
Github Mirror

Week 17

H2 View: "Aviation H2 selects liquid ammonia to fuel its hydrogen-powered aircraft slated for 2023"

H2 Fuel News: "Advanced Ionics Secures $4.2 Million to Enable a New Era for Decarbonization of Industrial Hydrogen Production.. Led by Clean Energy Ventures, the investment will pave the way for Advanced Ionics to enable initial pilot projects to be deployed with industrial partners"

H2 View: "Two additional hydrogen hubs are set to be developed in the Hunter Region of Australia with the federal government committing $82m to the development. One of the projects set to receive a part of this fund it’s the Port of Newcastle which is aiming to convert the area into a hub for hydrogen"

H2 View: "Vietnam project to support the hydrogen value chain with green ammonia export opportunity"

H2 View: "A new gigawatt-scale electrolyser manufacturing plant will be developed in Texas, US, to support the creation of a 60GW hydrogen hub"

Reuters: "India is getting too hot too early, raising the risk of fires, Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned on Wednesday, as a heatwave gripped much of the country and a landfill site burned on the capital's outskirts"

Block 5 caused probs too, but Greek Cyprus, ExxonMobil and Qatar Energy reportedly going ahead with drilling


Blocks - apparently exploration of Blocks 6 and 3 caused tensions


That would be 1.3 gboe (giga barrels of oil equivalent). They seem to find the biggest fields away from the Northern part of the island where homie lives. Cyprus per history, is divided into two, Greek vs homie

"[2019] The well, located in Block 10 [near Cyprus], encountered a gas-bearing reservoir.. Based on preliminary interpretation of the well data, the discovery could represent an in-place natural gas resource of approximately 5 trillion to 8 trillion cubic feet"



I don’t want 8K TVs and self driving cars. I want a 4 day work week and rent control"

That beach in Thailand, the filming location of The Beach became so famous, tourists flocked to the place and destroyed it. Gov closed it to visits now it is coming back to life.

Otto was done-in by inter-wave conflict; second-wave industrial vs first-wave agrarian. The newer wave always wins.

'Cob' as in 'corn on the cock'

Pre-modern agro implies certain lifestyle; staticity, unorthodox relationships with the goat (let's define "what 'is' is" kind of relationship) worshipping ancestors, and of course they were driven to sacrifice the odd human here and there. These were feudal cobsuckers. Then they would be run over by an empire like the Romans, Otto (there is always a bigger cobsucker) and this pattern would continue for centuries.

All agro societies had sacrifices, it comes with the territory, or.. the material "superstructure" - see Morris.

WION: "A crime scene? 150 skulls found in Mexican cave turn out to be remains of sacrificial victims from AD 900"

WION: "Big respite? Finally, Google begins to take requests for removal of search results with personal info"

CNBC: "Denmark becomes the first country to halt its Covid vaccination program.. Spring has arrived, vaccine coverage in the Danish population is high, and the epidemic has reversed," the Danish Health Authority said"

BEVs are also an ineffective, retarded midway creations right? They exist at the intersection of the wall plug and the auto vehicle. Mostly cheered by white-collar office dwelling Dem limpdicks whose view of the "outside" never goes beyond that wall plug, a bastardized product was popularized which is the battery-electric car. Electricity transmission is not efficient, refueling, sorry 'recharging', certainly isn't - but a certain crowd likes these half-way, co-existing solution-looking non-solutions, and the world, econ can pay a huge price for it.


Canceling the student debt this once is fine; before changing the system. It will play well with the electorate. People are pretty stupid on politics but they understand the difference between 'have money in pocket' vs 'have no money in pocket'

Don't butt in the market mechanism, in a mishmash way; no more gov backed loans for anything. Private schools can be mandated to accept a certain percentage tuition-free (not through a grant, or scholarship), those seats would essentially be completely outside the market structure. Clear-cut division. Bizarre interaction with the market will backfire, or will sadly fall short (see Obamacare, Fannie-Freddie, tuition crisis).

Bingo - Sallie Mae, founded in the 70s

Forbes: "Congress also created a new entity, Sallie Mae, with the right to borrow at rock-bottom interest rates. Such a creature was unprecedented: until then, only the United States government could borrow so cheaply. In an eerie foreshadowing of the subprime mortgage crisis, Sallie Mae flooded banks with cheap cash, purchasing student loans directly or lending to banks using student loans as collateral. The system gave banks the incentive—and the ability—to make as many student loans as possible...

