
Github Mirror

Week 34

WSJ: "Kerry to Press China to Stop Financing Coal-Fired Energy Projects.. [Kerry] is planning to push for a formal declaration during a trip to China next week, but Beijing doesn’t want to be seen as caving to Western pressure"

NYT: "Let’s Not Pretend That the Way We Withdrew From Afghanistan Was the Problem.. Focusing on the execution of the withdrawal is giving virtually everyone who insisted we bcould remake Afghanistan the opportunity to obscure their failures by pretending to believe in the possibility of a graceful departure"

Wired: "Why I Flattened Three Afghan Villages.. When the day began for Lt. Col. David Flynn on Oct. 6, Taliban insurgents were using three southern Afghanistan hamlets as bomb factories. By the time the next day ended, Tarok Kolache, Khosrow Sofla and Lower Babur had been eradicated from the valley where they once stood"


You must be new here. That too has been tried before.


For every American who is killed, a city in Afghanistan should be wiped off the face of the Earth"

Forget Afghanistan. This is where the real action is.

The irony is he might be safer in that cell than out in the streets of Berlin.


"Navalny says he is forced to watch eight hours of state TV a day... tells of brainwashing and propaganda in jail.. Navalny has given his first interview from prison, comparing it to a Chinese labor camp and saying he is forced to watch eight hours of state television a day"

Jane's Defense: "US approves potential sale to Australia of services for SM-6 and SM-2 IIIC missiles"

One docu said UFOs "really like nuclear missile sites", as in always visit them.. Plots dont show that correlation.

Unless.. aliens love airbases

For significant states (higher sightings compared to population), we calculate sightings midpoint, checked two, Idaho and Arizona, both have airbases nearby. Weakens alien hypothesis somewhat

New UFO plot / analysis below.


"Eat more plants: To reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, try to have every meal include at least one plant-based dish. I typically have broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus or zucchini as a side for lunch and dinner...

Avoid processed foods: Many products you find in grocery stores today are loaded with salt, sugar, saturated fats and chemical preservatives. A 2019 study of 20,000 men and women aged 21 to 90 found that a diet high in processed foods resulted in an 18% increased risk of death by all causes"


Jurassic Shark 2?

Zagar - Mr. Lugosi #music


If it is the latter obviously US is not going to 'reinvade' bcz of an attack. But they can make WH look bad, trying to reinforce a "botched pullout" narrative.

AFG attack: somebody is giving somebody a message.. About delaying the final pullout date perhaps (tho US had already rejected that)? Or war-hawk neocon tools stirring shit up? Through third-parties? Sad.

"White House Bashes Erik Prince’s $6,500 Evacuation Flights [out of Afghanistan]: ‘Efforts To Profit Off People’s Agony And Pain’"

"Egypt PM Confers With Siemens Energy Officials On Developing Green Hydrogen Industry-PM said Egypt has plan for developing Green Hydrogen industry in keeping with programs being implemented by the European Union (#EU)"


US / Europe Nuclear Missile, Bomb Locations


Good for them did not reject lab leak.

"US intelligence study inconclusive on Covid origins, according to reports"


"But Obama won Florida in 2012 despite making some pro Cuban moves"

Charlie Crist eh?

Your country, such as it is, is quite new. I wouldn't have qualms about joining a larger entity. Centuries old European states do it all the time, including now.

"But I am Lebanese, want to be in my country"

Lebanon is a bloody mess. They should join an eventual federal Syria where "the Lebanese", along with others, become part of a loosely connected new state.

UCDP/PRIO conflict stats for July. A jump in deaths in Myanmar.. Egypt is climbing up? Somalia, Nigeria, Zaire are still up there..


