
Github Mirror

Week 31

H2 Central: "Liberty Hydrogen has launched with development plans.. [for] an industrial-scale biomass to green ammonia facility. The global production capacity of grey ammonia is expected to expand from around 235 million metric tons in 2019, to nearly 290 million metric tons by 2030. For companies to meet net-zero targets, ammonia production will need to transition to a low-carbon ‘green’ process. Liberty Hydrogen’s green ammonia facility is targeting a starting capacity of 100,000 tonnes of green ammonia positioning itself as a leader in the burgeoning low-carbon ammonia sector."

"German oil and gas company Wintershall Dea and compatriot pipeline operator Nord-West Oelleitung (NWO) have signed an agreement for the BlueHyNow hydrogen production plant in Wilhelmshaven... Wintershall Dea plans a plant for producing large volumes of hydrogen using Norwegian natural gas"


Dr. Willows and team are working on commercial scale demo of their bio-based H2 generation tech.


H2 Bio Info


"The revolutionary patent-pending technology will allow any internal combustion engine in a current road vehicle to be converted into zero-emissions.. [The tech] can convert petrol and diesel engines within a day ending harmful emissions"

"A second hydrogen production base in Korea is set to kick off operations in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, next month, to improve the supply volume of energy to vehicle charging stations in Seoul and neighboring cities.

The Pyeongtaek base, located at the Asan Industrial Complex, some 60 kilometers south of Seoul, will have the capacity of providing 430,000 hydrogen-fueled vehicles, including commercial ones, with energy per annum, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy"

"Hyundai Motor’s XCIENT Fuel Cell Heavy-Duty Trucks to Hit German Roads"

Haha, UK doc about "electricity storage" is talking about H2 a lot.


It will take 80 of these things to create serious competition with a major oil and natgas find.

But green is great. Let's do more.


250-MW Arizona solar project 1 step closer to construction"


Green light given to Dubai royal’s 400MW green #hydrogen project in Pakistan — powered by 1.2GW of #wind and #solar"

That will require massive renewable energy generation

"The global green hydrogen market will expand from $2.14bn last year to 135.73bn by 2031.. according to a new study from Indian/US firm Transparency Market Research (TMR)... Similar growth was forecast in April by US analyst Guidehouse Insights, which forecast that the global manufacturing of electrolysers — the machines that produce green hydrogen from renewable electricity..

The study adds that solar energy will be the leading source of power for green hydrogen over the forecasted period, with PEM technology dominating the electrolyser market"

That's the German Chancelor standing next to a Siemens turbine for a gas pipeline; a wild guess here - molecule transport is crucial.


I believe the poster below used the words "as of 2020" to report a cumulative number as in all renewable elec generated by 2020, not the annual number. The cumulative is an odd thing to report - you'd do it of course to inflate your results...

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../../2022/01/bp-stats-review-2022-consolidated-dataset-panel-format.csv')
df = df[(df.Country == 'Total World') & (df.Year == 2020)]
x = float(df['electbyfuel_ren_power'])
t = float(df['primary_ej'])*277.778
print ("%0.2f Twh, %0.2f percent" % (x, x/t*100))
3146.57 Twh, 2.01 percent

In year 2020 renewable electricity was at 3146 TWh, half of the number below. 3146 TWh represents 2% of all energy production of that year.

"@IRENA Renewable Energy Statistics 2022 shows that the amount of electricity generated from renewables reached 7468 TWh as of 2020"

A hit already.. 2019 movie Yesterday. Brilliant. Haven't had this much fun with a story on the music industry since That Thing You Do and Rockstar.

New Netflix ratings data file, sweet.. This one includes 2019. The code works on it. More data to chew on..

They have an actor on the lam - as in he is running away from the law, right now. They are looking for this guy. Imagine how messed up that is.

The new CEO is fixing some stuff but boy, was Warner Bros in a mess..

If China consumes five times as much energy as India with about same amt of people, that means they are producing something in excess, and that something is goods for the world. The energy to make that stuff mostly comes from dirty coal.

It seems to me some developed countries simply shifted their polluting over to China and think they are scotfree. if they really cared about the environment they would tariff that pollution. Of course that would be inflationary and/or could mean less shopping. But let's think about that - do kids really need that Mr. Potatohead toy? Parents can DIY make it using regular potato.

