
Github Mirror

Break time.. 'til next year

H2 View: "A 500MW proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser plant will in 2023 be operational in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China, thanks to a new hydrogen-focused joint venture formed between Cummins and China Petrochemical"

H2 View: "Landmark hydrogen bus development achieved in India"

Want to invest in energy? Try US sunshine belt, CA, NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO and invest in CSPs. Massive potential there.

Offshore driling rigs need to be banned.

Am all for coexisting with fossil fuel ppl, but some methods are too dangerous.

Oil has been leaking there SINCE 2004

Al Jazeera: "$475M settlement proposed in longest-running oil spill.. Sixteen wells off Louisiana have been leaking since September 2004, when a subsea mudslide caused by Hurricane Ivan knocked over a Taylor production platform"

The basis for the vax, the mRNA tech, was made possible thanks to DARPA. The final product was highly incentivized by massive subsidies from US government. Yet many countries are still lacking vaccines while pharma comps are raking it in.

The price is 30 times its production cost. What kind of business is this? Is it a business?

The Guardian: "The Channel 4 investigation reveals analysis by one biological engineering expert claiming the Pfizer vaccine costs just [$1] to manufacture for each shot. It is reportedly being sold for [30 dollars] a dose to the UK government"


The Guardian: "Data from the UK and South Africa suggest Omicron carries a reduced risk of hospitalisation and severe disease"

"The US government has approved the [sale] of aircraft launch and recovery systems intended to equip France's next-generation aircraft carrier"

Bizarre physics theories, shoddy green energy tech, crypto miners.. Welcome to the future.

ABC AU: "At present, the most widely used estimate of the energy required to "mine" Bitcoins is comparable to the electricity usage of New Zealand, but this is probably an underestimate"

There are free compute services (usually to entice users for paid services but still), many students researchers use them.

These people are like locust.


Crypto miners are generating a ton of extra work for the operators of Does anybody know of a way to prevent this abuse without requiring people to sign up for accounts?!..

It's extraordinary what negative secondary effects the crypto world has had. Every public service that offers compute is getting abused, generating ... stress for people that are trying to offer services for the public"

It makes sense; at typical F1 speeds if the racecar had wings, it would fly. Designer is trying to do the opposite, to make the car stay on the ground.

Aero as in aerodynamics. Hah..

Sergio Rinland, Formula 1 Racecar Designer: "The first priority is aero, the second priority is aero, the third priority is aero, the fourth priority is tires...".

AFP: "The tight US labor market has not spared the trucking industry, where "help wanted" pleas are plentiful, wages are on the rise, and drivers recently have scored signing bonuses of up to $20,000"


"US Navy seizes thousands of guns bound for Yemen’s Houthis.. The US military said the boat, which was carrying the AK-47 cache, came from Iran"

New items added to timeline. See 2010.

H2 View: "US DOE establishes the ‘Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations’ with hydrogen key in the office’s developments"

H2 View: "Liquid hydrogen supply chain to be explored between Western Australia, Singapore and Japan"

NH3/H2 pipeline is preferable to natgas (e.g. Nordstream 2), natgas can leak methane.

Ammonia can be 'cracked' to extract H2. It can be combusted cleanly for turbines (Japan demostrated how). There are even ammonia fuel-cell engines. Ammonia can be stored, at room temparature, in massive amounts. Since it has been used as feedstock for fertilizers for many years, there is much expertise around handling it. Slam dunk.

dens = 5.8 # kWh/kg
ammo = 1.2 * 1e9
print ('%d Megawatts' % (dens * ammo / (365*24*1e3)))
794 Megawatts

Substantial amt of energy here.. Clean molecules for transport FTW.

H2 View: "Russian-German ammonia supply chain to support hydrogen demands.. 1.2 million tonnes of fuel [a year] is set to cover a significant share of hydrogen demand in Germany... To ensure the ammonia production is as environmentally friendly as possible, carbon dioxide formed during the natural gas-to-hydrogen production process will be captured and stored using a highly efficient underground storage infrastructure (CCS)"


I prefer CSP but if political horse trading requires it, here's a way for coal.

