
Github Mirror

Week 27


Clean hydrogen – the 'Swiss Army knife' of decarbonization – could eliminate emissions across sectors. We need to scale and deploy various production technologies, like electrolysis and carbon capture, in order for hydrogen to reach its potential" #Gates


"Rolls-Royce is set to enter the hydrogen production market with the acquisition of a 54% stake in German electrolysis stack specialist, Hoeller Electrolyzer"


@Shell ⁩announced it would start building a #renewablehydrogen plant.. The 200 MW #electrolyser, in the ⁦ @PortOfRotterdam ⁩, would produce up to 60,000kg of renewable #hydrogen per day"

NEL: "Receives purchase order for an alkaline electrolyser system from Skovgaard Energy.. The electrolyser system will be used for production of green ammonia"


'BMW is hydrogen's biggest proponent among Germany's carmakers, charting a path to a mass-market model around 2030.'"

The Guardian: "Dutch group targets hydrogen-fuelled commercial flight in 2028.. Consortium plans to adapt turboprop aircraft with 40-80 seats to run on environmentally friendly fuel...

The world’s first hydrogen-fuelled commercial flight of a passenger plane could take place between Rotterdam and London in six years’ time, under a plan to make short-haul air travel more environmentally friendly.

NYT: "Deadly Glacier Collapse in Italy Shows Reach of Europe’s New Heat"

Coconut oil apparently melts too fast while cooking; it also doesn't have conj. linoleic acids (CLA), which means plant based meats are not exactly replacing real meats in nutrition.

"Most plant-based burgers currently on the market include a hard fat such as coconut oil"

More on fat foodtech


'But he resigned due to this reason, that reason'.. The last scandal wasn't any more 'scandalous' than the one before it; the truth the matter is the opposition, inside and outside, wanted BJ gone and they threw everything but the kitchen sink to finish the job.

He has a chance, was considered as one the more capable ministers in BJ cab. His resignation was also the last domino to fall, possibly due to being lobbied by Tory internal oppo, likely coupled with promise that if he resigned, he'd have their support as next PM.

"UK’s ex-finance minister Rishi Sunak announces bid to succeed Boris Johnson"

They are really spinning that "SPR oil sale to China" story, and spinning hard. Oil export ban can get ahead of the spin.

"China military holds combat exercises around Taiwan as US senator visits island.. Senior United States senator, Republican Rick Scott, arrived in Taiwan on Thursday for a visit and met with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday"


A Night Club in #China celebrating assassination of #ShinzoAbe. There are restaurants offering 'Free Food' & Bars offering 'Free Booze' all across China to Celebrate his Death"

"Legacy of Abe". What is it really? He founded the Quad, but it was useless against Russia, could not entice India to condemn. Abenomics didn't work, the new PM is now against it. Abe was a right-wing guy maybe he did some stuff on that front, better mil? He stayed in office longer than most PMs so he could have provided some stability there.

😂 So long sucka

"Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa flees after protesters enter residence"

Caltech's David Baltimore, virologist who received the Nobel Prize for viral genetics: "When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for [Covid]."

Forbes: "This summer, when the first bulldozers rumble across central Utah and begin excavating brine ponds, the Advanced Clean Energy Storage hub will be breaking ground in multiple ways.

The construction will create massive underground salt caverns, giving rise to the largest renewable energy storage facility anywhere in the world. It also will kick off a new phase of the energy transition. This unique project – part energy conversion, part long-duration storage – promises to empower the technological and infrastructure advances needed to realize hydrogen’s potential in a net zero carbon future...

In June, the Department of Energy announced a $504 million loan guarantee for the hub’s first phase, allowing construction to get underway. As Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm put it, “This is a big deal for the clean hydrogen space.”


[A] company in Canada will change the world.. [of] energy. Check out @Proton_Canada that will supply the world with 800 years of hydrogen gaseous fuel. The cancelled Keystone pipeline because of polluting tarsand oil will become zero pollution hydrogen instead"

Upstream: "Two tantalising tender processes have been launched for contracts worth $1.3 billion linked to the 2000-kilometre East Mediterranean (EastMed) pipeline that will carry gas from Israel, Cyprus and Egypt to the European Union"

CNBC: "Shell to build Europe's 'largest' renewable hydrogen plant to help power Dutch refinery"


