
Github Mirror

Week 36

The Independent: "Newsom campaign theme: Don't let California become Texas"

Good good..

"Gov. Gavin Newsom is feeling pretty good after polls show the recall attempt will go down by double digits"


"UK government terminates one of its data-sharing contracts with Palantir"

A big motorhome, RV basically, right?

Land yacht? Dam


Reuters: "Shell to join clean hydrogen project in Norway"

Storyline preference becomes clear around the issue of identity. They usually portray AI as a unique, non-copyable thing... When it is sent somewhere it ceases to exist at the source. Why? That's not how software works!

The reason AI come alive story is used more in movies these days is not bcz Holywood necessarily knows what the phuck is going on on the tech side.. They are basically repurposing the Pinoccio story for a new domain. The "inanimate object coming alive" angle.. that's all. Pinoccio for the good side, Frankenstein for the bad. Old story adapted to something new, wout any change in semantics.

"[A] growing body of evidence suggests that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines also reduce asymptomatic infection and transmission"


Coome to Butt-head..


House Dems' bill currently would:


NYT: "Other People’s Rotten Jobs Are Bad for Them. And for You.. When truck drivers are underpaid and overworked, it’s bad for them and also bad for us.Researchers have found interesting connections between poor working conditions and seemingly unrelated social problems. For example, most people don’t think of the opioids crisis as a labor-related issue, but research has shown a connection between occupations with high workplace injury rates, like construction, and opioid overdose fatalities. (People get injured on the job; lacking sick days, they take opioids so they can work through the pain.)"


"Schumer rejects Manchin's 'strategic pause' on $3.5T megabill"


If no agreement is reached and US leaves the picture I guarantee it Israel will attack unilaterally at the first sign of an IRN a-bomb.

"Blinken warns US getting 'closer' to giving up on Iran nuclear deal"

ECMWF is the European weather forecasters.

A nice back to work account

Riemann was a genius. Did so much stuff.. A deserving student to the great Gauss

Holmes Brothers - Up Above My Head #music


Dennis Coffey - Ubiquitous #music


"Australia vowed Thursday to keep mining #coal for export and said global demand was rising, rejecting a study that warned nearly all its reserves must stay in the ground to address the #climate crisis"


CCS isn't only about pulling carbon from the atmosphere. It can be applied to any fossil product during refinery, before anything leaves the plant.

What is the underlying technological assumption though? If you burn fossil like today, sure its bad. But convert to renewable fuel at the source through ccs, not so bad. Tech assumptions cannot solely be based on pedestrian views of office-dwelling, white-collar, have-an-app-for-that limpdick-electric crowd.

"Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say"

Lots known abt this region, probably bcz of the huge US base nearby. Some martial arts were likely first taught to gaijins here.

The Okinawan diet. These ppl live healthy long life.

National narrative needs to be compatible with the underlying culture.. Otherwise there will be neurotic behaviour.. That's why there is so much neuroticism in so-called Turkey, especially in its politics.

WSJ: "Japan Prime Minister Contender Takes Harder Line on Missile-Strike Ability.. Japan needs to consider building a missile-strike capability against potential foes including China and North Korea, former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said in an interview'

"Even as air pollution shaves years off life expectancy, fossil fuel projects get more funding than clean air initiatives, a global report said Tuesday"


George Schulz (Rep old timer) sat at Theranos board, his grandson was hired as lab tech. Grandson told him stuff doesn't work as advertised he wouldn't believe him 🤦‍♂️ Fail all around.

Carl Sagan complaining about Beavis and Butthead is pure gold


Computing AI

"Huge Global Demand for .. Ute... [The] new Australian developed hydrogen fuelcell electric vehicle with $50 million in order requests in just the first 4 days"


Texas is clamping down, right across the border, Mexico is easing up. If women are denied service, they'll go right across the border to get abortion. It's stupid to insist on this for TX, but the aim is not politics, it is about secondary issues being made faux-primary issues to fight faux-politics through culture war. So in a way it is smart, in a 90s, Clinton-era kinda way.

