
Github Mirror

Week 2

Jasper Country Man - Bobbi Humphrey #music



Right! 👎

Tofu..? Dude.

Dont forget your vege.. no, red meats!

Ignored veg - mangold. Its quite healthy. Perhaps even better then spinach, in the same family

Showed calculation before; Replacing Saudi Arabia's oil output with solar equiv w/ panels wld need a square area with 290 km on each side. A big area. Then, at least at first, renewable fuel generation through fossil + CCS at the source could help.

F yeah!

Occasionally they anger many, but there is always some action in UK, some of it even good..

They also talk about CCS

"Project aims to drive UK transition to a low-carbon economy. Essar plans to supply industry and homes in north-west England after £750m investment in two plants"


Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles




the worst part about watching contagion [the movie] now is that it’s a feel good movie about an efficient vaccine rollout"

And it would be great to convert that coal into renewable fuel + CCS before shipping, in the future.


The trade war vs [Australia] goes from bad to worse for China: While some of its cities face rolling blackouts, Aus has largely offloaded the coal onto third markets like India, at surprisingly decent prices. Turns out diversification isn't that hard..."


Literary exaggeration aside sometimes it does take 10 books to come up with one linear, concise explanation.

Dude - Wandavision. You'd have to be complete geek of the comics and all movies to get into that #marvel.

Jacobin: "Big Pharma Is Fighting to Deny Canadians Access to Treatment... The vast majority of Canadians want a national pharmacare program, but right-wing think tanks and corporate lobbyists are battling to obstruct it"


"Biden unveils $1.9tn US economic relief package.. The US president-elect says the nationwide vaccine rollout so far has been 'a dismal failure'"

Aim for the king.

Witten is one of the highest profile Stringers

🤣 🤣 🤣

No expansion of the universe, light appears redshifted.

His cast of characters are solid. Einstein (at least his 1911 ideas which he allegedly mistakenly abandoned), Dicke, the great Dirac

More Unzic ideas; Robert Dicke rediscovered relativity with corrections (1957), speed of light should not be constant.

From 55 megaparsecs away from Earth, a thing theoretically pulls everything to itself, including light, HTF can it be "seen"?

Yes, singularities in math "predict' black holes. But accrd to WK field equations should not contain singularities to begin with (curr math is faulty). Whereever we take measurements, there is always a number, we never come across a "singularity measurement".

Obviously there was some good work around data collecting, analysis. Talking abt the underlying domain here

There was so much SJW biz surrounding the whole thing too... Whenever there is SJW buzz, cld it be a sign the field, the domain is dying? Bcz most r focused about taking up existing positions inside, on set "hierarchies" than breaking new ground? Maybe.

Wolfgang Kundt interview; if there are no black holes, what did they recently take a picture of "for the first time"? Answer; not a BH 🤣 🤣

Not a good counterarg. If I am on GMail I can still send email to someone on Yahoo Mail, through SMTP protocol. Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp are all self-contained platforms.

"So what if social networks were based on protocols, there is GMail, with over a billion users"

"US police three times as likely to use force against leftwing protesters, data finds"


Yes I remember the K Russell movie, a high school for gifted kids floating in the air - Sky High.

The writers going meta on their own movie


BREAKING: Queens man impeached — again"


SocMed can be built around a protocol, like email is built around SMTP protocol, and distributed on / through nodes that are owned by whomever.


Twitter is funding a small independent team of up to five open source architects, engineers, and designers to develop an open and decentralized standard for social media. The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard"


Johnny Favorite Swing Orchestra - Hard 8 #music


Oz shark attack. In a river!


New station, Berkeley CA


Me: 'Here's the data, and the answers, no cheating'. Supervised Learning: No Promises'

Me: 'Here's the data' Reinforcement Learning: 'Why you holding a whip?' Me: 'No reason'

Me: 'This result makes no sense' Unsupervised Learning: 'I HAVE INVENTED A DIMENSION WHERE IT DOES!'


I spotted the National Guard sleeping in the hallways of the Capitol as I walked in this morning"


Even studying one book, I can open multiple copies of the same PDF, each window pointing to a different page, then can Alt-TAB between them. Fast. Different pages from diff books, same way. Could be Alt-TAB'bing between 10 different books without much apparent physical activity. Try that with physical books!

No they were not.. I do not miss them at all.

"Oh but I miss paper books, they were better to handle"


Greenwald: "Critics of Silicon Valley censorship for years heard the same refrain: tech platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter are private corporations and can host or ban whoever they want. If you don’t like what they are doing, the solution is not to complain or to regulate them. Instead, go create your own social media platform that operates the way you think it should.

The founders of Parler heard that suggestion and tried...

