
Github Mirror

Week 17

"Biden’s Wall Street cop feels progressives' heat after hiring blunder"



Pay attention to this talk of criminalizing encryption in the UK. Expect a similar playbook where you live: A fundamental threat to a functioning digital infrastructure getting buried in rhetoric and hustled along the lawmaking path without the enormous public debate it warrants"


"42,000 ... people in the Brazilian town of Marica receiving mumbucas – a virtual currency created by the oil-wealthy seaside town prior to the pandemic as a form of universal basic income (UBI). Mumbacas and other measures designed to bolster Marica’s social safety net have made the socialist town a standout success story during the pandemic, as Al Jazeera’s Monica Yanakiew reports, while most of Brazil battles the virus, which has cost at least 400,000 lives and thrown more than 25 million into poverty"


"Record inflows into sustainability-focused funds during the first quarter pushed total assets to nearly $2 trillion."


Switzerland still a prime shifting destination, second only to Ireland and Singapore in 2018"


Spoke to @LukewSavage at Jacobin about vaccines and worldwide response. Blindly protecting pharma giants is a relatively new thing! People in the past would be stunned by the way we defer to these CEOs"



Global heavy-truck rivals Daimler and Volvo Group kick off a joint venture for hydrogen-powered fuel cell stacks"

"Senators Markey, Wyden, and Merkley reintroduce legislation to defend fundamental human rights in Turkey"

🤣 Just found out during that scandal of yesteryear w Milli Vanilli, their marketing claimed the band's name meant "positive energy" in TR-speak. Completely false.. but the lie fits in their overall scam, so its still hilarious


Billy May - Window Washer #music


Strange casting choice but I'd watch that movie


I demand a sequel to The Death of Stalin called The Death of the USSR, with Jason Alexander as Gorbachev and Dolph Lundgren as Yeltsin"


Pres. Biden: “The IRS is going to crack down on millionaires and billionaires who cheat on their taxes. It's estimated to be billions of dollars.”

.. says the only black Republican in the US Senate. Yeah you are believable


"I get called Uncle Tom and the N word by progressives" Sen. Tim Scott says in GOP rebuttal of President Biden's address to Congress"

"Led by an unlikely partnership between top venture capitalist Keith Rabois and Miami mayor Francis Suarez, Miami has become the latest city to grab headlines as the next big tech hub. From December 2020 to January 2021, Miami saw a net migration of 145%, while the Silicon Valley-Bay Area region saw -47.2% net migration"



@BMWGroup, @HMGnewsroom, @Stellantis & @toyota_europe sent a joint letter to VP @TimmermansEU to confirm their dedication to further develop the #fuelcell passenger car + LCV market and call for an expansion of the established (and proven) 700bar refuelling network"


Signal doesn’t have access to messages/chat list/groups/contacts/stickers/profile name/avatar. As result the only info it can give in response to subpoena is: Unix timestamps for when each account was created and date each account last connected to Signal"

Jacobin: "Demanding an End to Uyghur Oppression... We can oppose the saber-rattling and militarism of the US’s China hawks without downplaying the oppression of the Uyghur people"

"Giuliani: US investigators raid former Trump lawyer's home. The former New York mayor and lawyer to Donald Trump is being investigated for dealings with Ukraine"

"In some European countries – the UK, the Netherlands and some parts of Germany for example – the plan is to switch from the current supply of natural gas to pure hydrogen for residential markets. In this case our pure hydrogen fuel cell will offer both heat and electric power"



BBC: "[AAPL, FB] are locked in a stand-off after Apple announced the latest version of its iOS operating system this week. A new feature will prompt device users to decide whether they are happy for their data to be collected by apps. Many are likely to say no. But user data is a large reason why Facebook's ad-based business model is so profitable"

No bitch dont smoke it, eat it 🤨

Dam there is nicotine in eggplant.. give up smoking have some eggplant


Same reason the US Chamber of Commerce briefed against it. International IP rules benefit almost all US big business. This is an existential issue for them that goes well beyond Covid. Any precedent for suspending those rules will be fought tooth and nail.


Hollywood lobbyists and the recording industry are intervening against the emergency proposal to share vaccine technology. Why? There's a fear that suspending trade rules will weaken copyright enforcement, the waiver at the WTO will be too broad'"


I bet such diy deals cld even be used for money laundering

Reuters: "A growing number of private equity firms are establishing new funds to buy portfolio companies from funds they already control. With the buyer and seller each an entity controlled by the same private equity firm, scrutiny is growing over how they price such deals"

Great. While u r on it kill the BEV initiatives, a lot of your carmakers got swept up by hype stirred by bunch of lost souls in US, ignorant celebrities

"Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer.. Germany will become a hydrogen country. In our search for suitable locations for hydrogen technology, we received 15 exciting applications from all over Germany"



#BREAKING Germany, France back 21% global minimum corporate tax proposal: ministers

Vacc diplomacy? What vacc diplomacy? Your vacc is a piece of shit

Sinovac is some subpar prod isnt it? WHO still hasnt approved it

All lines from Deuce Bigalow

Wut! Wut! Wut!

