were actively in the war in a way, through their propaganda.

Liz Cheney lost.. This is the third pol family Trump destroyed - Bush, Clinton and now a Cheney.

CNBC: "An Iran nuclear deal revival could dramatically alter oil prices — if it happens.. “Under this scenario my model shows Brent dipping to $65″ per barrel in the second half of 2023 [an expert] said"


The Inflation Reduction Act - which every single Senate Republican opposed - will directly improve lives and livelihoods in Westchester County, The Bronx, and across the country"

That actually makes sense; if they cannot explain lift in aerodynamics, they wont be able to explain surfing either... IMO both acts utilize the same principle, airplane wings "surf" on air. Stone skipping too same idea.


"The physics of surfing is an enigma. In particular, it is unproven how a surfboard accelerates across a wave, and how a surfboard can grip the water with sufficient force to allow a surfer to stand at the tip.. There is no proven or accepted explanation of surfing supported by evidence and experimentation. Surfing has evolved by intuition, trial, and error"

Even the most white-collar, pro-globalization pols started talking about 'workers'. Such worries were previously confined to the realm of immigrants (or slave labor working abroad), no need to give much lip service to it, except the humanitarian angle and just generally 'being nice to immigrants'. Now worker issues are centerstage, bcz it involves natives, everyone talks about them, it's the stuff of internal politics.

Greek debt was denominated in Euros right? I bet they are loving that inflation right now.. They will be paying back the same amount but with less valueable money.

"Euro zone inflation hits another record of 9.1% as food and energy prices soar"

Denzel playing NYC cop questioning victim, a Sikh, complains he is harrassed all the time , "I get thrown out of a bank.. I go to the airport. I can't go through security without a 'random' selection". Denzel: "I bet you can get a cab, though". Guy is like, oh yeah

Gorbacev was the guy to end their involvement in Afghanistan.

H2 View: "HAV Hydrogen.. is set to launch a deck-based containerised hydrogen energy system for ships. Based on 200kW hydrogen fuel cell modules, the containerised solution is a stand-alone, scalable power supply integrating support and safety systems"

H2 View: "An ammonia-powered fuel cell generator has been tested at a Vodafone mobile telecom tower site in Romania, offering a clean, off-grid hydrogen-based power solution. In a collaboration with [a].. plant solutions provider,.. GenCell Energy's.. low-temperature alkaline fuel cell was tested over a six-week period. According to the firms, initial test results indicate that the off-grid system operated reliably, providing required power output throughout the entire test, operated autonomously.. upon full results, Vodafone will showcase the solution to its different business units"

Blockading Taiwan.. can that be sustained? Ignoring those pesky enemy subs that will swim around like sharks, there is wheather situation to worry about; Let's say blockade starts in October, one month in, it gets windy, seven months in, foggy... July-September is the Typhoon season, then the whole things repeats.. Rough.

Yahoo Finance: "Amazon, Plug Power stocks rise on green hydrogen deal"

CNBC: "The Inflation Reduction Act actually moves up our profitability date to 2025, says [H2 electrolyser manufacturer] Plug Power CEO"


Beavis and Butthead movie - what stayed with me was the machine that kicks nads, and Richard Wack

The pro driver with him says H2 engine generates probably 10% more torque than gasoline version.

Look at it go - #GRYarisH2



@ToyotaMotorCorp President #AkioToyoda drove the #GRYarisH2 (a special #hydrogen-engine version of the Toyota GR Yaris) in a demo run during Rally Belgium. It's 1st time Toyota had shown an under-development H2-engine vehicle on public roads outside Japan"

That 'little area' RU took so far is equivalent to half of UK in landmass, friend


Canada’s third best wheat harvest in records dating to 1908 may help boost world supplies"


This bike moves when the rider walks on it"


"Cummins Inc. and Buhler Industries Inc., a leading tractor manufacturer.. plans to integrate the Cummins 15-liter hydrogen engines in Versatile’s equipment to lead the decarbonization of the agriculture market... Hydrogen combustion engines will provide a cost effective zero-carbon fueled solution... Key benefits of using this technology include enabling a more-timely solution to reduce carbon emissions without sacrificing productivity"

H2 Central: "Amazon contracts Plug Power to supply green hydrogen.. The renewable liquid H2 will be used by the online marketplace to fuel its thousands of forklifts"

Of course someone had to make that joke

"Winter Is Coming And Russia Is Tightening The Gas Noose"

Mfkers dont know how to demo stress analysis, fracture mech. Build the math mod for a structure, make sure it is little funky, apply stress, watch it break in an unexpected way; then compute model which shows breakage in the same place. Now that's teaching...

