
Github Mirror

Week 23


Renewable, clean #hydrogen would allow for jobs in the fossil fuel sector to transition to a clean energy economy, and be retained, creating support from those union and trade groups, says Senator @NancySkinnerCA"

As gas, underground pipe storage. Salt caverns. Lining a rock cavern with a thin layer of steel are all possible technologies. There is ammonia. There are many options.

"In a statement GenH2 asked, 'How will.. hydrogen be stored at these new hubs?'

H2 View: "Cummins announced that it has joined the Hydrogen Engine Alliance, an initiative bringing together European industry representatives to support research and development for sustainable hydrogen internal combustion engines (ICE)"

H2 Fuel News: "India aims for cheaper green hydrogen to accelerate its use.. India wants the World Bank and other global funders to establish guarantee programs to assist in making low-rate funds accessible, said Kant. The goal is to reduce the cost of transitioning to – and using – renewable H2, particularly in sectors where decarbonization is difficult, such as fertilizer manufacturing, steel production and refineries"

H2 View: "Two hydrogen refuelling stations planned for Poland"

CCS at the source is much easier to regulate, gov would be checking a few, large installations.

VW now likes battery-electric cars, these people clearly alternate between being a crook and a moron; but the energy infra should not give them a chance to be either. Clean molecules in storage, tranmission, and consumption can achieve that.

The longer fossil stays in the system, stored, transmitted, the more the chances are for "leaking or cheating". If oil pipeline breaks it causes environmental damage. If dirty fuels are allowed in cars with 'emission control' instituted, it will lead to cheating as in Volkswagen's case.

They can have their cake and eat it. Generate 'blue' H2 and pipeline it to customers. Clean, after CCS at the source can have no emissions down the line, including the end-user.

The Guardian: "Ex-UN climate envoy says continent’s need for energy is so great it should be able to widely use the fossil fuel. African countries should be able to exploit their vast natural gas reserves despite the urgent need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions, the former UN climate envoy Mary Robinson has said"


Blue steel was the other thing 🤣 #zoolander

I like the name; GREEN STEEL

H2 Green Steel: "Steel production accounts for 25 percent of Europe’s industrial CO2 emissions, which is more than the Nordics’ total CO2 emissions, or more than all flights departing from the EU. Decarbonization is a must for the industry and disruptive technology will be a key enabler..

So, how does it all work? In traditional steel making, reduction of iron ore is done by heating it together with coal, utilizing a chemical reaction that separates the oxygen from the iron, forming and emitting CO2. In our production, green hydrogen reacts with iron ore similarly to carbon, resulting in the extraction of oxygen. But instead of creating CO2, the main by-product is H2O.

Large-scale green hydrogen production will enable the transition of hard-to-abate industries towards sustainable operations. And as a front-runner, H2 Green Steel will play an important part in accelerating decarbonization"


"Sweden-based H2 Green Steel.. announced that it had signed contracts to produce over 1.5 million tonnes of green steel annually over the next five to seven years"

BBC: "US House passes gun bill doomed to fail in senate"

Police is clearly no good to stop gun violence. Time to defund the police?

Apple datacenters run on Linux.

"Ew but I use Apple, I'm all commercial".

It is based on the Linux OS (free, open-source).

"My Android phone is so sleek, fine commercial product"

That superannuation biz too at the end, was somewhat dogdy; It even freaked me out, and I'm just an outside observer.

The AUKUS thing was a bit too on the nose though, came across off-putting as though being 'us against the rest', all parties involved made a mistake there, UK, US as well.

Scott Morrison did some good things on H2; have to give him that. He was PM during a very difficult time.

New Oz Lib leader badmouthing previous leader, I guess he wants to differentiate himself.