Yahoo Finance: "OPEC Confirms Smallest Ever Output Increase.. The world's largest oil exporters agreed to a token increase in crude production from September, unable and unwilling to compensate for the tightening of the world market by western sanctions on Russia"


Pelosi may no longer be in Taiwan, but the mess she helped create remains. I still have no clue why she made the trip, and her op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday didn’t really give me a convincing answer. Blurp blurp, bleep bleep, democracy vs. autocracy, bleep bleep"

H2 Central: "The government informed that the draft Hydrogen Mission document has been prepared. In his Independence Day speech last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced the launch of the National Hydrogen Mission...

According to the [Minister of State for New and Renewable Energy] the draft mission proposes a framework for demand creation, a basket of measures to support production and utilisation of green hydrogen and support for indigenous manufacturing.

Besides, it also includes research and development work, pilot projects, enabling policies and regulations, and infrastructure development"

The Australia Today: "In a research paper published in the prestigious journal Materials Today [Deakin University researchers] have offered a novel way to separate, store and transport huge amounts of hydrogen gas safely and with almost no wastage..

The traditional oil refinery methods make up 15 per cent of the world’s energy use [which] uses a high-energy ‘cryogenic distillation’ process to separate crude oil into different gases that are further used by consumers as petrol and household gas.

IFM researchers in their papers have outlined a completely different mechanochemical way of separating and storing gases that use a tiny fraction of the energy and create zero waste...

The researchers say that the special ingredient in their process is boron nitride powder"


H2 Central: "World's first vessel powered by an H2-storing salt gets construction green light..The world’s first ship to be powered using a solid form of hydrogen — said to be far safer and easier to store than compressed or liquid H2 — is due to go into operational trials at the Port of Amsterdam next June... The Neo Orbis passenger vessel — designed to operate in Amsterdam’s canals and in the channel between the city and the North Sea — will be powered by hydrogen released from a salt called sodium borohydride (NaBH4)"


Collated post on underground H2 storage.


Newatlas: "EAT's silicon-based powder doesn't require you to start off with any hydrogen at all – and getting the hydrogen back out is even easier... The Si+ powder can be made using a (preferably renewable) energy source, as well as metallurgical-grade silicon – which itself can be made from sand, or from crushed-up recycled solar panels and electronics. EAT's process results in a porous silicon powder that's completely safe and easy to transport...

When you need the hydrogen, you dump the Si+ powder into water, mix it around a bit, and ... that's pretty much it. At a wide range of ambient temperatures between 0-80 °C (32-176 °F), hydrogen gas will start bubbling out. The chemical equation, says EAT, looks like this: Si + 2H2O -> SiO2 + 2H2. Thus, apart from the hydrogen gas, all that's left over is silicon dioxide, also known as silica, or the major constituent of sand"

Hyzon has good PR department; Kudos.


More than 6 billion #Google searches will be made globally today. The Hyzon team dug into these searches to find what the world wonders most about hydrogen. Among the top 10 is pollution-related & we share what a #hydrogen vehicle does actually emit"


Shell and Shenergy Form Joint Venture to Develop Hydrogen Refuelling Network in China"

Transport only clean molecules #H2 #NH3

"Methane at Sea: Finding the Invisible Climate Killer.. T&E's investigation into so-called ‘green’ liquid natural gas (LNG) ships uncovers significant amounts of invisible methane being released into the atmosphere"


Recharge: "Australian start-up Hysata that says it has developed the world’s most efficient electrolyser has attracted A$42.5m ($29.4m) in an oversubscribed Series A funding round.. The Hysata electrolyser operates at 95% system efficiency (41.5 kWh/kg), delivering a giant leap in performance and cost over incumbent technologies"

Tree Energy Solutions snagged Marco Alvera, the author of this book, prev CEO of Snam. First project of TES is the Wilhelmshaven Green Energy Hub in Germany, set to supply 250 TWh/year carbon-neutral energy of which H2 is a big part of. 250 TWh/y means 28 GW, not a small thing.

This level is pretty standard for most countries.. Electricity is already not the preferred energy transfer medium. Suboptimal.

Electricity as percentage of oveall energy consumption

import util; util.get_bp_country("China")[3]
Out[1]: 19.49
Out[1]: 17.06

US imports of Chinese goods back to trend (in millions)..

import util; util.plot_fred(1990, "IMPCH")
2022-03-01  47373.521578
2022-04-01  41772.201093
2022-05-01  43864.418558


If latest GDP figure repeats before the next election, and net popularity doesn't change it's a loss for Biden if he runs again. But a mere -10% (an improvement) and GDP growth of 1% would give an advantage to him, or to the "next Dem nominee".