The Great Wall, Samaritan, nice. The latter had interesting political undertones...

Janes Defense: "India advances import-substitution drive.. The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced.. another list of products that it wants local industry to produce"

WSJ: "Colombia Revives Relations With U.S. Foe Venezuela"

Janes Defense: "New Pakistan-bound [Chinese] J-10s carry maritime-strike camouflage.. A new batch of J-10CE fighter jets being manufactured by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) have been seen with tactical camouflage"

Al Monitor: "Egypt to issue bonds in China’s currency yuan"

H2 Central: "Australia – The First Shipment of Renewable Hydrogen Sent from a Tonsley Hydrogen Hub to The Whyalla Steelworks, Further Plans for Blended Gas"

FCE's carbon capture generates energy? Awesome if true.

"FuelCell Energy’s platform can run on natural gas or biogas. Natural gas and biogas both contain methane, a chemical compound with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms (CH4). Fuel cells use an electrochemical process to convert hydrogen-rich fuels into electrical power and heat. Inside the fuel cell, methane is steam-reformed at 600 degrees Celsius and converted into hydrogen and CO2. The fuel cell produces electricity, heat, water, and CO2, which can be exhausted or captured...

[FCE] plants produce additional power rather than consume it during the carbon capture process. By comparison, conventional carbon capture technologies consume about 20 percent of a plant’s overall power output"


H2 Central: "[US] FuelCell Energy, sees momentum in South Korea clean energy drive.. [CEO].. said the company is intent on working with local partners to make further inroads... [FCE] has proprietary technologies using a carbonate fuel cell platform that can separate, capture and concentrate carbon dioxide from industrial sources and produce hydrogen"

Reshare on sub analysis by Beckley. In regional terms CH is on a more equal footing, but the other side(s) will be full of surprises IMO, if things go that far.

Do we know all the details of this incident? US wasn't performing anti-sub exercise at the time. They might also have seen the sub but kept it to themselves to hide their own detection capabilities..

"In 2006 A Chinese submarine came close to the USS Kitty Hawk carrier group, slipping through its defense"

Alienoid trailer looked promising

This data is not curated, so likely not 100% reliable. I see a town called Pisky occuring a few times in the file, all of them seemingly under UA control... But latest news suggest RU has this town.


Major spike in # of RU controlled towns


H2 Central: "Cummins Fuel Cell Technology Powers New Hydrogen Powered, Zero-Emissions Rail Fleet In Germany"

D. Davis on Afghanistan, from 2010. The Pakistan connection was key I agree.. a prob never fixed; then Taliban came back


The Canadian-German Hydrogen Alliance


CNBC: "A key leader for Meta's metaverse software is leaving the company"

Where was their gun? If there isn't a good guy with a gun, how can one stop a bad guy with a gun?

Arab News: "Dutch commandos wounded in shooting outside hotel in gun-crazy US.. Three Dutch commandos in the United States for training exercises were wounded in a shooting outside their hotel in Indianapolis"

Al Monitor: "Israel pours energy into media blitz against looming Iran nuclear deal"

The Guardian: "Colombia’s leftwing government unveils tax-the-rich plan to tackle poverty"

FBI raiding Maga Lago.. Dems either definitely want to run against Trump or definitely don't want to. The attention can help DJT, in a 2015 redux.

Anti-semitism, critical of Israel.. what's the difference. People's eyes will float, brains not registering anything past "anti-", but the right corners will get the message.

Notice when they were hitting Corbyn with that how the narrative also came coupled with a pro-Russia "accusation". It may not have made sense at first, such talk in a country who was "on the right side" of WWII fighting against the Nazis being so enthusiastic to prove its anti-Semitic credentials, but once we understand Israel's role in the outer alliance (a frontier country) it all makes sense; Accusing someone being pro-Russia and anti-Semitic is merely two sides of the same coin.

