
Github Mirror

Week 8

"Chevron, Iwatani to develop 30 hydrogen stations in California by 2026"

To repeat, US sunshine states are CA, NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO, ID, WY. They clearly have other resources too.. And perhaps expertise around handling chemicals, storage, transport.

Once US catches momentum it will be like nothing anyone has ever seen.. US is good at scale.


"Colorado, Utah and Wyoming will all compete for a portion of the $8bn allocated by the US Department of Energy for the development of regional clean hydrogen hubs as they look to play pivotal roles in the US hydrogen economy. Governors of the above states unveiled their intentions to develop a New Mexico hydrogen hub to utilise heavily available natural resources in the region, such as high-quality wind, solar, biomass, natural gas and other energy resources"

"Hyundai, Shell to support the hydrogen mobility market under new deal.. Low carbon emissions products and services, including hydrogen offerings for the mobility market, are the key focus of a new agreement between Hyundai Motor Company and Shell"

:) This guy is good.. I am stashing these

"If you are fluent you are congruent"

Hah. From a self-help type person

"Your action steps build up - piggy banks become biggy banks"

Jane's Defense: "Philippines signs contract for 32 S-70i Black Hawks"

World system is fukked - needs a change from top to bottom.

And the Russian guy is like "but I can veto this resolution bitch"

US side at UN: "You cannot veto our voices; You cannot veto the truth; You cannot veto our principles; You cannot veto the Ukrainian people".

No shit

"Russia vetoes UN Security Council resolution that denounces its invasion of Ukraine"

If SE, FI has Russian minorities kick them out now

😂 😂 Part of me wants to see it happen just to see what they would do for the f--k of it

"Finland, Sweden brush off Moscow's warning on joining NATO"

On cue..

"Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs says there would be 'serious military and political repercussions' if Finland were to be granted NATO membership"



Oh no.. what word will we use then instead of Finlandization?

"Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said that Russia's invasion in Ukraine 'will change' debate surrounding Finland's accession to NATO"

Now Chechnia is ruled by a Kremlin stooge who says 'he loves Putin like a father'.

Yea well.. Hopefully the end doesn't resemble the Chechen war. Remember satellite images of the capital Grozny, afterwards.. The only thing flatter than that city would be a parking lot.


Two US officials confirmed that Ukraine shot down a second Il-76 transport aircraft tonight. If true, this would be a really significant mistake for the Russian military, and possibly the worst loss of life for the Russian Airborne Forces since the 2nd Chechen War"

Tony Burgos & His Swing Shift Orchestra - Little Girl #music


Unfair; but funny


ML is also AI, and AI is Frankenstein / Pinoccio. Take your pick. Ergo by optimizing you could be bringing about Skynet. So say bunch of IT dipshits who pose like science geniuses.


So, according to ML jargon, solving this problem:

min f(x) s.t. g(x)=0

means that I am 'learning' its solution. Therefore, optimization is just ML. Gotcha"

H2 View: "Sweden’s ‘first’ hydrogen truck to soon hit roads.. Swedish transport group MaserFrakt will bring what it says will be Sweden’s first hydrogen-powered heavy-duty truck into commercial operation across the country – and today it placed the all-important order with Hyzon Motors. Marking a milestone moment for Sweden’s transportation industry, the company will deploy two Hyzon HyMax-250 fuel cell electric trucks, built on a 6×4 vehicle chassis, each with a range of up to 680 kilometres"

H2 View: "The HyDeal European green [H2 project].. will bring a total installed capacity to 9.5 GW of solar power and 7.4 GW of electrolyzers.. by 2030.

The European strategy’s announcement arrived as India and Brazil made their own announcements"

H2 View: [A] joint venture last month said it will develop what it believes to be the UK’s largest hydrogen hub as part of the HyNet cluster across the Northwest of England and North Wales... 'Best in class' technology supplied from Johnson Matthey will allow for high purity low carbon hydrogen production from natural gas at the site, delivering over 85% thermal efficiency and ~97% carbon capture, the report states.