Everyone involved—from politicians to banks to universities—convinced themselves they were heroes. It’s true that the convoluted system enabled many young people of limited means to attend college. But at the same time, student loan defaults soared. So did college tuition"


Tuition graph for private colleges - the first critical rise happens during the 70s


Er no, I dont think RR is the primary culprit here

CNBC: "Reagan cut higher education funding and student aid, and college costs boomed as a result. "

If making it easier to 'afford' something blows up its price, where else can we find such effects? College tuition prices are through the roof; and voila - look at outstanding student debt (also at stratospheric levels)


Amber Heard has single-handedly set the feminist movement back by 50 years. I'm just going to say it - anyone who has been abused and heard the clips has known this from the start"

Reshoots of Aquaman 2 in the works? Holy turd!

Ouch - #AmberTurd was trending

The grand US strategy, foundation of its empire is based on meddling in Eurasian landmass. Even places like Kosova got military love (whereas Rwanda didn't), bcz of US need to be 'involved' there.

No need - tell the f-ing Brits and the Yankees to stop pushing UKR further into this bullshit war.

WION: "Europe needs to find consensus on banning Russian oil and gas, says Lithuanian Foreign Minister"

NYT: "Can Japan Keep the Lights On? The Ukraine War Upends a Big Energy Bet... The world’s third-largest economy has counted on imported liquefied natural gas as it shuts coal-fired plants and keeps nuclear sites closed. But Russia’s invasion has pushed prices sharply higher"

The Independent: "Ukraine war contributing to largest commodity shock in 50 years, says World Bank"

Big claim. Wonder if it's true - the one on F-35s

Eurasian Times: "Not Only Stealth F-35s, Russian S-500 Missile Can Also Shoot-Down Low-Orbit Satellites"

Jane's Defense: "Russia begins series production of S-500 air-defence system"

Al Jazeera: "Germany’s Uniper to pay for Russian gas via Russia bank account"

H2 View: "Sea Change hydrogen ferry to launch in San Francisco Bay next month"

H2 Fuel News: "Major maritime hydrogen hub to be developed in Kristiansand, Norway"

H2 View: "Nel announced the official opening of its fully automated electrolyser production facility in Herøya, Norway"

H2 View: "Infinity Fuel Cell and Hydrogen will continue with its NASA testing which aims to integrate a lunar regenerative hydrogen fuel cell system to power moon bases"

H2 Fuel News: "Cornell joins hydrogen fuel hub consortium in New York"

H2 View: "Riversimple signs agreement with the California Mobility Center to support mass production of hydrogen vehicles"

H2 View: "Canada to gain a new 150 tonne per day low-carbon hydrogen production hub.. [T]his project will be developed in partnership with Nikola and present an opportunity to produce low-carbon hydrogen and decarbonise the sector"

H2 View: "[Heliogen CEO]: Hydrogen use is forecast to grow from 115 million metric tonnes currently to 500-800 million metric tonnes a year by 2050.. Hydrogen projects already announced represent over 300bn dollars in spending across the value chain, and McKinsey & Company analysts expect at least $150bn of that spend to be related to hydrogen production"


H2 Fuel News: "Green Ammonia and Hydrogen Now Cheaper than Fossil Fuels.. Utilizing [Georgia Tech] MAPS technology with renewable energy to produce cost effective green ammonia.. along with Kontak‘s technology, which Hydrofuel has previously acquired.. [will] allow Hydrofuel to produce Green NH3.. for as low as $220 a tonne, whereas fossil-fuel derived NH3 is currently selling at 1,500 to 2,000 dollars a tonne.

Making the case for nuclear with "we'll build smaller reactors" is not a strong argument. What's the difference btw four small reactors costing 250 mil each instead of one that costs 1 billion (w power output equaling four plants)? But a new type of reactor using different fission material can fly. That would be a new argument.

High torium concentration in US, in states NV, UT, AZ, CO, KS, WY


Lookit; Asia Minor is 4th in the list of Th estimated abundance; 344,000 tons.

"Thorium is three to five times more abundant than uranium in the earth's crust.. produces less radiotoxicity than the U02 because it produces fewer amounts of actinides, reducing the radiotoxicity of long life nuclear waste. Th02 has higher corrosion resistance than U02, besides being chemically stable due to their low water solubility. The burning of Pu in a reactor based in thorium also decreases the inventories of Pu from the current fuel cycles, resulting in lower risks of material diversion for use in nuclear weapons"


Wiki: "The discharged wastes are mostly fission products (nuclear ashes) with shorter half-lives. This reduces the needed geologic containment to 300 years rather than the tens of thousands of years needed by a light-water reactor's spent nuclear fuel"

Wiki: "A molten salt reactor (MSR) is a class of nuclear fission reactor in which the primary nuclear reactor coolant and/or the fuel is a molten salt mixture... 1960's Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment aimed to prove the concept of a nuclear power plant which implements a thorium fuel cycle in a breeder reactor. Increased research into Generation IV reactor designs began to renew interest in the technology, with multiple nations having projects and, as of September 2021, China is on the verge of starting its TMSR-LF1 thorium MSR..