Jane's Defense: "The French Navy's first Suffren-class (Barracuda) nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN), Suffren (S 635), was commissioned into service"

Jane's Defense: "Portugal to build multi-purpose unmanned carrier.. The Portuguese Navy announced on 27 May that it is planning to design and build an offshore multi-purpose surface ship dedicated to deploying unmanned surface vessels"

Wiki: "The Clan del Golfo (The Gulf Clan).. is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. [It] is considered the most powerful criminal organization in Colombia, [.. having] recruited accomplices at the highest level of the military hierarchy, such as generals and colonels"

AP News: "Italy seizes 4 tons of cocaine linked to Colombian Gulf Clan"

Arab News: "UN: Israel mainly to blame for [the Palestinian] conflict.. Israel's occupation and discrimination against Palestinians are the main causes of the endless cycles of violence, UN investigators said Tuesday, prompting angry Israeli protests"

Al Monitor: "'Saudi Arabia, Cyprus set up joint business council.. Mohammed bin Salman is planning to visit Cyprus on an international trip that will also bring him to Greece and Turkey. Saudi Arabia is currently pursuing rapprochement with Turkey but has also expressed support for Cyprus in the two countries’ dispute over drilling in the eastern Mediterranean Sea"

IMO the initial Northern attack was a faint, so RU could have a freer rein in the East.

RU/UKR war animated.


Ukraine complains about Germany denying them NATO entry '08. But then they continued to increase NATO relationship, train with them as if they will definitely join at some point.. Were they waiting for the next German chancelor that would say Ja one day for their membership? Isn't that such a big bet, on your country's security, that it might, could, maybe one day happen?

Bloomberg: "Merkel Warns Isolating Russia Long Term Is Not Possible"

Arab News: "Ukrainian forces may have to retreat from the eastern city of Severodonetsk which is being shelled by Russian troops '24 hours a day,' an official said Wednesday, following days of raging street battles"

H2 View: "Announcement puts US Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs on the horizon.. The US Department of Energy (DOE) released a Notice of Intent to fund the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s $8bn programme to develop regional clean hydrogen hubs.. across the country"

"[2020] POSCO Energy, South Korea’s largest private energy producer, completed the world’s largest fuel cell manufacturing plant in 2015..

South Korea’s priorities are leadership in fuel cell cars and large scale stationary fuel cells for power generation. According to the “Hydrogen Economy Roadmap of Korea”, the government aims to reach the production of 6.2 million FCEVs by 2040 with 2.9 million units for the domestic market and 3.3 million for export. The target for fuel cell power generation is 15 gigawatts (GW) by 2040, including 7 GW for export. The roadmap also sets a target for stationary fuel cell’s application in buildings (2.1 GW by 2040)...

[South Korea's] biggest car manufacturer Hyundai is betting big on H2. According to its FCEV Vision 2030.. the company plans to expand its fuel cell production capacity to 700,000 units per year by 2030"

H2 View: "Hydrogen fuel cell power plant planned in South Korea... for the 500,000MWh/y [production], that marks just one of many South Korean-based hydrogen projects that are set to be carried out by the venture"

H2 Fuel News: "First hydrogen-powered buses planned to hit Melbourne streets"

H2 View: "India to gain $6.7m green hydrogen and green ammonia project.. The project plans to produce 1.2 million tonnes of green hydrogen and ammonia per year, with an additional ‘captive solar unit’. ACME Group have said construction will take place between 2022 and 2027... Over the past year, India’s interest in hydrogen has dramatically increased, with the unveiling of the country’s National Hydrogen Mission, which plans to cut carbon-emissions and meet its climate targets"

H2 Fuel News: "Green hydrogen ecosystem planned for German City.. French-based Lhyfe announced it has received approval from the German city of Schwäbish Gmünd (Baden-Württemberg), to develop a ‘local renewable green hydrogen ecosystem’"


Pattern Energy @PatternEnergy @CanadaPattern plans Newfoundland 🇨🇦 site study for wind energy→green hydrogen→storage→export for EU 🇪🇺 use or green ammonia production"

H2 View: "Loop Energy joins NSW hydrogen-powered bus trial.. A New South Wales (NSW), Australia, hydrogen-powered bus trial, will receive fuel cell modules from Canadian-based Loop Energy"


Thank you to @SecGranholm and @ENERGY for their leadership and encouragement of the #hydrogen industry! Today at the Hydrogen AMR, Secretary Granholm announced the hydrogen shot incubator prize and today's publication of the Hydrogen Hubs Notice of Intent"

FEM and H2 in the same news... (FEM is a famous compsci approach)

H2 View: "Poseidon Marine H2 has made another dive towards having a hydrogen-powered boat in the water by the third quarter of 2023, as it commissions finite element analysis of its designs"

H2 View: "$2.6m Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize launched by DOE"

That. Is. Wild.. Surely ID is good tech but if one rocket gets through, can make major damage. That is one high-value target.