One quarter of the world’s green #hydrogen will be traded internationally in 2050, with three quarters produced and used locally, according to a new report by @IRENA . Via @rechargenews" "[A] massive pipeline project in eastern Germany that aims to jumpstart the hydrogen market there by 2027. For the eastern German hydrogen grid, the GASCADE-Fluxys project calls for constructing a new 50-kilometer hydrogen pipeline from the Baltic Sea region around Rostock all the way to the south. Hydrogen production, storage, and demand will all be connected through this system, making it a potent node in the hydrogen supply chain"

H2 Fuel News: "University of Oxford and University of Cardiff academics are working with CarbonMeta Technologies on a plastic waste to hydrogen fuel project. The researchers are using 'microwave catalysis' technology"

H2 Central: "Hawaii Gov. David Ige has signed into law a package of bills that includes SB2570 (Act 241) – Relating to Zero Emission Vehicle Fueling Rebates, which aims to create a renewable hydrogen refueling system rebate program for the state. According to the bill, developers of new hydrogen refueling infrastructure are eligible for rebates up to $200,000"

That's one big-ass "et al". Esp for a paper that was "unable to predict".


.. Using machine learning & tons of psychological variables, this study was unable to predict which relationships will improve (or fall apart) over time"


Noise-canceling tech is a fantastic invention

"Sony’s MX5 headphones use microphones to pick up low-frequency noise [from outside] before it reaches the ear by playing ambient sound, effectively canceling out the invasive sounds... the music you’re listening to is outputted at a lower frequency... less damaging to your ears than just turning up the volume on your earbuds to make external noise quieter. These next-level headphones truly mute.. the volume of the outside world, making a simple walk around the neighborhood feel like a cinematic experience or focusing while working from home with loud roommates well, possible"


Reminder: #Iran never left #JCPOA - it's Washington that has to return to agreement. Since US max pressure policy in 2019, Iran reduced compliance with deal in stages. 3 yrs+ later: with no US policy change & no tangible offers from E3/China/Russia- Iran hollowed out deal..

With Biden weak & chances of Dems 2024 win dwindling - decision maker in Tehran have cold feet if 2 year JCPOA worthwhile"

NDTV: "After ban on wheat grain, India tightens export rules for flour"


What does it even mean to 'deserve to be in NATO'? He is right that no country would 'bring more to the table,' including an ongoing territorial dispute and war, corruption & extremism problems, the risk of escalatory spiral w/ a nuclear adversary, & it is difficult to defend.


Scholz at it again. Effectively says Ukraine cannot be in NATO. Yet no country deserves to be in NATO more than Ukraine. No country would bring more to the table'"

The Atlantic: "Not too long ago, I heard one of the leading Brexiteers describe his political philosophy in a room full of CEOs and senior politicians. He started by talking to this elite group about the great division between 'elites' and 'the people,' the victors and the victims of globalization, the haves and the have-nots of modernity. The longer he spoke, the more his words began to seem rote, remote, and stale. The energizing slogans of the Brexit campaign of 2016 sounded hollow and clich​​éd in 2022. Partly, this is because the slogans were not true.

Globalization was indeed bad for some people and good for others, but those groups didn’t split neatly along a rural-urban or rich-poor divide, or along any other easily defined demographic line. Some farmers in the distant countryside turned out to be huge beneficiaries of Britain’s European Union membership. Some of the least-well-off Britons benefited from foreign investment.

Besides, many of the people loudly attacking the “elite” were not actually among globalization’s losers themselves. Boris Johnson was the standout example of this phenomenon: He attended Eton and Oxford.. , and his campaign was paid for by hedge-fund managers and billionaires. More important, Brexit, the solution to the problem Johnson and his supporters described, was based on a series of lies. The electorate was promised that departure from the EU would lead not only to fewer immigrants but to greater prosperity, more welfare spending, less crowded hospitals. Instead, six years after the vote, Britain is less prosperous and more unequal. Brexit reduced the U.K. GDP by at least 1.5 percent even before it took full effect; the U.K. has the highest inflation rate in the G7; small businesses, especially importers, have been crushed by Brexit-related red tape and supply-chain problems. Though committees have been set up to look for 'benefits from Brexit,' few are available"

Assasination of Abe; the outer alliance is on the back foot. Losing in Ukraine, Mr. Brexit is on the way out, right-wing (ultra outer) Abe is shot leading many in China to celebrate, calling the assasin a hero.


David Cameron lost the PM'ship because of Boris Johnson.

Theresa May lost the PM'ship because of Boris Johnson.

