
Github Mirror

Week 21

H2 View: "Three projects in Chile could double world electrolyser capacity.. The Government organisation signed three agreements with GNL Quintera, CAP SA, and Air Liquide, to develop the first industry-scale green hydrogen production plants in Chile.

The three projects, set to launch in December 2025, are part of six projects selected by Corfo in December 2021 and are hoped to bring $1bn in investments and produce 45,000 tonnes of hydrogen a year"

H2 View: "Planned for Oman’s.. Free Zone, [a new] project will integrate renewable power from solar, wind and storage; production of hydrogen by electrolysis; production of nitrogen by air separation; and production of green ammonia...

CEO at Air Products, said, 'We are delighted and honoured to work with the government of Oman to develop this multibillion-dollar project, which would be similar to the world-scale green hydrogen project we are implementing with our partners in NEOM in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'"

Need to treat electricity like the plague. Play whack-a-mole with it. Whenever it is generated, use it and make it go away; quash it. Run it through an electrolyzer, produce H2, then send the gas over the pipeline, done. Or convert to ammonia, ship it overseas on large ships. The longer energy stays in this inefficient form, the worse it is.

The grid 'cannot take it' because it is defective, inferior technology. Need to transmit molecules (renewable gas), and convert to electricity as required within cities. The crux of all storage, transmission, and even end-use needs to be based on molecules. It will be more efficient that way.

"We will bring more renewables online but the grid won't take it, so we need to update the grid"

H2 Energy Book, Zohouri: "The need to reduce CO2 emissions has pushed towards creation of new 'clean' electricity production paths, such as photovoltaic or wind power, with hydropower still in use. Although the number of facilities has exploded mostly because of subsidies, these facilities now allow for a significant production of renewable electricity, which can reach more than 50% of total electricity production, depending on the country and weather conditions.

Electricity production unfortunately has a major drawback: variability. Mainly depends on meteorological conditions such as wind and sunshine. Even if forecasts are fairly accurate, production maxima do not always coincide with consumption, resulting in higher than demand production; hence, there arises the need to be able to store this excess electricity for later use, regardless of its form...

What technology should be used to store this excess electricity? The first solution that comes to mind is batteries. Although some have relatively large storage capacity, costs and limited lifetime do not allow for large-scale use. Other solutions exist, but all are limited in their storage capacity, compared to expected surpluses.

Apart from direct storage of electricity, the other approach is to convert it into another form to be able to store it. This is where electrolysis comes into play, i.e. conversion to hydrogen and oxygen, hence the name power-to-gas"


Tether likely to lose over half a billion dollars from the Celsius Ponzi scam implosion. Don't worry, they'll start a new Ponzi scam to rip off everyone to make the money back"

US News: "[Ray] Liotta always assumed he was mostly Italian — the movies did too. But later in life while searching for his birth parents, he discovered he's actually Scottish"


It used to be kids were twice as likely to die in auto accidents than by gunshot. But in 2020 for the first time, firearms became the leading cause of death among American kids, surpassing motor vehicles".

If Brits did not force the partition in India creating Pakistan, Afghanistan "problem" would perhaps be easier to handle; India would have a border with Afghanistan instead of Pakistan, the "porous" border between PAK and AFG (official look other way while fighters come and go) could have been less of an issue. The Taliban insurgency back then benefited hugely from that border, being next to Pakistan, their intel services. It kept them alive, then one day as we all know they came back. All thanks to Brits.

H2 View: "The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management has awarded two projects more than $12m to develop and test key components required for high hydrogen combustion"

H2 View: "Spanish utility company.. Iberdrola.. has announced that the company will invest €3bn ($3.2bn) in green hydrogen to accelerate the ‘European Green Deal"

H2 View: "Plasma electrolysers can use wastewater to produce clean hydrogen.. German sustainable solutions company Graforce has developed plasma electrolysis technology that can produce hydrogen from methane and wastewater"

H2 View: "Johnson Matthey secures €20m stake in hydrogen pioneer Enapter"

H2 Fuel News: "Charbone Hydrogen and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will aim to create a clean hydrogen hub in Northeast US"

H2 View: "Large-scale liquid hydrogen storage is set to be explored in South Korea, after McDermott’s CB&I partners with Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)"