The Times of Israel: "Israel said preparing to defend new Karish gas rig from Hezbollah attack.. According to Kan, Navy using vessels including submarines to protect drilling site; Iron Dome battery to be placed nearby as well"

I guess the rigs fall under the range of Hezbollah rockets.

"Lebanese Hezbollah yesterday warned that it would not accept Israel to work in the Karish gas field in the disputed maritime zone.. This came following the arrival of the Greek floating production and storage rig, Energean, to the area"

Equivalent to 600 mil boe.

"The Karish and Tanin gas fields [natural gas reservoir located off the coast of Israel] together are estimated to hold 2–3 trillion cubic feet of gas"

Click "Output" for map. Added new fields I hear about to a seperate file. Hovering over field shows its size. Data contains 'large' fields.

World Oil and Gas Fields

AL on Einstein: He did theorize wout checking much with real data but he was the exception not the rule. Other great theoreticians at AE level mostly start with and verify against data.

Avi Loeb book excerpts. Can skip forward here for the good parts on the string theory, the multiverse, and theoretical physics losing its way.

I hate to say it there is a seasonality to mass shootings.. Every 10 months it peaks.

Latest from Gun Violence Archive data, new plot. Obviously May looks bad.


I read one kid saved himself during a shooting by playing dead. Forget fortifying schools, arming teachers; learn to play dead. That is the key skill.

Catchy. That'll do the trick.. Gun problem fixed.

Protestors: "N-R-A. Go-A-way"

U-oh.. Theory made the calculation assuming there was a Big Bang and cosmic microwave background is real.. Maybe there wasn't a Big Bang and the oft-quoted CMB isn't real. It was water reflection 😱


NDTV: "Lagarde, the President of the European Central Bank, stated that cryptocurrencies were 'based on nothing' and should be regulated to prevent people from risking their life savings on them"

Al Jazeera: "The Israeli government has failed to pass a bill that would renew and uphold the legal status of illegal Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.. The failure to renew the bill on Monday highlighted the separate legal systems in the occupied West Bank, where nearly 500,000 Israeli settlers enjoy the benefits of Israeli citizenship and law while some 3 million Palestinians live under military rule that is now well into its sixth decade...

Some 500,000 Israeli settlers live in more than 120 settlements and outposts across the occupied West Bank that are considered illegal under international law. The settlements, which are fortified, Jewish-only housing complexes, are continuing to expand in the occupied West Bank as well as occupied East Jerusalem. They are seen as a major obstacle to any potential deal with Israel..

Attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and their property are common. Settlers are usually backed by armed Israeli forces when committing such attacks"

Nordic Business: "Renewable-Powered Trains Are On Track In The Nordics.. 'Hydrogen trains can be used on lines where it isn’t feasible to establish catenary lines and where there’s a need for heavier and longer transport than what battery-powered trains can manage. Hydrogen can be refuelled in less than 20 minutes and cover up to 18 hours of driving. and often the cost of setting up a refuelling station will be lower than setting up an electric charging station, for instance if this requires reinforcement of the power grid,' says Kristina Fløche Juelsgaard, head of business development at Ballard Europe.

Ballard Europe makes fuel cells for buses, ships and trains, among other things. The company is part of Canada’s Ballard Power Systems which has so far supplied fuel cells for a passenger train in the UK and a locomotive in Canada. Ballard Europa is also involved in two projects in Norway, one of which aims to develop a hydrogen and fuel cell solution for a locomotive to be used for transporting ore"

H2 View: "Caterpillar has launched a three-year energy project in Minnesota and has partnered with District Energy St. Paul for the testing and demonstration of a combined heat and power (CHP) system powered by hydrogen fuel"

H2 Fuel News: "Automakers focus on hydrogen transportation in California and Oklahoma.. The two states have passed numerous bills relating to H2 production, usage and storage"