"Mexico's Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion"

DW: "Nord Stream 2: Last piece of gas pipeline is in place.. Engineers have welded together the final piece of piping of the controversial conduit, operators say. Gas supply to Germany is expected to begin in October"

Jane's Defense: "Japan, Pacific island countries agree to enhance defence co-operation"

Turns out if there are no viewers left you cannot send them into a tizzy with garbage takes to make money off them.

"Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Australia to Ease Climate Change Denial.. The campaign, if sustained, could put pressure on Fox News, though critics were skeptical that a sea change was in store."

I mean this speaks to the capability of said "AI" of which there is not much. You can lure these things into traps with rattle drums probably.. How bleeping dumb are they? Libcucks swoon of course at the first sight of a bright shiny object.. These are the innovators you deserve

Yeah that shit works brilliantly lets be scared of it.

"Facebook apology as AI labels black men 'primates'"

But the escape cld also have been helped by their deep state to make the new guys look bad.. u never know

Its great

"A Palestinian militant leader and five other inmates staged an elaborate escape from a high-security prison in Israel"

"'Population and Income Growth.. We do not see a simple relationship. Many countries experienced both rapid population growth and negative changes in real per capita GDP. But still others had relatively rapid population growth, yet they had a rapid increase in per capita GDP"


The beef with the oppo towards left parties, e.g. Die Linke isn't based one issue or another. It is the general stance towards them.. They say 'see these people over there, they are beyond the pale', like, not even worth talking to. Pro-business FDP can argue for cutting taxes in the middle of a crisis, but left cannot talk about two-tier system in healthcare. That makes you some kind of weirdo..

Wait until hospitals start denying covid patients.. Can happen right? There are other emergencies, resources are limited, and there is now a covid vaccine. Guy doesn't take it, gets his ass sick and shows up to ER asking oxygen to be piped into him... Other patients need care. Triage is a bitch.

The Bermuda Triangle

SPD looks to be in the lead in Germany.. Its leader Schulz made some comments about a possible coalition with leftist party Die Linke. Of course shitlib, libcuck, limpdicks piled on him, but I hope he follows through.. If he does, they could be in a similar situation to US Dems, w Biden and their left. Greens too

Dems definitely wouldn't want that 10-past-10 square brother either.

Good.. Doesnt matter how GN did, recall needs to fail. The alternative is mob rule. Less direct democracy.

"California Gov. Newsom and allies spent $36 million in August alone to fight the recall"

New tech needs to be robust not just shiny.


We have no internet, no power. The mail isn’t delivered. My Amazon order was supposed to arrive 9/2 but I haven’t seen any of their trucks. Yet an ancient device for conveying information, relying on ink & paper, has been sitting on my driveway every morning since Hurricane Ida"

Areas near Lake Tahoe and Honey Lake are on FIRE!

"Caldor Fire continues to push north of Highway 50.. The Caldor Fire was 37% contained as of Saturday morning, and crews were hopeful that improving wind and weather conditions might help as they continue to fight what is now California’s 15th largest wildfire. Over 680 homes have been destroyed and 214,107 acres burned as of Saturday"

Real unemployment fell by nearly .8. Not bad.

2021-07-01     5.4     9.2    10.821707           17460.5
2021-08-01     5.2     8.8    10.090877           16300.5

Yeah! VW likes batteries now.

F--king Nazis (founded by Adolf)

"May offset" is not good enough. Plus only BE from sugar cane is "carbon neutral". How can you make sure all production of this thing is made that way? People will cheat. Remember how Volkswagen cheated.

EIA: "Producing and burning ethanol results in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas. However, the combustion of ethanol made from biomass (such as corn and sugarcane) is considered atmospheric carbon neutral because as the biomass grows, it absorbs CO2, which may offset the CO2 produced when the ethanol is burned"

The canisters have bioethanol in them

"Large blue boxes have been popping up across Nairobi in Kenya. They look like cash machines, but ... dispense a clean cooking fuel [canister]"

"Biden's executive order comes just days before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. It requires AG Merrick Garland to release the declassified documents publicly over the next six months"


"Japan, Russia to Cooperate in Hydrogen, Ammonia to Fight Climate Change"


"Domino's Pizza in South Korea Now Delivering Using Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Drones"
