
Github Mirror

Week 22

AFP: "The European Union and Britain launched parallel competition probes on Friday into whether Facebook uses data from advertisers to unfairly dominate the online classifieds market"


Politico: "Biden is formally directing federal departments and agencies to make fighting global corruption a priority... [said] corruption 'makes government less effective,' 'exacerbates inequalities' and 'attacks the foundations of democratic institutions.' 'Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It is self-defense'"

Conflict Stats code update:

New script takes GDELT conflict data set for past 7 days (for Iraq and Syria) and plots attacks on a map, markers showing the "from" actor. GDELT event codes used for filtering were 190, 194 and 195 (the "AI" producing GDELT data isn't too accurate, so it shows some non-attacks too. But the map can give a rough idea).

The output is a snazzy Leaflet.js map, just click on the "Output" link to see it.

"Severstal and Gazprom Neft Join Forces on Decarbonization Using Hydrogen. Jointly pursue and develop opportunities and techs for capturing & utilizing carbon dioxide, as well as using hydrogen in metallurgical production"


"Grupo Antolin Is Researching on Carbon Nanofibers to Drive #Hydrogen FuelCell Development. Aim is to improve the efficiency, durability, cost reduction of critical components in next-generation hydrogen #fuelcells"


"@Renault and @PlugPowerInc’s Joint Venture Leads the Way to a Complete Ecosystem of #FuelCell Powered LCVS, Green Hydrogen and Refueling Stations Across Europe"


California prisoners 2011-21 via @CraigOGilmore

WaPo: "Looking specifically at California, where full marijuana decriminalization went into effect on Jan. 1, 2011, the report finds that "marijuana decriminalization in California has not resulted in harmful consequences for teenagers, such as increased crime, drug overdose, driving under the influence, or school dropout"


New: TikTok has changed its privacy policy allowing it to collect biometric data on U.S. users, including 'faceprints and voiceprints'"

Probably en route to pick up some shady shit

Politico: "Two Iranian Navy ships rounded the Cape of Good Hope for the first time and appear to be headed across the Atlantic, continuing a journey U.S. officials believe could ultimately end in Venezuela"

I mean look at this. "95% of stuff in the universe, we basically don't understand". This is f-ing embarrassing.

Why bother with modified Newton dynamics? Bcz it is one thing we can cross out in our list of undone items. The list is already huge.

AFP: "Putin says wants to find ways with Biden to improve ties"


Schumer has lined up June votes on high-priority Dem bills that won't get 60 votes, maybe not even 50. It'll be a reality check, but some are reading the tea leaves and hoping this is some strategic L-taking in service of ending the filibuster"

"As spare vaccines are set to expire at the end of this month, the Biden administration is considering donating unused doses to countries in need"

How about an H2 Lada?

"Russia: Aurus Unveils a Hydrogen FuelCell-Powered Luxury Limousine"

"An International Coalition Is Being Set Up to Support the Use of Clean [H2]. Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, India, Italy, Morocco, Norway, SaudiArabia, South Korea and UK to collaborate"


I like how UK and Oz parliament's have speakers who regulate question time, and whoever talks talks to him/her do not address any opponent directly, unless its a direct question to someone in gov. Its a useful custom that can reduce friction, add little etiquette, help raise discourse above trash talk.

"Clean Power Announces Transition To Single Purpose #Hydrogen Tech Company--Will now focus on the design, build, installation, and operation of hydrogen dispensing units for hydrogen-fueled vehicles"


Previous Nasa admin

Wrath of Man 👍

Scott Eastwood can play good guy, bad guy.. not too shabby. He shed daddy's image pretty early on, made some interesting mov choices.. Smart actor.

Other H2 storage methods

Blogged about LOHC before.

CNBC: "Siemens Mobility to work on hydrogen tech for trains after signing agreement.. Siemens Mobility has signed a memorandum of understanding with a Germany-based organization to undertake joint research into the use of liquid organic hydrogen carrier technology in the railway sector...

