
Github Mirror

Week 33

Express: "Hydrogen will ‘effectively replace fossil fuels’.. according to a new whitepaper [by H2Accelerate]"

Anatolians know the cheese as tulum peyniri; it is Romanian in origin. But hey... what's the difference between Anatolian, Romanian, Greek - amiright? Amiright?

They bring bryndza cheese as appetizer along with lavash at kebab houses in Anatolia; the cheese is heavy, dry, salty.. Thought can use it on dried poultry as fat subtitute. Saw the making of this cheese, they dry the hell out of it, all its water comes out.

Dude says we've no need for the dark energy hypothesis



.. A great example for how deep learning models struggle with out-of-distribution data. I wonder how many carriages the model has seen during training 😅"


"The rising cost of second-hand vehicles is a consequence of the semiconductor chip shortage that's been hammering the motor industry since Covid-19 lockdowns were first a thing. The short supply of chips has bottlenecked car production, with outputs slumping by more than a third as manufacturers struggle to get their hands on the much-needed components. To put the scale of the problem into perspective, approximately 40 chips of varying capabilities are needed for the average family motor today, such is the substantial reliance of electronics in the latest vehicles"


Rhodium Group: "In the central emissions case, the [IRA] bill accelerates emissions reductions to 40% below 2005 levels in 2030.. Long-term tax credits for carbon capture, direct air capture, clean hydrogen and clean fuels provide a launch pad for these key technologies to scale and build on the investments of the IIJA hub and demonstration programs"

Day Shift, Ford vs Ferrari, Last Seen Alive, Outlaw King.. all fine works.

Politico: "Buried deep in a recent story about Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters is a particularly revealing comment from one of Masters’ supporters, posted on an exclusive Discord chat: 'How can one man be so based?'. The uninitiated reader might be forgiven for asking: 'Based on what?' The word, a slang term with origins in hip-hop culture, has been adopted in recent years by the extremely online far right to basically mean 'anything that owns the libs'.. He and his mentor, Peter Thiel, are fixated on the far-right pet project of 'dismantling the administrative state,'"

Based on grav pull and volume one can show Sun's density is liquid-like... Then either the Sun is not made of plasma, or everything people know about plasmas are wrong (I am betting on the former).

Livescience: "Like gases, plasmas have no fixed shape or volume, and are less dense than solids or liquids"


This is the thorium based reactor - next gen fission. Build it generate H2, pipe it.

"Canada-based nuclear reactor developer Terrestrial Energy and Invest Alberta.. to support commercialisation of.. Generation IV integral molten salt reactor (IMSR) in western Canada"

Lucky Chops NYC #music



Ran into another startup using their own kit to cut down on cloud [computing] costs. Their savings are ~40x (!!)"

H2 Central: "Hydrogen Technologies, a fully owned subsidiary of JEV, has patented a breakthrough method for burning hydrogen and oxygen in a vacuum chamber to create high-temperature water and/or steam with zero greenhouse gases.. for commercial heating, hot water and industrial steam boiler applications"


Bohemian rhapsody for postdocs:

Is this a real job?

Or more like a PhD?

Caught in short contracts

No chance of stability

Open your eyes

Look up to PIs and see

I'm just a postdoc

I get no sympathy

Because I'm easy come, easy go

Stress is high

Pay is low"


The worst climate disaster in the world right now is in Eastern Africa, where nearly 20,000,000 people are going hungry because of the worst drought in a generation.. Four rainy seasons in a row have failed. A fifth failure seems likely"

A small buthane canister will generate medium level flame continuously for 5 hours.

I've never seen a camper with a battery stove. That tells you something.

Climate change causes other mishaps, different matter

30-35 C temp indoors is comfortable, not a big deal.. The problem is outdoors, pavements, per below. Temp measurements are taken in the shade. Where sun falls on pavement is at a higher / temperature, higher than that day's temperature. This is the root of the hellish experiences, especially in cities. And.. most of our cities are just bloody pavement right?

