
Github Mirror

Week 29


Long India, Short China. The trade is taking place before our eyes"

WSJ: "A Tech IPO Boom Is Coming to Unicorn-Rich India"

"Japan Inc Wants to Become a Hydrogen Superpower.. The Olympics this time will have people involved in Games carried by 500 hydrogen powered cars & 100 buses, which are manufactured by @ToyotaMotorCorp & run on fuelcells"


Post country boundaries my ass.. During the 90s there was that talk, been proven false since. Talking abt administrative boundaries obviously, gov, regional or supra.. They do matter.

During Brexit final deal they were negotiating details down to the species of fish. Every damn thing was looked at, and is looked at through the prism of a border.

One thinker for each domain. No more.

There can only be one.

This way I can guarantee focus.

We use a little trick in this site.. I "have a guy" for each sub domain. That guy (or gal) is the sole voice for that domain. For anthropology Ian Morris, for social/tech Toffler, psychology/marketing Rapaille, etc. I weave these pieces together to achieve greater-sum. In a way I simulate an insitutional setting. But still, u r better off following MSM. You will rise or sink with the muckers.

Wout ed control, outside inst setting, I assume most blogs, substacks have lesser quality .. My DIY quality filter.

Braciole with gabagool..? I like the idea


One thing people don't know about the Potato Famine was that Ireland remained a net exporter of food crops at the time. It wasn't that food was scarce it was that poor citizens couldn't afford it. Modern industrialized society distributes resources based on class prejudice"

Nobody, another J. Wick-like movie, w little True Lies, Falling Down mixed in.. Well-made. "Guy with normal life goes on a rampage", are movs like this the drug needed to keep arthritic modern man from going completely nuts? Satisfying the inner hunter-gatherer?

"My research results at this point thus indicate that we can expect a halt in economic growth within the next two decades .. organizations like the IMF have been pointing out recently that we're seeing a 'synchronized slowdown in global growth'"


It all started with "what was up with that seventh son of a seventh son thing?", and down the rabbit hole we go on mysticism, snake rituals, and inciaramazione.

Inciaramazione 😶

Politico: "The yearslong effort by state and local governments in the U.S. to force the pharmaceutical industry to help pay to fix a nationwide opioid addiction and overdose crisis took a major step forward Tuesday when lawyers for local governments announced they were on the verge of a $26 billion settlement with the nation’s three biggest drug distribution companies and the drugmaker Johnson & Johnson"

Arriving Tatars wld have contributed "something" to Anatolia, but what I am saying is, that something, little as it is (proportional to their numbers) was Russian culture.

Peeps are not bunch of punks from Central Cuntfuckia. Nor are they from Crimea, culturally speaking.. Everyone in Asia Minor is closer to Homer (of Illiad fame) culturally than to some "Kubilay", or "Genghic".. whatever.

Lots of Tatars migrated into Anatolia BTW, estimated to be at 1,800,000 btw 1870-1900. I observed in gobble gobble their descendants were more willing to embrace the tigger identity, bcz, IMO not only it offered them "nomadicness" (they also had recently 'arrived', right?) but also ethnically they cld claim a certain Asiaticness. But Tatars arriving to TR were likely Russian in nature.. Ops. Then they were assimilated into Anatolia which is not Turkic either.. So either way, they are not tiggers. Rejoice.

From The Geography of Ethnic Violence

"Scratch a Tatar, you’ll find a Russian"

Note covid deaths were abt 16,000 per day at its height..

UNICEF: "Every day 19,000 children die from preventable causes"

"Mitch McConnell, a polio survivor, urged people to get vaccinated 'as rapidly as possible' at a press conference Tuesday, 'or we're gonna be back in a situation in the fall that we don't yearn for, that we went through last year.'"

