
Github Mirror

Week 4

H2 View: "Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council established ahead of widespread H2 rollout... The new Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council has been launched at a time when investments into H2-powered public transport are exploding"

H2 View: "ArcelorMittal invests $5m in H2Pro to support its disruptive hydrogen production method from water. E-TAC water splitting offers energy efficiency of over 95%, significantly higher than traditional water electrolysis technologies"

H2 Fuel News: "Saudi Arabia sets sights on hydrogen fuel cells and sustainable fuels.. The announcement regarding the contracts was made by Saudi Arabia’s energy ministry. The contracts are for the development of carbon-free projects such as hydrogen fuel cells for transportation, and sustainable jet fuel production. They are meant to help the largest crude exporter in the world to shift its leadership into 'all areas of energy, as it has been in the oil industry for over 80 years,' explained energy minister.. in an official statement following the signing ceremony which took place in Riyadh"

SolarPaces: "[T]he developer and builder of the 22.5 GW Three Gorges Dam in China – will develop three of China’s planned new 100 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) tower projects, two in China’s sunny Qinghai province"

TR solar map. CSP info included. CSP -> green H2. Surely the EU would be a willing customer.

OO was seen as a way to be more "scientific" about IT software. The approach did not save projects which typically went over-time and over-budget at a rate of 1/2. They still do. For bigger projects the failure rate is even higher, a whopping 4/5.

For Valley, IT programmers the particle, and their interactions, simulation viewpoint was comfortable.. Their bean counting is done discretely, item-by-item basis, which makes sense you are automating an office work, keeping lists, checking them off... The so-called object-orientation took hold in the industry possibly for this reason. Interesting its widely used language C++ was based on an older language called Simula, the first OO language, literally built for simulations.

With OO the idea was coders would create "Customer objects" which interacted with "Order objects", so the entire system would be seen as a "simulation" btw these little particles..

NDTV: "Denmark is set to become the first European Union country to lift domestic curbs despite the Omicron wave sweeping the continent..

Denmark will remove virtually all Covid restrictions from next Tuesday despite record infections, counting on a high vaccination rate to cope with the milder Omicron variant, the government said...

The successful vaccine programme proved a 'super-weapon', [PM] said. 'It has given us a solid defence against infection that continues.. That's why the government decided that coronavirus should no longer be considered a threatening disease for society.'

Faced with a lower level of hospitalisations than in previous waves, several European countries, including France, Ireland and the United Kingdom, have announced the lifting or a considerable reduction of their restrictions, despite record or very high cases"


A little piece I wrote for @QuantaMagazine -- hope you enjoy it! It starts with a famous puzzle posed to Johnny von Neumann about two bicycles and a fly"


God does not need math, He has an obscene amount of computation power embedded in nature. Mathematics is our invention, a tool that was created to address our shortcomings.

"Does the running of Nature, The Grand Simulation, or the current order of things require mathematics, in the background?"

CIA likely stirred shit up leading to pro-Russian Yanukovich's ouster, but left to its own devices democracy long-term would have balanced things out.. A major voter base for Yanukovich was the RU speaking parts of Ukraine, so the next guy would have to pander to them, and indirectly to Russia for votes. Those regions are now gone. If UKR at least tried to balance RU against the West before, they'll never do that now.

Language is not a good indicator for cultural similarity; Asia Minor speaks Turkish but it is not Turkic. US and UK speak English but are different. Ukranians are culturally similar to Russians.

"Can Russians understand Ukrainian?.. No, despite all the claims that Russians and Ukrainians are Slavic brothers, Russians won't understand Ukrainian"

The Pilot, RU WWII movie; fine trailer.

"Federal Reserve points to interest rate hike coming in March"

Sadly "AI" could not do that today. Data has to be curated, by real people.

They cld make money from such a service; For every major event, sharing up-to-date geolocated, structured data.. What happened, where, to whom? People would curate it in the background, and more frequent, special access could pay for the service costs..

Military activity data shared by API (simple URL, JSON output) through journos would be great.. Liveuamap has paywall. Just types of attack, hardware used, estimated damage, and numbers involved. I'll take fries with that.

When did Kiev become Kyiv? So it's now Chicken Kyiv, not Chicken Kiev?