Note that US transport did not fly over the South China Sea, scared the plane could get shot down there.

SOH Taiwan visit didn't seem to help.. Just like the famed 90s "Tinnamen visit" clearly did nothing for democracy in China. Publicity stunt?

"@Bundeskanzler [Scholz]

At @Siemens_Energy I could see with my own eyes: The serviced turbine is there and ready for use at any time. It only has to be requested from Russia. So there are no technical reasons to reduce gas supplies"

WION: "Rafael Grossi, the UN nuclear chief has shot out a warning to the world leaders, stating that Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.. 'is completely out of control.. Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated. What is at stake is extremely serious and extremely grave and dangerous,' said Grossi"

Guessing once artillery fired nearby its location is pinpointed by this system, for an immediate counterfire.. Probably too late for UKR but it could be useful for someone else..

Effective at what range?

Jane's Defense: "Microflown Avisa applies 3D shockwave detection for improved counter-artillery capability"

Paper: "Cost of long-distance energy transmission by different carriers.. This paper compares the relative cost of long-distance, large-scale energy transmission by electricity, gaseous, and liquid.. carriers. The results indicate that the cost of electrical transmission per delivered MWh can be up to eight times higher than for hydrogen pipelines"


He referenced the paper above


Capital cost of long-distance energy transmission ($/mile-MW):

Electrical lines = $1,502

Hydrogen pipeline = $166

Natural gas pipeline = $97

Oil pipeline = $16"


Just a single company - Air Products - has over 600 miles of hydrogen pipeline in operation around the US Gulf Coast"

Ammonia Energy: "Mitsui & Co. and CF Industries will jointly develop a greenfield facility that will produce CCS ammonia on the US Gulf Coast. The partners are targeting a reduction of at least 60% emissions compared to conventional ammonia production, with the selection of a technology provider in its final stages..

[CF said:] 'Our work with Mitsui has reinforced our shared belief that blue ammonia will play a critical role in accelerating the world’s transition to clean energy and that demand for blue ammonia will grow meaningfully in the second half of this decade. We believe that the United States offers considerable advantages for blue ammonia production due to access to plentiful and low-cost natural gas, the regulatory and legal framework in place, and the geology suitable for permanent carbon sequestration.'

In November last year we reported that, thanks to planned upgrades at their existing Donaldsonville and Yazoo City plants, CF Industries was targeting CCS ammonia production of 1.25 million tonnes per year from 2024"

[General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone] Signs MOU with Indian Renew Power for 220,000 Tons of Green Hydrogen Production – $8B Investment... 'The site initially will be set on an area of ​​600,000 square meters in the Sokhna integrated Zone, bringing the production capacity of the two phases of green hydrogen to 220,000 tons and 1,100 million tons of green ammonia.' [SCZONE chairman] Zaki added"

H2 Central: "Hydrogen turbines – GE Gas Power awarded $4,2M in funding from ARPA-E.. [The] funding is focused on two projects entitled 'Lifted-flame combustion for high-hydrogen reheat gas turbines' and 'Manufacturing high-yield investment castings with minimal energy.' Both initiatives will be led by GE Gas Power and conducted at GE’s Global Technology Center in Greenville, South Carolina... As part of these projects, GE will conduct cutting-edge research for gas turbine decarbonization"

OCI is a Netherlands based chemical company.. NL is becoming huge in H2 energy and regulation would be strict.. The ammonia is certainly clean. My only worry is not being able to generate clean fuels fast enough, but in terms of tech, there is a pathway to a clean energy future through both green and blue H2/NH3.

First shipment from this venture arrived to Japan recently

"[06/2021: A] joint venture between Adnoc and OCI, will join the development of a large blue ammonia plant in the UAE’s downstream centre in Ruwais... The blue aspect refers to hydrogen derived from natural gas feedstocks. The plant will have a production capacity of 1,000 kilotonnes a year"


The #hydrogen start-up [Tree Energy] has secured €65 million in its latest funding round. @malvera1, the CEO, affirmed that the company is looking to become one of the world’s largest buyers of #renewable energy. Belgium-based company seeks to expand the use of renewable energy across Europe"

Then this silicon-based powder sort of becomes the fuel, the thing that gets stored, transported etc; since it can take H2 out of any water easily.

H2 Fuel News: "Si+ material to make hydrogen fuel transportation and storage safer.. The silicon-based powder acts as a solid-state H2 making it safer to both store and transport... The breakthrough was announced by the EPRO Advance Technology (EAT) renewable energy company...