SolarPACES: "Particles like sand or specially manufactured ceramic particles have been shown to hold heat at 1000°C and above, and so particle-based solar tower CST technologies are now much investigated..

[Researchers are] investigating twirling the particles around inside the solar receiver. Two examples of the circulating approach are DLR’s Centrec receiver in Germany, operating like a cement mixer, has recently advanced into its first commercial pilots via the spin-off HelioHeat... The Swiss laboratory ETH developed another design, now further developed by the DLR spin-off Synhelion..

Very high temperature solar research is even more relevant in sunny Australia where large mining industries have world class potential to decarbonize using this solar technology for generating heat directly for their industrial processes, like alumina processing. One such receiver is under development, a project funded by Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), by an innovative team of researchers at the University of Adelaide"


Texas has a bright future, H2 production will be a boon for the state just as oil had been. They have the sunshine and expertise in handling various chemicals, transporting, storing, processing them.. If there was a stock for the state I'd buy it

You know once setup the Japanese will have a string of those ships lined up, working around the clock, sailing back-to-back forming almost a semi-pipeline through the sea, to get the H2 from Australia. Massive energy transportation is possible, perhaps in bigger amounts than oil.

Automation (not AI) works well...

The Mandarin: "Japan wants to make half Its cargo ships autonomous by 2040.. The first was a 313-foot container ship called the Mikage, which sailed 161 nautical miles from Tsuruga Port, north of Kyoto, to Sakai Port near Osaka. Upon reaching its destination port the ship was even able to steer itself into its designated bay, with drones dropping its mooring line.

The Mikage wasn’t purpose-built to be autonomous; the seven-year-old ship was retrofitted with a system of sensors, cameras, and satellite navigation. It followed a carefully-planned route while a control centre on land monitored relevant wind, current, and weather data, as well as details on nearby ships and potential obstacles.

Similar to how it’s easier for self-driving cars to operate autonomously on highways than in unpredictable urban settings, the Mikage didn’t have too hard of a time navigating itself through open waters"

Cats And The Fiddle - Public Jitterbug No. 1 #music


But still upcoming sanctions can damage EU-RU bilateral relations for a long time to come. Mission accomplished (for UK/US, per scenario).

In this scenario a surgical strike against the UKR government is the play, and the attack plan cld be like this guy says.


I made a basic map... This is just one very incomplete estimate of what the Russian op plan might look like"

It is claimed Macron suggested "Finlandization" to VZ in a recent meeting. Not followed. EM had a non-antagonistic stance toward RU, one of the few leaders to receive one-on-one meeting with Pute, at that long table.

And Zelensky did not reach agreement when he could..

The plot thickens..

Al Jazeera: "We will also soon find out whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy did the right thing when he chose to put up a fight rather than avoid collusion by accepting his country’s neutral status or agreeing to implement the Minsk agreements, as Russia demanded prior to the invasion"


But let's continue: Putin was provoked through NATO. Brits had their bitch, Asia Minor, to help UKR stage drone attacks toward the seperatists in UKR East.

After one Biden-Zelensky meeting (June 2021) talk of "NATO membership" made the news, later denied, but VZ cld have received a tentative agreement on NATO in that meeting. Then denial.. Puten either saw that as weakness, or was scared.

If one accepts the great fear of US-UK was a EU-RU entente, the latest invasion has been a "gift".


OK.. let's get diabolical

UKR conf happened right on time for WH; now Russia can be blamed for all gas price rises.

US is probably fine with the system as is.. They are the only ones with all fingers in all pies, can pick and choose any combo of responses depending on the crisis, that benefits them.

The world system is a joke.. What use is it to pass resolution at UNSC when RU (a permanent member) can veto it right away?

Al Jazeera: "Hedge in times of trouble? Bitcoin drops to one-month low"

Al Monitor: "US sanctions smuggling network backing Yemen's Houthis"

Really? NATO is sitting ducks?