Mfker is a man-ho. He have mangina

Ridge lift eh.. nice...

Solid carbon. Interesting.

"Ekona's pulsed-methane pyrolysis (PMP) solution converts natural gas feedstock into hydrogen and solid carbon, virtually eliminating CO2 emissions"


The Guardian: "Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, rights watchdog says.. Human Rights Watch calls on international criminal court to investigate ‘systematic discrimination’ against Palestinians.. has accused Israeli officials of committing the crimes of apartheid and persecution, claiming the government enforces an overarching policy to “maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians”. In a report released on Tuesday, the New York-based advocacy group became the first major international rights body to level such allegations"

Everything else aside Astra Zeneca is a cool name.

"EU sues AstraZeneca over vaccine delivery delays.. The pharmaceutical giant .. vows to defend itself"

That custom can be found anywhere from Italy, to Greece, to other Eastern European countries, as well as some Arabic countries. Again, another custom that is regional and every1 assimilated into... not brought by some punks

"I went to Japan and they take their shoes off before entering someone's house just like in TR, proof that we are Asiatic"


"West Virginia paying young people to get vaccinated"

And of course there should not be any billionaires

Got money, fund some unseen, unorthodox idea, fine. But seriously during serious events, fuck off

Remember Gates on some news show talking abt pandemic.. This guy was like 'I droped a billion here and a billion there" and I am thinking dude talks like government. Acting like one. Now I worry if he is getting in the way.. There are only so many vacc researchers, resources to make stuff happen.. But who does he answer to? Noone elected him.


A new blueprint plotting the course to transition New Zealand’s gas pipeline network, from natural gas to 100% hydrogen by 2050, was unveiled last month by Firstgas Group"

Under the crust lava is liquid 1000 deg.

Earth core 5000 deg, as hot as the Sun itself, also liquid / solid.

But the mfker is like 'Sun is gaseous'? Bitch u dumb

"US utilities are moving ahead with hydrogen pilot programs as part of their push toward net-zero emissions, with San Diego Gas & Electric and Dominion Energy April 19 providing details about projects to blend hydrogen into natural gas distribution systems, along with other applications"


"JetBlue Invests in Hydrogen-Fueled Aviation Technology Company"


Let's truly modernise ed by replacing the teacher, so the crux, the delivery, has a guaranteed quality. Grading (only pass/fail) which takes the least amount of time, can remain in-person, craftsman-like, but through certifiers. The process will also be async, paving the way for the system's eventual transition to 3W.

Modernity, as in industrial production, gives you products that are copies of a template; I buy a 27'' LCD monitor, it is exactly like the next 27'' LCD monitor produced by the same brand.

But education still varies from teacher to teacher because we chose to deliver lectures through individuals.. Ed therefore is still not a product. It is treated as some sort of pre-modern craft. Just like there was the shoemaker, ironsmith, bakery, there is.. the teacher. Shoemaker works on his shoes, his product is as good as he can make it, teacher same way. We modernized shoemaking, all kinds of food prep but we only modernized some parts of ed, of the "craft", ending up with a bastardized, bizarre mixture of modern and pre-modern. Grading is an industrial approach.

What modern education..? It's not even modern!

"What is wrong with modern education?"

The shoddiest version of everything can be found in gobble gobble.. couldn't you at least try to be a good conspiracy theorist?

🤣 🤣 🤣


NYT: "Last year, India and South Africa requested a waiver from World Trade Organization rules governing intellectual property for technology dealing with the pandemic. Dozens of mostly developing countries have since joined them. A handful of rich nations, including the United States, oppose the waiver, but there’s a widespread belief that if America changes its position, other countries will follow"



2.5b people in Earth's 130 poorest countries have not been vaccinated... The humanitarian cost is unforgivable - and self-defeating, as each infected person is a potential source of new strains...

It was Gates who sabotaged the WHO Covid-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP), replacing it with his failed ACT-Accelerator, a system of patents and secrecy and vast profits for the pharma industry"

"Biolyse is a small pharmaceutical manufacturer in Canada with a simple proposition: provide a recipe for a coronavirus vaccine, and it will produce 20m doses for nations in the global south. It has approached AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, and even asked the Canadian government to help it with compulsory licensing – which would give it the authorisation to produce another company’s patented product for emergency use – but so far no one has taken up its offer.