"Queensland establishes Minister for Hydrogen"


We are so screwed

Al Jazeera: "Growing wildfires in western US causing hazy skies on east coast"

F24: "Unvaccinated people account for 96% of new Covid-19 cases, says French PM"

"Israel’s security forces are ‘complicit’ in drastic surge in settler violence, report finds"


I am often asked if I will 'return to cryptocurrency' or begin regularly sharing my thoughts on the topic again. My answer is a wholehearted 'no', but to avoid repeating myself I figure it might be worthwhile briefly explaining why here"


CNBC: "The co-creator of dogecoin explains why he doesn’t plan to return to crypto: It’s ‘controlled by a powerful cartel of wealthy figures’"

KyleDunnigan.. he had Zee Ping Ping talking smack in fake Italian accent, it was hilarious 🤣

Newer is better. Point Break 2015. Fantastic movie

"A 'bacon,' ... a pejorative .. referred to the fact that swine's flesh was a meat primarily consumed by England's rural population. Thus, calling someone a bacon meant they were 'a rustic clown': a peasant, a bumpkin, a slack-jawed yokel"

Jim Carrey's father called him "not just the bacon, the entire pig" when young. He would send himself thumbling down the stairs for laughs.

WSJ: "China Bears Score $7.1 Billion Victory in Long-Running ‘Pain Trade’"

Kings 21:19

"@UTAustin Researchers Just Solved a Major Hurdle-Found a low-cost way to solve 1/2 of equation, using #sunlight to efficiently split off oxygen from water"



"Nearly 40% of Australia's land is uninhabitable. One reason behind this large landmass being so desolate is the shortage of rainfall"

What is going on in Texas?

"Texas state Senate passes bill to eliminate requirements that public schools teach that the Ku Klux Klan is ‘morally wrong'"

Apparently band members went to the same musical academy.. and they just wanted to do something freely.. I get it now. This is the kind of stuff you do when u want to 'stretch'. Kinda show off too but it's about doing whatever, at an extreme.

Dirty Loops has no guitar.. Bass, keyboard, and (crazy) vocals carry the whole thing..

"World powers blame China for Microsoft Exchange cyberattack"


What is the reason to call, say, Tesla, Amazon, and Instacart 'tech' companies but not, say, Boeing, AT&T, or the New York Times?"

All this started bcz of previous President's jailing? How bad was the man's crime? Couldn't they sentence him, then current President pardons? Nixon got the pardon... Bcz of a need to respect the insitution of the Presidency, etc.. But at a practical level these ppl have a lot of supporters.. they get elected by the people! So why antagonize the supporters?

🤣 That was funny

Looting in South Africa.. sounds serious

Spoon - Hot Thoughts #music


On the optimality of infrastructural tech choices: If H2 is the energy carrier, there are many ways to get to it.. Tech will improve those choices, the process over time will get cheaper and faster. Get H2 through this catalyst, that catalyst, etc. Independent parts can be researched independently.

With lit batteries, the path, the goal all revolve around on thing: lithium. No other choice. Now you are stuck; stuck with finite amount of reserves, stuck with the way batteries are architected, all stuck. Hallmark of bad engineering; unflexible basis, with a single point of failure, shoddy architecture the kind that originates from retarded, shoddy minds.

Five9? Good name.. Because in IT "Five Nine uptime", that is machines being up 99.999% of the time is a big deal..


LATEST: Zoom to buy cloud service firm Five9 for $14.7 billion"

These guys are like soul, w some Michael Jackson added, little Dave Matthews Band, Latin Jazz of Corea + Weckl style.. it's fantastic.

Dirty Loops - Hit Me #music


That move at 3:17... Holy shit. This guy is my new Dave Weckl. New Neil Peart... All of them combined.

Dirty Loops - Rock You #music


Dirty Loops - Coffee Break is Over #music



She’s a nurse. She urged everybody not to get the vaccine. And she’s dead"


"The nation’s top infectious disease doctor says the country would still have smallpox if vaccine hesitancy had had such a loud megaphone"


US gets the right people, and is culturally IMO adamant about it.. Look at how Obama, the "black President" deported over two million immigrants. I know two non-American national swimmers, brothers, both of them won the Green card "lottery".

UK was pretty quick in granting British passports to Hong Kong citizens. IMO they want that high-skilled workforce emigrating to UK. They care more abt that than human rights.

