
Github Mirror

Week 18

"The Dfinity Foundation today announced the commercial launch of the Internet Computer. It has an ambitious goal: to become humanity’s primary compute platform for building the software—including decentralized versions of Linkedin, TikTok, and WhatsApp—that will change the way the world works.

After five years in development, and a $102 million raise from investors including Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Capital, the much-anticipated project is finally launching, alongside a utility token, ICP—which will list directly on Coinbase, and an intriguing new identity solution"


Imagine a world without ever needing a username and password or touching cryptographic key material. Where users are no longer tracked across internet services, and where managing your online identity is easier and safer than it is today"



Explosive new letter from DOJ proves Chevron in 2010 paid its lead lawyer Randy Mastro to pitch the idea of criminally prosecuting me to the Feds"


🔥 🔥 🔥


How can the British people trust a party which claims they lost Hartlepool because of the politics of a former leader who in fact won the seat?"

"Biden called for Congress during his joint address last week to pass labor reform legislation, a slate of gig companies has spent over $1 million lobbying Congress to influence the PRO Act and other related issues in 2021 alone"


I knew it.. Peter Corke, the author of the very good robotics book and a library in Matlab redid the whole f-ing thing in 🐍

New Vibe Who Dis - Madison Mars #music


Look It Up - Ashton Shepherd #music


Lota things are theft in con jargon.. Taxation is theft too right?


WSJ: "Biden’s Vaccine Patent Theft"

F24: "France expands vaccine rollout as Macron voices support for patent waiver.. French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday that he was 'absolutely in favour' of a global waiver on patent protection for Covid-19 vaccines, adding his voice to a campaign backed by US President Joe Biden"

F24: "The European Union is willing to discuss a proposal, now backed by US President Joe Biden's administration, to waive intellectual property rights for Covid-19 vaccines, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Thursday"

CNBC: "China is responsible for more than 27% of total global emissions, a new study says. The U.S. accounts for 11% of the global total"

CNBC: "Negative reviews of TikTok on Glassdoor are putting some people off joining the company"

Tech should allow new ways of working not just extend existing ways of working.. The Internet at its core is async (send email I dont have to be constantly looking to 'get' my message, the message just waits for you).

The open-source OS Linux, the largest software project ever undertaken by mankind, was mostly developed in this fashion, async, through email, patch files, shared repos etc.

Do we really need to pose in front of cams to get job done?

"Even the chief executive of Zoom says he has 'Zoom fatigue'"

Will there be war? 😶

"U.K. and France Send Naval Ships to Channel Island in Tense Fishing Dispute"

Oh yeaa.. bought and paid for by big pharma.. cry baby cry

HuffPo: "Pharma-Backed Democrats Rally Opposition To Vaccine Patent Waiver"

Democratic process would take care of the differing viewpoints; but the state's official ideology is what these morons mumble, so they linger, and once in a while get to be part of coalitions which is a problem. The state needs to stop picking sides, correct its narrative, the democratic process would take care of the rest.

There are TR parties who stress the nat identity more, yes.

But this identity is supposedly shared by everyone, why are there parties stressing it? Notice not talking about conservatism, nor defending cultural values per se. These parties are about a particular wording. Why? Well the reason is that the label, and its underlying narrative is bunk. It has little relation to the culture it supposedly 'labels'. With so much abject stupidity naturally there are disagreements, and viewpoints around the label, which should be above politics, and some of those viewpoints on the pro side form parties.

Döner (tigger gyro, the word means 'it turns') was not invented in Berlin. Dish is not "Turkish" either.. Armenian tarna is the same thing and older, was around before that, and guess what the word means in Armenian.