A further key characteristic of MSRs is operating temperatures of around 700 °C (1,292 °F), significantly higher than traditional LWRs at around 300 °C (572 °F).. economical hydrogen production."

Terrestrial Energy is a nuke energy play. But these guys do a different kind of fission, "Generation IV molten salt fission technology". Can use thorium instead of uranium. Th more abundant, has better waste management features.

H2 View: "As the renewable energy revolution continues to gain traction across the globe, McKinsey has revealed that hydrogen demand is expected to grow by four or six times by 2050"

If we were to adjust for the water loss, pineapple is 87% water, 47.8 * (100/13.) = 367 mg. Of that 300 mg was preserved, ~82% Vit C remained after dehyd. Not bad..

The optimal temp was 50 deg Celcius.

Pineapple has 47.8 mg VitC, looks like drying "increased" vitamin C. But they dried, collected 100 g sample of dried pineapple, in that, vitamin C was 300 mg.

Paper finds 300 mg / 100g of Vit C preserved in pineapple fruit after drying..


Pickled in red beets? Daaemn

Of course.. there is pickling of nearly everything else; why not eggs?


Many cultures around the world marinate hard-boiled eggs -- like pickled eggs in Europe or tea- and soy-infused eggs from Asia. These delicacies offer a fun (and tasty) way to demonstrate the concept of diffusion"

AFP: "China's low Covid-19 death toll prompts questions. China has recorded fewer than 5,000 deaths from Covid since the start of the pandemic. Now a resurgent outbreak has revived questions about how the country counts deaths from the virus"

CNBC: "Here’s what the world’s first floating city in Busan, South Korea, could look like... The United Nations, a floating city architecture firm called Oceanix, and the South Korean city of Busan on Tuesday unveiled the prototype for a floating, sustainable version of the key shipping hub"

That is correct.. And a great way to teach / prove the former is with the latter.

#Rolle #MVT


Nuke Tech #friedman


FT: "Will Boris Johnson's government face an immigration backlash? Brexit votes were promised 'control' during the referendum, but many wanted numbers significantly reduced. That's not what is happening under the new system"

The Guardian: "Why are UK supermarkets rationing cooking oil?.. Tesco, Morrisons and Waitrose have limited sales after concerns over shortages caused by Ukraine war"

Politico: "Russia targeting Western weapons shipments in Ukraine as Donbas assault begins"

FT: "By targeting Ukraine’s entire agricultural economy, destroying fields, farm equipment, warehouses, roads, bridges, and ports, Russia intends to cut off a major source of Ukraine’s income and the food crisis could last well into 2023 if ports remain closed"

FT: "The war in Ukraine is impacting exports, causing a worldwide problem — and poorer countries will feel it the most"

CNBC: "The euro tumbled against the U.S. dollar Wednesday morning as investors grew increasingly concerned with energy supply and a potential recession in the region."

Rumble over rouble (still no rubble)

Reuters: "Russia's Gazprom halted gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria on Wednesday over their refusal to pay in roubles"

H2 Fuel News: "Canadian-based Hydrofuel has completed an exclusive licence agreement with Georgia Institute of Technology for the patent pending MAPS system that could unlock green hydrogen and ammonia that is cheaper than fossil fuels.

According to the company, the MAPS system enables high-yield, sustainable ammonia synthesis from air and water with high efficiency using a gas-phase electrochemical process"

H2 View: "Large-scale hydrogen production to be incorporated into a green industrial hub in Northern Norway"


In 🇸🇪 and 🇫🇮 gas network operators present the Nordic Hydrogen Route project:



The Swedish and Finnish system operators for gas transmission, Nordion Energi and Gasgrid, are now presenting concrete plans for a 1000 km long hydrogen pipeline that will run from Örnsköldsvik to Vaasa, Finland"

H2 View:"Permacand to develop a large-scale green hydrogen production facility in Sweden"

Reuters: "Egypt to work with UAE's Masdar to make green hydrogen.. Egypt said on Sunday it would cooperate with the United Arab Emirate's Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) on the production of green hydrogen. Masdar and Hassan Allam (HA) Utilities, a subsidiary of Hassan Allam Holding, will form a strategic alliance to develop green hydrogen production plants in the Suez Canal Economic Zone and on the Mediterranean coast, to produce up to 480,000 tons of green hydrogen annually, the Egyptian cabinet said in a statement.