According to Siemens Mobility, LOHC technology involves an organic carrier liquid absorbing hydrogen, releasing it only when required. Among other things, the company says this stops hydrogen escaping as a gas and negates the need for it to be stored at low temperatures or high pressure. Transportation, it adds, is inexpensive"

NYT: "Iranian Navy’s Largest Ship Catches Fire and Sinks"

BBC: "Chemical-laden ship sinking off Sri Lanka.. Hundreds of tonnes of fuel oil could leak into the sea with devastating impact on marine life"

Fareed on China

"EU agrees to new tax transparency rules for multinationals.. The new rules would require multinational companies to list their profits made, taxes paid and the number of people they employed in individual EU countries"

And the mission after that: LANDO.


BBC: "Nasa has announced that it is sending two new missions to Venus in order to examine the planet's atmosphere and geological features.. '[C]ombined results of these missions will tell us about the planet from the clouds in the sky through the volcanoes on its surface all the way down to its very core,' said Tom Wagner from Nasa's Planetary Science Division"

"Developed Countries Lock Up Covid-19 Vaccines Through 2023"

New stuff.. new stuff.. bring the new stuff

Ditto for The Tomorrow War.

Infinite trailer looked good

"£10B Floating #Wind and Hydrogen Development Project to Decarbonize UK. CeruleanWinds reveals plan to accelerate decarbonisation of oil and gas assets through an integrated 200-turbine floating wind and hydrogen development"


The Guardian: "Biden corporate tax plan could earn EU and UK billions, study shows"

Go for it

Bloomberg: "Instacart Wants to Replace Army of Gig Shoppers With Robots"


It is difficult to overstate the degree to which the Gates Foundation turned education into a field for venture capital: long-shot investments reorganizing whole states and schools, that mostly fail, in the search for high-scoring unicorns"



Doesn't anyone fact check opinion columnists @nytimes? Because police budgets have largely increased around the country, not decreased, and homicides are up in cities with increased police budgets as well as those that have stayed the same"

@nytimes In Opinion "They got what they wanted," former NYPD and LAPD commissioner Bill Bratton tells @MaureenDowd. "They defunded the police. What do they get? Rising crime


Demilitarize US To Palestine

"We condemn the continuation of these militarized practices used to repress marginalized communities. We know that freedom from state violence in the U.S. is deeply intertwined with freedom from state violence in Palestine — recognizing this is the first step towards our collective liberation"


My GSI Outdoors boiling pot has a snug-fit cover, lid never gets too hot, cooks perfectly, is light. There is some freak science going on in there..

Pandering to the crowd is profitable for companies as well, and now, for big tech. Users think they are "changing the world" by dancing on TikTok, engagement increases, more money for the platform.


Hey it's Amazon here, we're opting you into the largest surveillance dragnet in history, you're down right? xoxo, Bezos"


Also you have to download the app to opt-out, can’t do it on web, which makes your device a Sidealk beacon unless you go through a different opt-out"

The Guardian: "Amazon US customers have one week to opt out of mass wireless sharing. Critics raise transparency fears over plan to turn all smart home devices into ‘mesh network’"

Tap that

"The EU is finally ready to tap [debt] markets in a $900 billion stimulus push"

"Bee’ah And Chinook Sciences Announces Region’s First Waste-To-Hydrogen Project"


The devoutness signal can also be used a means to stratify, create hierarchy in society. If someone buys in, into something this out of whack, which by the very nature of its whackiness surely leaves out certain people, then you automatically are creating yourself an "in-crowd". It's like a college fraternity, who is allowed in? The pledge who puts panties on his head runs around half-naked screaming "I am from outerspace" while riding a broom. That's the guy you want, right? He is signaling he really wants to be in the club.

Tigger national narrative being so broken creates many unwanted side-effects. Because the narrative is bizarre, only the most devout can buy into it wholesale. Then higher-ups can use that buy-in as a signal, to weed out normals, allowing in fanatics. Those fanatics you can direct anywhere, to your mafiatic organizations, extrajudicial killings, whatever.