Supportive statements are a secret handshake of sorts.. Instead of saying 'I am wholeheartedly supportive of my country's long-running strategy of containing the inner countries, block their access to the high seas and position selves so we can choke off their trade at a moment's notice" you just say "I dislike anti-Semitism and will repeat that 100 more times just to make sure you get 😉 my 😉 meaning 😉".

Anti-semitism talk in UK politics doesn't have anything to do with anti-semitism per se, it has everthing to do with signaling loyalty to the interest of the outer alliance.

"Canada and Germany.. entered into an agreement to stimulate the development of green hydrogen production in Canada for supply to Germany at what is scheduled to be Canada’s first large-scale green hydrogen facility... World Energy GH2 officially launched its project to invest $12 billion in Newfoundland and Labrador to produce green hydrogen to power world markets"

"[NY] Governor Hochul Announces Maine and Rhode Island Join Multi-State Agreement to Propose a Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub"


BREAKING: White House issues new policy that will require, by 2026, all federally-funded research results to be freely available to public without delay, ending longstanding ability of journals to paywall results for up to 1 year"


Extreme floods continue this morning in Malakand division of #Swat, #Pakistan"


Admin is getting rid of Luigi..? That is good news. Probably will go down history as the man who started covid.

Bad bad bad...

"Lithium salts in the battery are self-oxidizing, which means that they can't be "starved out" like a traditional fire."


NEW: A year after the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, several key indicators reveal that the country is not better off than it was before the U.S. invasion in 2001"


I wonder if shadowy figures in US delibaretely targeted Greece post 2008 so they took on a ginormous debt; Goldman Sachs underwrote those loans and they likely egged them on; as a result Greece was saddled with an onerous contract, later US obtained military bases perhaps in return for lenience, help? Who knows

Spying scandal in Greece

"French manufacturer of high-end hydrogen-powered sedans, reveals today its concept car, Hopium Machina Vision, and offers for the first time an immersion inside the cabin"


Scalia died shortly afterwards - historical note

A DDV classic




I’d rather fist a dog than be in a relationship. Piss my pants!"

Trains based on elecricity seem wasteful to me, based on crappy tech, not to mention unsafe.. Extremely high-voltage is required to transmit that power. Why bother when one car of a train can carry the fuel for even multiple trips?

Yahoo Finance: "The first fully hydrogen-powered passenger train service is now up and running. Coradia iLint trains built by Alstom are running on the line in Lower Saxony, Germany."

That is not a typo.. it says FIVE HUNDRED GIGAWATTS. Huge.

H2 Central: "Green Hydrogen International announces.. green hydrogen hub – a gigascale green hydrogen production and storage complex to be built in Nova Scotia, Canada. Spirit of Scotia will be an integrated green hydrogen production, storage, and transport project to be built in phases up to a potential 500GW in size to supply a secure source of green hydrogen to European and North American markets"

Quanta Magazine: "‘Post-Quantum’ Cryptography Scheme Is Cracked on a Laptop"

Financial Post: "Ballard Power Systems Inc., the Vancouver-based maker of hydrogen fuel cells for use in trucks, trains and ships,... share price jumped five per cent to $11.39, the highest point since early May, extending a 33-per-cent surge since late July.. Investor excitement appears.. connected to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, which has a massive climate-change component that could allocate billions of dollars to incentivize the construction of hydrogen infrastructure...

Suddenly, in a major and largely unexpected shift, the bill has positioned the United States to emerge as a major hydrogen economy and a potentially lucrative market for Ballard products. 'It wasn’t too long ago, maybe two years ago, where the U.S. market really was not a high priority for us,' [CEO] told analysts.. 'In fact, we had really characterized the U.S. market as a California market. That has clearly changed.'"


Plug is proud to announce a new agreement with longtime customer @Amazon to supply 10,950 tons per year of liquid #greenhydrogen to fuel Amazon operations. Green hydrogen is the key to helping Amazon reach its goal of net-zero"

War Dogs, a more grounded Lord of War, hilarious at times. Loved it.