And now Boris Johnson has lost the PM'ship because of Boris Johnson.

The circle is fucking complete.

Hat-trick Motherfucker!!!"

This gets better and better

The Guardian: "Margaret Thatcher’s infamous 'No, no, no' retort to Jacques Delors, a historic moment in the UK’s relationship with Europe, which also had the effect of precipitating her downfall, was partly inspired by an article penned by a young journalist named Boris Johnson, her newly released private papers show"

The restrictions on the gas-fired plants sound fine.

Politico: "EU lawmakers Wednesday voted in favor of a European Commission proposal to allow nuclear and natural gas-fired power plants to be marketed as sustainable investments on financial markets... Under the new rules — known as the taxonomy — new gas-fired plants built through 2030 will be recognized as a transitional energy source as long as they replace a coal- or fuel oil-fired plant, switch to a low-carbon gas like hydrogen by 2035 and stay under a maximum emissions cap over 20 years"

"IEA wants surplus nuclear energy to power hydrogen production"

This was my worry... focus on pure green sources, while welcome, would not be enough. All raw sources of energy need to be used, including fossil. Targeting blue or green H2, we generate clean fuel any way possible.

"Wind energy is still 25.5 GW short.. EU steel producers are interested in clean H2 but point to a shortage of renewable energy"

H2 Central: "In times of widespread energy crisis, the urgency for energy independence and need to green the energy system is felt across Estonia. Anticipating the implementation of European Green Deal legislation, many organisations and cities have committed to become climate neutral to future proof their business... Therefore, the first nationwide Hydrogen Valley ever is now being developed in close cooperation between three regions, one university and five of the largest companies in energy and industry in Estonia"

Most of UK gov's intl actions werent that good, but there were some nice moves on domestic energy front.


The new UK Energy Security Bill, introduced to Parliament today, is set to deliver the biggest proposed changes to energy laws in a decade. The Bill includes measures to increase investment in #hydrogen"

The etimology of the word is com- meaning from Latin, with, together, and bust as in busting that ass, together with the fuel, so you have com- bust.. nam' sayin?

Combustion 👍 👍 👍 👍

H2 View: "Hydrogen heated water set to be trialled in Australia.. Rinnai Japan has said it has successfully developed a continuous flow hot water system for the domestic market, using 100% hydrogen combustion technology, offering zero carbon emissions"

H2 Central: "China Yuchai introduces China’s largest and highest horsepower hydrogen engine... With a displacement of 15.93 liters and a maximum horsepower of 560 horsepower, YCK16H is the largest and most powerful hydrogen internal combustion heavy-duty engine being launched in China"

2008-9 was bad, so was 2011-2015.. the new rises are something else.

import util; df = util.get_eia("PET.EMM_EPM0_PTE_NUS_DPG.M")
df.plot(grid=True,title='US Gas Price $/Gallon')

The series was 'all about revenge'? That's like saying Fight Club was all about fighting.

There are some detractors of The Terminal List..

Description says index shows "durable and nondurable manufacturing, mining, and utilities", meaning INDPRO is the measure of actual physical stuff being produced in US. It could be useful..

Production hit a ceiling 2008, and it only barely started to surpass that ceiling recently.

Looking at Industrial Production Index from FRED, called INDPRO; interesting..

import util; df = util.get_fred(1980, 'INDPRO'); df.plot(grid=True)

Trump is all over the news again, getting free publicity.. What does that sound like? Or when? Sounds like a 2015 to me..


Just passed a farm with a big 'no vaccines we trust god sign' next to the sign advertising that they were selling seedless watermelons"

'People retire too early, we pay too much'; I find such talk inhumane. A minimum amount should be given to all no matter if they work, not work, retire, early or late.

Al Jazeera: "US Fed: ‘More restrictive’ rates possible if inflation persists"

Politico: "Global hunger figures rose to 828M in 2021, UN says"

WION: "India and China spend $24 billion on cheap Russian energy imports"

Brits also need to reverse this f--king Brexit, it caused nothing but headaches for you. Join the inner alliance, ditch the outer alliance.

Hahaha.. just like Thatcher

"[Earlier, in Jul 6] Asked if he would quit, UK PM Boris Johnson says 'no, no, no'"

Pick someone who is not 'strong on Russia' meaning someone who won't unnecesarily stir shit up to create trouble for Europe

"Who can replace UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson?"


Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, out.