Surah Al-Hajj - 46

John 9:25

Kemal himself was born and raised in Thessaloniki BTW, in today's Greece.

He sure as shit didn't look Asiatic.

It's true.. for someone who wanted science based, pro-Western reforms, Kemal was pretty unscientific in his approach to history.



Istanbul Greek Idiom #25: Α mansion on the shores of the Bosporus is called γιαλί/yalí. The word descends from the Ancient Greek αιγιαλός/eyialós (seashore) and has passed into Turkish as yalı"

I didnt have to use braces after \dot? Why didnt you say so foo!

\dot{X} -> $\dot{X}$

\dot X -> $\dot X$.

Still $\LaTeX$ is awesome

"[There] is an effort led by Secretary of Energy Ken Wagner to drive commitments of $1 billion of investment to develop a hydrogen fuel industry in Oklahoma. Such an industry could yield investments in new power and processing plants, retrofitting existing gas power plants, pipeline expansion, fuel storage, trucking company opportunities and carbon sequestration.

'As of right now, it’s my No. 1 priority,' Wagner said. 'This is the one technology that is complementary to all of our best resources. (…) I think the long-term impact is tremendous.'"


Much interaction between peoples.

Grillo, Pluralism and Politics of Difference: "From the seventeenth centuiy, [the Ottoman] millet [a system whereby peoples usually grouped under religion, eg. Armenian millet] was 'probably current' in the offices of the central government... In sum, then, millets were institutions which were quite heavily organized at the top and at the centre (in Istanbul) and thus 'existed' in some sense from the point of view of the bureaucracy and their own leaders. In the towns and villages of the provinces, however, the form of the institution, and the degree of institutionalization varied greatly; in some places they must scarcely have existed at all"

Governance culture can be different from people culture. As Tolay said

The Persian dominance in Anatolia until Alexander the Great’s conquests in 380 BCE had a great impact on the political structure of the area (satrap system), but did not fundamentally alter the overwhelmingly Hellenic culture of Anatolia

TR governance is (sadly) Roman, people's culture today is of many things; Hellenic, little Celtic, Christianity and Islam (both variants), including, marginally, some migrants (not just "Turks").

Politico: "[Bitcoin] lobbyists face an uphill battle that has gotten even tougher after dramatic price swings in recent days, with Bitcoin plunging nearly 40 percent since early May... [Warren] 'The wild swings of crypto prices sound an alarm that every regulator hears'"


"Dual-Use Hydrogen Energy Storage Could Put Food Cold Chain On Road To Net Zero"


And there is that.. but change is good. Fingers crossed.. hopefully Pals will die less this time. Even that would be an improvement, right?

Haaretz: "The Palestinians believe a Bennett-Lapid government would be 'extreme rightist' and 'no different' from Benjamin Netanyahu, a PLO official said"

.. after he tried so hard to hang on.. 😢

WaPo: "Israeli opposition parties reach agreement to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu"

As long as gov is central, concentrated, maximized, we need similar institutions in scale that can take them on..

Assange story shows, MSM wasnt insterested, and bcz they weren't, ppl werent either.

There is still a filtering mechanism, and they are at the center of it. At least in the developed world where media isn't completely sold out.. We want them to be better of course.

G. Greenwald: "I remember [Assange] telling me the story that he learned very early on which is when Wikileaks would get documents they would put them on the Internet they wanted the entire public to be made aware of them, and they would then contact journalists at the New York Times the Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC and they would say we have this incredibly explosive document sitting here, on the Internet .. and no one was interested in it because they didn't think it was exclusive..

That was why Wikileaks began partnering with the media in the Snowden case when Edward Snowden came to us .. precisely because we weren't part of the establishment press, but we realized .. that if we didn't partner with long large media outlets it would be very easy for the US government to demonize and stigmatize us as something other than journalists. They would say we were hackers we were activists they and so .. we partnered, and did the story with The Guardian, Laura did hers mostly with the Washington Post some with Der Spiegel, and even the New York Times and it gave a measure of protection.