H2 Fuel News: "TES Wilhelmshaven hydrogen import terminal gets priority project from German Government"

H2 View: "The California Hydrogen Coalition has launched a digital and television campaign this week to win support in the California legislature for additional funding to develop hydrogen fuelling stations across the state"

H2 View: "Sweden could be set to gain yet another green hydrogen production project with Lhyfe and Trelleborgs Energi partnering"

H2 View: "A new agreement is set to see the commercialisation of green hydrogen in South Korea has been announced by Elogen and Valmax Technology Corporation"


Attending the US-Egypt Business Roundtable with the PM of Egypt. The PM has emphasized over and over the importance of green hydrogen and COP27"


The Air Liquide facility is now the largest liquid hydrogen production and logistics infrastructure project in the world! It will boost Nevada’s economy, bringing clean energy, good-paying jobs to our state -- and take bold climate action at the same time"

FT: "Vanguard, the world’s second-largest asset manager, has refused to stop new investments in fossil fuel projects"

It's highly likely H2 boilers, such as the one sold by Worcester Bosch, can handle impurities in fuel (combustion has a way of 'handling' such things -by just burning it off-), so ammonia-converted H2 can also be used in a H2 boiler scenario.

The Gray Man, definitely watching that

Hah someone called Dune characters Bene Gesserit "Ninja Nuns". That sounds right


My favorite part of investor letters lately is how apparently in the current market prices are detached from fundamentals. But a year ago when their shitcos were up 10x the market was being totally rational"

via @KailashConcepts


Who is Garbo? Ross Gerber?


Who remembers the January letter of RV Capital peddling CVNA saying the value is $96b vs then cap of 25b (now 4b)? All those pages of momentum bro Garbo on culture, brand, scale, and so little on liquidity or access to funding. He bought a subprime bank thinking it was amazon" via @gnoble79

All religion is at its inception left-wing. Then it is co-opted by the system, it becomes a mere extension of it. See Morris

Representation is out of whack.. Culture Codes matter more (which is Protestan for US), the judges are 'merican culturally, but to the extent their religion effects political choices, the balance is off.

Gallup: "22% of the adult population [in US] identifies as Catholic, as opposed to the 67% Catholic representation on the [Supreme Court]"

Pro-life position isn't necessarily Christian; but it is definitely Roman (Catholic). Rome needed soldiers. Rome is gone, but some of its culture lives on, through the Church.

Degenerate discussions on #MeToo, too much #Woke is Gender. Bulllshit LGBT issues are Gays, denialism, culture war around climate is Green, abortion related to God (though different religions seem to be interpreting that God differently).

US stuck on 5G - Guns, Gays, Green, God, Gender.

'Crops' would be easier to get at in some settings so they would be prefered, but that comes with its own social problems (kings, landowning, bizarre religions, goat girlfriend). Humans domesticate plants, then are domesticated by them.

Hunting, fishing diet needs no 'supplementing' BTW.

Crops and pyramids - they go hand in hand.


Scientists discovered ancient Amazonian settlements including pyramids as tall as eight-story buildings in Bolivia.. Researchers used a helicopter equipped with light detection and ranging (lidar) equipment to scan a total area of 77 square miles, since the details of the settlements were not visible from the ground..

The settlements are believed to have been built by the Casarabe culture in what is now Bolivia between about 600 and 1,500 years ago. They successfully cultivated maize and other crops, supplementing their diets with protein from hunting and fishing"

"Babylonians already knew Newton's Method!". M-f-ker did Babylonians know Calculus? No. How could they have discovered Newton's Method then?

"When the transistor density doubles, clock rate can go up 1.4x, while power consumption stays the same (despite having twice the number of transistors running faster). Ceased to apply [since] ~2005 (because leakage became significant), [now]


Great. Let's surveil more.

WION: "It has come to light that Texas gunman had declared his intentions on social media before the attack"

That is a win for the outer alliance.

