
Github Mirror

Week 50

"Joe Biden hasn’t picked any of the nearly two dozen Democrats who ran against him to serve in his administration — and that bodes quite well for the former rival he did elevate as his No. 2, Kamala Harris"

"E.U. Agrees to Cut Emissions by 2030 in New Climate Deal... The agreement calls for European Union countries to cut their collective greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent from 1990 levels, a more substantial reduction than previously proposed"

"US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed bid to overturn election"

Great brunch liberal safe comedy. "Get" Cheney when his legacy is cooked, be buddy buddy with "upper class". This guy punches down.

Here is "Ali G" legitimizing class, by making it look playfully cute


I remember that pencil-neck motherlover, Mogg, using this "regulation arbitrage" argument for Brexit... Seriously.. Moron actually thought EU would just sit on their ass and do nothing? How effin dumb are these people?

This "matching regulation" biz reveals all you need to know about Brexit; it's like Brexiters want EU do whatever they're told.. If UK reduces regulation, EU wld say 'we can raise tariffs to balance that' bcz UK is more attractive in that env (seemingly at least, at first) and EU says 'we dont want to lose business to arbitrage', after breakup UK not being part of that "we". UK says now 'you shouldn't do that'. Well after Brexit you are "free", and so are they... Why shouldn't they do what's good for them? They must follow your directives?

I think the ruling clique in UK still has that imperialist posh cuntness in them, B-Team or not.. Stiff upper lip Eton sockcuckers. Albeit with less stiff upper lip, more relaxed demeanor, but still reeegal.

"Disney is methodically building movies and shows off its own intellectual property and then using hit characters to introduce new ones... The company’s stock closed up 13.6% on Friday after briefly hitting an all-time high"

WarnerMedia generated more than $9.2 billion in revenue in 2018..? Enter the streaming wars...

"Netflix reached another financial milestone at the end of 2019. The streaming giant’s latest earnings report revealed the company generated more than US$20 billion in sales"

Good stuff

TR is a permanent morass of defunct ideologies.. The suffering of Armenians was there during Hamid of Otto, and they persisted during the regime which displaced it. Then Kurds started to suffer in similar ways in the Republic which supposedly "unlike" all the previous...


French footballer Griezmann ends Huawei contract over claims of Uighur surveillance"


Offline synch of components / people / work is the way to go

Toffler, R. Wealth: "Early industrial economies operated under completely different temporal conditions. Assembly-line work required a different rhythm. Thus, the factory whistle and the time clock were invented to coordinate work schedules. By contrast, today, ... the uses of time are becoming increasingly personalized and irregular, if not erratic. More different tasks need to be integrated, and the acceleration effect truncates the time available for each task. All this makes synchronization harder to achieve"

Made a PR on Github, it got merged, after brief discussion on it on GH, all async, I dont know where this person is, but it all came together splendidly. All sync'd and his physim repo has new code.

"Linde and Daimler Truck AG to Collaborate on Liquid-Hydrogen Refueling Technology for Trucks.. Linde and Daimler Truck AG have signed an agreement to jointly develop the next generation of liquid-hydrogen refueling technology"


r = 1.7  # km
circumference = 2*np.pi*r
"%0.2f km/h" % (circumference * 60.0)
Out[1]: '640.88 km/h'

This speed is attainable. BTW once it gets going it will take less energy to keep it in that speed.

Good news is it'll probably take less energy for that spin than on Earth

"A Stanford torus, a donut-shaped tube 430 feet thick with a diameter spanning 1.1 miles, spins once per minute to produce its gravity"

Japanese sake producer Takara Sake has installed an “ultra-low-charge” ammonia (R717) chiller that is 40% more efficient than a baseline R507A chiller at the same production plant in Berkeley, California (U.S.).



Iraqi Minister of Industry & Minerals met yesterday with the Egyptian Minister of Military Production, both sides have agreed on enhancing cooperation in the field of joint defense industries, also Egypt has offered to set up production lines for its military products in Iraq"


'Things are bad: We’re late on bills, we’re late on rent, our car is nine days away from being repossessed. I’m used to being very self-sufficient and it’s an awful feeling to suddenly be so desperate.'"