"Another batch of US defensive security assistance, including around 300 Javelins and ammunition, just arrived in Kyiv, Ukraine"

Tax and.. stop outsourcing, strengthen unions to get higher wages and higher interest rates so speculators are discouraged do go after bizarre stocks, the housing market inflating prices there. IOW: a systemic fix.

Still good.. Pre-pandemic too

"Stop talking about philantrophy, start talking about taxes"

#bergman #davos2019


H2 Fuel News: "GM announced that it would be expanding its fuel cell strategy beyond vehicles"

H2 View: "212 hydrogen fuel cell buses to serve at the 2022 Winter Olympics.. With the 2022 Winter Olympics heading to Beijing, China, hydrogen will play a significant role in ensuring a smooth operation of the event in addition to reducing its carbon emissions"

H2 View: "A new memorandum of understanding (MoU) revealed .. Hexagon Energy Materials [to] collaborate within FRV Services Australia to develop a clean hydrogen hub at Middle Arm, Northern Territory in Australia"

Afaik such blending requires no change in pipeline infra; There is work to generate the green H2, other than that, blending is a freebie.

H2 View: "20% hydrogen gas grid blending could enable 70.86GW of production, says new European Commission report"

SolarPaces: "China has announced plans to start – and complete – 11 CSP projects with thermal energy storage by 2024. The selected projects, with backing by some of China’s biggest energy giants, must now race to meet this very tight two-year deadline"

CNBC: "$130 billion wiped off crypto markets in 24 hours as bitcoin, ether drop to multi-month lows"

Story about sniper fire in Niu-York, Ukraine.. If true, sad.

There are decisions and there are decision, u know.. UKR President has to decide 'not to shoot back' possibly causing casualties on his side.. You dont want that job.


"EU to weigh €1 billion aid package for Ukraine"

"Canada sending Ukraine a $120-million loan"

"Investors have poured some $2 billion into cultured meat start-ups in the last two years, according to Crunchbase data"

"Pakistan says only fully vaccinated people will be allowed in mosques."

Haha Fringe episode has one character call an evil woman's agenda as 'vagenda'.

Iranian dish... looks good



After the fall of the Berlin Wall this was the state the Dems were in; lost in the woods, with a major chip on their shoulder, in a "copy Reps or die" attitude.

"The .. Act was supposed to open the market to more and new radio station ownership; instead, it created an opportunity for a media monopoly"

Again, Bill Clinton's fault. See the 1996 Telecomm Act.

"How about that Sinclair Broadcast, anchors repeating the same thing, conservatives are such automatons"


From the book The Meat Racket: "GIPSA [is] the antitrust regulator that was created before the Great Depression specifically to regulate U.S. meat companies... gained its authority over meat companies from a law called the Packers and Stockyards Act, which was passed in 1921. The act was passed with the goal of breaking up the 'meat trust,' a collection of five companies that controlled about 85 percent of the market (a lesser degree of concentration than existed in 2000).

By 2005, GIPSA seemed to have drawn into a shell of nonenforcement. The reasons were partly due to the reorganization overseen by James Baker, the Stetson-wearing GIPSA chief who ran the agency during the Clinton era. Baker’s prime initiative as the antitrust regulator was to reshape the agency in the image of the highly concentrated meat industry that it oversaw"

It's Bill Clinton's fault

"In the US, meat processing is in the hands of a few corporations. For beef, it is JBS, Tyson, Cargill and Marfrig that together control 85 percent of the market"

"High Meat Prices Are Helping Fuel Inflation"

"Arizona Democratic Party censures Sinema over voting rights stance.. Top donors have threatened to stop funding the senator if she didn’t reevaluate her opposition to a filibuster carve-out"

It is deliberative because of the six year term. The system pays you, Mr Senator, for six years so u feel less of a pressure the House deals with, and ponder some stuff, not to make the entire system grind to a halt.

"But the Senate is a 'deliberative body' the filibuster is a big part of that"

H2 Fuel News: "California pours $2 billion into renewable hydrogen and offshore wind California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that there is 'no one more committed' to supporting clean energy production use and storage as massive investments are aimed at renewable hydrogen and offshore wind energy"

H2 Fuel News: "Oman and BP sign renewable hydrogen partnership on mega-gigawatt scale"

H2 Fuel News: "Ship liquefied hydrogen fuel tank development moves forward in South Korea"

H2 View: "Canada, UAE team-up on hydrogen to achieve carbon neutrality"

Fossil fuel transportation.. a no-no.

