
Github Mirror

Week 24

Politico: "U.S. companies are pumping money into new technology equipment at a blistering pace.. The jump in corporate investment in computers and other information technology is the biggest the U.S. has seen in decades"

CNBC: "Computer scientists are questioning whether Alphabet’s DeepMind will ever make A.I. more human-like"

You could argue Ottomans were simple bandits themselves.

TR mafia, minorities, çete, the empire.. there is a long history here.

Jon Stew hit the nail on the head #wuhan

"The Rusnano Group Will Develop Hydrogen Freight Trains.. Sinara Group, Rusnano, and Russian Railways have signed an agreement on the development of hydrogen locomotives for freight transport"


Reuters: "Russian-annexed Crimea declares state of emergency over floods"

Marx missed this point about "integrators" too and look what happened to his followers.. modern era political movements need leaders.

Some of the talk around the "elites" sound outdated, harks back to a time when there were like f-ing yeoman farmers and things.. not much industry..

War on Drugs, CNBC

CNBC: "BMW starts European road tests of hydrogen fuel cell cars"


We can certainly fix the BEV problem -- by abandoning the shoddy tech.

"Hybrid electric vehicles [like FCEVs] contain approximately 85 pounds [of copper].. battery electric vehicles (BEVs) contain 183 pounds"

Copper is used heavily in panels, turbines; not much we can do there (unless we find pure chemical, photosynthesis-like process to generate H2 direct), but we can fix the grid problem.

Another reason to de-electrify and not use a grid for energy transportation

"[G]rid energy storage installations rely on between 3 tons and 4 tons [of copper] per MW"

Copper shortfall? Damn

"In an Australian first, renewable hydrogen will be delivered to 700 homes in Mitchell Park when Australia’s largest electrolyser is switched on at Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA) today. The commissioning of the Australian Gas Network’s electrolyser at HyP SA will see the 700 customers receive a blend of 5% renewable hydrogen and natural gas delivered through the existing gas network"


"@boztank [of Facebook VR]

We’re starting a small test of in-headset ads with a few developers in the coming weeks" via @internetofshit

Interesting topic:

Ammonia Refigration

That was a thoroughly enjoyable article .. Geek alert 🤓



We have averted a strike! After more than two and a half years of negotiations, @newyorkerunion , @p4kunion , and @ars_union are proud to announce that we have reached an agreement in principle on our first contracts. Here are some of our wins:

Compensation: Wage increases of more than 10% for most @newyorkerunion members"

This guy is so sad. Go back to Philadelphia bitch

"Israelis Wonder When or Whether Netanyahu Will Exit Official Residence.. Even after the new government took over on Sunday, the outgoing prime minister vowed to be back in office soon and hosted at least one former dignitary as if he were still running the show"

Shit is hypnotic


@Shell_Australia says @APPEACONFERENCE that green hydrogen is going to take time, scale, and needs to dramatically reduce in cost. Blue hydrogen can assist by creating demand earlier at a better price point to get people used to using hydrogen first. #auspol"

"‘Our only option’: Myanmar civilians take up arms for democracy"

"The Senate confirmed Amazon critic and anti-monopoly advocate Lina Khan to the FTC — giving progressive Democrats a majority at the antitrust agency for the first time under Biden"


🤣 🤣 🤣

Fortune: "Coca-Cola loses $4 billion in market value after Cristiano Ronaldo shuns Coke"

🤣 🤣 🤣 I love it


Plans for Australia’s first ever hydrogen valley, located in NSW’s Hunter region, have taken steps forward with Australian energy company, @enosienergy working with authorities to ensure certifications for the project are met"

US saz 'shot', UK 'jab'.. and Australians call it 'jeb'. As in Jeb Bush.

Sweet. Lota innovation in Europe

DW: "Spanish company offers 'green' disposable face mask"


Hey this is great. Instead of that Romanized Ottocunt peasant Islam, DE can do a better job grooming these people.