H2 View: "Hydrogen heavy-duty trucks set to get their fill in Québec.. Hydrolux has unveiled its plan which hopes to kick-start refuelling for heavy-duty hydrogen-powered trucks in Quebec, Canada"

"Pyrolysis should be more scalable than electrolysis as resources of affordable natural gas are readily available, enabling large quantities of Hydrogen to be produced without relying on significant amounts of dedicated renewables"


Methane Prolysis

They can store the carbon by-product as solid synthetic graphite.. Good.

Gasworld: "FortisBC Energy, Suncor Energy and Hazer Group unveiled plans for a pilot project.. that will use methane pyrolysis technology to produce hydrogen while storing the carbon by-product as solid synthetic graphite.. The technology set to be deployed at the Canadian site will be provided Australia’s Hazer Group and will generate approximately 300,000 gigajoules of clean-burning gas energy that can replace the equivalent annual natural gas usage of approximately 3,300 B.C. households"

H2 View: "bp, BOC study results set to accelerate hydrogen uptake in UK road freight.. the joint study found distributing hydrogen as a compressed gas via road trailer is the best option to stimulate the UK market to take up hydrogen fuel for heavy-duty transport over the mid-term..

The companies say the nine-month study has provided important insights into requirements and options for hydrogen distribution, station design, and dispensing costs for heavy-duty applications.

In the long-term, the study anticipates that both gaseous and liquid hydrogen will have a role to play in fuelling the sector"

H2 View: "$6.6bn plan for 1.5GW green hydrogen and ammonia project in India.. ACME Group have announced further plans to scale up green hydrogen production in India, as it reveals an agreement for a Rs 52,474 crore (6.6bn dollar) green hydrogen and ammonia project in the state of Tamil Nadu"


French companies plans to develop the first H2-powered fuel-cell barge to provide power for ships while at berth in port. The goal is to develop a green or low carbon alternative to provide cold ironing services for containerships, tankers & cruise ships"


The Mandarin: "Collaboration mission for CSIRO’s hydrogen knowledge centre... CEO Dr Larry Marshall: 'We’re seeing the hydrogen industry in Australia go from strength to strength — Australian hydrogen production for export and domestic use could generate significant economic growth while helping drive down emissions.. The Hydrogen Knowledge Centre will help avoid duplication.. needed for Australia to take a world-leading role in developing and exporting hydrogen'"

FirstPost: "As India bans single-use plastic, a look at biodegradable mushroom packaging.. Magical Mushroom Company, a UK-based firm, mixes agricultural waste with the ‘root structure of a mushroom’ in order to make biodegradable material that is similar to other packaging options in terms of cost. It is touted as an alternative to plastic packaging"

Watched The Terminal List. Highly recommended.

Great.. Spain is a huge target of such smuggling..

"Spain seizes drug gang’s underwater smuggling drones.. On Monday, the Spanish police seized three underwater drones that were helping drug gangs transport vast quantities of drugs from Morocco to Spain"

The Boston Globe: "Two-plus years into the pandemic, many companies are anxious to get back to in-person work, but find their workers like hybrid life just fine. There’s a new turf war shaping up at work: managers who want everyone back in the “real” office vs. employees who prefer the one at home. And that standoff is leading to some irreconcilable conflicts"

Reason: "Sensitivity Readers Are the New Literary Gatekeepers Overzealous gatekeeping on race and gender is killing books before they're published—or even written"


I'm not making this up, how pol discussion was diverted is now a historical fact.

Shitlibs gallantly fought that war for decades, then got egg on their face, and still no universal healthcare to show for it.. I guess they were fighting the wrong war.. Or, to be exact, the war others manufactured for them to divert attention from "unimportant" issues.

Fatback Band - Mister Bass Man #music


But hey these days bushels of wheat are becoming more valueable, so maybe soon 20 bushels will buy one iPhone.. Brighter days might be ahead for the wheat country.

If country wants to fix the value of its currency, it needs to produce goods, services foreigners are willing to buy, and stop printing money, handing it to people that will be inflationary.. If the only export item is bushels of wheat, $10 per bushel 50 of that will buy 1 iPhone, no way around that.

That is as useless as making Bitcoin the official currency.

"Zimbabwe to introduce gold coins as local currency tumbles"

Apparently all functioning nuke weapon products are ultimately tied to the original US research, and since noone will give Iran that, are govs not afraid of an Iranian nuke? Is that the reason for the lack of urgency?

