
Github Mirror

Week 30


Israeli forces have killed 78 Palestinian children in 2021. 11 were shot to death in the West Bank. 67 were killed in Gaza"

Next they meet at an event become lesbian lovers, get married and pool their resources to create a new company. The new company, called Amasoft, or.. Microzon, competes in both retail and software, they crush Amazon and Microsoft. Then the couple flies to space together and die there. The End.

"Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott, the former wives of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, respectively, have donated $40 million to four organizations dedicated to gender equality"


Earthquake update


The 8.2-magnitude earthquake that erupted between the Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Trench Wednesday night was the strongest U.S. earthquake in 50 years"


Ventusky map: in China, Tibet and Qinghai have lowest temp. Xinjang, Beijing are cooking. Talked abt Georgia, and Northeast TR. Northern Europe is fine.

Map shows seaside is no panacea "there'll be a breeze maan", no. It is as bad there as any other place.

That is so weak.. this effin theory is a complete waste of time

"[Scientist Cumrun] Vafa answers the skeptics, he has just one argument for string theory as a predictive theory: it predicts that the number of spacetime dimensions is between 1 and 11"

Perfect timing for the Foundation series, if you know the story behind it.

"Perilous floods hit Italy’s Lake Como, destroying some homes and affecting hundreds of residents—including George Clooney"


"Almost two-thirds of businesses with a four-day week report improved productivity"


Kosma - Aspekte #music


People vote on their well-being, will oscillate between choices, to a certain extent guided by a rough ideology -- formed by what see in front of them. They can choose, but they can't create choices. Like a customer can choose between iPhone, or Android, or this car or that car, but they can't create car. In the absence of a car, if you asked them, they would want a faster horse carriage.

Thought leaders, then, must take steps to represent, politically, all possible choices in the political sphere. These choices will naturally emerge within the leading group, modernity allows only so many anyway, and eventually a suitable palette is found.

When did the US N-word become their N-word?

Which N-word? Nazi?.. Or the US one?

DW: "Germany: Greens candidate Baerbock apologizes for using N-word"


Nothing like your phone correcting a message to a government official from 'thanks for checking' to 'thanks for cuddling'"


Instead of traveling to the space for a few minutes, how about all the billionaires buy Elsevier and make it a nonprofit organisation towards making research accessible to everyone?

Or, Can we crowd-fund and do it on our own?"

Old acct got messed up partly due to Github oddness... I coulda set things up little more foolproof, sure, but.. we'll see.. If shit goes awry, again, we'll bolt for good.

Sometimes they recall, then they don't want to recall..

They should've never had this ability in the first place.

"A majority of California likely voters would support overhauling the state's recall process to make it harder to remove elected officials mid-term, according to a poll released Wednesday"

How abt paying back the principal part...? Borrower still needs munee for that, if sold assets you are back to the original problem.

Lender cld actually be selling the asset themselves, part of a stock buyback scheme of borrower's company maybe (lender -usually a broker too- sells the stock back to the company, not triggering any tax requirement for the borrower, or the lender)?

"A pledged-asset mortgage [eg portfolio loan] is recommended for borrowers that have the cash or investments available and don't want to sell their investments to pay for the down payment. Selling the investments might trigger tax obligations to the IRS...

The asset is merely collateral for the lender in the event of borrower default. However, for the borrower, the pledged asset could help considerably with gaining approval for the loan. Using the asset to secure the note may let the borrower demand a lower interest rate on the note then they would have had with an unsecured loan. Typically, pledged-asset loans provide borrowers with better interest rates than unsecured loans.

Once the loan is paid off and the debt is fully satisfied, the lender transfers the pledged asset back to the borrower"


Apparently they usually borrow against their stock portfolio of their own company

"The wealthiest Americans avoided billions in taxes .. America's billionaires have often financed their lavish lifestyles by using their vast fortunes as collateral for loans, which can come with single-digit interest rates"


Snowden: "The first thing I do when I get a new phone is take it apart. I don’t do this to satisfy a tinkerer’s urge, or out of political principle, but simply because it is unsafe to operate. Fixing the hardware, which is to say surgically removing the two or three tiny microphones hidden inside, is only the first step of an arduous process, and yet even after days of these DIY security improvements, my smartphone will remain the most dangerous item I possess..

