
Github Mirror

Week 15

Hydrogen Central: "DOE announces $4 million for improving hydrogen turbine performance and reducing hydrogen-based energy costs.. [DOE announced] funding to advance the development of ceramic-based materials to improve the efficiency of hydrogen-fueled turbines that may one day be used in clean power plants.

Specifically, this R&D will enable operation at 150 degrees Celsius (°C) higher than current CMC technology and 450 °C higher than existing nickel-based materials allow, while reducing the amount of cooling air required"

Hydrogen Central: "Loop Energy Outperforms Competition to be Selected as Tevva Fuel Cell Supplier and Grows European Customer Base"

"Shell first customer of hydrogen pipeline at Rotterdam port"


NewAtlas: "[Hyundai] has made a presentation at the Vertical Flight Society's H2 Aero workshop to confirm that it's also bringing its hydrogen expertise into the aviation world"


[Fortescue chairman] Andrew Forrest is considering investing in US power stations and converting them to run on renewable energy as part of his green hydrogen ambition"


Well if value of NFT art is its direct connection to the true originator, then second, third resale would have no meaning, in digital realm. With a real Picasso painting, the connection to the originator is through the hard painting itself.

AFP: "NFT of first-ever tweet a dud in online auction. The highest offer so far is just shy of $10,000 -- a year after it was bought for 2.9 million dollars."

Hot molten magma

Magma goes as high as 1600 C and is liquid so we know high temp allows liquids. The sun surface is 5600 C. Easy experiment, take frozen lava pieces, heat them up to 5600 and see if they become "plasma".

If the sun is not gaseous a lot of the theories on the Universe are FUKKED

Calc assumed known distance between Sun and the Earth, known period of revolution, the constant $G$ (already known from experiment, not through reworking same equation). Sun's distance, volume could be estimated optically or now through spacecraft having actually traveled there. We then calculate mass, divide by volume, obtain density.

Water's density is 1 $g/cm^3$. Sun's estimated density 1.41 $g/cm^3$, greater. So not less dense than solid or liquid.

Oh yeeeaaa


Then if we can prove the sun is more dense, say than water, do we sprove the Sun is not plasma?

I see, less dense..

"Like gases, plasmas.. are less dense than solids or liquids"

The sun is plasma some say


PBS: "[2020] Astronomers still don’t know exactly what the sun is made of.. It's not just the true nature of dark matter that eludes them; so does the essence of the stars that speckle the sky and populate the many galaxies throughout the cosmos. Surprisingly, no one knows the stars' exact chemical composition: how many carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms they have relative to hydrogen, the most common element"


They cld also be indirectly taking on the exam obsession, cram-school stress situation in SoKo.

"'Squid Game' director says series poses questions on competitive capitalism, [adds] "I've asked questions like who made this competition system in our society, who drives us into a corner"

WION: "UK PM Johnson to receive three more fines for lockdown breaching parties"

Schroder, Putin, Chirac shooting the shit, hah


Neither was Chirac

"Neither Macron nor MLP are antagonistic enough against Putin"

WION: "Don’t send weapons to Ukraine, look for rapprochement between NATO, Russia after war, says France's Le Pen"

CNBC: "After buying cheap Russian oil, India is now setting sights on its coal"

The Independent: "Russia has said there will be 'no more talk of a nuclear-free Baltic' if Sweden and Finland join Nato"

"Russia is jamming GPS satellite signals in Ukraine, US Space Force says"

H2 View: "Swiss hydrogen plant to be fully operational next year.. [the] project could be producing 300 tonnes of green hydrogen annually in Western Switzerland by 2023. H-Tec Systems and Groupe E said they have joined forces to develop the site that will help the decarbonisation of freight transportation"

H2 View: "Californian hydrogen truck project being driven forward by Michelin and partners... [the] hydrogen-powered regional-haul Class 8 truck, set to match the performance of a 15-litre diesel truck, is currently under development in California as part of a state-supported hydrogen mobility project"

H2 View: "10GW hydrogen project plans unveiled for Australia.. Dubbed Desert Bloom Hydrogen, the $10.75bn 10GW site will be located in the North Territory, Australia, and, once at full scale, will produce ~410,000 metric tonnes of green hydrogen annually with the help of a series of modular 2MW hydrogen production units"

H2 View: "Airbus and Kawasaki Heavy Industries will work together in order to develop a hydrogen fuelled ecosystem and build out it supply chains into airports"

H2 View: "Infinite Blue Energy (IBE) and Boya Energy [agreed] to build and develop a MEG HP1 hydrogen plant...This particular plant is expected to produce up to four tonnes per day of green hydrogen to meet the expected growth in hydrogen demand for medium and heavy-duty transport"

H2 View: "Hydrogène de France (HDF Energy) has acquired a majority stake in a NewGen project aiming to be the first industrial project to produce green hydrogen in the Caribbean"

H2 View: "Two landmark hydrogen carriers are currently being developed by Gen2 Energy and Sirius Design & Integration as part of a newly inked contract. The duo said they are currently building the 190-meter-long vessels for the safe and effective transportation of hydrogen to countries in Northern Europe.