US experienced backlash, bcz it had not built mechanisms to redistribute. UK does have the mechanisms, just could not generate enough capability, money to do so.

Both Canada and UK took in a lot of immigrants but their GDP Per Capita was flat. 2% ppl increase with 2% GDP increase means no change. GDP Per Capita captures capability, power, so it is key.

Looking at graph we can say UK/Canada did not get skilled immigration. For UK maybe this backfired, led to Brexit? There are bunch of new people around you, but you are not getting disproportionately richer bcz of it 🤨

Great review of Pig..


NYT: "No One is Safe. How The Heatwave Has Battered the Wealthy World.. Floods swept Germany, fires ravaged the American West and another heat wave loomed, driving home the reality that the world’s richest nations remain unprepared for the intensifying consequences of climate change"


GKN Aerospace is leading a Swedish national collaboration project H2JET that will develop important engine subsystems for hydrogen-propulsion for medium range civil aircraft. Power can be generated by either direct combustion or by use of a fuelcell.



GOP Sen. Rob Portman says the improvement of IRS enforcement of existing laws is not included in his proposal as a potential method to pay for the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal"


"Should they be able to, ethically, legally?"


"Should the police discourage homeless tents in California's Venice Beach?"


California is the first state to fund universal basic income pilot efforts"

See I bet the NY voters knew that abt him.. and the stop-and-frisk thing.. then they made a call. Leader judgement of ppl is not bad. Policy judgement, not so much.

Adams was beaten by the police when young. Dam.


EPA: "Methane is also a greenhouse gas (GHG), so its presence in the atmosphere affects the earth's temperature and climate system. Methane is emitted from a variety of anthropogenic (human-influenced) and natural sources. ... Methane is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere"

BTW all carbon, or GHG emitting rocket fuels need to be banned, eg methane. New Shep used liquid H2 but I believe their bigger rocket, and some others in the same scale will use methane - not good.

BO demonstrated some capability, more than Virgin perhaps. New Shep took off on its own, wout riding any other vehicle, then the booster part returned.. There are more pieces here that can be built up for grander goals.

Blue Origin rocket used liquid H2. Clean fuel.

No you cannot go to space with batteries. Inferior technology.

Beckley: "Yes history has shown that technological revolutions create prosperity in the long run but every single time one of these things has happened they have forced some workers into lower wage jobs or into unemployment in the short run, and the short run can actually last an entire lifetime. So if you study the Industrial Revolution, one of the biggest technological revolutions, for the first 70 years of the industrial revolution in the Great Britain from 1770 to 1840, average wages actually stagnated, and living standards declined. The average height of men actually shrunk because they had less nutrition over that 70 years, even as output per worker expanded by nearly 50 percent, that's because the gains from mass mechanization during that time were largely captured by business elites...

[In our future, due to automation] there could be a world where you would have sluggish growth, lots of debt, stagnant wages, for at least a big part of the population, and extreme inequality. If you had that kind of economic world that of course would breed nationalism and extremism"

Here I list it again; worst polluters in history, responsible for 70% of all carbon emissions, all time:

US, China, UK, Japan, Germany, India, Russia, France, Canada.

Private equity millionaire's son is chosen to go to space by Bezos but he is "more of a fan" of the Tesla's monkey boy? Dude who gives a shit?

"Switzerland's.. Migros [plans to] deliver... its goods with green hydrogen fuel-cell trucks"


I am not entirely convinced Cuban regime wants the ambargo to end.. Why would they? It is the perfect scapegoat. Some during the 90s did claim convincingly Castro was making moves for it, to keep the ambargo.

Then there was this and this likely hurting Al Gore and later Hilary, respectively, in Florida.

There are a boat load of examples where a Dem was screwed bcz of Cuba.. You could claim Clinton lost gov in 1980 partly bcz of Castro. Cuba sent refugees to US, Carter dumped them on Arkansas, there was a ruckus, Cubans escaped from camp and armed citizens nearly shot them to death. Some other factors were there 2, but the refugee issue loomed large.

Providing "gonzo Internet" to Cuba.. good idea.