
Github Mirror

Week 28

"Fusion Fuel Announces HEVO Ammonia Morocco Project. Morocco's Largest Green Hydrogen & Green Ammonia Project is expected to produce 183,000 tons of green ammonia and abate 280,000 tons of CO2 annually"


Bloomberg: "Covid is still killing Americans faster than guns, cars and the flu combined"

One cld monkey around with storage ratios etc and say 'barely enough' but that doesn't cut it for battling climate change. We don't have time to waste on band-aid, marginal solutions.

Lithium reserves aren't even enough for cars.

I dont care abt ur language.. That's some funny shit

Anwendungen für Rundungen 🤣 🤣

Da PDF mastah here. Can cut it in two (two-page becomes single page), append, extract.. Image only book in PDF? No problem. Apply OCR.

Jacobin: "The Billionaire Space Race Is the Ultimate Symbol of Capitalist Decadence"


IMO Singapore is looking to become a major H2 exporter itself. The H2 deals it makes are way more than its own needs.. It is looking to pull as much to it as possible create the flow, then when this thing goes through the roof (and it will) Singapore will be ready.

The kung-fu vaccine is no good

WSJ: "Hit Hard by Covid-19, Southeast Asian Countries Turn to Western Vaccines.. As vaccine supplies open up, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are shifting away from their reliance on Chinese vaccines"

AFP: "The WHO chief called Thursday for China to cooperate better in the next phase of investigations into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, demanding more access to raw data"

31 C but feels like 37? yep that sounds abt right

Lynne O'Donnell on ABC: "Taliban is the biggest drug cartel in the world".

Other comments were interesting, on poppy production, how Taliban moved in AFG (started from South, spread elsewhere, following the fields)

"Solar Polar, a U.K.-based startup, has developed a low-cost, off-grid cooling and air conditioning system based on solar-diffusion absorption-refrigeration (DAR) technology that incorporates ammonia and hydrogen"


"New Zealand Signs #Hydrogen Agreement with Singapore"


AP: "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has received a single-​dose coronavirus vaccine, his office confirmed Wednesday [but kept mum, 4/2021]"

That's not how it works.. One general approach, the one that is simplest, do the most with least will dominate. H2 can replace that 84%. Batteries cannot. There isn't enough lithium in the world for it.

"We could support 'a mix of solutions' for a net zero world, have a basket"

Forbes: "Fossil Fuels Still Supply 84 Percent Of World Energy.. as an overall share of energy consumption, oil remained on top with 33% of all energy consumption. The remainder of global energy consumption came from coal (27%), natural gas (24%), hydropower (6%), renewables (5%), and nuclear power (4%)"

US, UK, China, Russians.. historically they pumped the most carbon into atmo, so they are responsible for global warming.

Any green tech invented in these countries need to be shared with the rest of the world due to this offence. US polluted over 30 TIMES more compared to Indonesia. Top 10 polluters are responsible for 70% of all cumulative carbon pollution since the 18th century.

Don't get me started on natural gas, fracking and 'flaring'.



.. Today I opened the UK’s first Hydrogen Home in Gateshead, thanks to funding from @beisgovuk... "

"Brett McGurk .. senior [ME] policy official.. traveled to Baghdad last week [May 2021] to speak with Iraqi prime minister .. about... the future of U.S. troops [in Iraq]. As of today, there are roughly 2,500 U.S. troops deployed to Iraq — down from nearly 6,000 in 2016.

In reality, however, the U.S. military is spending about as much time ducking rocket fire from an alphabet soup of Shia militias. The attacks on Iraqi military bases and airports that house U.S. personnel or contractors have gotten so frequent that a week free of rocket fire is almost considered an abnormality.

According to a count by the AFP news agency, around 30 rocket, mortar, or bomb attacks on U.S.-linked facilities and coalition troop convoys have occurred since President Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20"


Apparently if Trump had a second term that royal kerkuffle wld probably shape differently for Jordan.