Looks like US is stalling as much as Iran is. #JCPOA


Oil-rich nation with 'power cuts'.

"Libya protests planned over power cuts, political deadlock.. Libyans angered by rising prices, chronic power cuts and political deadlock planned further demonstrations"

Strangely these claims surface mostly when Russia's conflicts with the "rules-based order" increase.

Putin must be a very sick man.. He has been dying for many years now..

"Western intelligence officials believe Vladimir Putin could become medically incapacitated 'within three-six months', a former spy has claimed"

"TECO 2030 has revealed it is set to lead a Norwegian consortium to develop the world’s first hydrogen-powered high-speed vessel"

PV Magazine: "Netherlands to build 10 GW national network for green hydrogen.. [NL] is planning a €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion) green hydrogen network that will consist of 85% recycled natural gas pipes. It is expected to go online in 2027"

Energate: "The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs.. has now signed a declaration of intent to this effect with his counterpart.. in Glasgow. Together they now want to examine possible hydrogen routes.. "Scotland is a politically stable European partner with a potential of 25 percent of Europe's offshore wind energy production," Aiwanger explained. This means that large quantities of hydrogen can be produced. Bavaria will have to rely on imports despite the expansion of renewable energies, he said. The agreement reached also provides for cooperation in technology development for storage and transport'

Namibia is on the Atlantic, so if they ship or pipeline the product it would be toward Portugal or Spain instead of going through Eastern Africa / Suez I'm guessing.

H2 Central: "The European Union is planning to sign a deal with Namibia to support the country’s ‘green’ hydrogen sector and boost European imports of the fuel as the bloc works to reduce its dependence on Russian energy...

In May, the EU’s energy strategy set a goal of importing at least 10 million tonnes of ‘green’ hydrogen by 2030, with another 10 million tonnes to be produced within the bloc.

EU, Namibia tight-lipped on details of the deal. Under the plan, the European Union will sign a memorandum of understanding with Namibia on hydrogen and minerals at the UN Climate Conference due to take place in Egypt in November"

DTT-NET: "The Trans-Adriatic-Pipeline (TAP), which brings Azerbaijani’s natural gas to EU member countries in Balkan region and Italy, will be upgraded for hydrogen transport, according to companies representatives"


Just fold'em out they are ready to go

"Australian solar tech company 5B’s rapidly deployable Maverick platform"


SCOTUS limits EPA emission reg ability? Work-around idea; power stations can be charged a high blanket tax for energy transmission across state lines, if they want a rebate on that tax, station has to prove their carbon emission is low. So gov is not 'regulating' but simply 'checking' if company would be elligeble for a rebate.

NYT: "Japan Swelters Through a Punishing Heat Wave.. Temperatures in Tokyo surpassed [35 C] for the eighth straight day on Saturday, a streak seen only once before since 1875"

Retired too? Had a great run no doubt. Respect

I see B Willis went spaz, has some condition that's why he was in so many bad movies lately.. I was thinking 'BW doesn't choose this bad'.

There was a single super-continent before the last split; fascinating.


One billion years of tectonic plate movements"



.. I was thinking of Jack’s first tweet cratering in value b/c it’s now July 2022, and brain geniuses are still horny posting on LinkedIn about how we’ll get rich by selling our airline ticket stubs. Please if you must do grifts I just want new believable ones"


This is the greatest headline of our times (via @guardian)

'Man who paid $2.9m for NFT of Jack Dorsey's first tweet set to lose almost 2.9 million'"


import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as tsa
acf,confint,qstat,pvalues = tsa.acf(results.resid, nlags=4, alpha=95,qstat=True, unbiased=True)
print (acf)
print (pvalues)
[1.         0.99585547 0.99164499 0.98737151 0.98305291]
[1.02286496e-121 5.63735022e-239 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000]

Low pval means autocorr

from import DataReader # get data from FRED
cpi = DataReader('CPIAUCNS', 'fred', start='1971-01', end='2016-12')

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson
inf = np.log(cpi)
results = smf.ols('CPIAUCNS ~ 1', data=inf).fit()
print (durbin_watson(results.resid))

Hints at autocorrelation

Investopedia: "The Durbin-Watson statistic will always have a value ranging between 0 and 4.. [v]alues from 0 to less than 2 point to positive autocorrelation"

How to check autocorr statistically? The Durbin-Watson test.. Ljung-Box Q-statistic

Sure; high inflation can beget higher inflation so time series would be correlated with itself, ie autocorrelation. That is partly why CB raises to quash that self-reinforcing effect.