This call was for 12:00 UTC. They really flipped the bird to California with that one.

Saw a note for a conf call at with potentially participants from all over the world. What is the optimal time for a global call... 🤔 For each time pick worst case is always the guy on the oppo side of the globe, but that big swath of Pacific u can ignore, then 15:00 UTC+0 is good..? 10:00 AM for US East, 7:00 AM West, 12:00 PM Japan.

Tony Blair said a while back "[the EU] will never give a Brexiter government a good deal". He is right. I dont think the dynamics around that changed no matter how many marketing tricks UK employs or uses its "Otto poodles", so called "Turks" to create annoyance.

DW host is right, talks were "frank" is diplomatic talk for "dust up".

Another Brexit meeting? With B Johnson and EU chief this time

That's great, I like more ppl owning up to the label.


Virginia lawmaker, a self-proclaimed socialist, files paperwork for gubernatorial bid"

"The Next War Against A Public Option Is Starting.. Tax records reviewed by The Daily Poster show a health care industry front group run by a former Hillary Clinton aide has amassed millions to block a public health insurance option"



.@protiumaero is developing a new class of lightweight liquid hydrogen fuel tanks based off @wsuhydrogen @wsuvoiland research. The tank makes hydrogen more accessible as an everyday fuel source and reduces energy emissions"

😆 😆 😆

Shinzoi Abe Lincoln

Abe is obviously out of office but his gov wld have asked him to visit as an elder stateman and that cld be significant.


This should be interesting.

'Shinzo Abe intends to visit Taiwan next year.. Taiwan's Legislative Yuan reveals possible Abe visit next year'"


Lucky Luke was created by a Belgian?

It's a freak ideology, has zero chance of getting traction, unless things are going very bad (anything-goes environments). Pro biz small gov is the best they can hope for ala the Tea Party.


The intellectual vanguard of "pro-worker conservatism" at @AmerCompass has a (relatively) coherent and politically promising vision for reform — and little hope of getting the GOP to adopt it"

Janko Nilovic - Crazy Enterprise #music



Ahead of its business meeting, the California Energy Commission released its First Revised Notice of Proposed Awards (GFO 19-602) for passenger vehicle hydrogen stations. 114 stations are recommended for approval"


Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement. And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it"

The apocalptic scenes in Oblivion look great. .

If there are less of them maybe the remaining ones wont fucking burn fields for whatever.

"Farmers protest across India against Modi's liberalisation"

Maybe 1 shld see these products as moonshots; experiments, trials rather than essential items. That is the conandrum for many products spit out by capitalists tho, sometimes simply producing stuff isnt enough, one must create the need for them.

It's weird when I had to do food conserving, the simplest veg/meat cook/save method worked for me; But I grew up around a plant whose sole purpose was turning out products to conserve food... Wouldn't I just buy one of them? What does that say about capitalism?

"The world’s biggest 'green' hydrogen developers have joined forces in what they call the Green Hydrogen Catapult.

Their ambition is to expand production 50-fold in less than six years to radically drive down the cost"


Johnny Cash - Get Rhythym (Philip Steir Remix) #music



Well yes people do sometimes say things that are wrong, that is part of speaking freely. For instance, the New Yorker publishing mountains of material making the case for a war with Iraq on false pretenses.


The New Yorker's @SteveCollNY suggests Mark Zuckerberg's "profound" support of free speech is problematic: "Those of us in journalism have to come to terms with the fact that free speech, a principle that we hold sacred, is being weaponized against the principles of journalism." "

Just saw Bernie on CNN talking similarly.

"The current negotiations are focused on a $908 billion bipartisan plan that includes more money for small businesses, additional federal unemployment benefits and money for testing, vaccine distribution and schools. Republican leaders have insisted that any coronavirus bill be limited in scope, but Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., told reporters this week that he is urging President Trump to veto any bill that doesn't include checks for individual Americans. 'I continue to be flummoxed as to why there aren't any direct payments on it'"


AFAIK Biden was against the 2011 intervention in Libya, which subsequently became "a shitshow", (as admitted by Obama himself). Fast forward to now SecDef talks started for 2020 and ppl kept saying it'll definitely be the freako biah. In fact I'd hear "everyone's post is up in air except Flournoy". Man I saw that in so many places, u r like 'well shit, this coronation is pre-ordained' no point in discuss.. Then all of a sudden it's not Flournoy, one of the ppl who convinved Obama on Libya. Was Libya the the reason? Maybe. Future who knows?