Paper: "One of the most promising options for generating power from coal, whilst capturing at a minimum efficiency penalty CO2, is based on gasification. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plants can be built [.. with carbon capture rates] above 90%... More importantly, gasification systems produce hydrogen as a fuel gas, which can be purified and used in a low carbon economy where hydrogen is foreseen to be a major energy carrier."


"Roe's solver does not seek an approximate solution to the exact Riemann problem, but an exact solution of an approximate Riemann problem" 👍

Does that Arctic Vault store the PDFs of all books ever published? Need that shit.

Hah. Docu on Jan 6 is named Capitol Punishment.

Scifi / fantasy uses some pseudoscience, fine (see latest Spiderman). Holywood locked in certain sci concepts from 70/80s and is now stuck with them.

Not Even Wrong Blog: "Multiverse mania started seriously among string theorists around 2003, with a defining event Susskind’s February 2003 The Anthropic Landscape of String Theory. At the time I was finishing up writing what became the book “Not Even Wrong”.. For many years I found it impossible to believe that this pseudo-scientific point of view would get any traction.. It has become clear recently that we’ve now reached that end-point. From the new video of his discussion with Rovelli, it’s clear that David Gross has given up. No more complaints about the multiverse from him, and his vision of the future has string theory solving QCD 80 years from now, nothing about it ever telling us anything about where the Standard Model comes from"


H2 View: "[H2 FC] unit developed by the RiverCell consortium has passed safety testing and will now look to be implemented into the German maritime sector"

H2 Fuel News: "Aurizon and Anglo American partner for hydrogen powered trains"

NREL: "Researchers Seek To Lower Cost of [CSP] Heliostats 50% and Jump-Start Manufacturing in the United States... The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), joined by our partners at Sandia National Laboratories and the Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute, announces the launch of the Heliostat Consortium (HelioCon), an international effort to drive down the cost of heliostats. HelioCon, led by NREL, emphasizes the significance of heliostats as a key component of concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) technologies"


H2 View: "European Commission €900m scheme to support investments in hydrogen production for non-EU countries"

H2 View: "A major breakthrough in green hydrogen production [by electrolysis] has been achieved in Denmark with an innovative solution that reduces the costs .. by approximately 15%"

McGowan is an AU Labor state premier, good to see their Labor is not sitting idle.

PV Magazine: "The McGowan Government continues to fuel the growth of Western Australia’s hydrogen industry, with three projects to receive Lead Agency Services. Guided by the Lead Agency Framework, the Department ... will provide the projects with a single point of entry to the State Government and assistance with approvals processes. Projects are assessed for Lead Agency Services based on a number of factors, including level of complexity, potential impacts and significance to the State"

John Cameron - The Great Escape #music


The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.. They were starved off resources, so wanted to gobble up Southeast Asia's resources to make up for it. PH attack was done so US navy could not arrive from there while Japan did the deed.. Hope was US would not respond heavily anyway.. The gamble backfired..


True. Exp growth depends on the existing population size. X number of people have children proportional to X. Exponential. Usually people use exponential to subtitute a mathy-sounding word instead of more pedestrian one, to show off. In most cases there is only multiples of simple increase. The TV show Numb3rs had the best line, "not 'exponential', just 'more'".

"People overuse the word 'exponentially'"

"‘Unvaccinated’ Marjorie Taylor Greene owns stock in three vaccine companies"


Top 0.01% Bitcoin owners own 27% of Bitcoin wealth"


Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, now Chile and (perhaps) Brazil & Colombia in 2022... Gabriel Boric’s historic victory joins a regional left-wing resurgence"

Funding research through philantrophy doesn't exactly work either.. Rich guy wld constantly ask "what've you done with my money?". He wants to see "results" so he can show off to his other rich friends along with his NFTs.

#electorate #zakaria


H2 View: "8GW hydrogen production project in Australia receives lead agency status.. HyEnergy, a project aiming to generate around 60,000 tonnes of green hydrogen with a 8GW capacity, has been awarded a lead agency status by the Western Australian Government"

H2 View: "Australia’s Queensland Government has seen recognition for its $26bn of new energy economy projects within a new report highlighting the significant emphasis on hydrogen technologies within the nation"

That is why it's tough for businesses to fund true research. Using graphical cards (such as NVidia's) for sci computing was discovered by academia, not NVidia.