Most attempts to integrate ‘computers’ & [IOT] functionality into consumer products make the consumer product dramatically worse lmao why does it keep happening??? no touch screens, just make a knob"

"EU unveils sweeping climate change plan.. It proposes taxing jet fuel and effectively banning the sale of petrol cars within 20 years"

CNBC: "EU presents its plan to achieve carbon neutrality... The 27-member bloc has vowed to become carbon neutral by 2050"

"Next-gen [British Columbia, Canada] hydrogen tech blazing trail to net zero"


Eriksson, Computational Differential Equations: "Mathematical modeling has two basic dual aspects: one symbolic and the other constructive-numerical, which reflect the duality between the infinite and the finite, or the continuum and the discrete... However, beginning with the search for rigor in the foundations of calculus in the 19th century, a split between the symbolic and constructive aspects gradually developed. The split accelerated with the invention of the electronic computer in the 1940s, after which the constructive aspects were pursued in the new fields of numerical analysis and computing sciences, primarily developed outside departments of mathematics. The unfortunate result today is that symbolic mathematics and constructive-numerical mathematics by and large are separate disciplines and are rarely taught together. Typically, a student first meets calculus restricted to its symbolic form and then much later, in a different context, is confronted with the computational side. This state of affairs lacks a sound scientific motivation and causes severe difficulties in courses in physics, mechanics and applied sciences building on mathematical modeling"

There are raw feelings around Cuba in Florida.. not entirely baseless per history. Sometimes pol can shape opinion, sometimes can't, have to work around it. #ABC

The Guardian: "Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs"

The new Green leader is getting smacked around too. The DE next gen is having problems.


"[New CDU leader] Armin Laschet’s tax comments divide German conservatives"

WSJ: "Explosion Kills at Least Nine Chinese Nationals in Pakistan"

Reuters: "Universal Hydrogen, a U.S. firm that aims to do for clean fuel what Nespresso did for coffee, is poised to announce preliminary hydrogen deals with airlines including Icelandair"

"Cummins & others are funding design / creation of the 'H2Rescue' emergency vehicle"


Interesting theory.. dude claims the Islamic prayer direction was changed early in its history, they plotted early mosques' direction, it points towards the city of Petra. The claim is Mohammad is even from that general region.. The famous "cave", going by its description, fits there too. Dam


Cuba issue is toxic for Dems in Florida.. Treading carefully is advised.. Otherwise there is an el voto and it will be for castigo. Says it right there in Spanish.. Doesn't it sound more serious in Spanish?


"Approved by the Clinton Administration's Justice Department, the raid on April 22, 2000, to take custody of Elián González was emotional and dramatic—and so was its impact on Cuban-American voters. In the view of Miami-based pollster Sergio Bendixen, 'It was humiliating to Cuban-Americans, and the 2000 election was payback.' They called it el voto castigo, or 'the punishment vote.' Whom did Cuban-American voters punish? Democratic nominee Al Gore and his fellow Democrats"


AP: "Hispanics account for one-fourth of the population of Florida, a critical presidential battleground, and 1 in every 5 of its 13.8 million voters. The Pew Research Center estimates that nearly a third of Florida’s Hispanic voters have roots in Cuba"


F24: "Covid-19 jab bookings surge in France as Macron announces new restrictions for the unvaccinated.. The Doctolib site reported what it said was a record 20,000 appointments being taken every minute on Monday evening. The site said early Tuesday morning that a total of 926,000 people had booked a first jab through the platform over the course of Monday, 'an absolute record'"

I hear good things on the exec order.. hopefully staffing works out to enforce it..?


"By late April, more than 80% of the world’s COVID-19 vaccines had gone to people in wealthy countries, with just 0.3% to people in low-income countries... Currently, older and medically vulnerable individuals are dying from COVID-19 disproportionately in poor countries, while young, healthy individuals are getting vaccinated in wealthy ones...

What may be most pernicious about the COVAX scheme, however, is that rich countries and their pharmaceutical companies have repeatedly used it as a shield to deflect demands for IP waivers... Over 50 years ago, Kwame Nkrumah observed how aid is a ‘revolving credit’ which returns to countries of the global North in the form of increased profits. [To a certain extent] COVAX is being leveraged to protect corporate patents and profits..

[A solution is] focused on pooling, temporary waivers, or suspension of IP"


"Siemens to Build One of #Germany’s Largest Carbon-Free #Hydrogen Generation Plants in Wunsiedel"



Trump's consistently pro-vaccine messaging is really at odds with what heavily online MAGA types tend to say about the subject"


Polity was a great dataset.. it's been having funding problems?

"For the past twenty-five years, CSP/INSCR data resources, such as Polity, have been generously supported with funding from the US Government (through association with the Political Instability Task Force); that financial support was terminated on 29 February 2020."


Up until 2020 BTI data confirms a decline (2000-2020). The fall is not excessive but it is there.

Polity results (same page) shows pre 2000 status.

The Independent: "2020 was 'another year of decline for liberal democracy,' said a recent report from the V-Dem Institute, a Sweden-based research center. 'The world is still more democratic than it was in the 1970s and 1980s, but the global decline in liberal democracy has been steep during the past 10 years.'"

