
Github Mirror

Week 42

"Europe’s Largest Electrolysis Plant Under Construction... Everfuel is set for full production of green hydrogen at Phase I of the flagship HySynergy project in Fredericia, Denmark"


I like that everyone gets coin tho it needs to happen continuously expanding the money base, inflating away stashed wealth while providing UBI. Also iris image capture -> id generation doesn't sound secure.


AFP: "The World Health Organization said Thursday that 80,000 to 180,000 health care workers may have been killed by Covid-19 up to May this year, insisting they should be prioritised for vaccination"

This supersonic stuff is fine and dandy but if there are nuke-powered nuke-armed subs in play, retaliation after a surprise attack is still possible. Then you are back to M.A.D.

Chris Joss is French? He got the funk

Chris Joss - Superjam #music


"Putin takes tougher anti-COVID measures as deaths soar"

Not the only reason for vax hesitancy but yes #M4A


I bet the script was written by a major scifi fan; used stuff from SG Atlantis where Momoa played in, there JM constantly punks another character, they had a similar act in Dune.

Dune looked great cinematically. Acting top notch. There is a Part 2 in the works?

Good for Barbados

"Barbados has elected its first president, a key step in preparations to become a republic and remove Britain's Queen Elizabeth II as head of state of the Caribbean island"


Hi-Fi Companions A Night In Trimisoara #music


Literally ran that code while writing this post. So right now 25 mil ratings, for 58K movies, by anonymous 280K users are in notebook's memory. This is not a drill. We have some fine computing capabilities compared to even few decades ago..

How to? Full zip file is here, unzip, then for example read all ratings with,

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import pandas as pd
r = pd.read_csv("ratings.csv")
m = csr_matrix((r.rating, (r.userId , r.movieId)))

Let's check the rating of user Id 2 for movie Id 2707

Out[1]: 3.5

Arlington Road apparently. Rating was 3.5 (out of 5.0)

.. and go from there.

Big Tech marketing calls similarly rudimentary, or shoddy approaches "AI", this is wrong.

:) No it is not "AI". Just simple linear algebra

Algo chose this movie by [geek] reducing the user-movie rating matrix through singular value decomposition and searching in the reduced space for users matching my record, and recommending their top liked movies. Since the matrix is sparse csr_matrix can be used, speeds up the process [/geek].

My DIY recommender chose Equalizer 2. It was good

Alec Baldwin, daam.. F-ing gangsta


no emoji can replicate the sheer joy that this guy :D radiates"

The fluidic theories of course need to be tied to the rest of phy. An advice to their theoreticians while they do that; feel free to ignore parts of "known physics" as needed. Much of recent physics is a mess.. "Theory doesn't fit with CMB" shld be able to trigger "does that matter?". That "cosmic background" could well be misinterpreted signals from f-ing Jersey shore (instruments were near there) and birdshit on the antennas.

"NY Governor & @PlugPowerInc Announces Construction Start at Largest Green Hydrogen Plant in North America"


The Guardian: "‘Case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"

MSNBC dropped the ball.

"As of Tuesday morning, 82% of S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings beat expectations"

This just looks so bad.. Imagine amount of copper, steel used in the construction. A single gas pipeline can replace all of that, and perform better.

I see, there have been fluidic space theories, trying to explain gravity, one including dark matter, dark energy.. Good stuff..

An air bubble in water rises up to surface.. There is more pressure at the bottom of it than at the top. More pres at the bottom bcz more fluid there relative to top, more weight, creating pressure difference.

If space is seen as fluidic, planet gravitational pull can be explained similarly perhaps? This fluid is extremely dense (according to a yet unknown measure), denser further from bodies, and relative to that planet bodies are like air, so "bubbles", ie other bodies are pushed towards it, explaining the pull..? 🤔

It's open season on Facebook


I’m just remembering that my second year in America, someone asked me to 'validate their parking,' which was my first time hearing the phrase, and after blinking stupidly in silence for a full five seconds I said 'Well parking is really hard but I’m sure you did it really well'"

"[Hy Stor] Energy Developing First-Ever U.S. Zero Carbon Green Hydrogen Storage Hub.. Mississippi Clean Hydrogen Hub Represents Largest Green Hydrogen Project of its Kind in the U.S"


"Welspun Group Corp: First Company from India to Join the H2 Pipe Joint Industry Project on Hydrogen Pipelines"


Heat pumps are better than purely electrical (resistance) heating as they use some gas inside, also clean, but will still cause an uptick in electricity usage.. Depending on the price of electricity in a country that can hurt budgets. Everything about electricity, from its delivery, to its storage, is problematic. If renewable gas is piped into homes it can simply upgrade gas boilers to use the new gas, instead of natgas.

NYT: "Russia's Low Vaccination Rates Leads to Record-Breaking Toll"

Reuters: "Centre-left wins Italian mayoral run-offs as right flounders"

More on the shortcomings

FB has top talent; They have Yann Freaking LeCun -- One of the architect of the so-called "return" of the neural net approaches.

The tools, the science of this domain is nowhere near being effective, undeserving of the AI moniker (they are "preliminary weak AI" at best), and they will not get better using the current methods being deployed today.