When I reached him by phone this week, John Fulton, the vice-president of Biolyse, told me: 'We’ve been passed over. We’ve got this production capacity and it’s not being put to use'"



During WW2, the US government forced pharmaceutical companies to share recipes for antibiotics. In the worldwide campaign against smallpox, the WHO maintained a register of manufacturing techniques and share the technology globally." via The Guardian

Jacobin: "For the Left, it’s easy to hate the media, with its entrenched centrist biases and loyalty to the status quo. But a world without high-quality news is a world where meaningful democracy is impossible. That’s the message of media scholar Victor Pickard, who argues for a transformation of our media system away from the model of commercial news and toward a 'public option'"


Since if let loose, covid can kill 1% of a broader population (human pop grows by that exact amount each year) 65% reduction is a major deal.

"Single dose of Pfizer-BioNTech or Oxford-AstraZenca vaccine reduces infection rate by 65%, study finds"

Gotta void it bitch.. Otherwise some' fierce is coming your way.. There were plans to bar players who wld play in SL from World Cup even, which wld be a problem for many players.

"The 12 clubs that agreed to join a new European Super League have 'binding contracts' and "cannot leave", says Real Madrid president Florentino Perez"

Countries, US states with fossil resources would be interested in this tech.. US Dem Senator Manchin is from a coal heavy state right, and a key vote in the Senate..? A bill with coal CCS, green fuel prodcution cld get his support

Reuters: "A Japanese-Australian venture has begun producing hydrogen from brown coal in a $387 million test project that aims to show liquefied hydrogen can be produced and exported safely to Japan...

Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries is running the pilot project with government financial support from both Japan and Australia in the state of Victoria, home to a quarter of the world’s known brown coal reserves.a

The project is producing hydrogen by reacting coal with oxygen and steam under high heat and pressure in a process that also yields carbon dioxide and other gases.

If the project goes commercial, the plan would be to bury the carbon dioxide off the coast of Victoria, KHI has previously said"



President Biden in the next few days will unveil eye-popping new tax rates for the wealthiest Americans —a top marginal income tax rate of 39.6% and a capital gains rate of 43.4%"

"Solid Continua" 😶

Smooth Genestar - Blu Country #music


NYT (Dec 2020): "To help Pfizer, the deal calls for the government to invoke the Defense Production Act to give the company better access to roughly nine specialized products it needs to make the vaccine. One person familiar with the list said it included lipids, the oily molecules in which the genetic material that is used in both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is encased"


What are the raw materials? SciAm says polymerases, caccinia capping enzyme (VCE)

Cant say I blame them


"United States first and foremost is engaged in an ambitious and effective and, so far, successful effort to vaccinate the American people", US State Dept when asked about #COVID vaccine raw materials export to India"

Sci achieved much but there are still holes in the grand knowledge, on some fundamental questions.

Was just thinking about this today.. and bingo found this

The 90s-2010s period was spent on "barbarians at the gates" narrative.. this narrative was excessive. Old Guard is still there, carries some influence.. Notice "the Internet Guy" Bezos bought WaPo joining the guard, rather than start his own thing doing "dhat disrupting binness".

SSt cld provide a springboard to new outlets, those outlets need to grow institutional muscle tho to compete

Slate: "Substack today has somewhere north of 500,000 paid subscribers, which represents a meteoric growth rate but is still just a fraction of, say, the New York Times’ 7.5 million... A key to understanding Substack’s impact on the news is to recognize that the kind of journalism that tends to thrive there—so far, at least for the most part—is not actually news. It’s commentary and analysis, aimed at the chattering classes"


Mostly, yes. Making diverse set of products is what contributes to innovation, as Hidalgo found. Whether from that angle, or from my greater-sum angle, the conclusion is the same.

"But then should everyone be able to produce everything?"

But.. but.. we are globalized and shit, travel freedom earth is flat blah blah

"Vietnam defied the experts and sealed its border to keep Covid-19 out. It worked... How the country has kept coronavirus deaths to just 35, and grew its economy in 2020"



The clothes dryer is installing an over the air firmware update"

Oil Price: "The Hydrogen Boom Will Provide A $200B Boost To Wind And Solar Energy"


The #UK is set for what could be its first ever conversion of a diesel locomotive to run on #hydrogen power which will then be put into operation by the #SevenValleyRailway.

#trek #voyager Of course they could just beam a baby right out of mother's vomb. Cesarean is so yesterday.

Denialism is not that surprising as the nat identity of the country is made-up... Denialism is just another set of fairy tales

"Grundlagen und Anwendungen" 😶