"Fox News anchor Rob Schmitt cavalierly suggested on Friday night that vaccines are 'against nature' because some diseases are just 'supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people' since that’s just the 'way evolution goes'"


FT: "Time to stop stock trading by US Congress representatives"

Trying to reject a (null) hypothesis in stats is like demonstrating guilt (or disproving innocence) in a court system.. To prove something, one tries to disprove the opposite, at extremely high levels "beyond reasonable doubt", then can be more or less sure that the original statement is correct.

The answer is yes

"Does carbon levels in atmo cause temparature increase?"

Guys from KTH Sweden. Effin Tor mfker.. They got some game there.

Assump was I cld take any shape (defined in a CAD file) apply virtual wind in a virtual wind tunnel and see the forces acting on it, with medium level computation. Not possible. At least not thru anything widely known. Paper below is from 2014.

Which brings me back to 🤦‍♂

So much stuff is undone.. I thought we were further ahead in many things.. especially aerodynamics.

🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

"New Theory of Flight.. The new theory of drag and lift of a wing is fundamentally different from the textbook theory.. [The old] Prandtl-Kutta-Zhukovsky theory which was developed shortly after powered flight was shown to be possible by the Wright brothers in 1903, breaking the perceived mathematical impossibility of powered flight based on Newton’s incorrect theory of lift from air hitting the wing from below. We find that the textbook theory of flight attributed to Prandtl-Kutta-Zhukovsky is incorrect, since it is based on phenomena which are not carried by solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations"


YT channel folk had started to sound like drugged up all of a sudden turns out I unwittingly changed the playback speed to 0.75.

🤣 Just teasing man..

Brexit has been discredited ONCE AGAIN


ENG scored so early and didn’t seem to know what to do after that. Invited pressure and paid price, but this experience part of their growth. They will be back.

ITA impeccable under Mancini and deserved winners. Outstanding all through tournament. Auguri!"

3-2, for Italy.

"Bringing it home", sounds catchy. But I am rooting for the Quaquaalude on this one.

The Guardian: "US west heatwave: 31m people brace for record-breaking temperatures.. Las Vegas could surpass its record-high of 117 F [47 C] as residents of US west face very high risk of heat-related illness.. More than 31 million people across the US west and south-west are bracing for a brutal heatwave that could bring triple-digit [Fahrenheit] temperatures this weekend"

These ppl cant seem to catch a break.

Clinton restored that guy to power BTW in 1994 (backed up by UN Sec Council decision -US mil deployed, dictators fleed wout fight-) but in the long run did the intervention help? H has much intervention, there seems to be a repetition set in around that particular dysfunction.

Al Jazeera: "2004 – Political unrest forces Aristide to flee but the country descends into violence"

Al Jazeera: "2010 – A catastrophic earthquake kills between 100,000 and 300,000 people, according to various estimates, causing widespread damage in Port-au-Prince and elsewhere. Despite an international relief effort, the country is all but overwhelmed, exacerbating political, social and economic problems"



Increasingly, I dislike hearing 'Congratulations!' when someone says a paper got into a fancy venue. It sounds nice! But to me, it compliments the 'winning' (metadata) rather than the science (content), and furthers the gamification of science"

Article suggests changes were afoot among Dems a while back.. Boushey demo'd some leadership


Another pollution related scandal in Germany? Unbelievable. Of course VW is involved.

"According to a story in Forbes this week, the fact that German authorities have been looking into the auto industry’s business dealing has caused industry leaders to engage in a mad-dash to be the first whistleblower... Indeed, it looks like Daimler grabbed the golden ring, which could save it billions, while Volkswagen, which thought it had won the honors, came in second and BMW is a distant third. Under European Union law, the first one to become a whistleblower usually comes away with little more than a slap on the wrist .. while number three pays the bulk, in this case, BMW"


BBC: "Venezuela: Battles rage between police and gangs in Caracas"

Imma have to go against the bear on that one.

"Grizzly bear shot dead after killing woman in Montana.. local officials said that the bear involved in Ms Lokan's death was considered a public safety threat because of the nature of the attack"

They exceeded that apparently so they generate more $O_2$ than $CO_2$. According to DW docu Bhutan is now the greenest country on Earth.

"As mandated in its constitution, Bhutan preserves (at all times) 60 percent of its land under forest cover. "

"TAQA Group and Abu Dhabi Ports Planning 2 GW Green Hydrogen to Ammonia Project.. Establishes KIZAD and Khalifa Port as an export hub for green hydrogen"
