
Github Mirror

Week 31

"How the pandemic ate millions of jobs in American restaurants"


Darn. I was hoping their opposition would create frustration and this profession be quashed for good, replaced by videos and graders.

"The head of the American Federation of Teachers .. union is rethinking its opposition to Covid-19 vaccine mandates for educators"


Great.. the last thing the world needed was another major flashpoint

"India and China have pulled back troops from a flashpoint zone on their disputed border where they fought a deadly battle last year, the Indian government said Friday"


"In July 2021, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) successfully completed the acceptance test of the hydrogen-based micro-grid project"


UKRI = UK Research and Innovation

They are mandating open-access for all research.


Today we're announcing a new #OpenAccess policy for research publications that acknowledge funding from our councils"


UCDP/PRIO Conflict Dataset update for June.

AFG deaths same. Improvements in Nigeria, Yemen and Chad.


"Ew US Navy is dying" says he. BTW the plots I made were for the few ships that are out there on the oceans.. There are 10 times as many ship docked in the Navy yards, in US shores.

Page must have looked at the data.

The Guardian: "New Zealand rated best place to survive global societal collapse"


"Google founder Larry Page has become the latest billionaire to gain residency in New Zealand, after applying through the country’s 'Investor Plus' category—a fast-lane for the super rich"


NY Mayor, forget abt it.

Guilliani? Bloomberg?

Jumping from NY gov to WH wld be no cakewalk either of course. Who was the last NY governor to make Prez? FDR?

"BP Bolsters UK Blue Hydrogen Plans by Reaching Agreements with More Potential Customers"


Blue Plate Special - Night Out #music


And now native Am population is 800K the vid says.. Steep decline

"Prior to Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492, the area boasted thriving indigenous populations totaling to more than 60 million people"

Strangely soothing "US set to require foreign travelers to be fully vaccinated"

DW: "What is starting the fires?.. The month of July was the second hottest ever recorded in Europe.. So while arson and natural causes such as lightening are equally to blame for starting the fires, extreme heat has increased their intensity and is the real culprit for the destruction being witness across fire-hit regions"


Photo of the fires in the northern suburbs of Athens 🇬🇷🔥🔥

This is the climate crisis unravelling 👇"

No shit

DW: "But too often in recent years, fire events have escalated way beyond their normal size and intensity... Devastating 2017 and 2018 wildfires claimed hundreds of lives across an area stretching from Turkey to Spain, while countries in central and northern Europe, including Sweden, were also scorched. Such unprecedented fire events are inevitably linked to extreme droughts and heatwaves"

JD: "Japan, Australia launch defence technology projects"

JD: "US State Department approves sale to Japan of additional RIM-116C missiles"

SPH, as advertised, is "artillery equipped with its own propulsion system to move towards its firing position"

Jane's Defense: "The US Department of State has approved a potential USD750 million [sale.. ] to Taiwan of 40 .. self-propelled howitzers (SPHs)"


In unprecedented action, the Mexican government is filing civil suit against firearms companies in the United States for damage guns are doing in Mexico"

Why was "Bob Rumson" Mr Smirkyface so involved in Turner/Brown race? Weird isn't it? Muckers fight their wars inch by inch... Challengers need to close better, covering all angles #ABC


NYC vaccine campaign surges 40 percent amid mandates, new incentives



Shontel Brown .. wins Democratic primary for House seat in Ohio, AP projects"

AG L. James has some antitrust cred, some in the left like her.

No AG aspiration is for NY gov

This cld be 2024 prep. If Biden does only one term who is next? Kamala doesnt look so good right now. If not Kamala who? Enter the Cuomo wars.

Cuomo report eh? True or fabrication? Who knows? They say that AG has "higher aspirations" tho.

Temp 28 feels like 34, humid 85%. Yep.