AFP: "President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Junior says Philippines will uphold international ruling against Beijing over disputed South China Sea"

H2 View: "CleanSign receives US DOE grant to develop an ultra-low NOx hydrogen burner technology.. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has provided a grant in order to support the development of an ultra-low NOx hydrogen burner technology which will enable the adoption of hydrogen fuel for industrial heating"

H2 View: "PESTECH International Berhad and Hydorgéne de France SA (HDF Energy) have partnered to collaborate on green hydrogen production from hydro power plants in Cambodia and Malaysia"

Australia to Singapore freight shipping takes about two weeks. That is sweet. Ship NH3, CH2, from there pipeline green gas to Malaysia, Thailand, even Vietnam

Financial Review: "Global energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie estimates the seaborne trade of hydrogen will grow to 150 million tonnes by 2050.. Europe alone is expected to import 10 million tonnes of hydrogen by 2030. To meet that demand, ports are being specially designed to feed into dedicated hydrogen infrastructure across the Netherlands and into Germany"


99 Percent.. The tech sounds like an uber H2 extractor; from methane, and from ammonia? Both a steam reformer and a 'cracker'. "Proton ceramic electrochemical reactors can extract pure hydrogen from gas mixtures by electrolytically pumping protons across the membrane at 800°C, but as the extraction proceeds, temperature gradients and entropic effects lead to efficiency drops. Clark et al. developed a nickel-based glass-ceramic composite interconnect that allowed for the design of a more complex reactor pathway... Counterflowing streams balanced heat flows and maintained stable operating conditions that enabled 99% efficiency of hydrogen recovery"


H2 View: "Mote to develop a new wood waste-to-hydrogen production facility in California, US"

Company Site: "Mote is a spinout of the carbon removal effort at Lawrence Livermore, where Mote CTO Joshuah Stolaroff previously led the carbon capture program. Mote’s technology approach draws from the Lab’s groundbreaking research and development"

Yahoo Finance: "Mote Enters Advanced Stage of Engineering Design for Southern California Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Facility"

H2 View: "Emerson teams with Toyota Australia to create commercial-grade hydrogen production, storage and refuelling plants.. As Toyota continues to develop hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in Australia, Emerson has been selected to provide its advanced automation technology for the refuelling and production plants"

H2 View: "Air Liquide hydrogen plant officially opened in North Las Vegas"

H2 View: "Successful pre-feasibility study could see Mauritania become a hydrogen powerhouse"

Al Jazeera: "Davos is dead. [After] a pandemic and a cost of living crisis, the people have no patience for the virtue signalling of the Davos set"

It cld be helpful for the new actor.. No need to ask director what s/he wants.. It's like 'look at the shot already there give me that (with some reinterp surely)'.

Reshooting a movie isn't impossible; they do it all the time. Back to the Future had a third of its scenes re-filmed (with MJ Fox).

That's crazy. That will help turn crypto even more of a speculative asset. Nearly all coins are incorrectly designed as currency, dont want more people rushing into these things, creating fragility in the system.

Politico: "FTX, a global crypto exchange led by 30 year-old billionaire and political mega-donor Sam Bankman-Fried, has engaged in a full-court press convincing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to sign off on its plan to let investors use borrowed money to trade crypto around the clock"

She surely believes in that political choice, what I'm saying is the system will pull people from extremes fitting a certain mold. The pro-choice Catholic ends up in Dem leadership, the only Episcopalian who is anti-abortion ends up as Fox News anchor. These actors will heatedly argue over stuff that could've easily been handled (in fact was) years ago. Centrist Democrats created that mess. They committed the Original Sin.

Abortion is the other hot-button issue Dems helped become this entangled mess.. Likely not possible to be in Dem leadership and be anti-abortion. NP is Catholic, but can't be against abortion and still hold that seat. Not anymore.

🤣 🤣 Excommunicated by the Church.

"Pelosi denied Holy Communion by San Francisco archbishop for pushing abortion rights"

That choice was indirectly forced on them by centrist Democrats bcz of their need for triangulation. By trying to be too much like Reps on major issues, they pushed them further right on social issues, creating deadlock. Dems are the sole reason for the culture war. Need less bipartisanship, less unity, more division on major stuff. After every school shooting remember, it's Bill Clinton's fault.


.. Not solving [the gun issue] is a policy choice, made by Republicans"

Comments show that Kissinger, when he was liked or hated, was always acting as a realist. Surely he was part of a lot of unfavorable decisions; but he also negotiated an end to the Vietnam War.