"Biden threw in his lot with war mongerers"

Haha.. they say architecturally the GPU borrows ideas from the Connection Machine of 80s. I'll always remember CM through Feynman's involvement in it. Feynman.. This guy was everywhere.

That' true. And simple-in-the-small wins over in the long-run, in terms of concurrency. Many top supercomputers in the world these days use GPUs. And its funny it all started from the graphics community.

"GPUs and CPUs are architecturally very different devices. CPUs are designed for running a small number of potentially quite complex tasks. GPUs are designed for running a large number of quite simple tasks"

I never discounted the possibility, see UFOs.

"Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready"


"In October, the [California Energy Commission] CEC approved a $384 million plan focused on clean transportation investments to boost the adoption of zero-emission cars and trucks. Among other funding areas, 70 million was specifically set aside for hydrogen refueling infrastructure"


Flournoy is out?

War-mongering freak bitch.. these ppl freak me the fuck out.

"Price of lab-grown meat to plummet from $280,000 to 10 per patty by 2021"


Lab grown meat.. so stem cells are harvested from cows, muscle stem cells multiplies (grown) to trillions, making meat?

Then u still need some cows around to harvest stem cells from, but not as many cows as we have today? That's not bad.


thats lota cheese dam girl


It’s over. Again. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says he will announce today that he will recertify the election results for Joe Biden after three separate counts of roughly 5M ballots"

"On December 3, 2020, the House and Senate Armed Services Committees completed their conference on the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. We read all 4,517 pages so you don’t have to. The Act includes numerous important sections on Asia. One of the most notable is the the creation of a Pacific Deterrence Initiative (Sec. 1251), which aims to bolster deterrence against China while also reassuring allies and partners. But there are many other provisions Asia watchers should note, including sections related to U.S. regional strategy, Asian alliances, and competition with China across a variety of departments and agencies"


"Australia enjoyed plenty of advantages over the United States in containing Covid-19. It has no land borders to speak of. Its population density is very low ... So they went big. The state’s roadmap largely followed a policy proposal laid out in September by the Grattan Institute (a nonprofit think tank supported by the state and federal governments): 'Go for zero.' ...

'Ideally, lockdowns are only done once and done well,' the proposal’s authors, Stephen Duckett and Will Mackey, explained. 'The benefit of zero is to reduce the risk of ‘yo-yoing’ between virus flare-ups and further lockdowns to contain them.'”


Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band - Bacao Suave #music


Crazy. U know.. coulda happened in 2020.. and the year aint over yet!

"What If Earth got Kicked Out of the Solar System?"


"Of 43 U.S. House seats that flipped from Republican to Democratic control in the 2018 midterms, 14 flipped back to GOP control in 2020, while 29 remained in Democratic hands. Though data is not yet complete, there are signs that these districts’ House vote in 2020 mostly mirrored their vote for president"


Even that morose moth..f.ka on CNN, Wolf, has flash, in a morose kind a way, u know.. like guy is wooden and that's his thing.. ? Eveybody has a thing. Why do you need a thing?

Calmer, less flash is great

Saw on ABC, the host seemed ready to jump on the guest for perceived sleight on labor, there is less flash for one thing, which is great, and the general attitude doesnt seem to be obnoxiously capitalistic, as it is in US.

Would the company make that offer artificially unpalatable tho so that it is never chosen? Or there'd be reg around that too? 🤔

Oz: new law being discussed, plans to bring some new rules around casual work. After some months of doing casual work through a company, the company will have to ask a worker whether they want to become permanent worker or not.

I took CAD courses.. also Computer Graphics undergr, as in, using raw pixels to form geo constructs. May come in handy.