"New York City to require proof of Covid vaccination for indoor activities including restaurants and gyms"

I hear some of this "keep it local" talk in left circles too sometimes.. there the emphasis is in more "social", like they want to "socially" talk about funding each streetlight, and "socially" decide. In this case too, professional politician is better, at least in our current modern setting


"The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise.. This American Life did a segment portraying Springs citizens as the ultimate anti-tax zealots, willing to pay $125 in a new 'Adopt a Streetlight' program to illuminate their own neighborhoods, but not willing to spend the same to do so for the entire city. 'Ill take care of mine' was the gist of what one council member heard from a resident when she confronted him with this fact...

From disruption came, well, too much disruption. And from that came a full-circle return to professional politicians. Including one.. who is so persuasive he has gotten Colorado Springs residents to do something the outside world assumed they were not capable of: Five years after its moment in the spotlight, revenue is so high that the same voters who refused to keep the lights on have overwhelmingly approved ballot measures allowing the city to not only keep some of its extra tax money, but impose new taxes as well"


"India’s Top Carmaker .. Chairman said that the use of hydrogen power for mobility is an 'interesting alternative' for India, especially as it would reduce dependence on lithium imports"



SEC Gary Gensler says lawmakers should give his agency more power to police the cryptocurrency market, which he says is rife with fraud, scams and abuse"

It's an ambargo right, not a blockade, on Cuba. They can still buy whatever they want from Brasil, Spain, etc.

Right; theoretically you need more money to cover a company's debt, but its cash would now belong to you (subtract).

"[EV is calculated by] multiplying the company's outstanding shares by the current market price of one share [market cap, .. to] this number, add the company's total long-term and short-term debt. Lastly, subtract the company's cash and cash equivalents.. This result shows how much money would be needed to buy an entire company. The enterprise value calculates the theoretical takeover price one company would need to pay to acquire another company."


"Zoom school" is no good. Ed can be based on prerecorded lecture videos. The approaches are different. In one there is an average quality jackass waving his arms online, syncronized, in the other there is animation-augmented high quality content/teacher potentially teaching millions, offline/online, asynchronized. Priority should be low-income kids wout access to quality education.

I heard her husband bugged out of the country too. They might come after him just bcz of the wife.. That's how these ppl operate right, "cynical" they say?

"Polish authorities on Monday granted a humanitarian visa to a Belarusian Olympic sprinter in Tokyo to seek political asylum in Poland after she alleged her team’s officials were trying to force her to fly home to Belarus against her wishes."


The multimillion dollar campaign to keep Democrat Nina Turner out of the House, punctuated by the No. 3 Democrat in the chamber campaigning against her this weekend, has been a bit much. There's a better way for the Democrats' factions to share power"

You think that's a burn but it really isn't



Breaking: Labor Board hearing officer is recommending the Amazon union vote be thrown out and a new election be held in Bessemer, Alabama"

Qatar and Egypt are buddy buddy again..?


Qatar’s Al Jazeera television broadcasts live from Egypt after 8-year hiatus"

Frigate.. for anti-sub work surely

Jane's Defense: "German frigate begins seven-month deployment to Indo-Pacific region"

Is Starship Troopers satire..? In parts, yes.. It starts out with some post-Vietnam, anti-war feel. But it ends with a World War II bruhaha, ie Band of Brothers jive.. By the end, the viewer will feel happy the way the heroes moved up the ranks, former drill sargeant saluting his student, a "brain bug" having been cought and more "ass kicking" on the way.

Wilshire is at 218. Overbought all around.

import yf
r1 = yf.get_financials("AMZN")
r2 = yf.get_financials("MSFT")
r1["Enterprise Value/EBITDA"], r2["Enterprise Value/EBITDA"]
Out[1]: ('28.67', '25.90')

Enterprise Value/EBITDA values over 10 indicates bubble, no?

New scraper code

Comp financial statement scraper from last year stopped working? It seems every year I am rewriting this thing..


Why? There are TCO benefits, training, maintanance all become easier if one optimal tech can handle all.

Plus there isn't enough lithium to go around. That is an hard limit that cannot be overcome.

H2 can do trucks, ships, airplanes.. And the solution that can handle all cases, will displace one that can handle a few cases.