The Telegraph: "Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory.. Kissinger has urged the West to stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on Russian forces in Ukraine. The veteran US statesman said that it would have disastrous consequences for the long term stability of Europe"


If you’re only interested in diplomacy when it doesn’t involve concessions, then you really aren’t interested in diplomacy.

'Anne Appelbaum NYT: Offering the Russian president a face-saving compromise will only enable future aggressions'"


It is shocking how easily some pundits suggest the US go to war against China over Taiwan, as @gen_jackkeane does... Losing 1000s of US troops - and maybe losing US cities to nuclear strikes - doesn't concern them"

H2 View: "Danish chemical processing company, Topsoe has announced its intention to construct the world’s largest electrolyser plant with an initial 500MW capacity, which can be scaled to 5GW, for Power-to-X solutions"

H2 View: "Portugal is set to gain a new hydrogen blending project with Wärtsilä partnering with Capwatt"

H2 Fuel News: "Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky vie for blue hydrogen hub federal funding.. The states are competing to obtain a portion of $8 billion set aside for the H2 supply chain project"

H2 View: "MSC Group to incorporate hydrogen fuel cells into its next-generation World Europa cruise ship"

H2 View: "Texas, US, continues to be a hotspot for hydrogen technologies and innovation with Clean Energy Holdings, ING Americas, and Equix, starting development of a 250MW green hydrogen project"

Ammonia can be combusted in turbines. Crack it and use H2 in alkaline fuel-cells. Or in Toyota combustion-engine cars.

Brand new ship cost around.. $30 mil? Shipping itself is cheap. Typical 1GW nuclear plant cost 6 billion, Fukushima level output would cost 30 bil? Factor in a billion per GW to generate ammonia from solar, you still won't reach that kind of cost. It's crazy.

Australia-Japan: Largest ammonia ship can carry 87,000 m3. Ammonia energy density is 4332 kwh/m3, round trip from Australia-Japan takes two months. 1 ship continuously moving back and forth can supply to 0.3 GW equivalent, like a pipeline.

30 ships will give 7.7 Gigawatts. Better than one Fukushima.

It's possible to create a 'virtual pipeline' through shipping. Ships constantly go back and forth carrying clean fuel is like a pipeline of sorts. There is a constant flow within a period of time, like mentioned before we can compute a Gigawatt measure for that. Compute annual Watt-hour, divide by 365*24, get Wattage.

WION: "Climate change grips Europe: Tornado in Germany, heatwave in Spain"

On H2 storage #h2book


Many fossil players are also in the H2 game but that is a good thing. That means the switch to green energy can be faster, with their input. Green fuels are great, there is something in it for everyone. People will get cheap energy, faster, fossil players build on their gas/liquid handling expertise and keep making money, and there will be new players who can innovate and expand, hire.

The spread of H2 infrastructure needs to be official left policy. Renewable gas based tech will deliver cheap energy to people from all walks of life, especially the poor.

Even with limitless energy we'd need green fuels as an energy carrier.. We cant have a fusion reactor in every car, in every home, so cars would need a fuel in the tank that was generated by fusion. From fusion reactor to homes something needs to be piped in, fast, efficiently. That something is still H2.


Mass, pressure, heat, kinetic energy; that is where it's at.

No bitch magnets, bitch electricity, bitch lasers

"Nick Hawker might have solved the nuclear fusion equation, leading to ‘unlimited’ clean energy.. There’s a new fusion kid on the block. His name is Nick Hawker and he carries a very big gun – 22m long. It fires a projectile at around 7km/s and aims to hit a bullseye only two atoms wide.

Fusion, of course, is nothing new. The sun has been at it for the last few billion years and is still going strong, producing vast amounts of energy.. The fundamental fact [is].. that fusing two hydrogen nuclei together is hard. They are both positively charged particles and therefore mutually repulsive...

In contrast, Hawker and his crew have come up with a radically different approach to pulling off fusion and “getting it done” sooner too. “Projectile fusion” as practised at First Light, in comparison with “magnetic confinement fusion” is simpler, cheaper...