Jane's Defense: "NATO loses ISR capability over Ukraine as Putin closes airspace.. NATO has lost its ability to conduct airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) overflights of Ukraine"

CNBC: "Hydrogen generation could become a $1 trillion per year market, Goldman Sachs says"

H2 View: "Chesapeake Utilities successfully trials hydrogen blends at combined heat and power plant"

H2 View: "Everfuel founder and CEO: green hydrogen has been cost competitive since 2019"

Where is Boeing?

Where are they going ? 😆 😆 😆

H2 View: "Hydrogen-powered Airbus A380 to take flight this decade"

H2 View: "Finnish city bets big on hydrogen with multiple production plans.. [P]reliminary studies are already taking place for the construction of a hydrogen gas pipeline in the northern Baltic Sea, running from Raahe to LeleÄ, Sweden, and then to SkellefteÄ"

"[Oz state] NSW won’t support further offshore mining and exploration permits"

Reuters: "The German government has announced that it intends to transfer hydrogen production technology to countries in Africa. This strategy is meant to work with Germany’s strategy to eliminate its reliance on coal and nuclear energy. To replace nuclear and coal, Germany will have to import about 40 to 60 percent of the H2 it will need... The announcement was made by an official from the German government who explained the country’s intentions just ahead of a meeting between the European Union and the African Union that took place in Brussels"

"FKAB Marine Design is set to transform the maritime sector with its hydrogen-powered MR Tanker"

"Salzgitter secures hydrogen supply for green steelmaking ambitions"


"In the latest move to develop the state of Texas into a leading player in the world of hydrogen, plans have been unveiled for a gigawatt-scale green fuels hub – and it could produce green hydrogen in volumes not yet seen in the US... Apex Clean Energy is behind the ambitious plans, having inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Port of Corpus Christi Authority and EPIC Midstream"

Trump's talk on NATO's irrelevance might have helped to quell RU fears on issues related to Ukraine.. But WH did sell anti-tank weapons to UKR in 2019.

The Independent: "Russia conflict separates GOP traditionalists from newcomers.. Divisions in a rapidly changing Republican Party are evident in the divergent responses to the tensions in Ukraine"

Jane's Defense: "US deploying ground and air-attack assets to Baltic region"

Yeea why not.. invade Ukraine. He doesn't even see them as a f-ing country. So by implication they cannot govern themselves, so you step in.

The Independent: "Putin declares war on Ukraine and warns foreign powers of ‘consequences’ if they interfere.. US president Joe Biden says US and allies will respond in ‘decisive way’"

UKR gov is no more Nazi then the Kremlin is Eskimo.

Nazis? đŸ€š That's stupid. Only makes sense as propaganda.. it aims to mobilize RU by conjuring up memories of their last great victory -- against Nazis.

The Guardian: "Russian forces have unleashed an attack of Ukraine .. [RU claims] it was for the “demilitarisation and denazification” of Ukraine, echoing a theme of Kremlin propaganda, the false claim that the Kyiv government is controlled by the far right"

CNBC: "The case for bitcoin as ‘digital gold’ is falling apart. Bitcoin fell to a two-week low Tuesday after Russia ordered troops into two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine. Geopolitical tensions and climbing inflation are among the key factors weighing down on bitcoin’s price"

Viacom CBS stock. Major fail started in 2017. Which event could be the trigger?

Ah, I have it. Star Trek Discovery -- playfully called by many Trek fans as "STD". Created by franchise destroyers Jar Jar and the bitches around him.