So when I got this material in Brazil, and remember this is four months after Bolsonaro got inaugurated, this huge right-wing movement took over the entire country, he was at the peak of his power, we didn't know what he was capable of doing in terms of press freedom. He had sworn over and over that he would usher in dictatorship era repression and I knew we needed the buy-in of the large Brazilian media or we would easily be depicted not as journalists but as criminals, especially since I'm not a Brazilian citizen despite living in this country for 15 years.. we were able to partner with Folio of Sao Paulo which is essentially the New York Times of Brazil the largest newspaper in in the country"


An established media channel isn't just about a building, offices, HR department.. they are a collection of skills, capabilities, institutional memory, and mentorship around such. That Goldman Sachs whistleblower for ex.. G. Smith, I read the book.. says he went to MSM for his tell-all. They have resources to follow up, checking if this guy is real. who can do that? John, Jane, Greg, mentored by Dave, whatever. Greg is out, will send Jane. If not John. How is the random TikTok jagoff going to handle that? No institution, no nothing. It's just one guy dancing

Run the microcosmic orbit.. small heavenly cycle. Do the inner smile


Just got another legal threat, now for my criticism of the "External Qi" papers. In those papers, a Qigong Master claims to treat cancer cells with his force. The lawyer representing the authors demands me to take down my Pubpeer postings"

NYT: "Gangs Erode Maduro’s Grip on Caracas.. As Venezuela collapses, armed gangs are taking over parts of the capital, exposing President Maduro’s vulnerability even in his seat of power..."


Sounds like she was canceled.. Cotton joined in that pile on? Dont some of these mfkers complain about cancel culture? Congrats bozo, now u are the instigator.

If politically gov chooses fossil -> H2 rather than green -> H2 w CCS, fine.. Just saying there is immense potential, for many other countries as well, Africa, South America..

One country / continent with 219,000 TWh of annual potential. That is just insane.

It's great!

According to IEA world energy consumption for 2013 was estimated to be 157,481 Terrawatt hours. In one year Oz can produce

print ((25000 * 24 * 365) / 1000, 'TWh')
219000.0 TWh

.. meaning single-handedly Oz could produce more energy required for the entire world, using completely renewable resources 😶

Is this serious? That number is crazy..

"Australia receives more sunlight per square meter than just about any other country. Its south and west coasts are also buffeted by powerful winds. Overall, the country boasts a renewable energy potential of 25,000 gigawatts"

It can be stored at room temparature, major advantage

"Research also indicates that the energy density by volume of ammonia is nearly double that of liquid hydrogen, its primary competitor as a green alternative fuel. Ammonia is also much easier to ship and distribute"

"In 2018, Douglas MacFarlane, a professor of chemistry at Monash University in Australia, developed fuel cells that can transform renewable electricity into ammonia... MacFarlane’s fuel cells operate in reverse, making carbon-free fuel from electricity

'This is breathing nitrogen in and breathing ammonia out,' said MacFarlane, showing his fuel cell. It is almost the size of a hockey puck and clad in stainless steel. Two plastic tubes on the cell’s backside feed it nitrogen gas and water. It has a power cord for electricity and a third tube on the front that silently exhales ammonia"


Van Wilder knows how to party!

Yeah that's you

I would expect nothing less from a company founded by ADOLF HITLER

Guy is talking out of his ass..

"VW CEO says fuel cell cars 'not the answer'"

Class is weird in UK. Actor Dominic West (Jimmy "Fuckin" McNulty, The Wire), tells a story when he first met one director he just looked at him and said "posh". As in he labeled him as a posh type.. Funny thing is West mostly played working class roles in his career.

Posh not posh.. who decides these things.. Just by the look, and it's done? Who wld fall in that bucket?

Damian Lewis would be.. posh?

Jason Statham.. Not posh.