Hawker has taken the concept of the pistol shrimp – or the shrimp’s claw – and converted it into an extremely long pistol, a light gas gun, with a barrel 22m long, that propels a projectile at around 7km/s into a cube of fusion fuel, turning it into thermal plasma, which is so dense that it approaches the density of the core of the sun. When the projectile hits the outer layer of the cube it produces a shock wave bubble – just like the shrimp – that then compresses the fusion fuel and under huge pressures and very high temperature for a billionth of a second causes ions to fuse and release energy"


Sound Stylistics - The Crisis Generator #music


WION: "Villagers in Russia's Siberia have spotted a giant crater that is sinking and appearing to pull in everything around it"

Franco Micalizzi - Running Away From Jerzy #music


Pretty cheap for life-long visa access.

Everything is for sale these days

Al Monitor: "Fearing visa hassles could cost him his job in Dubai while an economic collapse had dashed any homecoming options, Lebanese executive Jad splurged around $135,000 on a new citizenship for himself and his wife. Within a month of making the payment last year, the 43-year-old businessman received a small package in his mailbox. Inside were two navy blue passports from the Caribbean island nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis -- his ticket to visa-free access to more than 150 countries, including in Europe"

That El Salvador President, "Bukake", is in love with Bitcoin, and crypto. Of course he is a rich guy, a "supply sider".. They want their stash not to depreciate. That's what it is all about.


Crypto Meltdown Exposes Hollowness of Its Libertarian Promise - WSJ Unable to displace the dollar, crypto became just another asset without traditional asset markets’ guardrails"


Talking code, or code-friendly descr is always better then verbal descriptions, "if it goes up, this goes down, if down, other up" ??? WTF?

What is the angle of the dangle?

Some quant-fu uses moving averages, "when close is over MA200 bull, if not bear" sort of stuff.

Tried it - meh; "A drawdown with at least a 20% fall in it" could capture it better perhaps..

"When the market is down 20% for at least a two-month period. 'If somebody were to say that we were in a bear market in the S&P 500, that means that we were down 20% from peak to trough,' says [expert]. 'Once it crosses 20%, you stay 20% or you go further down. You’re just in a bear market'"


What is the definition of bear market anyway?

Yep. Don't jog like a dumbass.. HIT means spurts of high activity, not bouncing up and down rhythmically on bitch Nike shoes


"Living at high altitude and getting vaccinated both help you live longer - but the most influential factor is exercise..he recommends high intensity interval training (HIIT workouts)"

From Nicklas Brendborg, Jellyfish Age Backwards.

"People who take multivitamins also seem to die earlier - perhaps because of the iron in them. Iron, Brendborg says, 'works almost like fertiliser for the growth of bacteria'. This could also explain why blood donors tend to live longer, as they get rid of excess iron"

WION: "UK man dumps wife, runs off with Ukrainian refugee who moved in few days ago"

WION: "Ukraine's EU membership '15 or 20 years' away, says French minister"

RU appears to have good intel; not just satellite, SIGINT, but leaks from UKR mil as well. When the "sniper king" Wali went to UKR, he says nearly got his ass blown up by tanks on first mission, it sounded like they specifically targeted his area, which means knew he was there. Right afterwards RU declared him dead (nearly true). My guess is Wali's location was leaked and RU went after him - for a quick propaganda win. Now, that kind of intel indicates HUMINT; UKR mil is leaking like a sieve. Maybe that's not surprising, UKR could have a lot of RU symphatizers.

They took Popasnaya, now moving ahead to close the small pocket

Al Jazeera: "Russia bombards Severodonetsk from all sides"

You fight artillery with artillery. Also with airbombing, but Ukraine does not air superiority, Russia does. They can take out rival artillery units from the air, if not overpower the ones on the ground with their own ground units (have better numbers, and their supply line is closer and more secure, right over the border whereas Ukraine's logistic situation is harder).

"How do you fight against artillery?"

