
Github Mirror

Week 26

Many of the WWII participants avoid the "N-word", like US. If a word in the neighborhood is rarely needed patriotism is used instead. Some in Trump WH tried to bring it back, as in "economic natinoalism" but it didn't work.

Needless to say the word is everywhere in TR.

There is some outdated lingo around this issue.. Just because you call yourself "communist" that doesn't automatically make your opponent "nationalist". Or said country isn't nationalist itself.. Nationalism can infect anyone..

"The Chinese Communist Party Has Always Been Nationalist"


Yea.. I was told not only EA was against SAF, he was the poster-child for its opposition. For the campaign however, he probably wanted to balance that image, that's why he was more "pro-cop", with all that carrying-a-gun talk etc #ABC.

New Yorker: "Adams spoke out against [stop-and-frisk] abuses at its height, and testified in a federal trial that prompted the department to drastically reduce the number of stops its officers made. But, now that the fight has been won by the reformers, he has become a lonely voice speaking up for stop-and-frisk as a necessary police tactic if it is used in a limited and appropriate way"


We can reuse our gas pipelines for hydrogen in a feasible, safe and cost-efficient way, according to the HyWay27 study. The cabinet is coming up with a plan to give existing #gas pipelines a sustainable, second life."

Zee PingPing looks like a man running a marketing scam for a fraudulant company

The Atlantic: "Democrats Have 1 Option Left... Today’s Supreme Court decision further weakening the Voting Rights Act affirmed that the only way Democrats can reverse the wave of restrictive voting laws in GOP-controlled states is to pass new federal voting rights by curtailing the Senate filibuster"

F24: "Wildfire burns down most of small town in Canada after record-breaking heat"


"The Department of Finance told state leaders that administering California's recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom will cost roughly $276 million"


"Uruguay outlines a strategy to export and create a local #greenhydrogen market"

"Hyzon Motors to Supply World’s Heaviest #Hydrogen-Powered #Truck to Transport Company--@hyzonmotors’s 154-ton hydrogen #fuelcell-powered truck expected to rank as heaviest #zeroemissions truck on record"


Sonic Generation - Funky Solutions #music


"Germany and Chile to establish a Hydrogen Taskforce"

Bezos is becoming the Oprah of space travel


This is great news! Official announcement that Dutch government intends to task @gasunie to re-purpose gas pipelines for #hydrogen transport and build #hydrogen backbone" "UK waives travel restrictions for bankers and company bosses"

OSM is a great piece of software / data. A big loss for UK.

The Guardian: "OpenStreetMap looks to relocate to EU due to Brexit limitations... Open-source UK tech company cites copyright issues, rising costs and prospect of more influence in EU. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia-for-maps organisation that seeks to create a free and open-source map of the globe, is considering relocating to the EU, almost 20 years after it was founded in the UK by the British entrepreneur Steve Coast"

"America’s First Black Billionaire [Robert L. Johnson] Wants His Reparations Check, Now"


All [NYC mayoral candidate] Adams said was that the unexplained addition of 100K+ votes to last week's total 'raised serious questions.' Within hours he was proven right"

Plus if it looks like SCOTUS is playing ball, that'd be less of a reason to pack the court.

I wonder SCOTUS cons started protecting Obamacare to stave off something worse (for them).

ME Conflict Stats

The Intercept: "Nina Turner Opponent Shontel Brown Is Low-Key Pleading for Super PAC Support"

Of course

"Hillary Clinton backs Shontel Brown"

Brother Cly.. not messing around here...


Rep. James Clyburn... took a rare step into a party primary to endorse the leading opponent of Nina Turner"

Events in Egypt showed the weakness of 'political people power' argument.. These "Twitter, Facebook uprisings" resulted in dictatorship.

Institutions matter.. After the Tahrir protests and fall of Mobarak, one of the few organized actors were the M. Brotherhood, which weren't representative, nor experienced enough to lead Egypt anywhere. In fact MB themselves were the result of the monkey show Mobarak put out there to lull the West into thinking he had an opposition. But when MB actually took power it was apparent they lacked the necessary support, and culture to bring about change.. Then they were taken down by the other institution more entrenched than theirs, the military, while the man on the street cheered on.

Nationalism, and the mafia, Part 3 #TR

Banditry Part 2 #TR

"Canada: Northern B.C. Switching Fleet of 65 Heavy-Duty Trucks from Diesel to [H2]"


"Spain: Reganosa & EDP Renováveis Investment of 780 million in Galicia Includes a 100 MW Electrolysis Plant"


"ZeroAvia Expands its Hydrogen-Electric Aviation Program to 19-Seat Aircraft and Raises Additional $13 Million in Funding for Large Engine Development.. Secures two Dornier 228 aircraft for the next phase"


Another Britain-Continential sci food fight..? Maybe. As it was with $y'$ vs $\frac{dy}{dt}$?

Leibniz, Mach.. Some interesting ideas here.. .

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

"With more than 30 'hydrogen valleys' now up and running, Europe is learning valuable lessons that can inform global efforts to employ hydrogen as a source of energy, according to a new report"



Californians are fueling Austin's housing frenzy: 'We've never seen migration like this'"

But later US leaders were sufficiently beaten up about it, about AO.. HW, Kerry, McCain.. that's something.

This is chemical warfare..

No wonder Russkies are so into Whataboutism.. There is ample material for it.

"During the Vietnam War, the U.S military engaged in an aggressive program of chemical warfare codenamed Operation Ranch Hand. From 1961 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed a range of herbicides across more than 4.5 million acres of Vietnam to destroy the forest cover and food crops used by enemy North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops...