"Inflation is highly autocorrelated"

They are likely paid from taxes, which means existing money, do not expand the money base.

If new money isn't printed for payments, they won't be inflationary.


It’s official: Most Californians will get one-time 'inflation relief' payments"

TDB: "‘Active Shooter’ Attacks July 4 Parade in Chicago Suburb"

F-ing cops.. They shoot 90 times at the unarmed guy #Akron, but won't go in to fight against the actually armed guy killing people #Uwalde.. What use are they? #defundThePolice

Politico: "How the Founders Intended to Check the Supreme Court’s Power.. Acting in concert, the president and Congress may shape both the size and purview of the court. They can declare individual legislative measures or entire topics beyond their scope of review. It’s happened before, notably in 1868, when Congress passed legislation stripping the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction over cases related to federal writs of habeas corpus"

"[5/2022] Suez Canal Expansion Accelerated as April Traffic Breaks Historic Records.. Tanker transit statistics via the Suez Canal broke historic records in April as Europe sought to import more crude oil and LNG from the Arab Gulf"


The Telegraph: "Suez Canal records highest ever annual revenue of $7 bn"

Sadat played for a post-conflict settlement to get Sinai back rather than through military action itself.. New friends in US would be necessary for that to work, so he sent the Soviets packing.. Smart move. See, don't have to win militarily all the time to win something valueable in military terms.

History Channel: "Israel’s stunning victory in the Six-Day War of 1967 left the Jewish nation in control of territory four times its previous size. Egypt lost the 23,500-square-mile Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, Jordan lost the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Syria lost the strategic Golan Heights. When Anwar el-Sadat became president of Egypt in 1970, he found himself leader of an economically troubled nation that could ill afford to continue its endless crusade against Israel. He wanted to make peace and thereby achieve stability and recovery of the Sinai, but after Israel’s 1967 victory it was unlikely that Israel’s peace terms would be favorable to Egypt. So Sadat conceived of a daring plan to attack Israel again, which, even if unsuccessful, might convince the Israelis that peace with Egypt was necessary.

In 1972, Sadat expelled 20,000 Soviet advisers from Egypt and opened new diplomatic channels with Washington, D.C., which, as Israel’s key ally, would be an essential mediator in any future peace talks. He formed a new alliance with Syria, and a concerted attack on Israel was planned"

BTW much of Luxembourg is 'indefensible', Belgium, France, Germany can reach anywhere in that country with artillery fire. But they don't. They don't have that kind of animosity over there, can't Israel achive the same?

Israel: The pre-1967 borders talk came up during 2010s, Netanya said 'those borders were indefensible'. Of course the argument was bullshit.


On Thursday the European Research Council terminated 115 grants offered to UK based researchers as UK breaks international law over NI"


America has sponsored more terrorists than Russia from Afghanistan to Syria.

'SpencerGuard It is past time for the U.S., U.K, and others to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. It is a fact'"

H2 Central: "Refueling milestone to bring fuel cell hydrogen trucks closer to reality. Federal researchers hope in July to reach a key milestone to refuel heavy-duty fuel-cell hydrogen trucks in 10 minutes, paving the way to prototype hardware and protocols for fueling stations...

Shaun Onorato, project lead at.. [NREL] hydrogen infrastructure program for heavy trucks, described.. steps being taken at the U.S. Department of Energy to make this cutting-edge technology evolve from the drawing board into a reality...

'I kind of equate it to when the automobile first came out, people were trying to figure out how to fuel cars and with what rates and components. It’s really neat to be on that side of things where this is just completely brand-new territory.'

He has been working with NREL’s heavy-duty hydrogen fueling station — the world’s first — that was created to be highly configurable to enable a greater variety of research tests.

'Currently nothing exists in this realm for this type of fueling. NASA does things like extremely high-mass transfer rates of liquid hydrogen, but this is completely new territory for the [FC] truck market,' he noted, adding that hydrogen-fueled trucks in operation are for light duty and use that type of refueling hardware.