Good point

"Shade doesn't actually make temperatures cooler. Rather, being in direct sunlight and solar radiation makes the air feel 10 to 15 degrees warmer than it actually is, said.. a retired weather service meteorologist. 'So, conversely, it would feel that much cooler in the shade,' he said. Similarly, when the ocean breeze comes up, temperatures will feel 4 to 5 degrees cooler, particularly if you've been sweating. And if you're looking for yet another means to buffer the outside heat, find some grass. It will feel a few degrees cooler than the heat rising off of pavement"


Poultry production causes less greenhouse gases, it has less iron (good) and just as nutrituous as beef - plus cheaper.

Subsidies are absolutely fine. Gov can guide econ towards the production of that food. Free markets by themselves are not enough.

Gobble gobble gov subsidizing 75% of gobble gobble farms for capacity over 7000? Interesting.. The bird grows in half a year, so 14,000 birds a year, markets sell a kilo for 6 USD, say farms sell it for 3 USD a piece, 7000 x 2 x 4 x 3 = 168000 USD per year, since costs are mostly subsidized, cld leave over 120K USD after subtracting costs.. Not bad for a farmer.

"Mongolian way of cutting watermelon"


12 Strong 👍. The Afghani Gen Dostum character foretells what would eventually follow with US in AFG.

Bloomberg: "Saudi Aramco plans to begin permanently storing carbon dioxide from 2026 in one of the largest facilities of its kind, as the state oil giant seeks to reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050... The project is part of Aramco’s larger vision to become a leader in producing hydrogen, a gas seen as key to the global energy transition since it produces zero emissions when burned"

"[Karl John Friston] offers a heuristic proof (and simulations of a primordial soup) suggesting that life—or biological self-organization—is an inevitable and emergent property of any (weakly mixing) random dynamical system that possesses a Markov blanket"


"Science magazine has an article.. Ordinary computers can beat Google’s quantum computer after all... The very short summary is that by now classical algorithms are ten orders of magnitude faster than those used in the Google paper and hence the [quantum comp] speed-up is ten orders of magnitude lower than Google’s fantastic claims"


Professional identity.. They shouldn't have any.. self-guided material plus video lectures can replace them.

The Mandarin: "Why a move to outsource lesson planning has [Oz] NSW teachers hopping mad.. state’s education minister.. announced teachers will be given curriculum lesson plans, texts and learning materials to ease the pressure on their workloads.. This taps into existing concerns about.. teachers having less autonomy over what to teach and how to teach it. It also strikes at the heart of teachers’ core professional identity"

When expecting a crisis people rush to safe assets like treasury bonds raising their price and lowering its yield - which foretells an environment when FED rate will be lower due to crisis. It's fitting how that works out.


Mike Howell @crossbordercap gives explanations for low term premium on 10-yr Treasury:


Ballistic, after one an initial push, travels in an arc.

Cruise can propel itself with an engine throughout the whole trip, can fly very close, parallel to the ground. Cruise would be harder to detect and defend against.

3 km of pipeline material, as sealed off small pieces underground can store 30 tonnes of H2 which equals to 12x3000x33.6/1e3 = 1206 MWh. Easy to procure - manufactured already for regular gas networks. A large, expensive battery installation is at 900 MWh made from lithium whose mining destroys the environment and cannot easily be recycled. There isn't even a comparison here.

One side of the East Med alliance is France, Greece, Israel, Cyprus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and US of A. Quite a list.

Germany to sell 214's to Anatolia? France is building battleships for Greece, DE is helping out TR. What is the EU policy?

Note: Greece already has this type of sub.

"[Greek FM Dendias].. expressed Athens’ concerns about the exports of German armaments, especially that of the 214-type submarines, to Turkey, stressing that these submarines risk changing the balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean"

import util
cs = ['alexandroupoli','volos','souda','skyros','chalkidona']

US blob never lets a rivalry go to waste, esp. if RU can be involved somehow.. Greece was courted for US mil presence, there is now the Alexandroupoli port deploy, right near Dardanelles, there is Volos, Skyros, Chalkidona. US was already present in Souda (Crete), one report says now there are plans for a second base. 'merica everywhere. Like Coca-Cola.

Some left-over posts here.. the break continues