TDB: "Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is apparently tired of his GOP colleagues bashing COVID-19 vaccines—and he’s planning to act on it at home. The Republican lawmaker used funds from his re-election campaign to purchase ads on more than 100 Kentucky radio stations encouraging people to get the vaccine"

The Daily Beast: "New Dem Ad Campaign Tells Sen. Sinema: You’re ‘the Problem’.. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is facing a fresh round of attacks from progressives aiming to turn up the pressure on the moderate Democrat back home and push her leftward on their most burning issues"

F24: "French leftists unite with Greens to avoid 2022 repeat of the Macron-Le Pen presidential duel"

F24: "Italy and France see rise in vaccinations despite resistance to Covid-19 'health pass'"

For all time, it is US, China, UK, Japan, Germany, India, Russia, France, Canada. These countries caused the most carbon pollution. They are guilty. They caused our current predicament. Now they need to bend over backwards to help the rest.

For 2014 China was the worst polluter.

"Behind the Rise of U.S. Solar Power, a Mountain of Chinese Coal.. Reliance on coal-fired electricity to produce solar panels raises concerns in the West"

"A Popular Bet on Chinese Growth Is Falling Out of Favor"

Great that Google shares GDELT files.. But is it AI? Sadly no. The task is excruciatingly simple, look at a text, figure out who did what to whom, where. Yet GDT fails in these tasks at times that are laughable to a human... I look at the doc it clearly say attack was in Libya. GDT assigns N. Syria. Attacker is IS, it says AFG, as in gov. You know the shit is state-of-the-art. It's Google! Their main job is NLP. Yet SOTA aint good enough.

Yahoo! News: "If she filled out and submitted a [req for permission], Biles was covered to continue taking Ritalin in Tokyo without fear of arrest. So while it's impossible to determine what has caused Biles' [drop out..] a lack of medication is almost certainly not to blame"

Temp 34 feels like 39, humidity 49%. Yep.

Absolutely, Cuba has a ruling elite.

Second Wave, whether w capitalism or communism, has Integrators.

All this "displacing the elite" talk is usually a ruse, the elite is not displaced but merely replaced by -wait or it- another elite. It cant work any differently within the context of modernity (second wave)

"Trump as populist bcz he does what ppl want"??? What the hell u talking abt? DT was like a self-proclaimed king! He knew everything better than you!

US, Covid, Delta Variant



Many things can be tied to self interest. Do we want ppl walking around coughing up a lung from treatable ilness, going bankrupt from med debt so they start breaking into ur house for money? I want single-payer so desparation is reduced. M4A is smart policy.


One thing Trump's endorsement isn't doing so far in 2021: helping his chosen candidates raise money. Between Susan Wright (R) in #TX06 and Mike Carey (R) in #OH15, his candidates are getting significantly outspent"

Yeah Maradona could run circles around 7 guys and score, but how many times can you pull that shit off?

Football utilizes many of the greater-sum concepts these days; pay attn to how players pass eachother, there is a certain pattern, there are triangles, they advance through little passes, piece by piece, which can build up to a GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!

Hah they are both Argentinian, good question.

I'd say Messi comes out on top. Maradona was great but he was also a "flash in the pan" in many ways, he'd shine one game, than nothing for many others... Messi is a professional. Delivers solid performance in every game. Team player.

"How does Messi measure up to Maradona?"

Where did I get that UNICEF number: "every day 19,000 children die from preventable causes"? I saw it on a commercial with football player Messi.

Guy has a mad hatter look to him too. Is he getting pulled toward the Cuck Side?

Some say Feige is behind the kerkuffle.. He did well with the MCU pre-2020, but the new crop of stuff don't look so good..

IMO the movie was a dud

"Disney is sued over streaming of Black Widow"

Minorities, cultures, assimilation... let me put it this way. US has 10% of its population with Irish ancestry. This probably translated into its cultural make-up, so let's say 10% of US is culturally Irish. This means EVERYONE in US including the so-called "Irish people". They are not 100% Irish, they are also 10%. This might bother some, u thought you were "special", "ethnic", but you are another boring citizen.