Designed to use hydrogen in the propulsion systems of the vessel, the ship is expected to leave a minimal carbon footprint and set the stage for future hydrogen carrier developments"

H2 View: "Greenko, John Cockerill partner to develop India’s ‘largest’ green hydrogen electrolyser Gigafactory"

CNBC Pro: "Green hydrogen looks attractive right now, Bernstein says [listing] its top stock picks"



WSJ: "U.K.'s Boris Johnson to Be Fined Over Lockdown Parties"

How about that base in West Africa? Gov says CH wants it, Foreign Policy mag says they are lying.

WION: "Reports claim Chinese companies are looking for 'strategic' pieces of land around the world close to US military installations including around key sea lanes and straits"

Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery #music


The Losers (2010) good.

Moonfall (2022) sucked.

I dont like TRS; proposed changes cld be good. At least ranked-choice for Presidency

WSJ: "Marine Le Pen Proposes Overhaul of French Legislative, Electoral Systems .. [by] apportioning at least two thirds of Parliament seats according to representation rather than using the country’s current two-round voting system"

This is better

Politico: "Mélenchon’s far-left voters become France’s reluctant kingmakers"

'Certain section of MSM' keeps harping about "left's major loss" in the FR first round. Yet Le Pen took 1.1% more than Mélenchon but is deemed as 'resurgent'. Gaslighters..

Aha.. Sarko has followers on the right.. working against Le Pen

Politico: "Sarkozy calls on supporters to back Emmanuel Macron"

'Integrating into a burning house'. Wow

MLK: "We have fought hard and long for integration.. and I know we will win, but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house... I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised"


Afro Celt Sound System - Rise Above It #music



WION: "Scientists find sunscreen lotion chemical accumulating in Mediterranean seagrass"


KEYOU unveils its first hydrogen-powered vehicles.. wo prototypes were shown to demonstrate the technology’s versatility: an 18-ton truck and a 12-meter city bus. Both types produce up to 210 kilowatts of electricity by converting current diesel engines to hydrogen. The company claims 500 kilometers of autonomy with a full tank"

H2 Energy News: "Complete conversion to hydrogen is possible in the medium term.. Roland Harings, CEO of Aurubis, Europe’s largest copper producer, has devised a contingency plan in the event of a gas shortage"


H2 View: "[With a new] process.. methane pyrolysis is used to produce hydrogen. The input is methane (or natural gas)... Rather than CO2, the process creates carbon black as a by-product. Unlike CO2, carbon black is a solid product and hence easy to capture and use or sequester. Carbon black in turn is used to produce the rubber for tires amongst other applications, giving it resale value rather than being a pure waste product"

H2 Fuel News: "Nevada Air Liquide hydrogen plant to produce fuel from garbage gas"

H2 View: "Lhyfe and wpd have partnered to develop a large-scale green hydrogen production facility which will harness 600MW of wind energy to produce the clean energy carrier in Sweden"

H2 View: "Elogen and Sarralle have signed a green hydrogen generation agreement that will see the clean energy carrier integrated into the steel manufacturing sector"


DOE gives $4M to increase the efficiency of hydrogen-fueled turbines"

PAK army is too involved in civilian politics. They "talk too much". I remember it like yesterday Asia Minor right-wing fascist coup leader Evren and theirs Zia ul-Haq shaking hands smiling to the cameras and calling eachother brothers. Overly meddling mil types need to get a soda and a smile and shut the phuck up. Go to your barracks muckers

The parliament choice on its own is democratic can't deny that. If IK uses the event to mobilize supporters and come back stronger, great.

"Shehbaz Sharif elected as Pakistan’s new prime minister.. Election by parliament comes after.. Imran Khan.. lost a vote of no confidence"

"Stranger things have happened". Nope.. I don't think so..

That guy almost became Labor Secretary BTW



.. In Long Beach, CA, on Friday workers challenged Starbucks' illegal union busting campaign. 'If you hate Starbucks so much, why don’t you go somewhere else?' Schultz shot back"

Covid and high home prices likely the cause. Rates have been too low for too long..