Studebaker John and the Hawks - For Lovin' You #music


Toffler, The Third Wave: "Built on the factory model, mass education taught basic reading, writing, and arithmetic, a bit of history and other subjects. This was the 'overt curriculum.' But beneath it lay an invisible or 'covert curriculum' that was far more basic. It consisted—and still does in most industrial nations—of three courses: one in punctuality, one in obedience, and one in rote, repetitive work. Factory labor demanded workers who showed up on time, especially assembly-line hands. It demanded workers who would take orders from a management hierarchy without questioning. And it demanded men and women prepared to slave away at machines or in offices, performing brutally repetitious operations"

The Industrial Man

"Hyundai hydrogen fuel-cell system might power French-made Grenadier off-road SUV"


"Jim Cramer recommends Linde and Cummins for the future of hydrogen energy"


That's funny. RIP. I mean the actor.. he passed away few years back I believe..

"Bill Paxton shares the honor with his Aliens co-star Lance Henriksen of being the only two actors ever killed on screen by the Terminator, the Alien and the Predator"


NEWS: A day after The @DailyPoster broke the story of @GovRaimondo helping lobbyists give nursing home corporations legal immunity, she's out of the HHS Secretary race"


Rudy is out?


While the list of services Google offers keeps growing, an alleged violation can single-handedly lock you out of all the services. Over a month later, multiple closed-without-reply appeals and 2 employees personally taken a look, I still don't have access to my data"

Raw politics cld be playing a part.. back then Dems did not want to help Trump, and now Reps do not want to help Biden?


We could have had a $1.8 trillion COVID relief bill in October with direct payments to the working class to help pay the rent and food. It is shameful that we’re being asked to support a 900 billion bill with corporate immunity and nothing for the working class"

Pro debt / anti debt... The right answer depends on the (ideologically distinct) party. Oscillation btw the two will lead to an optimal final IMO, in the long run..but neither is an illegitimate position. See Austerity.

There is some good culture / precedent / regulation around DOJ. Like Prez cant fire ppl directly but appoint ppl who could, in theory? But then those ppl are hemmed in with regulation, which they can change, but its hard. POTUS can always fire for refusal of firing others, but then you get special prosecutors jammed up your ass, by the courtesy of Congress.

US fought a lot with racism, at gov level.. One of the main actions of the Justice Department late 1800s was persecuting Klan members. Lota Klansmen were sent to federal prisons bcz of DOJ.

"NY: Parole decisions are down and denials are up as a deadly pandemic slips through the prison bars"


Is there "dignity in work" if the work is made-up work and useless? People shld fight for UBI rather than being paid to dig holes and fill them back up again.

Yea go over there stay out of our shite thank you


INDO-PACIFIC | THE BRITISH ARE COMING U.K.'s Royal Navy is said to be planning a rare excursion to the Western Pacific in early 2021"


Egypt & Greece to sign a joint defense agreement soon As according to Greek sources, the two countries are discussing formalization their military cooperation through signing a defense agreement similar to the one recently signed between Greece & UAE"

And the charge cycle... How many times can the said "efficient" charge/recharge be done? 1000 times? Then what? "Recycle the battery", having to deal with all that frickin acid..? No thank you.

We cant ship batteries easily, their energy density is too low. Energy needs to be shipped to it. Its misinformed proponents are all about "the grid" for this reason. But the grid is inefficient itself, so even combined with "efficient" monkey, the whole system is as good as fossil.

"We'll update the grid", then we have another problem which is not enough lithium to go around. Existing reserves can only cover 10% of today's storage needs, 1% projected. That is one rare monkey.

It is too specialized, for one. Widely used systems need to be build around agile, common components. Batteries are like that circus monkey performing that one trick very well, but we need a Swiss army knife not a circus monkey. The animal cld be fine, rare, handles one case superbly. But how about many other tasks?

"Batteries can store and allow energy retrieval efficiently. What is wrong with that?"

Daam..same here. How will it look i wonder.


For more than 11 years I have only ever known the stretch right through the middle of Berlin to be a tangled mess of construction. As of yesterday, waiting for Berlin’s Godot is finally over"