"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' approval rating tumbled to 43.7 percent in a new poll.The survey .. shows the Republican governor losing re-election in a hypothetical matchup with Representative Charlie Crist, a Democrat who represents Florida's 13th congressional district"


AFP: "A Taliban spokesman on Tuesday said the United States should stop evacuating skilled Afghans such as engineers"

Politico: "Crypto lobbyists face defeat with House set to block tax rule changes"

Cake - Long Line Of Cars #music


Insect protein? Have insects eat food waste (before it emits methane) and then turn insects into flour, protein powder? Interesting. First 'insect protein' is bad marketing, they should be stressing this flour, powder thing. Technically though it is cleaner to have plant, lab-grown meat proteins, producing massive meal replacement powders, which by definition, will have zero or no waste. Add water through desalination (w better, cheaper approaches), through clean prenewable energy, we are in the green.

It isnt like "US lost and others (in the region) won" due to the pullout. AFG neighbor countries are worried.. I was watching troop movements (through gdelt scans), almost all surrounding countries deployed troops to their AFG border as pullout neared. Some countries in the region are worried. US was providing a security service of sorts to all neigboring countries there.

A main reason for the existence of these phony US ethnic subcultures is so that 'earlier citizens' can play Dances with Wolves with their own countrymen without leaving the comfort of their home.

Yes the Berlin Wall construction took place during his watch.

So many screw ups during JFK's time.. Soviets built a wall on him in Berlin. His Sov counterpart was constantly on his ass bcz he was inexperienced, came across a lightweight.

Culture is received through osmosis from the larger society around you, subconciously, before age 7. It is not transmitted through education, ritual, or "stories". Most of the subcultural identity assumptions are wrong. There are no "Polish", "Italian" in US beyond the zeroth generation. There are no Turks in Turkey.

"Australia, India reaffirm commitment to enhancing naval ties"

Too slow

"Pfizer becomes first Covid vaccine to gain full FDA approval"

Australian Planet Proteins, uses fava and lentils to get plant protein.


Reminiscence was ok.. the world it paints is pretty bad.. and realistic. People cant get outside during the day, live nocturnally.. Yikes

Dude watches the moves of big dogs, true, their P/FCF ratios are fukked.

P/FCF = Market Cap / Free Cash Flow. It is a measure of whether market cap is justified by the cash flow a company generates. Checking Shopify, comparing against Microsoft, Google

import yf
atts = ["Market Cap (intraday)","Free Cash Flow"]
SHOP ['Market Cap (intraday): 181.07B', "Free Cash Flow: ('506,972', '382,963', '8,218')"]
MSFT ['Market Cap (intraday): 2.29T', "Free Cash Flow: ('56,118,000', '56,118,000', '45,234,000')"]
GOOG ['Market Cap (intraday): 1.84T', "Free Cash Flow: ('58,536,000', '42,843,000', '30,972,000')"]


print ('SHOP %d' % ((181*1e9) / (506.0*1e6)))
print ('MSFT %d' % ((2.29*1e12) / (56.0*1e9)))
print ('GOOG %d' % ((1.84*1e12) / (58.0*1e9)))
SHOP 357

Shopify cap is 357 TIMES of its (trailing twelve month) cash flow. You'd have to wait >300 YEARS to reach the market valuation of this company with the cash it generates.

In comparison MSFT, GOOG have lower P/FCF, can generate cash.

ARKK buys 'bright shiny object' tech, the kind favored by libcucks.

New UFO dataset and code. This one has latitude and longitude.

NYT: "[D]ata from the hospitals .. hints at why the powerful industries wanted this information to remain hidden. It shows hospitals are charging patients wildly different amounts for the same basic services"


Sci tutorials now surpass 150K lines. 700K words

Walmart/Amazon were spending the same amt to generate similar revenue, then AMZN CapEx started to climb. Now WMT looks better.