In addition to the massive environmental devastation of the U.S. defoliation program in Vietnam, that nation has reported that some 400,000 people were killed or maimed as a result of exposure to herbicides like Agent Orange"



The @PragmaFuelCells team is pleased to present the new generation of hydrogen bikes: the ALPHA NEO. Stemming from the know-how of Pragma Industries, more performing, more ecological, & more competitive. A great development in light hydrogen mobility"


AFP: "At least 34 people in the Vancouver area have died suddenly in a record-smashing heat wave engulfing western Canada"

Politico: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is rising fast in popularity, putting him on a collision course with the most powerful man in the GOP

AFP: "Mexico's Supreme Court legalizes recreational marijuana use"

I guess revisions are on the way

Politico: "White House prepping big assault on monopolies"

"A US judge dismissed a blockbuster antitrust suit against Facebook saying the case failed to "plausibly" establish that the social network had created a monopoly - but allowed authorities the opportunity to refile the case with revisions"

"From the Electrovan to trucks, airplanes and locomotives, GM is finally having its #hydrogen #fuelcell moment, with an assist from the Army"


"NPROXX powers London’s first hydrogen ambulance - NPROXX London’s first hydrogen-powered ambulance is set to take to the road later this year, carrying an NPROXX hydrogen storage tank system that is capable of storing up to 8kg of compressed gas at a nominal pressure of 350 bar"


There was an assasination attempt on Hamid (pre-CUP, Otto sultan). Makes sense, bcz Armenian killings started during his time.

The nationalistic party of late Otto, CUP, had a key member who used to be Jewish.

Number-two guy in the Republic (a continuation of CUP in many ways) Ismet's father was Kurd.

How did these people end up with extreme ethnic nationalism is beyond me.


Cosmic Microwave Background? It is reflection from the sea at, like, freaking Jersey shore and birdshit on the antennas.


"If the three record-busting low solar price tariffs recorded in the Middle East in the past 18 months are to be believed, renewables-powered hydrogen in prime sites in the region could already compete with gas-plus-CCS production, according to IRENA. Has the Gulf discovered the new petrol?"


After Earth, good movie

"Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Market Poised for Rapid Growth, says Information Trends"

Whichever tech is used to generate energy doesn't matter, produce renewable fuel, ship. H2 economy can handle all types of input.

There is a plant in Chile, they do some ultraviolet trickery, 700 hectares, 210 megawatts,

hectare = 1000 # m2
"%0.2f percent efficiency" % (((210*1000*1000 / (700*hectare)) / sun_on_earth) * 100.0)
Out[1]: '30.00 percent efficiency'

Ok.. not bad..

Solar panels are at 20%. They are stuck there, but comparatively speaking CSP is much lower than panels.

acre = 4046.86 # m2
sun_on_earth = 1000 # W/m2
"%0.2f percent efficiency" % (((1*1000*1000 / (5*acre)) / sun_on_earth) * 100.0)
Out[1]: '4.94 percent efficiency'

Not good

"While land needs will vary by technology, a typical CSP plant requires 5 to 10 acres of land per MW of capacity"

Sunlight Refineries... Or concentrating solar-powered (CSP) installations .. They focus sunlight into one spot through mirrors, generate heat.

What is the efficiency of the system I wonder

'Sustainable caviar'..

"Michelin-starred restaurants have been serving $300 sustainable caviar"

Salt's antibacterial abilities are overlooked.. For preserving meat dont we add salt (as well as drying)? Salt is added not bcz it tastes good (nat selection might have introduced that later on), we add salt because bacteria doesn't like salt. I argue same applies for skin care; after a good swim in the sea, don't we feel better? The skin feels better.. The Dead Sea is the world's saltiest body of water, and it's known to have curative effects.. There is no magic here; just plain ol' salt.

Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells

Tug-of-war around the net-zero decision in AU? Gov coalition partner had a leadership change. Net0 was the culprit?

"Climate change sceptic Barnaby Joyce, who was deputy prime minister from 2016 to 2018 but resigned after an extramarital affair with a former staffer, won a [gov coalition partner] National party leadership vote on Monday defeating incumbent Michael McCormack...

Joyce, who will be sworn in as deputy prime minister on Tuesday, said his party will only support an energy policy that bolsters the government's appeal in regional Australia - which is heavily dependent on fossil fuel mining"

The Atlantic: "Wanting to copy the happiest people in the world is an understandable impulse, but it distracts from a key message of the happiness rankings—that equitable, balanced societies make for happier residents...

People are more satisfied with their lives when they have a comfortable standard of living, a supportive social network, good health, the latitude to choose their course in life, and a government they trust. The highest echelon of happy countries also tends to have universal health care, ample paid vacation time, and affordable child care"


"Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment.. A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricat­ing key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder"


Every big city needs to do this. Less traffic the better. Especially those f-ing scooters, small motorbikes (which multiplied due to pandemic, ppl staying in and ordering packages more).

"Barcelona to expand 'superblocks' to city centre district. Introduced in 2016, the scheme transforms nine city blocks into so-called '​superblocks', where traffic is only allowed around the perimeter"

Nils Petter Molvaer - Trip #music



The first Energy Earthshot on clean hydrogen, seeks to reduce the cost of clean hydrogen by 80% to $1 per kilogram in one decade"

It was tried, results aren't good. See Tom Gowers' polymath project. PM was a designed to be a "massively collaborative mathematical project" with the goal of solving a research problem.. Throughout it all however, it always seemed to me Gowers was doing more work keeping the thing together than actually enjoying its results, he was putting more work in than he was getting out basically.. so the project is a fail. On focused work, you need focused expert(s) of similar stature, so they can reach a fruitful result.. Creation requires intention. Only intention can put together the necessary pieces to generate nonlinear power. Bunch of jagoffs "coming together" in an ad-hoc fashion will not bring about major change.

"Can 'people power' work in detailed research"