I can’t help but regard the arrival of the Pegasus Project as a turning-point—a well-researched, exhaustively-sourced, and frankly crazy-making story..

In short, the phone in your hand exists in a state of perpetual insecurity, open to infection by anyone willing to put money in the hand of this new Insecurity Industry"


The level of fail in analysing TR's predicament by the previous gen is mind-boggling. These ppl pretty much sleep walked their entire lives. Do the tally, almost noone is left unscathed.. and believe me I know some of their smartest. Sad.


So we pay Kaiser 30,000 dollars per year for so called health insurance and Friday my wife brought our 16 YO in for an MRI on doctor recommendation (she’s fine). Copay was $200. Unreal"


"I was the first college in my family to go to the moon" 😆


The Guardian: "Monarch used secretive procedure to become only person in country not bound by a green energy rule.. The Queen’s lawyers secretly lobbied Scottish ministers to change a draft law to exempt her private land from a major initiative to cut carbon emissions, documents reveal"

Why do I open source? U see what's going on inside, feel better. Or bcz it's free, carry the code (and its associated skillset) from project to project, from one employment to next (next employer will likely also buy into it bcz it's free), so OSS gradually becomes everyone's favorite portable toolkit.

Open Source isn't some hold-hands-kumbaya approach to software development. When I send a patch (or now create a 'pull request') to a project to fix a bug, or to improve something, I do it for selfish reasons. I want those changes in there so next time I get the latest code from that project I get the new stuff plus my changes. I obviously do this for project whose code I need.

"The killing of a top journalist in the Netherlands shows that drugs gangs are increasingly likely to use violence, a new German report shows"

"Greece: Extreme drought sparks forest fires"

I see some patches in gobble gobble that are fine..

Some parts in Georgia look good..

Elevation is key

Shit is on fire

Ventusky has good live world temparature map



A scorching heat wave is bringing record-high temperatures to the Pacific Northwest that would normally be found in the Middle East and Africa"

Automated vertical farming bitch

"Oregon farmworker dies at worksite during heat wave"


"Another intense heatwave is expected to spread across much of the continental US this week"

NYT: "[Biden] made it clear that most of the 2,500 American troops currently stationed in Iraq would remain, simply reclassified on paper into advisory and training roles. The United States’ role, he said, would be “to continue to train, to assist, to help, and to deal with ISIS as it arrives.'..

But in the conflict in Iraq, another decades-old war that many view as more costly than the one in Afghanistan, he sees an American presence as necessary, at least in part, to ward off the influence of Iran and the continuing threat of the Islamic State"

WSJ: "U.S. Combat Troops Will Leave Iraq This Year, Biden Says"


"Five die as India police fire at each other.. Policemen from Mizoram and Assam states fired at each other over a contested border"


@SenWarren says the longer the U.S. waits to regulate cryptocurrencies 'the more likely they will become so intertwined in our financial system that there could be potentially serious consequences if this market comes under stress.'"


Silos—even potentially empty ones—force your opponent to expend weapons incapacitating them. You can’t force your opponent to expend weapons on forces they can’t track


I thought mobile missiles was the best way, not silos, which are fixed in position'"


Russia has got to have concerns about this sort of expenditure as they have actually fought a war against China whereas the US has not, and those missiles could just be easily aimed at Moscow during a border dispute"

"China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field"




Not a big fan of these programs. IMO attacking the root with tech (green molecules) will do more

"Agricultural carbon credit programs are cropping up left and right, but the standards they adhere to are all over the map"


"Thousands of US firefighters are battling a blaze in California that has grown so big it is generating its own weather system"


"California and New York City have announced that they would require all government employees to get the coronavirus vaccine or face weekly COVID-19 testing"


My bearish plays: BABA, JD and NIO. I don’t care what their growth or revenue is. China’s Communist Ruling Party is a scam, untrustworthy, and ultimately will pillage all profits from any company. American investors will never see a dime. My bull position: India"

Its true

Vox: "Starbucks is sort of America’s bathroom. In cities like New York, where public restrooms are hard to come by, it’s the de facto spot to stop and pee"

Whats the deal? Tali wld only get rural and was supposed to keep out of city centers?

