
Github Mirror

Week 52

"Calling it a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Goldman Sachs estimates the addressable market [of H2] could be worth €10 trillion ($11.7 trillion) by 2050, split between Asia, the U.S. and Europe"

Low Fidelity Jet Set Orchestra - The Project (Part Two) #music


Elektrissimo - Luxus #music


Jacobin: "By Cutting Big Pharma Out of Vaccine Production, We Can Help Neutralize Anti-Vaxx Paranoia"

Jacobin: "Pfizer Is Using Patent Rules to Undercut Global Access to the COVID-19 Vaccine"


I fully believe that more people are traveling than probably should be given the global pandemic.. but I’m in the world’s busiest airport the night before Christmas Eve and it is basically dead. (I’m traveling for work)"

DJ Krust - Re-arrange (Cinematic Orchestra Remix) #music


Now perused a 1999 Fukuyama book where he dovetails on some Toffler work, talks about unhandled 3W entropy damaging 2W structures.

Other than that (!) sounds optimistic overall.

Some good observations in there.

This stuff finds me.

All 99 movies.

The Year of the Cubicle Movie

Ok then. Frak Euler

Word is she is very jealous of Oliva Wilde, like, of her looks.. She is like 'bitch could steal my man'. Final. Prob right.. OW be 🔥

The girl in Transformers saz "Siiiiaaaammm!" to Shia's character.. Weird accent. What accent is that? Midwestern?

A 1999 paper. Figures.

Jos... Jos... [Stam].

Algo is graphically good but may not be scientifically accurate?

Haha Trump throws a curveball on the way out.

More ineffective tech paint job that fails to do the job. I bet centrists love this camera shite.


For the second time in 3 weeks, law enforcement in Columbus, Ohio have killed a Black man. Last night, the officer didn't turn on his body camera until AFTER the shooting had occurred"

Xriental is pronounced like Xanadu

Xriental, Latinx ppl would agree with that

"The lack of options marketed to consumers has created a missing middle: the zone between mass market and niche market where experimentation is supposed to proliferate and engender variety. Worse, the consolidation of the country’s vast creative sector into fewer, more powerful production and publishing companies has come at the direct expense of the quality of their product. The coronavirus isn’t the reason Tenet sucked, for example. It just sucked because Christopher Nolan has too much power, and very few other people in his industry have enough.

This homogenization of the arts is a refutation of the idea that capitalism produces true competition. Instead, we are entering a peak era of market monopolies, where a group of huge corporations, many of which trade in personal data, also have a stranglehold grip around the neck of every non-megastar artist in the country"



Billion-dollar book companies like Follett and EBSCO are locking school districts into contracts that turn them into captive consumers, draining public education budgets that don’t have a penny to spare"

Boom! ☢️

If senate majority is back for Dems I hope they repeal the filibuster rule for everything.

Would an insufficient covid bill help or hinder Georgia state runoff elections for Dems? 🤔 If Dems can pin the insufficiency on Reps, wld it help them win those seats?

"Today, Senator Thom Tillis launched a 'discussion draft' of the so-called Digital Copyright Act. But there's nothing to discuss: the bill, if passed, would absolutely devastate the Internet.

We’ll have a more in-depth analysis of this draft bill later, but we want to be clear about our opposition from the start: this bill is bad for Internet users, creators, and start-ups. The ones with the most to gain? Big Tech and Big Content"


Numbers dont look good for merely driving either.. Current calc does not leave much room for error, growth

Package delivery companies are having a field day.. lots of online orders. I myself started ordering more online.

Noone seems to like Bruce Reed over on the left corner, dude is known as an austerity guy.

Padilla sounds like a centrist jagoff. 1st impression.

Even if an evil commitee planned and executed the whole thing, they could not control any gov's response to it.

Sure, incumbency matters a great deal. People tend to keep the incumbent in office unless the sky falls on their heads. But then in 2020, the sky fell on their heads 😶

Thailand did pretty well on corona eh?

So not being an overzealously pro-open-border guy did not hurt him among Latinos. Once ppl arrive, acclimate to country, they feel more local, do not want hoardes of new ppl coming in?

"Trump shocked the world with his Latino support"


"We've been conditioned to believe that low prices are normal prices."

@DanaThomasParis flags the planet's addiction to cheap #jeans which pollute & rob workers of decent wage. There's hope though w/ rise of natural indigo and organic cotton.

Did not like Tenet. Tries to be cerebral but fails to entertain, it's a bit dull too. Total Recall or, hey, Inception level mystery is one thing, this is another.


I refuse to normalize an anti-democratic process where a few rich, predominantly white individuals negotiate behind closed doors for most of 2020 and give the rest of us a few hours to consider the 5,593 page result of their secret negotiations"


After years of being stymied by well-funded interests, Congress has agreed to ban one of the most costly and exasperating practices in medicine: surprise medical bills"

Ramamurti sounds like a capable guy. See it is posible to be technically knowledgable, capable and left. U dont need a former bus driver to be President which gets you f-ing Venezuella.