'EAT has developed a revolutionary porous silicon material, known as Si+, which has the ability to generate ultra-pure hydrogen from a water source and which acts as a solid-state hydrogen generating material – one that is compact, robust, and easily transportable' said a media release issued by the company"

The "Mandela Effect"? Most think Mandela died in prison instead of in 2013. That is an "effect".. I think it's just people being dumb (or uninformed). It's fine, really.. Does the man on the street need to know everything? No. That's why we have professions.

More dark comedy..

Al Monitor: "Palestinian family encircled by Israeli settlement.. An eight-metre high metal fence surrounds the Gharib family home in the occupied West Bank. To reach it they must pass through a gate remotely controlled by Israeli security forces"


CNBC: "The death of easy money: Why 20% annual returns are over in crypto lending.. '$3 trillion of liquidity will likely be taken out of markets globally by central banks over the next 18 months,' said.. a global crypto and digital asset strategist at Bank of America"

WION: "Lebanon: People queue up to buy bread, six breads sell for $20 on black market"

Yahoo News: "Truss surges ahead, wins key backers in UK leadership race"

Let's sanction US for its sanctions

"U.S. Eyes Sanctions Against Network It Believes Is Shipping Iranian Oil"

If China consumes a lot of dirty coal, and the entire world depends on them to produce stuff, then to lower emissions maybe countries should not depend on China for so many products. Should the the environmental footprint of a country define which tariffs get applied to it?

The Danish Strait - dam. It's busy up there..

Malacca is closer to the optimal path I bet corps shaving off cents from their cost needed that path.

Is "the Malacca Strait worry" overblown? There are alternatives.. Sunda and Lombok Strait are both available and actually spacier for ship traffic.

Straits, Chokepoints


The now militarized Spratly Islands are smack in the middle of international waters

But China says, no, all that shit is mine

UN recognized maritime borders in the SCC based on 12 mile rule.. Looks fair


Claims on the South China Sea.. from paper. Pretty much everyone's claimed sea space overlap and of course, there is oil and gas involved.


WION: "Russia Pummels Ukraine's Mykolaiv, Killing Top Businessman"

H2 View: "Hopes for hydrogen in the US have been heightened after the breakthrough Tax and Climate Bill was agreed on seeing the US Senate offer a $3 per kg in tax credits, that look to make green hydrogen cheaper to produce than grey.".

H2 View: "Hydrogen mixing gas turbine project takes slice of $4.2m funding [from US Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy]"

The Lighthouse: "Designer bacteria could fuel the future with cheap hydrogen.. Macquarie synthetic biologists have made a breakthrough in renewable energy production by creating genetically-engineered sugar-loving bacteria that can produce on-demand, zero-emission hydrogen fuel..

The genetic engineering of the microbes is partly funded by a $1.1 million grant from the Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and supported by industry partners BOC Australia and Bioplatforms Australia.

'This is renewable energy that uses a two-part system; first, the bacteria consume the sugar and as it digests the sugar it produces the hydrogen gas,' [researcher] explains...

Farming bacteria to produce hydrogen also has economic and environmental advantages – in the right setting, bacteria rapidly multiply, they are cheap to create and don’t need much space...

The University team has used genetic engineering approaches to change the DNA of certain strains of E. coli bacteria to produce hydrogen from sugars.

By accelerating the metabolism of the bacteria and finding the optimum conditions for production, they have produced a strain that makes hydrogen at rates higher than any previous published rates of bacterial bio-hydrogen.

Many bio-hydrogen developers are using algae to produce hydrogen but Willows says that bacteria have the advantage of much faster production and lower inputs – they also don’t require big ponds for cultivation.

The strain that the team has developed is also very stable, he adds. 'We have bacteria that we made more than four months ago that are still producing hydrogen at the same rate,” he says. “They are not growing or dividing – this is exciting as all of the enzymes that are required within the bacterial cell seem to be stable for about three or four months, or possibly longer.'

Unlike ethanol – a fuel that must grow new yeast for each new batch – Macquarie’s bacterial hydrogen producers can keep brewing gas without a fresh biological agent added for each batch"


Cows produce methane naturally.. Surely much can be done through bio for H2 production.