Research should be play. If your research has a roadmap, you're doing it wrong"


A summary of events in Chile that led to the latest election


Villeneuve says his Dune camera shots mostly had two extremes; landscape or faces.

James Cameron & Denis Villeneuve


Aah the age of exploration..

Clarke, The French Revolution: "To Louis XVI, science was more important than war... According to some witnesses, [Louis XVI]'s last question to his entourage [as he was being taken to be executed] was: 'Is there any news of [the explorer] La Pérouse?'"

H2 View: "African Hydrogen Partnership welcomes 14 new members"

WSJ: "The World Wants Green Hydrogen. Namibia Says It Can Deliver... The southern African nation of sun-laden deserts and wind-swept coastline is aiming to develop a hydrogen industry from renewable sources to meet growing global demand"

The dynamics of tech adoption dictates there will be one winner. Clearly it wont be the one that cannot scale worldwide, heavily depends on rare-earth metals.

Surely for a while Betamax and VHS were head-to-head. And I dont blame some regular customers who mistakenly bought Betamax.. I am the guy telling you it's going to be VHS.

BEVs are shit technology. FCEV is the way.

Ouch Manchin did the BBB denial on Fox News.

There is enough uranium but nuclear energy has a serious waste storage problem.

Gross keeps talking about the classical limit. Classical limit of which theory? String Theory has multiples!


One of its active contributers, Smolin himself gave up on LQG didnt he?


Watching D Gross and Rovelli arguing String Theory vs Loop Quantum Gravity. Neither have a complete picture (ST even less so) but both report great results on black holes. Hilarious bcz, both iffy theories reporting stuff on a construct that itself likely does not exist.

And dark matter, dark energy..? The bleeding edge of theoretical physics post 70s has lost its way.. Gross is asking for 80 more years so ST can show anything 🤦‍♂️


"Former student activist Gabriel Boric becomes Chile's youngest president. Leftist lawmaker Gabriel Boric defeated right-wing candidate Jose Antonio Kast in Chile's presidential runoff on Sunday... Boric has promised to address economic inequality, raise taxes on the rich and boost green investments"

2 Gigawatts. Cool.

H2 Fuel News: "Thyssenkrupp to build massive green hydrogen electrolyzer in Saudi Neom megacity.. The German company won a critical contract to build the first giga-scale 2GW plant"

H2 View: "Egypt is set to bolster its hydrogen ecosystem with Scatec revealing a new green hydrogen and ammonia production facility that will be exported to lucrative international markets"

H2 View: "Denmark to become a powerhouse for hydrogen with its new strategy"

France has good solar potential in its Southeast, around Montepellier, Marseille, and Corsica. Gigawatt level CSPs should be possible in these locations.


CNBC: "A Dutch vertical farming company has just been valued at over $1 billion"


Actually the truth also has a lot of friends.. Dont knock it.

African Proverb: "Whoever tells the truth is chased out of nine villages."

What does it mean for a hurricane to have 25 GWh energy? Take one of those 1 GW natgas pipelines that are built to supply a country. Line up 25 of them, and use that massive power to run mega lawnmowers that just chew through towns, cities, for one hour. Imagine the havoc that cld be created with that. That is an Ivan, or Sandy.

OK Boomer


My boomer boss today was talking about how she "worked her ass off to graduate college with no debt"

I asked her how much tuition was, she said $750 a semester"


What kills me about student debt cancellation is the people who would be angry about it would forget in a week and the people who would be forgiven would remember it for the rest of their lives. It's such an easy political win"

The Shat apparently went bankrupt after Trek TOS was canceled (before syndication made it big), he divorced, lost bunch of money, ended up living out of his truck for a while, where, one day, on his 4x4 TV he watched the moon landing live. The contrasts in that story.. The Shat, his big scifi role (yet unrecognized), but being poor, and watching actual space discovery taking place on TV.

I did watch the Shatner documentary about the events pre, post his Blue Origin flight into space. Some interesting life stories there..

NFTs seem to have discovered what truly matters in owning content of any kind -- a proof of connection to its creator. So now rich guy can show off to his other rich friends "here is art piece content xyz and its creator gave it to ME". Owning a Picasso was never about the art for them, it was having a piece of art FROM Picasso. In painting the art piece assured that connection, NFT now offers the same thing for digital media.