'Some manufacturers use one nozzle or two to fuel the trucks. Everything is based now on light-duty. This work will enable the creation of a whole new set of components and protocols,' Onorato said"

H2 Central: "Researchers at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have developed a new hydrogen fuel cell which is not only the world’s most durable to date, but is also more cost-effective.. [R]esearch team led by Prof.. Minhua.. found a new formula which not only could cut down the proportion of platinum used by 80 percent, but also set a record in terms of the cell’s durability level"

Reuters: "Several dozen Romanian and Bulgarian firefighters took up their posts in Greece on Saturday, the first members of a European force being deployed to the country to provide backup in case of major wildfires during the summer"

It only takes one to get through...

"The Israeli army said Saturday it had intercepted three drones launched by Hezbollah that were headed towards an offshore gas field... Karish"

Update of the graph Unarmed People Shot By the Poh-lice, now show both whites and non-whites. Non-whites are being killed consistently more than whites, but overall numbers seem to be decreasing.

Still, shot at 90 times? Dam #akron


It can also mean not using crpto mining; digital currency tech is not wedded to this concept.

"[Such excessive energy consumption] means that it is essential to improve the efficiency of crypto-mining"

BloombergNEF: "Crypto mining consumes more energy than all of Pakistan"

Not every country can do what Finland does. The world needs a scalable method that can be copied to many environments at ease. Industrial production scales one product design to many. Ed is still resisting such "economies of scale" benefits by insisting in-person delivery of content.

"But Finland finds good teachers, and in sufficient numbers"

Flipping the classroom is efficient, works better than stand-up-and-deliver style teaching. It can also lessen the burden on the number of teachers required.

The Mandarin: "Could more online learning help fix Australia’s teacher shortage? One option to free up teacher time and ensure students are getting the education they need is some learning done online and some face-to-face"

Nation Building Masterclass

[-] "EU exempts Suwalki Corridor from Russia sanctions.. The European Union is preparing to lift its anti-Russian sanctions in the Polish corridor of Suwalki whereby to allow the supply of essential goods to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad"

Poland had made some noises some time ago on that too saying Western Ukraine is 'historically Polish'; code-word for 'we can take it'. If RU successfully landlocks Ukraine the remaining parts will have a tough time on their own.

Aha. Can Belarus use the opp to move South and take Western UKR?

WION: "Lukashenko accuses Kyiv of firing missiles at Belarus: 'Will fight if our territory invaded'"


Ukraine continues to endure missile attacks and bombardments nationwide. In the south, Mykolaiv is the only thing standing between Russia’s army and the strategic port city of Odesa"

NYT: "Now Russian forces and their separatist allies control about 80 to 90 percent of the Donbas, according to Ukrainian officials.To take complete control of Luhansk, Russia first devoted its full force at the city of Sievierodonetsk, just across the river from Lysychansk. After battering that city and eventually seizing control on June 24, Russian forces set their sights on neighboring Lysychansk.The twin cities were the last major population centers in Luhansk Province under Ukrainian control. Now with both in hand, Russia effectively controls all of the resource-rich region and can regroup with Donetsk in its cross hairs. Controlling Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk means Russia could position its forces to mount offensives on cities to the southwest, notably Sloviansk, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut. Kramatorsk is one of the last major cities still under Ukrainian control in Donetsk. If Kramatorsk falls, Mr. Putin's forces will in effect control the whole Donbas region"

WSJ: "Russia Claims Control of Luhansk as Ukrainian Forces Retreat From Lysychansk"

H2 Central: "Ports of Stockholm and CMB.TECH are joining forces in a unique hydrogen collaboration at Stockholm Norvik Port. The investment in hydrogen will encompass port operations and will also expand service offerings to shipping companies and haulage firms, as well as other customers and collaboration partners.. The goal is for Stockholm Norvik Port to be Sweden’s most climate-smart and sustainable port"

H2 Central: "The Commission aims to significantly boost the import and production of renewable hydrogen. In Fit for 55 – a major legislative overhaul as part of the EU’s Green Deal initiative – an initial 5,6 million tons/anno of renewable hydrogen by 2030 were agreed upon, which are now raised by an additional 14,4 million tons/anno with the REPowerEU approach"

H2 View: "H2SITE Raises 12,5M€ to Scale Membrane Reactor Breakthrough Technology.. The funding will accelerate the scale up of H2SITE’s integrated membrane reactor and membrane separation technologies to obtain fuel cell purity hydrogen from ammonia or methanol cracking, or enable hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas infrastructure"

H2 View: "Chinese 560 horsepower hydrogen-powered engine ignited.. Chinese engine manufacturer, Yuchai, has taken yet another step forward in its development of hydrogen-powered engines, as it announces the ignition of what it says is China’s largest and most powerful hydrogen-fuelled engine"