Utility Dive: "Carbon capture projects, regional CO2 pipeline design to get $2.6B in DOE funding proposal.. The Department of Energy plans to offer 2.54 billion to help finance six carbon capture and storage, or CCS, demonstration projects at coal- and gas-fired power plants as well as at industrial facilities, according to a notice of intent issued Wednesday"

That is around 300 mmboe.. They have larger fields over there, but it's not nothing.

Al Monitor: "More gas discovered off coast of Abu Dhabi.. The discovery in the Offshore Block 2 Exploration Concession off the cost of Abu Dhabi amounts to 1-1.5 trillion standard cubic feet of gas. The field is operated by the Italian energy giant Eni"

Hopefully Wagner doesn't sabotage that pipeline.


Now we're talkin. This is some NStream level shit.

int((30*1e9*10.55) / (1e6*365*24)), 'GW'
36 GW

Xinhuanet: "Algeria, Niger, Nigeria ink deal to build trans-Saharan gas pipeline.. [who] signed on Thursday a memorandum of understanding.. for the construction of a gas pipeline across the Sahara Desert that will supply Europe with additional gas.. [The pipeline] is expected to span 4,000 km and could send up to 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year"

CNBC: "Air travel chaos.. [We] spoke to several pilots flying for major airlines, all of whom described fatigue due to long hours and what they said was opportunism and a desire to cut costs as part of a toxic 'race to the bottom' culture pervading the industry and worsening the messy situation that travelers are facing today...

'Leading into the summer, it was absolute carnage because airlines didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t have a proper plan in place. All they knew they wanted to do was try and fly as much as humanly possible – almost as if the pandemic had never happened,' [a] pilot said.

'But they forgot that they’d cut all of their resources.'"

Mind Soup - Dawn Of Caspian #music


Peter Voit (Not Even Wrong Blog): "There’s a new book out this month, 'Before the Big Bang: The Origin off the Universe from the Multiverse'..

I spent a few minutes today looking through the book in the bookstore, trying to figure out where to find the details of the 'spectacularly vindicated with observational evidence.' I didn’t see any references in the book.. For many years I’ve spent a significant amount of time reading books and papers purporting to offer scientific evidence for a multiverse, trying to carefully understand the author’s arguments and write about them here.. Few physicists though seem to care that bogus claims and pseudo-science about the multiverse have overrun their field and become its public face. I’ve come to the conclusion that best to not waste more time on this"


Accident Man, my kinda thing.. Rated R.

A Quiet Place, not my kind of thing.. Recommender tad off on this one. But cinematically wonderful, has its own pace, well acted.

The Independent: "Brexit bad for business, says Tory mayor Andy Street’s comments come after Tory leadership contenders insisted Brexit has provided opportunities"

That looks nice #taipei


Possible Taiwan invasion: Analyst says Nov-March too windy, May-June has fog, July-September Typhoon season.. That leaves April or October.

US "one China policy" might have a hidden gag in it.. bcz CH nationalists who lost the civil war and ran to Taiwan also considered themselves 'the one true government of China'.

Politico: "Hungary expects to agree on a new deal with Russia this summer that would provide the country with an additional 700 million cubic meters of gas, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Friday"

RU reorg of its mil worked for them.. they saw major US air power in display in Desert Storm, and in later conflicts, saw units that can communicate effectively, be deployed anywhere... How do you fight that? Disrupt communications through major jamming capab, develop strong air defense, and center it around the type of war they would fight - against a neighbor, mostly on land. Tactics feed into tanks and artillery, even snipers pass intel to them, air defense protects them, and they attack with overwhelming force, not with the precision of US military, but still through sheer numbers it is effective.

It wont; RU can still hit transport with anti-ship missiles in Crimea, and Kherson. See here.

"Ukraine retaking of the Snake Island will help ease the blockade of grain shipments"

Davis: "Ukraine’s Big ‘Million Man’ Offensive Against Russia Is A Mistake... As someone who has fought in large tank battles and spent years participating in large-scale mechanized war games in Europe, I cannot stress how difficult a task it is for an army to mount an offensive operation when it has lost a sizeable portion of its experienced leaders, is filled with large numbers of raw recruits, and have a patchwork of limited armored vehicles and ammunition...

The danger in shooting for a miracle and trying the offensive anyway is that Ukraine would risk suffering even more casualties, losing more irreplaceable equipment, and in the end potentially suffering the loss of even more territory than they had at the beginning of the battle. All Russia would have to do is absorb the blows, yield only when required to avoid encirclement, and then when the Ukrainian side had expended its striking power, launch a counter-offensive to drive the weakened troops further west"