Dude. Why not a fold toaster..? Or a wooden hammer? It would take longer 😶

"South Carolina lawmakers vote to add firing squad to execution methods.. The governor has said he will sign the bill, which is meant to address a shortage in lethal injection drugs"

The Atlantic: "The Biden team views inequality much more as something molded by human hands, the result of policies that have weakened workers and strengthened corporations' marketplace leverage. To a greater degree than Obama's and especially Clinton's teams, it believes that generating widely shared prosperity isn't possible without aggressive government intervention"


DW: "Opinion: China's New Silk Road is full of potholes. As the harsh realities of China's growing power sink in, the county's appeal is diminishing in the West. To keep it in check, more coordinated efforts are needed and come September the tone from Germany may be decisive"

F24: "US President Joe Biden’s administration on Wednesday announced support for a global waiver on patent protections for Covid-19 vaccines, offering hope to poor nations that have struggled to access the life-saving doses"

Deutsche Welle: "EU-China investment deal put on ice over sanctions"

"Philippine foreign minister tells China to 'Get the F**k Out' over South China Sea dispute.. The Philippine foreign minister on Monday demanded in an expletive-laced Twitter message that China's vessels get out of disputed waters, the latest exchange in a war of words with Beijing over the South China Sea"

NBC: "The California Energy Commission is providing $2 million for [a] project which will test a commercial marine vessel modified to incorporate hydrogen"


"French builder Fountaine Pajot will soon introduce zero-emissions, zero-noise hydrogen power to the cruising world via its Samana 59"

"The German and Swedish makers of large freight-hauling trucks said cellcentric would start producing hydrogen fuel cells in Europe in 2025"


"The US president .. wants 15 decarbonized hydrogen demonstration projects"


I am wary of these pricing, offseting schemes myself.. See vid below. This is why quashing carbon at its source sounds better. Renewable fuel comes out of producers, then the rest is guaranteed to be green. No offseting, no pricing.. The infra of the world becomes green from top to bottom.


"Guardian investigation finds carbon credits generated by forest protection schemes are based on flawed system"


MB: "During his first two terms, more than 1,800 of Putin’s decrees were ignored or circumvented, and Putin himself estimates that only about 20 percent of his decisions get implemented unless he intervenes forcefully. The former president, Dmitri Medvedev, has stated: 'Without exaggeration, Russia is a country of legal nihilism. . . . No other European country can boast of such a level of disregard for law.' Rigorous studies corroborate this claim: nearly 30 percent of Russians admit to breaking the law on a regular basis, and Russian police earn more money from second jobs (roughly 40 percent of which involves illegal activity) than from their offi cial salaries"

Aha turns out Rodrigues, of the Rodrigues formula fame was French.

MB: "France has banned fracking entirely, partly because its best shale field lies directly under Paris"

Another (easier) way to fix the problem wld be to remove the problem itself -- the teacher.

MB: "[C]ross-national data suggest that the American system of teacher recruitment, training, and accountability has been put together backward: it draws teachers from the bottom half of college classes; gives them minimal training; and when teachers fail to improve student perfor- mance, the government imposes rigid standards, hoping to do on the back end what it failed to create on the front end. By contrast, countries with top PISA scores, such as Japan, Singapore, and Finland, do the opposite: they select teachers from the top third of college classes, train them rigorously, and then give them the freedom and time to hone their skills and share best practices with other teachers. As Harvard’s Jal Mehta has shown, such methods largely obviate the need for external accountability, because 'selection and preparation on the front end makes extensive monitoring on the back end unnecessary.'"

MB has critism for US too when it is called for

Beckley: "Other worrying trends include the fact that the U.S. startup rate (the share of new firms in the total number) has declined by 50 percent since 1978, and business deaths now outnumber business births for the first time in generations. American corporate profits are at all-time highs, but two thirds of U.S. economic sectors have become more concentrated among a handful of mega firms, a fact that suggests that rent seeking and price gouging, rather than innovation, caused the rise in profits. For example, the four airlines that now control 80 percent of the U.S. commercial airline market (compared to 48 percent a decade ago) have profited immensely in recent years by cramming more passengers onto planes without reducing ticket prices"

Beckley, Unrivaled: "The U.S. military ... can sink Chinese ships and submarines virtually anywhere in East Asia. The main reason is that the United States has dozens of missile-armed submarines that are almost invulnerable to China’s notoriously weak antisubmarine capabilities. In wartime, U.S. submarines, with the aid of America’s vast undersea surveillance network in East Asia, could set up picket lines near the combat theater, or near China’s ports, and sink China’s ships and submarines with torpedoes, missiles, and mines. According to estimates by the RAND Corporation, in a PLA invasion of Taiwan, eight U.S. submarines could destroy almost 40 percent of China’s amphibious ships as they attempt to cross the Taiwan Strait while losing perhaps one submarine. The same study estimates that in a conflict in the South China Sea—where the sea is deeper and provides U.S. submarines with better acoustics and more room to operate, and where most of the PLA’s meager antisubmarine warfare forces cannot reach—U.S. submarines could destroy Chinese ships at almost no risk of being attacked themselves"

CH acting up..? Id be wary of the military position..