"Imams Made in Germany Imams — trained in Germany and in the German language [new plan] has taken pains to reduce the influence of foreign-trained imams, especially from Turkey"

"Macron aims for 10 European tech giants valued at €100B by 2030.. 'There is no sovereignty without local champions,' says French president"

"LAVO hydrogen storage solutions to assist DV achieve its #NetZero Emissions & sustainability objectives"


30s nationalism was beaten through war in Europe. TR branch wiggled its way out of that loss.. They hid in the cracks of the society, occasionally getting out and messing shit up. Zionists were already well protected behind their shield of victimization, they could not be criticized for anything, in fear of being called anti-Semite. That is at least two countries today who harbor a rotten form of nationalism, a kind that long should have been swept away.

March away.. on the land of your great-great-great grandfather right? 🤨

"Israeli nationalists march through Jerusalem's Old City"


Australia and Singapore are set to collaborate on a $30 million project to expedite the use of low-emission fuels and technology such as clean hydrogen in maritime and port operations"


"Bosch identifies hydrogen as a ‘megatrend’"


Countries with too many illiberal muckers getting bombed by the threes.. is this a pattern?

"Hungary 0-3 Portugal"


I bet WH ordered the carrier group weeks ago from Japan toward SCS to coincide with this meeting.

I connected them dots.. Wapoosh 😉

Aha.. USS RR was near Japan, data is a month old. So it sailed to SCS

NYT: "Even as NATO leaders met in Brussels, the American aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan and several other warships moved into the disputed waters of the South China Sea, with the group’s commander, Rear Adm. Will Pennington, vowing to protect 'international law and rules-based order,' wording that echoed NATO’s communiqué. Hours later [.. CH] conducted their own show of force over waters south of Taiwan, the island democracy that China claims as its own. Only days before, the Group of 7 leaders, meeting in Cornwall, England, had for the first time issued a statement on Taiwan"


Data can be noisy or missing (report delays, etc); so you try to piece it together from clues. An aircraft carrier (code CVN) never travels alone, it is accompanied by destroyers (code DG), and guided missile cruisers (code CG). So CG and DG presence can indicate a larger deployment.

Presence around South China Sea is more visible, on both ends, near Japan, and Vietnam / Singapore.

Navy location map update. Added more destroyers, and guided missile cruisers.


"Land Rover unveils hydrogen-powered Defender"


Conflict stat update.

"Madrid Will Replace 1,000 Traditional Taxis With Hydrogen Vehicles"


But of course tinker away.. tinkering is a good thing

I saw this tech anhcor on TV was going on about QC could have solved the "Suez Canal problem". 🤨

And IBM has.. 1000 qubits?

How is this anything other than academic interest?

IBM quant comp announcement?

IMO it's a mistake to optimize for full-employment.

It's true.. the unemployment rate is plateuing and looks like at a level higher than pre pandemic.

"A large slice of workers laid off during the Covid pandemic are reporting that their jobs aren’t coming back"


"Hydrogen fuel company sets $84M plant for southeast Georgia.. A company that produces hydrogen to fuel vehicles and electric generators says it will invest .. to build a hydrogen refinery"


"@VolvoGroup Breaks Ground on State-of-the-Art Vehicle Propulsion Lab in the U.S. to Include Hydrogen-Based FuelCell Testing. $33 million expansion of its powertrain research and development site in Hagerstown, Maryland"


"Queensland Government invest $2 Billion into Renewable Energy.. 2 billion dollar Fund is a watershed moment in economic development of Queensland"


Hey the effects on the movie 2010 weren't half bad.

it must be serious then

"Manhole covers were welded shut"

"Novavax announces that its coronavirus vaccine is effective against variants"

Zionism also carries the residue of the 30s. They were crushed by that nationalism, but in a bizarre reversal, they assumed it (the tortured imitating the torturer), and under the protective shield of their victimization nursed it to this day.

See people without a land, and a land without people

Similar bullshit: "we arrived in the our lands, and there was noone there".