HyFlyer.. Great name

H2 Fuel News: "The HyFlyer project is a plan for the decarbonization of medium-range small passenger aircraft powered by hydrogen fuel cells.. HyFlyer I is a demonstration of powertrain technology that will replace conventional propeller aircraft piston engines.. The HyFlyer II project is the next phase that will involve the first certifiable hydrogen electric powertrain"

H2 Fuel News: "Green hydrogen hubs to replace German liquid natural gas terminals"

Snam CEO on H2 pipelines



India also has not developed an extensive natural gas network so far, which is a blessing in disguise. As it would now be possible to build gas pipeline grid which will first transport natural gas and will eventually be used to transport first blue & then green hydrogen"

Not on Mars apparently

"[Perovskite] is also expected to be an abundant mineral in other terrestrial planets larger than Mars...[it should be] an important constituent in other terrestrial planets if their rocky mantles contain substantial volumes above ~23 GPa. Venus, being similar in size and mass to Earth, should also host Mg-perovskite as its most abundant mineral phase. The base of Mars’ mantle, on the other hand [has lower pressure]"


This perovskite is a fantastic material, abundant too

Hydrogen Central: "H2 Clipper, Inc., an aerospace and alternative energy company developing hydrogen-powered airships and end-to-end hydrogen infrastructure solutions, announces that the company signed a collaboration agreement with the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies (Foundation), located in Aragon, Spain"

H2 View: "Egypt's current green hydrogen pipeline projects will amount to 11.62GW and 1.57 million tonnes of green hydrogen, once the projects come online before 2035, according to Rystad research"


Last week when SPX closed at 4025, I said the market would take a huge dump this week, SPX cratered over 200 handles this week. The sell off was somewhat controlled and muted. Dip buyers are still active. There is absolutely no capitulation. Gonna get a lot uglier than I thought"

That's funny if true


[B]usiness leaders pay me $5,000 an hour as a sleep coach. I spend hours teaching them how to hold their breath until they faint so they can rest no matter what is raging in their minds"


Investors have been buying the dip hoping the Fed will soon capitulate. Wait until they realize the Fed is serious this time"

Reagan was pro-choice, made abortion legal in California, then he changed his tune to appeal to evangalicals

TDB: "Arkansas Guv Shies Away From Extreme Abortion Ban He Signed"

All finite-amount crypto is essentially right-wing. Money invariably has politics associated with it. Crypto proponents think they can sidestep all that with 'some bits', but that is extremely naive; money never existed disconnected from a social order.. Gold was made into money through kings (they demanded taxes be paid to them in currency made from gold, silver, creating demand for those currencies). Such metals had no intrinsic value, at least nothing at the level that primes them to be the money.

It's not surprising the ultra-rich like the current incarnation of digital cash, "crypto" - they are based on finite amount money base, so rich ppl figure if "I put my money in this thing it won't depreciate it will maintain its value through scarcity".

NYT: "All Those Celebrities Pushing Crypto Are Not So Vocal Now.. Enthusiasm for crypto from Hollywood celebrities and top athletes reached a fever pitch over the past year. On social media, during interviews and even in music videos, they portrayed virtual currency as a world with its own hip culture and philosophy — one that was more inclusive than traditional finance and that involved the chance to make loads of money.The Super Bowl was nicknamed the “Crypto Bowl” this year because so many ads — which cost as much as $7 million for 30 seconds — featured the industry, several of them starring boldface names.But after investors watched hundreds of billions of dollars disappear in a sell-off this month, those famous boosters now face intensifying criticism that they helped drive vulnerable fans to invest in crypto without emphasizing the risks. Unlike clothes or snacks or many other products hawked by celebrities, the crypto market is volatile and rife with scams"


Baby-formula from Germany hauled to US on military planes.. Something went broke with this 'free-market' and 'globalization'.

"Operation Causeway was the U.S. plan to invade Taiwan.. Had it proceeded, Causeway would have involved 302,000 men of the US Army and 100,000 men of the US Marine Corps, and would have started with the landings of amphibious landings on the southern coast of [Taiwan]...

However the more the plan was examined the more it was realised that this would be a very different battleground to the flat plains of northern France [where another amphibious landing was done, in Normandy]"


Haha US itself planned the invasion of Taiwan once during WWII but decided against it, judging the invasion would be too hard

Taiwan is not Ukraine. Taiwan has a moat (and more)

Ukraine is not Afghanistan. AFG terrain is much more hostile (see the list of empires getting their ass kicked there)

PZ gets some things right; UKR war is taking place on flatlands, and is mostly an artillery war which favors the Russians.