H2 Central: "Ambassador of Armenia in France, Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) and HyGreenCo company.. have consented to sign a partnership agreement aimed at the construction of the first industrial demonstrator of.. the entire chain production of green hydrogen [in Armenia]"

"India Hydrogen Alliance Seeks $360 Million from Government to Deploy 25 Green Hubs"


Germany and Chile on Tuesday signed a letter of intent for a bilateral alliance on hydrogen production and trade to try to facilitate a renewable energy hydrogen supply chain between the countries"


The friend, Ben.. I was wondering where that actor had gone.. Saw the guy on Battleship (good mov), one X-Men, John Carter (WTF?), then nothing. Not a bad actor.

The Terminal List - going great so far.. Fine story, good action.

Centrist Democrats caused this whole mess by inflaming culture wars, then not being able to fight it, were hammered, the current SCOTUS is the result of that. But it cld be a sign of desperation too, pols could not find a working political setup at the federal level, so they resorted to these secondary issues, measures (and were pummeled by them, making the system look like a joke -the country who fought for abolishing slavery cannot guarantee basic freedoms to half of its population-). Cant handle the federal level? Then well, maybe soon won't have a federal level.

One could argue United States became united without proper discussion, without proper debate, in a modern context. There was the civil war around slavery, federal/local divide was always an issue, but division settled.. too soon..? Post WWII the war-state bulldozed over everything anyway and took over, without much discussion.

Europe is going through that discussion now, how states work together, while still being distinctly seperate, we see some states join (and some leave). Stuff is being worked on... Maybe US needs to go back to a clean slate, then start over. Be less united, then try again.

What to do about the "useless tinkering" approach commonly seen in US? Maybe the latest SCOTUS stance against the "administrative state", will have the side effect of US eventually disintegrating. Then there won't be any experimentation of any kind at gov level, bcz nothing will get done at that level.

I say this about El Salvador's Bukake; his country does not show up in my drug trafficking map, so tough on drugs stance must be working. He doesn't know much about economics, but not bad here.

Politico: "After decades of illegally crushing competition at the expense of consumers and small businesses, .. 'Big Tech'.. are finally facing their antitrust comeuppance in Washington.. American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICO).. would ban Big Tech companies from unfairly giving their products a boost over competitors. The prospect of this widely popular bill passing has led Big Tech to engage in one of the most desperate lobbying sprees in recent history. Big Tech’s “see-what-sticks” smear campaign against antitrust has encompassed everything from false claims about content moderation to urging consultants to pushing the message.. that AICO 'will harm communities of color'"

The Atlantic: "In May, the Tribune was acquired by Alden Global Capital, a secretive hedge fund that has quickly, and with remarkable ease, become one of the largest newspaper operators in the country. The new owners did not fly to Chicago to address the staff, nor did they bother with paeans to the vital civic role of journalism. Instead, they gutted the place...

The hollowing-out of the Chicago Tribune was noted in the national press, of course. There were sober op-eds and lamentations on Twitter and expressions of disappointment by professors of journalism. But outside the industry, few seemed to notice. Meanwhile, the Tribune’s remaining staff, which had been spread thin even before Alden came along, struggled to perform the newspaper’s most basic functions. After a powerful Illinois state legislator resigned amid bribery allegations, the paper didn’t have a reporter in Springfield to follow the resulting scandal. And when Chicago suffered a brutal summer crime wave, the paper had no one on the night shift to listen to the police scanner"

Yeah? One for all, all for one type of deal? A Mini Medi-NATO? That is significant. FR has some strat interest in Eastern Med for sure.

"[9/2021] Under the conditions of the agreement signed by [Greece and France], France has pledged to provide immediate military assistance to Greece – and vice versa – in the event of an attack by a third country, even if that country is in one of their alliances (such as Turkey, which is a NATO member)"


BBC: "Russia moves to take control of Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project.. The project, which supplies about 4% of the world's current liquefied natural gas (LNG) market, is 50% owned and operated by Gazprom.. This appears to be a deeply political move. The impact is likely to be felt most keenly in Japan, which has been heavily involved in sanctions against Russia... Japan.. is heavily reliant on imports of liquid natural gas. Competition for shipments globally is currently intense - and the Sakhalin project alone currently meets about 8% of its needs"

WION: "First bus service between Crimea and Russian-held Ukraine territory starts"