"U.S. Intensifies Airstrikes as Taliban Offensive Nears Kandahar"

"US vows to support Afghan forces against Taliban"

"[I]f you follow the [GR] equations back in time, general relativity eventually stops working. Therefore, no one presently knows how the universe began. Indeed, we may never know. Since the days of Einstein, physicists have made much progress detailing the history of the universe. But the deeper they try to peer into our past, the more difficult their task becomes...

The miserable status of today’s theories for the early universe makes me wonder whether it has already happened. Cosmologists have hundreds of theories, and many of those theories come in several variants. It’s not quite as bad as in particle physics, but the situation is similar in that cosmologists, too, produce loads of ill-motivated models for no reason other than that they can get them published. (And they insist this is good scientific practice. Don’t get me started.)..

The currently most popular theory for the early universe is called “inflation”...

Ever since the results of the Planck in 2013 it hasn’t looked good for inflation"


"BioNTech wants to 'eradicate' malaria with mRNA vaccine"

Now he calls Bolsonaro "an agent of genocide".

At a time when covid was out of control, there was bunch of chaos, Lula jumps in with 'Brasil has no government'. Right on the nose.

Lula F24 interview was great. The guy is an excellent communicator, understands econ pretty well too..


The lesson of this crisis is all “structural economic problems” are actually structural political problems and largely policy choices. Don’t listen to anyone who says inequality/lowflation are some natural function of how the economy works today"

Solopreneur? Interesting word.

"Dark matter is an example of a research program that used to be progressive but has become degenerative. In its original form, dark matter was a simple parameterization that fit a lot of observations – a paradigmatic example of a good scientific hypothesis. However, as David Merritt elucidates in his recent book 'A philosophical approach to MOND', dark matter has trouble with more recent observations, and physicists in the area have taken on to accommodating data, rather than making successful predictions.

Moreover, the abundance of specific particle models for dark matter that physicists have put forward are unnecessary to explain any existing observations. These models produce publications but they do not further progress. This isn’t so surprising because guessing a specific particle from rather unspecific observations of its gravitational pull has an infinitesimal chance of working.

Theories for the early universe or fifth forces suffer from a similar problem. They do not explain any existing observations. Instead, they make the existing – very well working – theories more complicated without solving any problem"


Politico: "Crypto-based ‘shadow financial market’ spooks regulators.. Watchdogs are warning that some DeFi activities are probably illegal under federal law and pose serious danger to consumers"

I can tell bad RNGs.. Have my diy jukebox running of off RNGs, u start noticing repeats after a while..

Nothing like a good random number generator... os.urandom.

It "allow[s] access to environmental noise collected from device drivers and other sources".

See he dealth with FBI.. that's also experience :)

FBI had him as an informant to tell on his potentially communist fellow actors. But he didn't do much snitching, from what I understand

Didnt see action at war but still, you are still in that machinery, see how gov works.

Reagan served in the military, was union leader before becoming governor.

The pimp thing is funny.. before MF played that role in Street Smart, noone knew what a pimp was. Afterwards, everyone is like 'yeah that's a pimp'.

It is true a lot of avenues are open to you in US, for any race, if you put your mind to it. MF played so many roles.. A pimp, a President, a prisoner, God..

Dam.. Morgan Freeman is taking no shit on race relations from anyone

S. Weinberg passed away? Unzicker calls him an overhyped physicist


Countries seem to be good on one thing or another.. meaning containment strategies vs vaccinations.

Lockdowns in AU are overdone... From this pt on it should have been abt vaccines.

"Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters gather in Australia's two largest cities, with several arrested in Sydney after violent clashes with police"


"Exciting development from @H2AccelerateEU with the announcement of a New Collaboration for ZeroEmission Hydrogen Trucking at Mass-Market Scale"


Italy: "@Repsol & @talgo agreed to Jointly Develop a Renewable Hydrogen-Powered #Train"