P. Zeihan says there are 9 paths for invading Russia, they always try to fortify them. But then says RU has to invade Poland. I dont think that's in the cards. Sure feeling less threat from nearby regions would matter to them but at what cost.

(Orig map orientation was screwed up, pic rotated, the text is off)


Here is the link for collated excerpts from the Alvera book again


H2 Fuel News: "Aramco and [Thai energy company] PTT team up on green and blue hydrogen"

H2 View: "Australian energy company, Woodside, announced that it has officially changed its name to Woodside Energy Group Ltd. Previously Woodside Petroleum Ltd., the name change reflects the company’s recent sustainable efforts, with significant ventures into green hydrogen"

H2 View: "Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have announced a proposal to build a dedicated artificial island in the North Sea, for large-scale green hydrogen production, called ‘Brintø’. Brintø, Danish for ‘Hydrogen Island’, would provide a significant contribution towards Denmark’s ambitious hydrogen strategy, with its ability to supply up to 1 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year once at full capacity of 10GW..

CIP have suggested that Brintø could be operational by 2030, and could prove to be a vital step in securing green energy supply for Europe. The hydrogen produced via Power-to-X will use offshore wind electricity and will be hoped to be exported to countries such as, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium using pipelines"

H2 Fuel News: "Alstom, PKN ORLEN sign agreement to introduce hydrogen trains and infrastructure to Poland"

H2 View: "Six African countries formerly launched the Africa Green Hydrogen Alliance, which aims to make the continent a frontrunner in the green hydrogen development race. The Alliance, formed by Kenya, South Africa, Namibia, Egypt, Morocco, and Mauritania, intend to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels, which hopes to open access to clean and affordable energy supplies"

H2 View: "Germany, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands partner to generate 20GW of green hydrogen in the North Sea by 2030"

H2 View: "Renault to relaunch its Scenic with hydrogen powertrain"

Their combustion engine is "robust to hydrogen fuel impurities". Spread of this tech will increase options for transport; can get fuel through ammonia, LH2, LOHC, as well as pipeline, CH2...

H2 View: "Cummins: We need decarbonisation solutions for the mobility industry, and hydrogen internal combustion engines are a practical option. Hydrogen engines are a breakthrough technology essential to reaching Destination Zero. They are low cost, highly efficient, perform like diesel in aggressive duty cycles, are robust to hydrogen fuel impurities, are durable in extreme operating environments, and are versatile"

Clearly their product is based on alkaline fuel-cell tech, which means it will not need high-purity H2 to function. Their target is customers who need renewable gas based heating which is potentially huge.

H2 View: "Alkaline Fuel Cell Power achieves first major millstone for innovative hydrogen technology.. [and] is now believed to be working to towards commercialising a 4kW micro-combined heat and power (Micro-CHP) system. The.. system could be a major technology for the hydrogen industry and is a crucial step in the creation of the Company’s manufacturing capabilities"

How strawberries lose mass after dehyd never ceases to amaze.. 1 kilo of the stuff, gone, down to mere dried slice. Where did it all go? Strawb is 91% water. That's where..

That is genius; put all ingredients in raw, then the whole thing is cooked as closed, that cooking kill germs inside, and can be sure no more will enter until the can is opened.

"Canned chicken is pressure cooked right in the can in a process called retort cooking".


'The role of a bear market is to return capital to its rightful owner.'"

Great news. More leftists in the Congress.

Politico: "De Blasio announces run for open New York congressional seat"

FT: "Albanese set to be first Australian Labor prime minister in nine years"

Where is Soros?

CNBC: "Traders are lining up to short the British pound with a possible recession on the horizon"

WION: "China quietly purchasing large amounts of low-priced Russian oil"

What was that maxim..? Two countries with McDonalds never fought? Or ones in the same supply chain never fought..? Something like that

CNBC: "Goodbye, American soft power: McDonald’s exiting Russia after 32 years is the end of an era"

FT: "Italy’s transport unions are observing a one-day strike, in part to protest against the government’s military support for Ukraine and to call for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict"

Lots of displaced tech talent; somebody's loss is another's win

Al Monitor: "Israel high-tech sector looks to Ukraine, Arab world to address labor shortage"

CNBC: "Russia will shut off gas to Finland from Saturday, Finnish energy provider says"