Biden adds @davidckamin and @BharatRamamurti to the NEC. Ramamurti is a longtime Warren aide that the left wing has been pushing for a position"


New Biden appointments to the National Economic Council include @BharatRamamurti (formerly Warren's top economic adviser), @davidckamin, and @joelle_gamble

Some context: Gamble and Ramamurti currently work with the progressive @rooseveltinst, which broadly focuses on shifting economic power away from corporations and towards workers by strengthening unions, etc. And Kamin's work focuses on tax policy & combatting income inequality"




"Calling it a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Goldman Sachs estimates the addressable market [of H2] could be worth €10 trillion ($11.7 trillion) by 2050, split between Asia, the U.S. and Europe"

"[I]t looks like the future [with H2] has arrived as seven of the biggest green hydrogen project developers come together to launch the Green Hydrogen Catapult Initiative in a bid to increase the production of green hydrogen 50-fold in the next six years"


Bloomberg: "Fifty Years of Tax Cuts for Rich Didn’t Trickle Down, Study Says"

Finally got the working code, research papers, tech, all lined up for next step.. Direction choice, lining up resources are the hardest part. Wasting time bad.. every move needs to count.

This is why Oz is friendly with a naval power, first Britain, than US. They get naval help, but then have to provide military assist to it.

Then, if someone is hitting at the help, is hitting at that relationship, see the China-Oz row over the artificial Afganistan photo.

Otto loss during WWI? Also inevitable. There was a not-bad show of defense, at Gallipoli for instance, but failed to change the final outcome.

Germany - Otto alliance during WWI? An act of desparation, not triggered by "ideology changes" on the part of Otto.

Time to dissect.. like dissecting, seeing how all parts work

Force of habit from biz programming days.. keeping dependencies as minimal as possible. Even my most demo-ready number crunching code wont depend on UI, it will dump select shots during simulation as png. Then I'll show the ImageMagick to piece the GIF together from those pics. Short, to the point, less depend.

Man getting that VNC to work was tough business

Ok..Ok.. We'll do Eulerian style too 🙄

Looking at the religious make-up of the area is demonstrative.

Migrant quickly assimilates in a gen, so bunch of ragged punks from "Central Asia" certainly did not create culture in today's Anatolia. They were assimilated. Gone. Forget these fairy tales of wolves, some f-ing mountain, with a crack through it or whatever fuck, these tiggers are no different from any culture that came and went before them. The fairy tales are escapism.

Glam Sam And His Combo - Bossy Bloke #music


Still much better season than the last

#TheExpanse #S5

I thought Holden already knew abt Fred Johnson's protomolecule.. He found out about it again? 🤔

#TheExpanse #S5


PA never spent $108 million of 175 million in CARES Act funding meant for rent and mortgage relief. The money will now go to the Dept of Corrections instead.

'Pa. misses deadline to spend $108M in rent, mortgage relief from CARES Act'"

People who grow up in a place, from a very young age, get its culture codes automagically by osmosis (embedded in the second-level emotional brain), so they are citizens, no matter their ethnic, cultural origin. Origin, assumed subculture, parental 'heritage' matters little.

People might try to posture, "represent" around origin, perhaps as a reaction to being called a certain label all their lives, but both sides of that argument is wrong. 2 wrongs dont make 1 right.

Hidalgo's analysis teases out the presence of these networks through 'product palette complexity' in the data, which highly correlate with GDP (higher than ed level). The better your network, more complex your products, the higher your GDP.

Why does success story belong to host country for even late immigrating scientists? Power of expertise networks. Working side by side is an effective knowledge xfer channel, that's why inno likes such pockets ... See Hidalgo. U go to expt network, u benefit from it, inno flows from it. Those pockets, its country, get the credit.

"The Establishment Strikes Back... Henry Cuellar and centrist Democrats mutiny against progressives in a key committee fight"


I for one will be happy this aspect of the show to be over, WH being visibly divided on key issues. It always smacked off incompetence, talking abt the head now, tactical moves of a flailing inexperienced STP.

"Pompeo Blames Russia for Hack as Trump Casts Doubt"

Dreampolitik. I like the word.

Douhat: "This postelection division of the Republican Party extends and deepens an important trend in American politics: The cultivation of a kind of “dreampolitik” (to steal a word from Joan Didion), a politics of partisan fantasy"

A docu I saw made it sound Afghanistan was a nuisance, a problem Gorbachev was sort of stuck with.. But actually Gorbacev was adamantly against that war, from the beginning.

"The [Soviet] war in Afghanistan was a thorn in Gorbacev's side [after he came to power]"

This dev board is fantastic. I am looking at an insanely realistic simulation.