H2 View: "Kawaski and Airbus to create the Japanese hydrogen fuel infrastructure"

H2 View: "Hyzon Motors to establish hydrogen truck depot in Australia.. The American company is working with an Australian heavy-duty commercial fleet operator"

The Guardian: "After the relentless rain, South Africa sounds the alarm on the climate crisis"


What reader would ever complain about overly detailed derivations? Not me, for sure; I've Iost countless hours figuring out those missing steps!"


Now a reviewer says there are too many details in the derivations. Sometimes, too much information is better than lack of information; it helps avoid confusions and ambiguities. But for this I can cut a lot of intermediate steps; and I can leave them all in a preprint"

True liberterians could actually affect some change here; they would be for the abolition of F-F. If democracy worked they'd do their thing, the left would do the outside-the-market help thing, overall things would approach to some kind of working setup. Instead there is a weird mush of market/non-market solutions, and the 'heated debates' are on stupid culture war.

On the previously shared Eslake comment "Schemes that allow people to pay more for housing than they otherwise would, will result in more expensive housing". Then how can we help people to have housing?

Increasingly it looks like butting into market mechanism can backfire. So best help in any area should aim to take entire swaths of said area out of the market-based system. For health insurance, single-payer is much better right (which takes nearly the totality of health insurance out of private scheme) than trying to co-exist with the market which fails to insure everyone (Obamacare).

For housing, gov can pay, employ, manage projects seperately, outside the market structure to build, deliver housing. Slightly nudging one rate here, fiddling with the market there can create unwanted side-effects. In US we saw it happen; those orgs Eddie, Freddie, Fannie, whatever, they've been there for decades, yet in US median house price now reached nearly half a million dollars. Fannie, Freddie being the bizarre in/out market creations they are, fueled the Great Financial Crisis too and nearly caused the collapse of the system.

Madagascar in food trouble.. A lot of regions there with food security problems, i.e. hunger. How hard is it to ship bunch of dried meat, fruit to this place?


Food Security Map


Some use the term as in journalism done with raw data; That's nice too, but I mean publishing of raw data as journalism.

Data journalism would be fly; imagine there is, or, and every major event, like war, gets its relative URL, for Ukraine-Russia war situation the regions assesed, claimed could be published in daily JSON files on /conflict/ukr/20220424/map.json; people interested can fetch, process, plot.

TF was named after Mike Tyson but he fights more like Mohammad Ali.

Tyson Fury wins again

Hah. Movie titled Bear Witness about a dude following around wild bears and filming them.

But it is very likely MI6 had her killed. That part is a tragedy.

That's a stretch. I remember after her death they were throwing out those words, 'she was like Mother Teresa'.. fem acquiantences at the time took a major issue with that.. Mother Teresa lived with the poor, spent her life among them. What did Diana do? Make a diva entrance to some event, and disappear afterwards? C'mon.

"Lady Di was such a big humanitarian, a saint"

Most Kurds live without an official country. They certainly cannot join NATO, have no diplomatic basis to even consider it. The Kurds who were a threat to TR became that way because of latter's failed policies, its faulty nation creation project.

"Isn't the situation of Kurds same as Ukraine's?

CH-SI deal was signed but the language is reportedly vague on the military aspects.. The base can happen. And now tough talk coming from OZ.

SCMP: "Australian PM Scott Morrison said a Chinese military base in the Solomon Islands would be a 'red line' for his government"


Dug it up - here it is. Thank you Wayback Machine (at 12:27)


Bummer - RT on YouTube gone, Keiser Report archives are gone; where is the Tony Blair impression?

No entente cordiale saz the article..

Politico: "Don’t expect Macron’s win to reset UK-France ties.. Yet British officials — who have previously blamed the French electoral campaign for rows with Macron’s government on everything from post-Brexit fishing rights to a nuclear submarine deal with Australia and the treatment of undocumented Channel migrants — don’t expect a huge diplomatic reset to follow the result.