Yes and the solution wasnt a 'global approach'. Global pharma had to be bslapped, its patents open-sourced. Global travel had to be curtailed early, and fast.

CNN: "The world is in the midst of its worst Covid crisis so far. It didn't have to be this way"

Watched Russian scifi, dude's backstory was that he fought in Syria, felt like those Vietnam backstories in US movies.

Cinematography was ok.. it was too tac-team heavy for my taste. There was a odd looking alien at the end.

The Guardian: "[NZ] prime minister has been coming under pressure from allies to take a tougher approach towards country’s largest trading partner. New Zealand’s differences with China are becoming “harder to reconcile,” the prime minister Jacinda Ardern has said... Ardern’s comments were made as New Zealand’s government comes under increasing pressure, both internally and from international allies, to take a firmer stance on concerns over human rights abuses of Uyghur people in China’s Xinjiang province. Last week, the Act party presented a motion for New Zealand’s parliament to debate whether the treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang constitutes genocide"

Blinken: "China is acting 'more aggressively abroad'... Washington was not trying to 'contain' China, US State Secretary Anthony Blinken said, but warned that Beijing was acting in 'increasingly adversarial' ways"

Cons nominated a lackluster guy for next elec, passing over the better candidate Soder. In any case S will probably still be around so he can be the 'comeback candidate' later


Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives slipped to a 14-month low in a poll published Sunday, further behind a Green party that’s increasingly poised for a bid to lead Germany’s next government

The list of BEV problems keep piling up, not even BEVtards can ignore. Not enough lithium in the world, barely enough for cars assuming certain charging patterns.. And, they cant handle freight properly. Forget aviation, or shipping which this bitch tech cant even touch.

It is ridiculous.

"A battery-electric 40 ton truck with 500km range needs 8 tons of battery. That’s ridiculous" says Toyota’s FCV-boss Katsuhiko Hirose.

Aand STL files can be sent to a 3D printer..Imagine during class simulate an object, design it, at the end, print it 😶

Yes there are big hunking programs, like Chrono.. I'm talking about something simpler. Reading STL files in Python is easy. Add some grav effects, simple center of mass calc, force => movement etc.

Many dont realize how far modern scripting envs have come.. Talked to someone the other day poor guy still toiling away in Matlab. Bro - Wake up.

Another subj to be added to STEM curriculum, given an physical obj description in an STL file (CAD progs create it), learn to simulate effects to it in 3D space, w some code (use ready lib). Apply force, see what happens.

Ok.. that guy who played the French guy was the token French guy of 90s. He must have played that role like a bazillion times #thecore

The Core, from an era of movies when stuff went wrong and you could fix it by blowing shit up. Still good movie. Much rather watch this than Disney Star Wars.

"US sanctions on oil, banks expected to be lifted: Iran negotiator"

"EU says Apple’s App Store breaks competition rules after Spotify complaint.. Apple has 'abused its dominant position' in the distribution of music streaming apps, the European Commission said"

Culture is not something that is "declared", and "assumed". It is burned in the brain through the culture around you, through osmosis at around age 7. First generation children of immig parents are getting the culture of their lands burned in their brains, not their parents'. So that weirdo fuck who came in with his bags, chicken coops and shit who talks to you with an accent -your parents- are as foreign to you as they are to their country. That is how people who arrive into area / cultures become part of those areas / cultures.

'Feel connected to your land', I dont just mean 'a physical coincidence', not 'he was there, and now I am there'.. I saw Golden Gate bridge and you did too! So awesome maan.. No. I mean something stronger. Think of the guy who lived on your land in the past, his culture, if not his genes are inside you.

"Fierce Foes, Iran and Saudi Arabia Secretly Explore Defusing Tensions.. Talks between the two regional powers, if successful, could start to lower the temperature on several conflicts across the Middle East"

Punta la Tegra

That's a medium-ish mountain..#tr