U-oh.. be careful lets not become too relevant now

"UN slams 'aggressive' formula milk marketing"

H2 View: "$127.9m boost for zero emissions vehicles in Australia.. Unveiled.. by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) on the behalf of the Australian Government, the Future Fuels Programme will see funding dedicated to the roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and the supporting infrastructure"

H2 View: "Deutsche Telekom is trialling hydrogen technologies for the carbon-neutral powering of its mobile sites in a mission to slash its emissions"

Freaking massive

H2 View: "The Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) has announced that it is submitting a green hydrogen infrastructure application to construct an electrolyzer with a capacity between 10GW and 20GW"

"As alternative to molten salts-based systems [used by most CSPs], other energy storage systems are being proposed in the last years ... Limestone, which is the second most abundant material on Earth after water, can be employed for this purpose. In the so-called Calcium Looping (CaL) process, direct solar radiation is used to carry out the endothermic calcination reaction releasing CO2 and CaO as products that are stored separately. Storage conditions and time depends on the energy demand. When energy is needed, the stored products are brought together to carry out the exothermic carbonation reaction which releases the stored energy"


Li-on batteries are limited by world lithium reserves. At its max this tech can only handle 5% of global storage need. They are doomed to remain marginal, and eventually irrelevant.

Switch to a green econ cannot be accomplished on the backs on bunch of people "putting up solar panels on their rooftops". That's good, but not everyone lives in a setting they can do that easily. Green energy needs to be a product, which can be transmitted easily, and stored as needed in huge amounts.

With all that solar potential there is no reason China should not one day become energy independent.

That sucks for Russia


Wow. Scholz has just announced that NordStream 2 will not be certified"

"If it aint Boeing I aint going". That used to be a saying? Maybe the saying changed a little bit recently, no?

"Germany will offer its population a new protein-based Covid-19 vaccine comparable to conventional flu jabs this week, in the hope of swaying a sizeable minority that remains sceptical of the novel mRNA technology used in the most commonly used vaccines"

Mango is potent.. Planning to add it to the veg patty mix. Replaced marmite with avacado (high on the B vitamins, w fats), added spinach for lutein (for eyesight longevity). Testing.


Most likely you're reading my tweets because I'm an engineer, and I talk a lot about it. But, first and foremost, I'm Ukrainian. And I just spent an hour of my life listening to the president of another country ranting about how my country shouldn't exist"

Oz had really locked it all down hadn't it.. This is good

The Guardian: "Emotional scenes at Sydney airport as families, friends and lovers reunite after 704 days of Covid restrictions"

It matters bcz countries will attempt to pull discussion to bodies they are part of, and by doing that they might be pushing some countries out of the discussion. China might steer things to UNSC bcz it is a permanent member there, away from G7, while Germany might do the reverse. US, being in both, can pick and choose, select either format just to freeze out countries that are not in one or the other. That does not lead to a democratic environment.

UNSC permanent members are basically the victors of WWII; from long-time ago. A more inclusive org with major teeth is needed. The new org should also decide on a majority vote basis. If you piss off more than half the countries, it should mean something.

"Why does membership in UNSC and G7 matter in world matters?'

H2 View: "Renault has.. teased its concept-car of the future, equipped with a hydrogen engine"

H2 View: "Yamaha to develop a five-litre V8 high-performance hydrogen internal combustion engine for Toyota"

H2 View: "A brand-new heavy-duty hydrogen station is set to fuel at least 22 fuel cell buses daily in the city of Frankfurt, Germany"

H2 View: "[DOE] revealed.. its innovative H2 Matchmaker Map.. to support the growing hydrogen sector.. [H2M] is a resource helping clean hydrogen producers, end-users, and others find opportunities to develop networks of production, storage, and transportation infrastructure"

H2 View: "Barbados will become home to [a] hydrogen power project in the Caribbean with capacity for 128MWh of green hydrogen storage"

5 x 1e9 x 33.6 / (365 x 24 x 1e6) computes over 19 Gigawatts of capacity. Huge. Equivalent to 19 nuclear plants.

Arab News: "India plans to produce 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen a year by 2030 as it seeks to exploit low renewable energy costs to become a global exporter of the sustainable fuel... The target was announced by India’s power ministry on Thursday as it revealed the first part of its national hydrogen policy"

No wonder Blackrock is world's largest asset manager; LF has a good nose for promising opportunities. Unlike some 'genius' investors who merely rode the wave of FOMO, faux-unicorns made possible thanks to low rates, this guy pinpointed a fundamental, game changing tech early. That is skill.

