
Github Mirror

Week 37

The Smithereens - Blood And Roses #music


If you go apeshit on discretization no need for extra turb model. But apeshit is costly so you go moderate on disc. Then u need extra turb model. My Reynolds is >1000000..? Sheeeeet

F--ing turbulence..

"France differs from the other European Union countries because it has sovereignty interests in the region. More than 1.6 million French citizens live in overseas territories there, and three-quarters of the country’s exclusive economic zone — the second largest in the world — is located there as well. France is not a spectator in the Indo-Pacific, it is a resident power. Because of that, Australia will remain a key partner in the South Pacific. Tensions may spike in the short term, but the strategic partnership between the two countries will endure"


"Deconstructing the administrative state".. Words like that should freak everyone the f--k out. Until an alternative system arrives, deconstructing what you have now is insane.. The world these muckers envison would have low income ppl lose gov programs, see cuts to social assistance, healthcare where you would have to ride a modified exercise bike 12 hrs a day turning a pedal to mine bitcoins so you can pay for your rent. Your small apt would be in a complex owned by the oligapolies of the very cobsuckers that are asking for the said deconstruction and inequality would run amok. You get sick? No problem: just inject diswasher liquid, eat chalk powder, you'll be fine.. "You'll know what to do".

Noone should actively seek for such a state of dysfunction, dystopia.

"The ambitions of [the Paypal mafia] have often gone hand in hand with Thiel’s extremist libertarian political project: a reorganization of civilization that would shift power from traditional institutions—e.g., mainstream media, democratically elected legislatures—toward startups and the billionaires who control them. Thiel secretly funded the lawsuit that destroyed Gawker Media in 2016...

For Trump’s science adviser, Thiel suggested two climate change deniers, Princeton physicist William Happer and Yale computer scientist David Gelernter. For the head of the Food and Drug Administration, Thiel offered, among other names, Balaji Srinivasan, an entrepreneur with no obvious experience in government, who seemed skeptical that the FDA should exist at all...

It’s illegal to use a Roth account to buy stock in a company you control. And yet, starting in 1999, Thiel used a Roth to buy stock in companies with which he was closely associated—including PayPal and Palantir—for prices that were as low as a thousandth of a penny per share. All the capital gains since then have been tax-free...

According to IRS rules, if a Roth IRA account holder engages in a prohibited transaction—like using the money to invest in a company you legally control—then that person loses the tax break for the entirety of the portfolio’s value. In Thiel’s case that would mean he could be on the hook for a tax bill in the billions"


I am giving extra points to any movie which does not use time travel or multiple universes in its plot.

Ray Dalio will have an heart attack

"The Times

Is the West entering a Cold War with China?"


California Democrats already pushing to change state recall process: 'Californians are very frustrated that we just spent $276 million on this recall election'"

"California GOP licks wounds after another lopsided loss"

NZ is away from the center of things anyway, to the south of AU, wld not be in "theather" in case of conflict.

The Guardian: "New Zealand’s longstanding nuclear-free policy also means that Australian submarines developed under the deal are banned from New Zealand waters"

Countries in the region prefer US... AU was already a major partner.

AUKUS.. What happened to UK's CANZUK? 😶

Sub deal is probably done to take care of this work, US wont use its own forces, Oz will step up. They are loading for bear, any potential Taiwan invasion will be met by their subs. Think about that.


"France lambasts Australia, US after 'stab in back'"

"Aukus: UK, US and Australia launch pact to counter China"

Oz dropped France's bid to get it

"In Surprise Move US, UK Agree To Share Nuclear Submarine Tech With Australia "


We wanted flying cars. Instead we got targeted ads, more surveillance, insurrectionists, and Peter Thiel. The inside story of how he gamed Trump, Silicon Valley’s biggest executives, and democracy itself to make billions, tax-free"


Better than invading..

"The Biden administration will withhold $130 million worth of military aid to Egypt until Cairo takes specific steps related to human rights"

"Hydrogen as New Coal in the German Ruhr Area"


"India Approves $3.5 Billion Scheme to Boost Clean Fuel Hydrogen Vehicles"


Yea bunch of rich people keep going up there, clean your shit up


Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak starts a new space company Privateer, to clean up space debris"

"Boeing's Fatal Flaw, Frontline" (53 mins)


Oh it's coming.. wait another century and boom. Francois is your uncle.

According to Trek canon wasnt 22nd century supposed to be about a European hegemony? Never say never.

Von der Leyen H2 reference FTW

State Of the European Union. The word union fits more naturally to the EU

SOTEU: I like the acronym


a joke that nicely captures the delusion of mainstream AI as it was in the early 2020’s"


[..R]elabeling 'pretrained language models' as foundation models is misleading and ultimately detrimental to the foundations that AI needs. If we don't understand how these models work, why call them foundation models at all?"


Stanford’s #AI Foundation models are interesting but do not handle causality and will never lead to proper explanations - not really the foundation of anything"


Directed-energy weapons.. Lasers? Will there be sharks?