Unless.. one is going for diversity in biz (as w AMZN, has a cloud biz and retail)

Checking Amazon, Walmart

import yf
ds = ["Revenue  (ttm)", "Capital Expenditure"] 
AMZN ['Revenue  (ttm): 443.3B', "Capital Expenditure: ('-52,256,000', '-40,140,000', '-16,861,000')"]
WMT ['Revenue  (ttm): 566.14B', "Capital Expenditure: ('-11,714,000', '-10,264,000', '-10,705,000')"]

New Code with capex

🤣 Good one.. Bcz cockroaches wld make it right, survive a cataclysm.

Docu: "I wonder if we are viable form of life. Maybe we're just an evolutionary flash in the pan, and we'll be sitting right next to the dinaseurs at the cockroach museum"

Yea well.. your government's ISI kept helping the Taliban after they were defeated but hey, who is keeping track..

'Pakistani premier says US 'messed it up in Afghanistan'"

"Ecuadorian Air Force aims to install new radar to combat drug trafficking"

Cerebral sounds too much like my day job.. Some movies try too hard. This is the scifi version of jumping the shark.

Bad review on Reminiscence from ABC Oz. "Buckles under the weight of its own construction in the third act". Darn. Is it like Tenet? "Cerebral"?

"Blow for Uber as judge finds California’s gig-worker law unconstitutional"

RT gone; try this, at 12:09, title is "Keiser Report: Can the system be unrigged? (E1265)"

I have to share this again..

Tony Blair talking shit?

Even if there is a single soldier there, that steals valuable think-time IMO.. Now the country is an "open case", along with other tasks, you have to worry about it, think about it, in military terms.. I dont think central govs have that kind of attn, processing time.. Now militarily they'll roll it up in a broad terrorism effort, and the rest will be diplomacy, more comfortable ground for civilian gov.

"There were so few soldiers left in AFG, why bother (to leave)?"

"By 2004... [UN rep] Brahimi had realised that keeping the Taliban out of the Bonn process was a mistake. In an interview in 2004, he described it as the ‘original sin’. Result: about 48 per cent Pashtun got some 15 percent of share in power (this excluded Taliban and their constituencies)...

This concept of centralisation and lopsided ethnic representation also informed the formation of [the Afghan military].. Because the force remained ethnically fragmented, no amount of training or equipment could induce the overall, organic tribalism that informs successful militaries"


"Australia anti-lockdown rallies: protesters violently clash with police in Melbourne"

They might not call themselves that but Fox News is MSM

Most CC today is badly designed but an ideal one (like a left-wing version of Nano) cld be basis for a new econ. The world with such change would be drastically different. How different is different? See the monumental shift from agrarian to industrial England. If one lived back then, there'd come a time, within a span of ~50 yrs, before / after of the place would look completely different. Before would be carriages, slow life, hand-sewn clothing, after, train, steam ships, manufactured clothing, much faster life. Radical change. Day and night. Oil and water.

Cryptos are not centralized, 3rd

How to know a solution is 3W? Does it fit under these ? If not, and new, 3W.

H2 fuel is that rare and ingenious solution.. It swaps one fuel for another, so all kinds of distribution, central management, concentration dynamics can apply as-is (along w people who make money from it). At the same time, new fuels can support off-grid, self-sustained living, see Lavo in Australia. Here renewable fuel works for 3W.

Are renewable fuels a Second Wave or Third Wave development? They are useful for both.

MSM delivers.. They arranged interviews with 30 officials.

Good report on USG behind the scenes


Method to detect owls from sound, they call it owl-garithm

"Australia: H2X Global Limited Reveals Its New Hydrogen FuelCell-Powered Truck-The 'Warrego'"

"Hyundai Mobis Will Invest $1 Billion in Two Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plants in South Korea"


Soviet Imperialism

Soviets aren't entirely blameless either. They also contributed to AFG's current misery.

Vox: "[I]n 1978, when [AFG President] Daoud Khan is formally overthrown in what’s known as the Saur Revolution.. a Marxist-Leninist government is established...[Then] the United States starts to slowly funnel money toward some resistance groups"