H2 View: "Construction of Namibia’s $10bn hydrogen project set to start in 2025. The ambitious time-scale plans will see the commissioning of the first phase of the project by the end of 2026, with an estimated 300,000 tonnes of green hydrogen production per year once at full capacity"

“Longer-term, a hydrogen pipeline network offers the most cost-efficient means of distribution. For example, pipelines can transmit 10 times the energy at one-eighth the costs associated with electricity transmission lines and have capex costs similar to those for natural gas. The industry can partially reuse existing gas infrastructure, but even newly constructed pipelines would not be cost prohibitive"


S&P Global: "Australia is on course to hit a notable century – but not on the cricket field. Around 98 hydrogen projects have been chalked up in recent months, a substantial number aimed at a future export market. And in February one of them, Victoria's Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC), created a minor sensation with the first trial cargo of liquid hydrogen to Japan... Australia is anxious to get a foothold in the nascent hydrogen market to counter its established, climate-compromised position as a major exporter of coal, LNG and crude oil"

I'd ban crypto mining period (if possible), carbon or green; it's completely unnecessary to create a digital cash. Plus it's not like green energy is growing on trees.

"The New York Senate has passed a bill that bans crypto mining operations that use carbon-based fuel to power their facilities"

J. Kosinski directed Top Gun Maverick? Oblivion was great.


.. [N]ew Beavis and Butthead movie coming to Paramount + on June 23rd. The brand new series will follow shortly after, along with all the old episodes'

Some say time to get out of the market is when the cabbie driver gives you tips on stocks. We can replace that with 'when landlords buy bitcoin with rent deposits'.

FOMO markets created 'investors' out of everyone

#landlords #bitcoin


Hampton Hawes - Web #music


CNBC: "Facebook says Apple iOS privacy change will result in $10 billion revenue hit this year"

How did free help tech companies? It gave rise to huge server farms and the "cloud business" which would not be possible wout free OS. Imagine paying OS license fees for every one of those nodes in a server farm... That would cost an arm and a leg. Now content creators create their "livestreams" wout giving a second thought on how many computing resources that entails. All that needs resources, which used cost more before open-source software. The revolution, such as it is, did not take place through commercial companies, it happened through free software, through people contributing their time to a project they thought was worth their time.

Relative to others around it the object was actually standing still, we ran into it, pushed it away (through solar energy). AL claims the object was likely a buoy of sorts, just sitting there, as a marker, maybe left-over tech from a civ which may or may not still be around.

This ET biz doesn't have to be flashy; civs can die out, not around, we run into their leftovers, ones that are alive might not have space-faring capability, and/or we are not that interesting anyway, just some effin weirdos who cant get their shit together.

Prof Avi Loeb makes a good case; Oumuamua could be an artificial object. He is not that excited about UFO sightings, bashes ppl wasting time on string theory (gymnastics in Anti-de Sitter space), and the multiverse. He seems to have the right kind of bullshit filter.

New York, Texas, Tennesee, Philadelphia, South Carolina.. it's carnage over there man.. Really sad

AP News: "McCormick concedes to Oz in Pennsylvania GOP Senate primary"

Larry Fink says globalization was inflationary, deglobalization would be inflationary #Bloomberg

Discipline problems, morale down?

Military Analyst: "Ukraine military wanted to apply a new law which would have given commanders the ability to punish soldiers, it was not approved by gov, for now"

Now Africa is going to Putin begging for grain..

Politico: "Senegalese President Macky Sall, who is also the chair of the African Union, gave credence to Russia's pledge that it will allow the safe export of Ukraine's grain stocks after meeting President Vladimir Putin in Sochi today"

Yuzivska field is shale-gas though.. Fracking is bad.

In 5-10 yrs it can all be forgotten, most of the actors that are in office now won't be around.

"But after the war the relationship between RU/West is fatally damaged"

With those energy resources Ukraine could supplant Russia and become the EU's top supplier. If taken RU will continue to be the top supplier of energy in the region.

Yuzivska gas field juxtaposed on the conflict map.