Jane's Defense: "UK reveals contracts for new directed-energy weapon demonstrators"

Cali recall loses, great. Now remove the law allowing it so the circus does not repeat.

The Guardian: "Norway’s left-leaning parties begin talks to form a government.. [who won] a landslide victory in elections dominated by the climate crisis and the future of the country’s huge oil and gas industry"


Al Jazeera: "Norway’s left-wing opposition wins election in a landslide"

It would be a stretch to call them Turks.. It's a weak identity even for Anatolia.

Azeris are similar in culture to Georgia, even to Armenians..

"There are other movies in Marvel Universe". Sure, and Russos directed four of them!

Quo vadis KF? Tussling with Disney upper ranks? Someone just brought a tank to your gun fight..

Russo brothers are great directors.. CA W Soldier was great work. This recent kerkuffle revolves around that SJW bullshit.. Message to Feige

"Black Widow lawsuit may stop the Russo brothers directing another Marvel movie"



BREAKING NEWS: House Democrats announce plans to end Trump’s tax giveaway to billionaires and corporations by raising taxes on corporations, Wall Street, companies with foreign corporate income, and people who make over $5 million a year"

It's sad how derivative things are in China. US started talking about anti-trust, CH copies it. There is US judgement on external links from Apple Store, similar issues are talked about in China. Why didn't you think of this shit before, on your own?

Baker Brothers - Transition Transmission #music


"Shipping company Eidesvik’s vessel, the Viking Energy, will be the first ship in the world to be equipped with an ammonia-based fuel cell"


At its height Jerry Springer's show was beating Oprah; and all they did was fight.. Such pure trash.

The Jerry Springer Show, American Idol were definitely the stepping stones to the eventual Hunger Games. If you think about it, there is a connection.

The single-party, Washingon Consensus was so bad around 90s that Clinton could govern as a Southern Ronald Reagan, and Dubya could govern as Republican Bill Clinton. Then of course everybody is invading somewhere, deregulating, making government "small". What do you have left to do politics over? Enter the culture war.

Iron production plant in Russia, had 700 workers, now 100. Even the crudest automation can eliminate people. #3W

The mask was not iron.. ? The movie with that name was based on a lie! How could that be!

Wiki: "The Man in the Iron Mask [of France]... was an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670... No one is known to have seen his face, as it was hidden by a mask of black velvet cloth, later misreported by Voltaire as an iron mask"


"Lettre de cachet [was a] royal decree whereby an [French] aristocrat could have any commoner imprisoned on a whim"


Hunter S. Thompson wrote this one week after 9/11, basically called what the 21st Century would become"


100% serious when I say the Onion’s 9/11 coverage deserved a Pulitzer"

Gold is such a useless thing. Plus its mining is toxic as hell. Its use should be discouraged, as jewelry, as a commodity, certainly as a "store of value".

Al Jazeera: "Toxic City: The Cost of Gold Mining in South Africa.. Mountains of waste from Johannesburg’s omnipresent gold industry may be ruining the health of nearby residents"

How to write lines for Sam Jackson? Basically think of stuff that could come before a .. comma motherfucker.. Like you could think of "is the sun coming up?" line by thinking of "is the sun coming up, motherfucker?", then just dropping the last word.

Though not listed as an official base S. Korean Jeju island can host US mil in a gif, they frequently get US sub and aircraft carrier visits anyway.


Osprey aircraft uses tiltrotor tech, very unstable. In recent scifi we start seeing more and more quadcopter like aircraft, but these are unstable constructions. Forward thrust, glide are more stable, or helicopter tech. It takes extreme amt of processing to keep a quadcopter aloft, as every hobbyst knows.

Once again, tech looks shiny, but not robust.

2017: "Nonfatal Osprey crash in Okinawa brings safety fears to fore"

🤣 🤣 🤣


Pandorum, 2009, was ok.. Nice ending

Remember RR, this is the guy who waved a gun around on the big screen for a living, then he was shot by a real gun, in real life. Also the founder of modern conservatism.. I think he knew what he was talking about.

"But guns are a natural con issue". ?? Ronald Reagan was for gun control.

The rules of the culture war is that it is fought on moral, or stupid, and usually deadlocked issues where there isn't much movement either way. That works great, bcz then each side can jump up and down, and galvanize "their base" wout causing much change, eg guns issue (until it became seriously serious).. Or the climate.

The Atlantic: "Republican Party leaders and conservative intellectuals haven’t been trumpeting the Supreme Court’s decision to allow a Texas ban on abortions to go forward"

Never liked that general area, downtown.. Must have been the overt finance-vibe.

One office building I worked at in NYC was very close to Zuccotti Park, basically Ground Zero, few years before 9/11. I wasnt there during the attack, was near midtown, different company, but still in NYC.

20 years.. Wow

Politicians do a lot of work.. these ceremonies man.. go to a place dont break composure listen to 2000+ names being read.. Sheesh


"Australia is ending its zero-covid strategy"


"Denmark lifts all Covid restrictions as vaccinations top 80%"