
Github Mirror

Week 38

Al Jazeera: "Canada vote results near identical to 2019"

"Ego is not your amigo" #mile22 👍

EQ in Oz? Pretty rare for them clearly.. But their entire northern belt though is getting pummeled

It has to be due to the vacuum on top of the airfoil... The shape blocks flow from getting there directly, which creates briefly (but repeatedly, due to forward movement) a vacuum meaning lower pressure. There is higher pressure below, ergo lift. Increase angle of attack, there is even more pressure below, molecules are directly hitting airfoil now. At the right angle, in a sweet spot avoiding stall, you get lift.

SciAm: "No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air"


Great example of putting capitalism on a leash. Left to their own devices (!) companies would not converge to the same standard, everyone, especially established players, would have an incentive to lock people in to their own charger mechanism. But that leads to waste. Capitalism can optimize for certain things, but not necessarilly for grander goals, eg resource usage, material footprint on the planet, or even consumer's benefit, in a larger ecosystem. If a person needs to own three chargers for three devices, that is huge amount of waste, consumer is not served well either. There is metal in there that needs to be mined somewhere, plastic that requires fossil fuels refinery. Governance steps in, tunes the whole thing.

Reuters: "EU plans to legislate for common phone charger despite Apple grumbles"

Guy is a total clown. Good actor

My favorite Wahlberg movie? Rockstar.

Moller-Maersk is #1

CNBC: "Several major Danish firms, including Orsted and Moller-Maersk, have formed a partnership aiming to produce sustainable fuels on an industrial scale... In an announcement Tuesday, the companies said that a hydrogen and e-fuel production site could be up and running by 2023 and fully scaled-up by 2030, by which time it would have the capacity to generate over 250,000 metric tons of fuel annually.


MSC is world's #2 in container shipping

"MSC Cruise Lines Pledges to Achieve NetZero Emissions from its Cruise Operation by 2050 with Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Technology"



"Rep. Andy Levin... wants a two-state solution to be official U.S. policy, and new legislation he’ll propose tomorrow sets out a pathway to make that arrangement a reality...If [passed] the 'Two-State Solution Act,' American policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will formally state… 'that the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is inconsistent with international law'"


Liberterian friendly ppl might be getting views from "Thiel sponsored sources" through a variation of China's 50 Cent Army.

"How do the kookiest sites / personalities get a lot of views?"

Or around something geographically in the middle. Like Bermuda. The Bermudan Quartet..?

New name needed? NAEFTA - North American and English Trade Agreement

"The U.K. is exploring joining an existing free-trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, a person familiar with the nation’s thinking said"


So he is the one responsible for this movie.

VOA News: "Melvin Van Peebles, the groundbreaking filmmaker, playwright and musician whose work ushered in the 'blaxploitation' wave of the 1970s and influenced filmmakers long afterward, has died"

Numerical Weather Prediction does not use neural nets. The math model for weather is mostly known so no need to reverse-engineer an unknown model using a jungle of neurons from data, as is done in "AI".

Even then, the computation is extremely hard.


@GavinNewsom just signed @LorenaSGonzalez's bill banning firings of workers for failing to meet unsafe quotas and prohibiting algorithms that interfere with bathroom breaks and rest breaks. 'We cannot allow corporations to put profit over people,' Newsom says"

Europeans send their trash to Poland and companies there just burn it..?

APNews: "(2018) Poland’s prime minister vowed tough measures Tuesday to fight a string of illegal fires at garbage dumps and landfills that has been producing hazardous smoke..

TV stations in Poland have been showing footage of huge clouds of smoke billowing into the air from various dump sites, as firefighters try to contain the situation"


Momma Gravy - John Pill #music



Biden .. promises another half bln vaccine doses for developing world 'For every one shot we've delivered in America we'll deliver another 3 shots elsewhere'"

Odd Thomas. Good

Compsci = computational science, not computer science.

Hi Bich... Hi Bich... Hi Bich

See how he talks about functions, data. "Coders" naturaly understand this slant on AI albeit weak, bcz they know how to "run stuff", functions (software has them too), so they can intuit the approach. This view is one level above complete ignorance. The next one requires compsci grok.

George "Geohot" Hotz

🤣 🤣 🤣

Hi Bich... Hi Bich... Hi Bich

Hilarious video

Could be GA.. The BTC code was officially turned over to his upkeep, the last email sent from SN was to GA. His psych profile suggests an overdeveloped sense of justice, seeing a lot of people wronged by the finance system could push a person like that to act. Theres leadership ability; being able to entice people to work in orgs, etc -- crucial for an open-source project. Background suggests he would have more knowledge than others (in that BTC group) on projects crafted for the industry, he co-wrote the VRML standard so would know how to present stuff for pro developer consumption.

There are other Satoshi N possibilities of course.. According to this analysis, Gavin Andresen is the closest to SN, based on word frequency usage.


Perhaps biggest announcement from #Biden so far is that developed world will mobilise $100 bn/year in climate aid for developing countries #UNGA"

Bolsonaro almost sounded like a sane leader in that speech.

If "they" wanted to get you, "sterilize you through covid vaccinations", I dont think they'd wait until a worldwide crisis, and a brand new vaccination campaign. They could do it through food, soft drinks like Coca Cola, or measles vaccines which most kids already get. They'd just slip it in there, and noone would ever know.. if it were that easy.

Read the flyer, sounds like a shitlib Valhalla.

The only missing word there was 'vibrant'.

Another deluded billionaire.. How much tax does he pay?