"In 2010, gas [reserves were] discovered in Donbas Ukraine. The [IEA] reported the natural gas reserves are estimated at 5.4 trillion cubic meters, which is worth $4.8 trillion and can supply the European Union countries gas demands for forty five years... [In] April 8, 2022, Sergei Rudskoi, head of the Russian [mil], said in a speech: 'The main objectives of the first stage of the operation have generally been accomplished… [now we can] focus our core efforts on achieving the main goal, the liberation of Donbass.'"


Yea.. that wld be escalatory..

Yahoo News: "UK 'not to send warships to Black Sea' to escort Ukrainian grain shipments.. Earlier, UK newspaper the Times reported, citing its sources, that Britain was considering sending warships to the Black Sea to escort ships carrying Ukrainian grain, the export of which is being blocked by Russia"

Hindustan Times: "Russia shipped 'stolen' wheat to ally Syria?"


Britain's Gas Grid to Accept 20% Hydrogen Blend by 2023, Preparations Underway"


'Price for natural gas in Germany will never be as low again as before Ukraine war -- because of that there is now a business case for ramping up hydrogen,' says German econ & climate min #Habeck @BMWK at #bdewk22 conference #EnergyTransition"

Recarge News: "Richest nations pledge support for blue H2 and hydrogen use in natural gas infrastructure and thermal power plants"


ZeroAvia makes major strides in hydrogen refueling with shell collaboration and airport pipeline launch"

H2 Stove by Empa


Couldn't Ukraine/West cut them in? Russia I mean; somehow make them part of the process, so they would have less of an incentive to invade?

Chevron, Shell had all moved in to develop Ukrainian fields.. But they forgot about the bear next door.

Look at the potential new gas fields; all areas being invaded right now


That translates to approx 12 gboe (gigabarrels of oil equivalent), about one tenth of largest known oil field. Not bad. That'll push a man to invade combined with all other insecurities building up at those borders.

Wiki: "The Yuzivska gas field is a Ukrainian natural gas field that was discovered in 2010. It was expected to begin production in 2017, but development was halted because of the outbreak of the 2014 war in the Donbas region. The total proven reserves of the Yuzivska gas field are around 70.8 trillion cubic feet"


#ukraine #natgas


Jane's Defense: "Incoming Australian defence minister to focus on sovereign submarine capability"

Japan Times: "Biden to visit former 'pariah' Saudi Arabia"

F24: "White House changes tone on Saudi prince MBS ahead of potential Biden visit"

WION: "Suicide by firearms among youth in the United States highest in 20 years"

Energy will always find its customers.

"Putin scored an own goal by invading Ukraine it will put his Europe energy exports at risk"


News flooding out of #BattleofDonbas reveals balance of pwr tilting more heavily in RU's favor despite what any of us want. It's time to consider the unthinkable - trading land for peace"


"The Russian sniper is a specially selected and skilled soldier who.. is part of the target acquisition system... Objectives of a sniper team during en masse employments are to hinder or channelize movement of tactical formations and then direct artillery fire on prioritized targets...

In Russian Military culture, artillery is called the 'God of War.' Whereas U.S. forces rely on artillery to support maneuver, the Russians take the opposite approach: maneuver supports artillery. Artillery is the decisive finishing arm for the Russian Army..

The employment of UAS by Russian Forces adds another dimension to their fires capability. In Eastern Ukraine, Russian Forces have demonstrated their ability to direct and adjust fires with their drones. Ukrainian forces have repeatedly seen a systematic approach by the Russians to acquire a target with a UAS. A high level UAS will identify a Ukrainian target. It will then pass off that target to another lower level UAS to determine the target coordinates. Then the Russians will adjust their fire with the UAS based on the initial artillery strikes. The total time for this process can be as little as 10-15 minutes...

One thing noticeably absent from Russian UAS employment is the kind of surgical drone strike that the U.S. has used to great effect in the past 15 years. Russia does not currently possess a weaponized UAS similar to a Predator"


WSJ: "Thousands Flee Front-Line Towns in Ukraine as Russian Forces Advance"

"NATO-trained" (as opposed to being NATO) actually might have worked against Ukraine. NATO likely trained them as it trains itself, to be able to integrate indiv country's forces so they can fight together. That can make u lax; They did not think an integrated mil solution. Per execution, everyday dynamics UKR is on its own in the war against Russia, not part of any other organization.