F24: "[In Peru] beaches [are] tarred by 6,000 barrels of oil that spilled from a tanker ship unloading at a refinery last Saturday. That accident followed the stunningly powerful eruption of an undersea volcano near the nation of Tonga, unleashing tsunami waves around the Pacific"

Batteries dont work if it's too cold. PV panels dont work if it's too hot. Electricity grid for power transmission is 1/10th efficient, with 8 times the cost compared to gas. What a joke

"Down here in Southern California, the worst of the heat wave is behind us [22/6/2017]... With all that sun, you'd think all of those solar panels out there would be lapping it up. But it turns out, they don't work that well when it gets really hot"


Nathan Lewis from Caltech is working on artificial photosynthesis, similar to prev solution, also going to H2 direct.

The research below is about H2 generation using basic chemistry - mere sunlight, water and a catalyst. No electricity needed. More research in this direction would be good. Shared another post in the same vicinity before.

"Due to the inexhaustible magnitude and usability of solar energy, the solar-driven two-step water-splitting thermochemical cycle is generally considered a solution for hydrogen production from water.. Recently, CeO2 (cerium oxide) had received considerable attention as a potential reactive metal oxide"


"[TR's] renewable energy potential, supported by policies.. may enable 3.4 million tonnes of green hydrogen production nationwide by 2050.. [2020 reference energy supply is, in TWH] Solar 11.26, Wind 24.7, Hydro 78.1" (also see translation)


♪♬ It's going down down down down ♪♬

Sean Shamrock.. working the backchannel.. but didn't work. You're fired.

"In the aftermath of the deadly attack on the US Capitol last year, the rightwing Fox News host Sean Hannity pleaded with a top aide to Donald Trump that there should be 'no more stolen election talk' and 'no more crazy people' should be admitted to the president’s orbit"

Pronounced like 'oiler' not yoooouuu-ler

Crazy smart guy. Funky hat too.


Euler went blind in 1771 at age 64. He published roughly 1 paper per week in 1775.

After he had died in 1783, Euler published 228 papers.

~1/3 of all published research on mathematics, mathematical physics & engineering mechanics in the latter part of the 18th century is his"

Uecker is pronounced you-kar, uygur is pronounced you-ger and sometimes wee-ger. Weird

KJ was in some big productions, was in one Transformers movie, the ok one, with Nimoy, Malkovich

Operation Rainfall w Ken Jeong, the Boba Fett guy and Jason Isaac playing a random alien.. Strange movie.. Some great spaceship scenes but meh character development.

There is still a narrative of helplessness around Russians.. After they mobilized 100k troops on the border some say 'they painted themselves into a corner'.. 'Those poor people'...

"Germany Bars NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine"

Computation split into two cultures since its inception; one is scientific computation (discretizing formulas), the other business coding, w databases, "UI". The two cultures gathered around their own computer languages, Fortran for sci, Cobol for biz. These are two different ways of thinking about computation.. Silicon Valley is full of the latter type - the business brogrammers. They pretty much have zero understanding of science and how it is conducted. So it behooves all tech watchers to pay attention to that difference as the typical tech CEO is sci ignorant, bereft of any understanding on what makes it tick.

Can partly be blamed on the mindshare influenced by Silicon Valley 'coders' who are really digital bean counters.. They believe they can fix all by 'knocking out some code', or now a "neural net".

This weirdness is still making rounds in the media #science


Chevron lawyer as a federal judge? Somebody clearly did their due diligence 🤨


He would do anything for love but nothing to stay alive..

"Meat Loaf reportedly 'an anti-vaxxer' before death"

That makes sense gold has no intrinsic value, brings no interest, pays no dividends. In a potentially rising interest rate environment people will sell it. Recently price went down, it will go lower as rates rise.

RT/Russia is working the anti-dollar angle bcz they dont like the dollar hegemony. There isn't enough gold to form the backbone of an intl system. Let's not goad people into stupid investments.

RT anchor talks about gold being a hedge against rising inflation. There is a reverse relation between the 10-year treasury (rates) and gold price. Gold has gone lower from its 2020 highs, not higher.

"Nearly all Covid restrictions to be lifted in Ireland from tomorrow [22/1]"

Unarmed non-white people shot by the police. Used WaPo data. 2021 was the least of the 6 years. Still 20 too many..