A billionaire investor wants to create a new 'sustainable' and 'equitable' city in the middle of the US desert"

The FR Tolouse explosion, way back, was very bad, again ammonium nitrate, like in Beirut.. Tolouse was abt 1/10'th of that blast, but the aftermath was not pretty.



Ozzies wont. Give. A. Muck. To have better mil protection they would sell all their kangaroos. This is a country who sent its soldiers to the other side of the world during WWI, bcz of Brit naval help quid-pro-quo, had to provide manpower.. Pertinent piece of history for me bcz the soldiers landed on Galipoli, my hood! All the way from Australia!

🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

The keywords of today's thought-stream seems to be "what's the point?"


You have to ask yourself: if our economic system actively destroys the biosphere and fails to meet most people's basic needs, then what is actually the point?"

Go to Valhalla

"Building new battery cell plants, which usually cost around 2 billion euros ($2.4 billion) apiece, are a key requirement for Volkswagen's vision"

Aha, the French deal was not nuke based, but diesel..? That matters a lot, especially against CH. Then the switch makes more sense, even the "at all costs" way it was done. The diplom could've been handled better perhaps..

NPR: "The Australian Navy's six Collins-class submarines are set to reach the end of their service life in 2036. And in 2016, France was chosen over Germany and Japan to help Australia replace its older subs with 12 new diesel-electric submarines"


They had escaped.. into what? That whole general region is already a prison for Palestenians. What was the point?

"All escaped Palestenian prisoners have been caught"

Euronews: "Biden is working with the EU to cut climate-wrecking methane emissions"

Get them while they are young


Kid city at the Houston children’s museum has a kid bank where you can take on some debt and a kid jail where you can look at kid mugshots"


This is the downside of polluting the thoughtsphere with artificial noise; people have to twist, turn, become pretzel-like to offer reasoning on simplest things, while people die.


Breitbart is running a piece that says - I am not kidding - that the left is mocking the unvaxed so they'll dig in and never get vaxed and die and shift political power to the left"

Al Jazeera: "It is time Israel, the West admit the two-state solution is dead"

Bitcoin could have benefited from the "steroidified" attention liberterians get in the thought-sphere as well.. Bright shiny object tech will always have libtards to cheer for them, but BTC benefited more from the former group.

The mystique is mostly for marketing. The tech is kludgy, not fit to be a currency in the way its maximalists dream about. Glad it was created, but have to move on. The gold-replacement angle definitely is a no-go as gold itself could not serve that function.

"But he wasn't Satoshi, he was Satoshi's friend". Sure. Like "I have a friend who does not think that's true". I am not saying it.. My friend says it.

The face looks too generic. I have a picture of Satoshi, you could have used that.

"Statue honoring mysterious Bitcoin founder unveiled in Budapest"


Sucks to do politics in Russia

NYT: "[RU] new mansions are encroaching on the lakeshore, despite its status as a national park... Ms. Makarova insisted that she was no revolutionary and simply wanted everyone to follow the law. The bigger issue, she said, was that most Russians fear getting involved in politics because of the country’s bloody history. As a result, she said, people with access to the levers of power easily take advantage of those who don’t. 'Because of these huge cataclysms that happened to their families, people realized that nothing depends on them, on little people,' Ms. Makarova said. 'You will survive if you do not interfere.'"


"[G]uidelines for ships using fuel cells agreed by [a shipping subcommitte]"


It's legit legislation-fu IMO. As long as shit doesn't hit the fan.

The Daily Beast: "Schumer surely concluded that some of his fellow Democrats are hesitant to vote for a debt limit increase—and he did not want to risk their opposition bringing down the entire must-pass reconciliation bill. Moving the debt limit to regular legislation with a 60-vote threshold allows Schumer to deflect attention from his own party’s hesitancy, and instead blame Republican senators for not bailing his party out"

I could tell, when Oz PM had a good welcome in Paris with Macron, there was some kind of deal.. Vigourous handshake, not like that time when Trump was handcucked, but "business is good", "hey mate", kinda way.. The deal was probably on then. Later it is abruptly canceled. FR, pissed.

Commotion? Hoo-ha..? Hurly burly?

WSJ: "France Recalls Ambassadors to U.S., Australia Over Submarine Deal"

The Independent: "Judge refuses woman’s demand that hospital treat her husband with horse dewormer ivermectin.. In a ruling, the judge condemned those who promote the horse deworming drug for the virus as ‘persons who spout out-right falsehoods’"

Before he dies a decorated WWII German tank commander says "Valhalla here I come". That's the Nazi heaven isn't it? They are from Atlantis, they go to Valhalla?

Mobilizing the other side was easy. The fall of the Berlin Wall scared the shit ouf Dems anyway, they moved to center, low income folk were out, office-dwelling shitlibs were in. Dangle little Kennedy-cool in front of them, pick and choose from the movements of 60s, done. The new crowd could "get red in the face" when Vietnam was mentioned, and celebrate the bombing of Libya.

Libertarians unknowingly could have provided the much-needed ideological support for the Rep/Dem culture war, so that the single-party, Washington Consensus could continue unimpeeded..

Conservatives could likely compromise on gun control (see Ronald Reagan) or for climate protection (see Richard Nixon) but the single-party rule needed the "secondary" issues to be radicalized. To that end Reps could always point to a libertarian to justify these extreme positions, 'look these guys over there are against it, gun control is too much government, climate protection is, well, too much government, and they are quoting some 18 century jagoff, so they must have a point"..

Libertarians are the useful idiots in this picture bcz they would never get their zero-deficit no-war wishes from the single-party, instead they became tools to blunt the visible stupidity of the culture war, providing the much needed ideological paintjob.