"[T]here are 11.2 million RV-owning households in the U.S., an increase of 62% over the past 20 years"


"Canada bans foreign homebuyers for two years in effort to cool market.. Government under pressure after prices climbed by more than 20% last year, while rental rates have also been rising"

Around 2006/7 the speculation on real-estate was so excessive, I once heard a real-estate reference on a military show, The Unit (2006-2009). A housewife was talking about "flipping" houses, and was actively involved in the market.. This was a show about the life of government employees BTW.


Inner/outer bickering is not a mere extension of a "post-WWII order". China was on the winning side then (notice the seat at the UNSC), but they are now the competition. After the fall of the Berlin Wall Russia transitioned into free markets, democracy, yet they still had NATO crawling up their ass. No the reason for the animosity is beyond the so-called spread of freedom. Russia could be a bastion of democracy tomorrow, they would still not be accepted as an ally.

The Times: "Finland and Sweden set to join Nato as soon as summer"

Al Jazeera: "Russia says it struck S-300 systems given to Ukraine by EU state"

Democracy Now: "End the Double Standard: U.S. Accuses Russia of War Crimes While Continuing to Oppose the ICC"


SOTU 2002

There was a lot of clapping for that guy too, remember him? What happened to his country?

These people just love clapping.. Festive muthafuckas

H2 View: "NuScale Power receives $15m investment to support its innovative nuclear technology for clean hydrogen production"

H2 View: "Bloom Energy achieves first international deployment of its electrolyser system"

H2 Fuel News: "A recent report in PV Magazine pointed to a green hydrogen economy as Africa’s best opportunity for unity and unity for Africa’s best opportunity to become powerful in renewable energy. The report showed that the potential from renewable power is great enough that it could possibly help countries throughout the continent to overcome the obstacles to using the sustainable resources that are abundantly available there"

Mad Skillz #bird


#MI7 #cats


Asking ppl for up and down vote on representatives, fine. Asking on policy, not fine.

"In an unusual step, Mexico president asks voters if he should go"

Excessive love for immigration, wanting open-borders is likely a deluded by-product of rabid liberalism with its focus on individuality.. To them the immigrant is 'expressing his/her individuality' by choosing to emigrate to a liberal country like the US. They want to fight for the immigrant just like they fight for people's inalienable rights abroad and topple governments in their name (which actually benefit oil and arms manufacturers but hey it's the thought that counts). However such free love creates a point of contention with traditionally left-leaning labor as more people increase competition for wages. Cesar Chavez, a Hispanic union leader did not support open borders.

How are unionizing efforts at Walmart? The Atlantic had an article on that in 2015.

BTW, Amazon is not the biggest in retail. Walmart is. 2018 retail sales,

Walmart $387.66 $120.93

The Kroger Co. $119.70

Great job. Leadership - it matters.

The Guardian: "‘The revolution is here’: Chris Smalls’ union win sparks a movement at other Amazon warehouses"

Someone needs to look into that Roth IRA trick Focker pulled off to evade taxes.

People in this Paypal mafia are bizarre self-serving weirdos.

Focker always looked like a jagoff apparently.

The other is the e-battery e-jagoff before cosmetic make-over.



"Peter Thiel Calls Warren Buffett a sociopath"

Another advantage of ranked-choice system over the two-round approach; TRS cuts off the next round candidates at two. With RCS the third candidate close to the second (and the first) might have shot up with the help of people's 2nd, 3rd level choices. It's unlikely but possible.

Leftist Mélenchon is at 3rd place, very close to 2nd (Le Pen) #france #firstRound

If there was media that went beyond fan-fiction we'd have received this info, but sadly objective coverage is AWOL

They might be lulling you into a false sense of security, don't fall for it. In the meantime UKR is underreporting its own military losses.

"Kremlin spox has admitted high casualties so they must be losing"

WION: "China 'accelerating' nuclear programme over US threat"

Covid could be an attack; Look at China, they act like they are under siege, have a lockdown in the entire city of Shangai? Why are they not quitting zero-covid? No mRNA vax for them? Maybe they don't trust it, suspect bio targeting. It looks like a war.

2019: India-Russia-China explored alternative to SWIFT payments.

2020: Covid.


CNBC: "War crime charges won't be enough to deter Putin — even as evidence of Russian atrocities mounts"

New attacks in the ME are likely proxy attacks on US/NATO. As things get worse between inners/outers, latest in Ukraine, places could be targeted. The more the war lingers on, the more everyone will lose.

Al Monitor: "Middle East reeling from historically high food prices"

Hopefully no backdoor left in the hardware? Its RU tech after all

"Slovakia gives S-300 air defence system to Ukraine"