Instead, they’re eyeing more modest wins, and hoping for more dialogue between the two leaders in the coming months. And, despite Johnson’s hopeful remarks, the mood music coming out of the French government Monday wasn’t drastically different either"


CSP, Heliogen

H2 View: "[South Korean scientists created a] new non-metallic photocatalyst for green hydrogen production.. Inha University researchers had developed a high-performance non-metallic carbon nitride photocatalyst with a newly designed structural shape. It can be employed to use sunlight for breaking down the molecules of water into oxygen and H2"

H2 Fuel News: "H2-Industries to develop US $1.4 billion waste-to-hydrogen plant in Oman"

H2 View: "€1bn investment in Sines, Portugal, will see the construction of a 500MW green hydrogen project"

H2 Fuel News: "Plug Power to supply Walmart with up to 20 daily tons of green liquid hydrogen"

H2 View: "Large-scale hydrogen salt cavern storage to be explored by Atura Power and Plains All American"

Oil and Gas: "The remarkable fall in the cost of renewable power has surely enabled commercial green hydrogen ventures such as NEOM... A pipeline connecting the eastern Mediterranean with Europe [is being considered]. While natural gas pipelines in the western Mediterranean currently link Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco to Spain, Portugal and Italy, there is no pipeline in the east. But a hydrogen-capable pipeline there could be a breakthrough for NEOM and others.. [W]ithin a 300-kilometre radius of Sharm el-Sheikh (where the COP 27 conference will occur this fall) are places with potential 100+ GW production potential in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan"

Pipeline Journal: "Osaka Gas and Pipeline Company Delves Into Green Hydogen"

"Dr. Terry Galloway [led] the team of astronomers at Chabot Observatory who calculated the position of, and therefore helped save, the Apollo 13 spacecraft and crew"

"At Raven [SR Inc], we are revolutionizing the way the world uses waste. We take any organic waste and convert it to clean hydrogen and synthetic Fischer-Tropsch fuels through our patented Steam/CO2 Reforming process. We use steam and a chemical process, not combustion, to process mixed feedstock (biogenics, plastics and/or methane) into saleable products in an environmentally friendly, efficient and profitable way. Our story begins in 1885 with Daniel Best – great-grandfather of Dr. Terry Galloway (technology creator) and great-great grandfather of Matt Murdock (Raven founder)"


Chris Joss - Surrounded #music


WION: "New Zealanders are ordering grocery from Australia, even saving money"

Latest Israeli violence.. I'm watching Raam; they are the Arab-Israeli party in the coalition. They claim suspension of their membership, what's next?

"US urges Iraqi government formation as stalemate drags on"

And of course - the usual troublemaker country appears.

Current news: there are TR attacks toward all PKK areas, in Syria and Iraq, even the Iraqi gov joined in for attack on Sinjar. Trouble around Idlib too.. Somebody is eager for a 'Tamil Tiger moment'.

Asia Minor incursion required KDP (Barzani family) help, and they are helping, with cries of backstabbing, "Kurd against Kurd violence" blame thrown at them.

From TR standpoint, the more PKK was attacked the more it spread. So war-war policy has been a fail so far.

The fascist coup of 1980 fueled PKKs rise


Fields connected by pipeline, did not help patch things up between all stakeholders?


Post Arab Spring PKK spread to Sinjar, near Syria (red cross in map), helping anti-ISIS fight there, after the fight they stayed. Then they linked with Syrian NE. Then the sister org there declared autonomy, 2017. Territory where PKK / sister YPG is active is in yellow. Lots of oil/gas.


Various paths from that Qandil mountain to TR; one from Iraq but they cld easily enter through Iran, immediately cross the Iranian border, go north and enter from there.. I'm sure they received a lot of help from Iran over the years.



The darker green areas are Kurdish regions of Iraq, recognized by central gov, with three governates, associated with two seperate Kurdish Regional Gov families (north vs south), KDP and PUK. PKK nestled itself at the intersection of three of these actors, KDP, PUK, Iran, and on top of the hightest mountain of Iraq (the red dot). KDP/PUK fought before, while in alliance now, doesn't hurt to stay right between them for max leverage.

Why has the Kurdish terrorist group PKK active in TR been so difficult to beat? Map above,

Emancipator - Land & Sea (Feat. Molly Parti) #music


Secret RU oil shipments to the West? Destination Unknown.. The Latvian Blend.. #WION

Whoever needs oil, should get the oil. UKR-RU conflict is an unnecessary proxy war, regular people should not pay the price for it.


Al Jazeera: "Russian media report alleges that the SAS has deployed to the Lviv region in western Ukraine"

Arab News: "Unlikely change in Delhi-Moscow ties as UK PM visits India"

#UKR #FoxNews #Carlson


WSJ: "World Governments Confront Grim Ukraine Toll"

Jane's Defense: "Russia begins Donbas offensive"

AFP: "The Russian army will aim to take full control over eastern and southern Ukraine, Russian news agencies quotes a top general as saying, a day after Moscow announced the 'liberation' of Mariupol"