Ethnic nationalism was en vogue then.. Some thought Germans "descended from Proto-Aryans, who [..] dwelt on the North German Plain and may ultimately have originated on the lost continent of Atlantis". That herrenvolk business.. FROM ATLANTIS. Some dumb-ass shit right? Kinda similar to bunch of punks from Central Asia rolling into Anatolia, finding it empty, bringing civilization there, right? tiggervolk

Kemal wanted to adapt stuff from the West, yes. But he took some defunct ideas from 30s

"Israel’s parliament ousts Benjamin Netanyahu, ending his 12-year rule as the Israeli Prime Minister"

"[S]ince 1999, when Hugo Chavez ushered in a socialist revolution, Venezuela allowed the [Colombian] rebels to use its territory in their fight against the Colombian government, which is a U.S. ally. Under Colombia's 2016 peace agreement, most of the rebels disarmed, but some refused. And many of these guerrillas are thought to be smuggling Colombian cocaine through Venezuela in cahoots with the Venezuelan army. McDermott claims the fighting broke out when one guerrilla faction tried to bypass the Venezuelan military and keep most or all of the cocaine profits"



Trump was personally more aligned towards Putin than any recent US President (and look at the difference in TIME covers [one,two]. But that didn’t impact outcomes, because Trump Admin & GOP was hawkish. Indeed, in terms of actual policy, Biden Admin is slightly softer on Russia"

No recall elections. No issue voting. No referandums. No direct democracy, until such time new tech / system does something drastically different, not merely slaps some wizbang appendage on the existing system which is not built for such granular interaction. Current system should be (mostly is) centered around the representatives.

No. Bcz I dont support issue voting in general.

"Would you support ranked choice voting on issues"

Great.. this new approach would also carry the legitimacy of a runoff IMO.

Politico: "Voting kicks off in a New York City mayor's race.. Voters are trying out ranked-choice voting for the first time... The new voting system [.. is] a way to avoid the cost and low turnout of runoff elections. If no one wins a majority, then the last-place finisher is eliminated and the second-place votes from those ballots are redistributed to the remaining field. The process repeats itself until someone breaks the 50 percent barrier"


Dizzy Gillespie - The Last Stroke Of Midnight #music


"G7 leaders to back new 'Nature Compact' to halve carbon emissions by 2030"


"Raab suggests it was ‘offensive’ for Macron to imply Northern Ireland not full part of UK"

That's funny.. I like those meals too

"I miss airline meals so much I make them at home"


Falcon and WS was better.

Loki S01E01, env too contained, constrained, backdrop is boring... Entertainment is escapism, who wants to escape into a Kafakesque hellhole? Yes I am sure there is a story they are trying to tell but still...

Waste of good actor talent.

Reminiscence Quartet - Onde Anda Meu Amor #music


"House Dems unveil bills to rein in Silicon Valley giants.. The antitrust bills target the empires of companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google and potentially Microsoft"



MY LATEST: How private equity conquered the US tax system: IRS virtually never audits a $4.5 trillion industry"



Colombian guerrillas and the Venezuelan military are ideological soulmates. But disputes over cocaine trafficking led to clashes between the two sides and Venezuela's worst military defeat in decades"


There is some focus around Ukraine..? In a geo average sense at least.. DB info is not up-to-date on USS Eisenhower, but some say now it is around Oman.

US Navy deployment map below, for a few carriers and destroyers, to give a rough idea of the focus..


I did the vessel db site scraping because.. why the hell not?



Going through students' lab assignment submissions and ran into this"


"[T]he fossil industry .. started to see the prospective future benefits. If the public wants hydrogen fuel, the fossil fuel and pipeline companies are the most likely producers"

Link "Iran and Venezuela are testing Biden with suspected weapons transfer.. Two Iranian warships are steaming across the Atlantic"

This is good.. and half a bil from US..

"G-7 leaders to pledge 1 billion doses of Covid vaccines to low-income nations"


Australian chemists have found a clean, efficient method of making large amounts of the critical agricultural product ammonia"