But today, if you want to download, sign up for, or use Parler, you will be unable to do so. That is because three Silicon Valley monopolies — Amazon, Google and Apple — abruptly united to remove Parler from the internet, exactly at the moment when it became the most-downloaded app in the country"



Concerns that Biden will go softly on Wall Street can be laid to rest. [SEC appt] Gensler is a proven reformer"

Fila Brazillia - The Sheriff #music


Most of that spying was probably helped by the West itself

"An unprecedented data leak has revealed how alleged Chinese Communist Party members have embedded themselves inside some of the world’s biggest companies, including defence contractors, banks and pharmaceutical giants manufacturing coronavirus vaccines.... Among the companies identified as having CCP members in their employ are manufacturers like Boeing and Volkswagen, drug giants Pfizer and AstraZeneca, and financial institutions including ANZ and HSBC, uckaccording to the reports"



Groupe Renault & @PlugPowerIncPower Join Forces in #Hydrogen-50-50 joint-venture (JV) based in France by end of 1st half of 2021, targeting over 30% share of the #fuelcell-powered light commercial vehicle (LCV) market in #Europe"


Hear hear...

The 1st island chain...


"Declassification of secret document reveals US strategy in the Indo-Pacific... This confirms that US strategic policy in the Indo-Pacific was in substantial part informed and driven by allies and partners, especially Japan, Australia and India"



Huge. The Israeli human rights organization @btselem has released a report, for the first time defining Israeli rule in the Occupied Territories as a system of apartheid"

Sure, overturn. Whaddamuck do people know anyway... They should not legislate which is akin to mob rule.

"A group of Uber and Lyft drivers in California filed a lawsuit Tuesday in state supreme court to overturn a ballot measure that allows the companies to continue treating its workers like independent contractors. The drivers claim that Prop 22, which was approved by California voters last November, violates the state’s constitution by 'stripping' the state legislature’s ability to empower workers to organize, as well as by 'illegally' excluding ride-hail drivers from the state workers’ compensation program"


"Kenworth became the first company to reach the summit of Pikes Peak with a Class 8 fuel cell electric vehicle. The milestone occurred during a Kenworth T680 FCEV zero emissions performance demonstration"

Constants are key, and IMO physics should be taught through them, i.e. how each is derived / measured, and each lecture builds towards one, in succession. This connects with earlier idea of teaching concepts as its founders discovered them.

And there are no black holes... (see interview with W. Kundt). Hawking himself admitted before death 🤦‍♂️

Says particle physics community became "too big too fail" 🤣

Right.. electronics uses QM but q tunneling needed for it was already discovered 1928.

I knew things were bad, but only bad since 70s. This guy says it's been bad since 30s.

Alex Unzicker: "I don't know how many of you believe that the Higgs boson was the discovery of the century but what is sure that Einstein, Dirac, or Schrodinger would have considered this discovery as ridiculous they would never have believed that such a model with so many unexplained parameters reflecting anything fundamental.

So I'm going to argue that particle physics as practice since 1930 is a futile enterprise in its entirety. ...

First of all good physics is simple, and the true revolutions in physics always simplify the laws of nature. Maxwell's electrodynamics was a revolution because the electrodynamic constants and the speed of light were condensed in one formula, eliminating one constant of nature. So did the Planck constant h simplify the laws of nature and Newton's Theory of Gravitation condensed dozens of unexplained parameters into one gravitational constant.

[Today's] particle physics is going the other way around. It produced [too many free] parameters"



The vaccine rollout is so typical of this country's approach to delivering public goods. A decentralized and underfunded patchwork of organizations tasked with moving mountains by a federal government motivated primarily by a fanatical fear of the wrong people receiving benefit

The result: A system ripe for bad faith grift and line-cutting by the wealthy and powerful that fails to deliver promised benefits at twice the necessary expense, thereby undercutting public faith in the program and leading to further decentralization and stigmatization.

It's far from an original insight, but I keep being struck by how much more humane and effective our public programs would be if they were motivated by a fear of people who need them not receiving services rather than people who don't getting something by mistake"

Policy needs to be celeb-indifferent, pursued by capable people.

Red Planet, 2000, must be Tesla monkey boy's formative film. It shows Mars with atmosphere (not possible), talks of plans with ppl living there (ur bones would fall off after long-term exposure), there is even a killer AI (hyperbole). But if you were uninformed or retarded you could believe it, and with media being what it is, get all kinds of attention and money peddling this "vision".

Troubling aspects here, Big Tech individual comps are trying to outdo eachother, once ban starts they all go for it, not to be outdone.