"Facebook claims it uses AI to identify and remove posts containing hate speech and violence, but the technology doesn't really work, report says"


Sounds like defunding the poh-lice

"[Berkeley] city council passed 'BerkDOT,' a first-in-the-nation measure to shift traffic enforcement to unarmed Department of Transportation workers. In the summer of 2020, cities across America made similar commitments: to curtail the use of force, shrink police budgets, and fund fleets of civilian officers. But Berkeley was the first to target the traffic cop. By doing so, it is rethinking police power at its root. Traffic stops are by far the most common reason that police officers initiate contact with members of the public; they account for 84 percent of encounters, according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. In fact, before cars, ordinary citizens rarely came in contact with law enforcement. As we rebuilt cities around the automobile, historians contend, drivers came to expect to be policed. And communities of color have paid the highest price"


Politico: "Republican governors crusading against vaccine mandates are facing significantly lower approval ratings on their handling of the coronavirus pandemic than their counterparts"


The Daily Beast: "The net worth of American billionaires continues to skyrocket, putting their collective wealth at more than $5 trillion, according to a new study"

"HYVIA Unveils its First Prototype of the @renaultgroup Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Master Van H2-Tech"


Holywood is obsessed with Batman.. There is an unending stream of movies made abt the character.. They couldn't even wait for the dust settle on the last actor (B. Affl), they immediately served a new actor (the vampire guy).

I suspect propaganda. B. Wayne is rich (BAff version even said as much in one movie when asked about his powers, answering with "I'm rich"). BM in the comics is supposed to be an innovator himself, a detective, but in recent incarnations his toys, BW glamor are more front and center. The message is this; government is failing (in fact it always fails, it can't not fail), trust the billionaire to solve problems for you.

Umpteenth Batman movie?

Yeaa but water isn't compressing there, really.. molecules are just sort of moving out of the way to let the fork through, that is what's going on

"But I can put a fork in water! Easy!"

It's true. A tree trunk, which is solid, can be compressed to smaller size. But water cannot. It is counter-intuitive at first, but actually makes sense if one thinks about it.

That I could believe.. Anyone studying fluids wld understand. Incompressibility

"It is well known that underwater explosion cause more damage than the same amount of explosive detonated in the air"


18 tons teq in the sea caused 3.9. But 1000 tons on land caused 3.3?

Interesting.. Lebanon 2020 explosion registered as 3.3 magnitude earthquake, it was estimated to be 1 kilotons of TNT equivalent.

"The capacity of the German natural gas network is more than 200,000 GWh, which meets the requirements for several months. In comparison, the capacity of all the German pumped storage power plants only amounts to about 40 GWh"


The pipeline system itself can be considered as storage; Even when we are not pumping in new H2, the pipes themselves still have gas in them. Same is true for natgas.


They're gonna try and epstein [Donziger], fuck"


F24: "Three German parties reach preliminary deal to form next govt"

Just teasing the Canadians.. Good people.. The Shat is Canadian, most don't know.. D. Sutherland, Leslie Nielsen, Jim Carrey, lota actors. I guess US is already invaded by Canadians.

Operation US Invasion is nigh

"Canada is investing in an improved communications intelligence (COMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) capability, known as Project Strongbow, for the Royal Canadian Navy"

The presence of such massive supply at the consumer's doorstep can spur development of more end-use products; eg carmakers they will speed up FCEV production, we'll probably see more products around portable canisters, etc. Supply is key. Aplenty will attract aplenty.

H2 transition can be in stages; Gov can first encourage production, and distribution of H2 to cities via pipelines. If homes do not have CHP, gas heating units, then gas is converted to electricity at a local hub, the last mile remains the same. Later as people convert their units at home, they can get the gas directly from city pipeline.

Tyson Fury was named after Mike Tyson? Nice


This is contagion. China developers in October:

Most of those ew-money-printing-bad-so-bad-poop-fiat-gold-gold-gold crowd u see in "certain media" are serving the interests of an anti-dollar lobby, non-leading powers jealous their currency is not the main one. Printing per-se isn't bad, the issue is who you print it for. There is always printing. Plus developed countries aren't foolish enough to end up like bleeping Venezuella. Then if there is inflation, we can suspect wage increases, or supply issues, or both.

It happens to be one of the core tenets of econ.. time to hit the books?

Cld also be supply issues of course

"You said wage rises causes inflation.. I dont understand"

NYT: "[Senator Manchin], the Democrat from coal-rich West Virginia whose vote is crucial to passage of the bill, has told the White House that he strongly opposes the clean electricity program... As a result, White House staffers are now rewriting the legislation without that climate provision, and are trying to cobble together a mix of other policies that could also cut emissions"

Malt is good.. I started seeing power bars with it, some exclusively marketed to contain malt. There is dark malt powder for bread makers. It cld go well in protein shakes too Im guessing.

AP News: "Malt Makes a Comeback, Packing Powerful Nutritional Benefits"

These news cld be interpreted it either way. If RU ever wanted to turn on CH, they now gained valuable intelligence about them, learned their weapons, sub tactics.

"[Oct] Chinese, Russian navies conduct co-ordinated anti-submarine drill in Sea of Japan"

"[August RU/CH] drills also marked the first time Russian soldiers had used Chinese weapons"

A regular 48-inch hydrogen pipeline can carry 13 Gigawatts. Little back-of-the envolope calculation; One person in the developed world consumes 10 KW, this means a single H2 pipeline can supply energy to 1.3 million people.

That is a city the size of Ottowa, Zurich, or Belgrade.

One can learn abt government while in military.. It's a branch of government after all.. For example how do they handle purchasing? A new equipment is needed, what are the channels to get it done? You are given a rifle, a canteen, whatever, how is that tracked? Maybe that information can help you understand the post office, or FEMA, or name it, any other government agency. Even as a grunt, we might dismiss it being at the bottom of the hierarchy, but in many ways everything revolves around the grunt, his ass needs to be carried to and from the "theather of action", provided food for, resting env, the grunt will experience all that, first hand. I'd call that relevant experience.

"Why do you say military service is useful experience for politicians?"