H2 View: "Hydrogen refuelling network to be developed in the US by Daimler Truck, NextEra and BlackRock"

CNBC: "[Oct 2021] Larry Fink, the CEO and Chairman of Blackrock, sees addressing climate change as a massive potential for new businesses. 'It is my belief that the next 1,000 unicorns — companies that have a market valuation over a billion dollars — won't be a search engine, won't be a media company, they'll be businesses developing green hydrogen, green agriculture, green steel and green cement,' Fink said Monday at the Middle East Green Initiative Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia"

Look at that bad boy. Arrrr.. The wind cannot knock this down!

Electric cables are an inefficient way of transporting energy. Strong winds can damage wires easily. A clean gas pipeline is very close or under the ground, and a robust construction, would not be harmed by adverse weather easily. Also transmits power 10 times faster at 8th the cost.

"Storm Eunice batters Europe.. More than 100,000 people were hit by power cuts as lines were torn down and ancient trees keeled over"


Lota mucking flame


JFK "Eternal Flame"? They have this bloody gas powered thing burning since the 60s, non-stop. Need to put that shit out. The mucker was undeserving for that gesture for one, and it is emitting GHG.

Pollution (air, sea -oil spills-) is enough to entice a switch to green fuels. Green fuel pipeline instead of oil pipeline would have saved California's beaches just the previous year.


Hydrogen-powered vehicles are better suited for wintry climates and refilling them takes only minutes, much faster than charging electric vehicles"


Energy transition reached a new level as environmentally friendly hydrogen was used to power the torch that lit the cauldron at the Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. It was the first time in Olympic history that a zero-emissions torch had been used for such an occasion"


#CNPC Transportation Company sends 14 kg of hydrogen to the Bird's Nest (aka National Stadium) every two or three days to supply the fuel for the torch"


Environmental-friendly hydrogen produced by Sinopec was used to power the torch that lit the snowflake-shaped cauldron at the #OpeningCeremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics"

"[Dec 8] PetroChina's Huabei Petrochemical ships first hydrogen fuel cargo"

Need to transition to discussing climate solutions rather than expanding 'awareness' on climate change. Some solutions can garner broad support, and have good economics behind them. The new bidness possibilities can overcome (!) a lot of doubts.

CNBC: "61% of people working from home are doing so because they want to, even though their office is open.. Teleworkers say they’re choosing to stay home for better work-life balance, productivity or because they’ve relocated away from the office"

CNBC: "Fed approves rules banning its officials from trading stocks, bonds and also cryptocurrencies"

Another map - deepest part of Medi is right under Italy's boot


I guess there was a time you could walk from Paris France to Paris Texas.

Looks like someone pulled two sides of a single block and it broke, two big pieces and a third middle part remained. That's what that mountain looks like.

There is a legit underwater mountain in the middle of the Atlatic

Sea Depth Map (from the Economist)

6000 meters pretty much covers the Mediterrenian (max depth < 6km), most of the world's oceans too except a few places. Africa energy pipelines will fall under that monitoring I bet.

Seabed Warfare? Dam

"France Unveils New Seabed Warfare Strategy.. The strategy aims at broadening the capabilities of anticipation and action of the French Navy (Marine Nationale) up to 6,000 m depth...

[S]trategic interests in this space [are]: Guarantee the freedom of action of the French Armed Forces in the face of submarine surveillance and interdiction strategies potentially deployed from the seabed.. Protect France’s underwater infrastructures such as communication and energy transport cables (electricity, gas, oil)"


Pacemaker.. not bad.


TDB: "Jean-Luc Brunel, a French modeling agent accused of procuring underage women for Jeffrey Epstein, was found hanged in his Paris jail cell—in a shocking replay of how Epstein himself died"



where to begin

'@Noahpinion Historians are far more powerful than economists, and their theories gain wide acceptance with far less solid evidence to back them up.'"

Severence is some kooky shit.. Saw the first ep, 'tis ok.

Southerners are 'mericans, aren't they?

Sheeee-iiiit is Southern drawl, not African