"Fuel cell stocks had a great run in 2020. Plug Power (NASDAQ:PLUG) led the way as its stock surged a whopping 973% during the year"


"SK Group invests $1.5bn in hydrogen fuel cell firm Plug Power"


Hitler's story begins here

"Currency War I began in 1921 in Weimar Germany when the Reichsbank, Germany’s central bank, set about to destroy the value of the German mark through massive money printing and hyperinflation... Capital flight is a traditional response to currency collapse... Even the German bourgeoisie was not immediately alarmed as losses in the value of their currency were offset by stock market gains. The fact that these gains were denominated in soon to be worthless marks had not yet occurred to many. Finally, those who held unionized and government jobs were initially hedged as well because the government simply granted wage increases commensurate with inflation.

Of course, not everyone had a government or union job, stock portfolio, hard assets or foreign operations to insulate them. Those most devastated were middle-class pensioners who no longer qualified for raises and savers who kept their funds in banks rather than stocks. These Germans were completely financially ruined. Many were forced to sell their furniture to raise a few marks to pay for food and keep going. Pianos were particularly in demand and became a form of currency on their own. Some elderly couples whose savings had been destroyed would go into the kitchen, hold hands, place their heads in the oven and turn on the gas in a poignant form of suicide"


My stash of code for books grows and grows... Matlab, fine. I'll take it. Runs through open source octave.

Big Tech jumped the shark with that Parler ban

A lot of ppl are jumping the shark these days, all in their own different ways..

Now interest rates are as low as ever yet there are still people whining about the deficit. They just dont want gov to do anything.. this is the real problem.

Haha.. "fucking bond traders", "being born again as the bond market". Glib bullshit accompanied by technobabbling drama covering up for lack of left-courage while trying to look TV-suave.. The strength of this junk gave rise to The West Wing, taking place around drama-infused boomers passing eachother papers while accomplishing nothing.

"Clinton came face to face with the ideological power surrounding deficit reduction at a January 7, 1993, meeting at the governor’s mansion in Little Rock. There, Rubin, just selected to head Clinton’s National Economic Council (NEC), and Panetta, the new chief of the Office of Management and Budget, put forward the case for deficit reduction, sidelining proposals for the large, innovative stimulus that Clinton had advocated during the campaign. ... [S]tubbornly high long-term interest rates had convinced Wall Streeters, including Rubin, that a huge reservoir of investment money lay frozen and untapped...

But cutting the budget meant eliminating much of the social investment raison d’être promised during the campaign... An appalled Clinton, confronted with reality according to Rubin, told his economic team, “You mean to tell me that the success of the program and my re-election hinges on the Federal Reserve and a bunch of fucking bond traders?” Carville would later remark that were he to be born again, he wanted to be reincarnated as the most powerful thing in the world, the bond market.

But it was Clinton himself who had appointed deficit hawks like Rubin and Bentsen, the new secretary of the Treasury, who in turn chose the orthodox Summers as a top assistant, later to succeed Bentsen as secretary"


Obviously previous dereg didnt help either, it created a freer environment where new tech entropy / disruption could reach faster.

AG is no cookie; he knew industry, banks... 'The loan officer at a bank knows more about their credit risk than anyone FED could employ' he'd say having worked at these places... And yet that risk assesment somehow failed. How? It always bothered me AG kept saying he never saw it coming. Now I have a feeling why, he knew the industry through the prism of old tech; A calling B, writing shit down, people shouting on the trading floor, B calling A back, etc.. and some computerization. Nothing at the levels we see today.

This all sounds like a bizarre concoction of new tech and old; 2W institutions, with 3W tech on top... You can't mix fast and slow this way..

3W is not at a point it can build, right now it merely disrupts and destroys. Like my earlier example of Newt in front of a chat app, the app disrupts the singular Speaker, adds nothing.

Greenspan, on 2008: "Another important source of the failure of risk management was the almost indecipherable complexity of the broad spectrum of new financial products and markets that developed as number-crunching and communication capabilities soared.

Investment managers subcontracted an inordinately large part of their task to the “safe harbor” risk designations of the credit-rating agencies ...

Most investment officers believed no further judgment was required of them because they were effectively held harmless by the judgments of these government-sanctioned rating organizations. Especially problematic were the triple-A ratings bestowed by the credit-rating agencies on many securities that in fact proved highly toxic. Despite decades of experience, the analysts at the credit-rating agencies proved no more adept at anticipating the onset of crisis than the investment community at large, and their favorable ratings of many securities offered a false sense of security to a great many investors....

Even with the breakdown of our sophisticated risk management models and the failures of the credit-rating agencies, the financial system would likely have held together had the third bulwark against crisis—our regulatory system—functioned effectively. But it, too, failed for many of the same reasons that risk management and the credit-rating agencies failed: an underappreciation of the risks faced by the financial system and an increasing complexity that made effective oversight especially difficult."

Flashbaxx - Funk You, Motherfunker #music
