
Github Mirror

Week 49

This stash is massive. I keep a zipped backup of the .git , so if HD gets trashed I dont have to pull from GH from scratch.

Hah. Received a pull request for my book code stash. Dude just wanted a nice TOC. PR Confirmed.

Shifted work schedule to fit the lockdown. Weekend is workday.

Covid wld strenghten EU's hand in Brexit. Whatever econ hit EU can get, it can now be rolled into a "Covid recession" in terms of optics.

I still do not support nuclear bcz waste storage is problematic. Much, much more problematic than carbon storage coming from fossil CCS.

Oh yeah.. that simulation worked great.

Fossil companies can generate renewable fuel + carbon capture at the source. Once produced, ship this clean fuel, and all the way down the pipeline, the whole process is green. No pollution. H2 cannot emit carbon at that point bcz there is no carbon in it.

H2 pipeline transmits clean, FC car uses it, water comes from its exhaust. I mean it's comically clean.

Fracking needs to be banned, for other reasons, not just bcz it's fossil. The waste water seeping into the ground, waste of potable water, flaring, etc. Same for wildlife refuge drilling.

In short, fossil business can be contained, while still generating clean energy. The whole network needs to be updated for clean fuel, diverse generation methods can provide energy to it. Preferable input of course would be cleanest generation possible, e.g. solar, requiring no CCS at the source.

Fighting climate change is not about "jobs". It requires choosing the right tech. Fossil fuels were a tech. Now it will be about a different kind of tech.

Vaccines are on the way, great. But the whole process has been excrucitingly slow. Vaccine arrival shld have happened in a few months. Was it bcz of massive privatization of drug development and research? Companies excel at capitalizing on research funded by others but little slow on the uptake when they have to RD something themselves?

"8/9/1664, New Amsterdam becomes New York..

Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherland, to an English naval squadron under Colonel Richard Nicolls. Stuyvesant had hoped to resist the English, but he was an unpopular ruler, and his Dutch subjects refused to rally around him. Following its capture, New Amsterdam?s name was changed to New York, in honor of the Duke of York, who organized the mission"

"Warner Bros says its 2021 films will be available to stream in US at same time as they hit cinemas"

nother solo, not bad

Deep Purple - Rosa's Cantina #music


Love a good org solo

Clarence Wheeler & The Enforcers - Doin' What I Wanna #music


"Congress Moves to Block Trump's Troop Cuts in Germany.. Congress moved to stop President Trump from reducing U.S. troops in Germany, dealing a setback to the White House’s attempt to punish the country for its modest level of defense spending"

"Links to leaders in both parties have enabled BlackRock to successfully fight designation as a systemically important financial institution, keeping its trillions outside the Dodd-Frank regulatory perimeter"



On Senate floor, Senator Cortez Masto says Nevada is bracing for 250,000-400,000 evictions after moratorium expires"

Medicare for America

"The House Democratic Caucus has elected @rosadelauro as the next House Appropriations chair, 148-79"

Breaking down connective tissue takes time. The result = soft meat. Works on regular, inexpensive "chuck". Primo.

I killed it with that stew.. That'll be one awesome dish when it comes out of storage. "Low and slow" does it.

Anoushka Shankar And Karsh Kale - Slither #music


Monoliths? Who cares?

Arent nationalist supposed to be more connected to the war of indep?

The main enemy then was the British, but these loser nats now became poodles of UK intelligence, if reports are correct.. Isn't that sad?

They should learn from TR. By now some nationalist corksucker would have blown something up, their symphatizers in gov would then blame the people who died, jail their movement, subsequently watch mainstream politicians tremble in fear, and fall in line like scared little bitches.

You have a lot to learn.

Another Israeli election? Hell

They are in a funk, and they deserve to be. Too many ethnic divisions, foundational issues..

I'd like to see second, third seasons for shows like Incorporated, Terra Nova. Too bad they were discontinued. So was Trek OS at one time BTW.

I guess he was bad at kamikaze

😆 😆 😆 Ba dum tss 🥁

"He Escaped Death as a Kamikaze Pilot. 70 Years Later, He Told His Story"

"Iran Moves to Increase Nuclear Enrichment After Top Scientist Killed"

"Biden says he won't immediately remove Trump's tariffs on China"

Alan Hawkshaw - Raver #music


Manni Montana - Fishing For Compliments #music



America has a problem with its bloated prison-law-enforcement system (ahem, highest incarceration rate in the world). Defunding it a bit is... not crazy? — and in fact this has already started since 2010"

F24: "How did we go from calls to research the origins of Covid-19 to China's call to boycott Australian wine? Relations between Beijing and Canberra started to seriously go south back in May when the Australians demanded an independent probe into Coronavirus. Now, on the week of first anniversary of the first documented case in Wuhan comes an official protest from prime minister Scott Morrison over the image of an Australian soldier holding a bloody dagger up to the throat of an Afghan child, tweeted from the official account of a top foreign ministry spokesperson"



NEWS: Americans who've survived Covid-19 are now being denied life insurance"


Iran deserves more of the blame on the Yemeni situation than SA.

"For at least a decade, there have been numerous Yemeni, Saudi, and other countries’ assertions that Iran has been involved in supporting northern Yemeni rebels seeking autonomy from the Sana’a government. Iranian diplomatic and political support for this rebellious group (known as the Houthis) is undeniable, but Iranian military assistance for them has not always been easy to prove. This situation appeared to change in 2011 when Iran's increased involvement in Yemen occurred in response to both the chaotic situation there during the final year of the Saleh regime and the danger that the Arab Spring revolutions would leave Iran increasingly isolated. Evidence of Iranian efforts to supply weapons to the Houthis now seems overwhelming in contrast to uncertain reports prior to 2011"



90k households recently filed a change of address form with USPS, leaving SF. We have ... ~400k households"


Secretary of the Navy Braithwaite says "the decision has been made" on the establishment of an expeditionary First Fleet to patrol the Indian Ocean (50:17). Looks like this is happening, unless reversed by the Biden administration"

Institutional left lost a lot of ground in the near past, and we were all worse for it.. See link.


.@susie_c has a terrific piece outlining how health care consolidation made us all more vulnerable to a pandemic. Our system isn't designed for care; it's designed to maximize profit"



Despite President Duterte’s much-vaunted 'pivot to China,' the nation’s relationship with the US remains as strong as ever"


Biden seems prepared for SCOTUS to strike down Obamacare next year: 'We have got to end the rural health care crisis right now by building on Obamacare, assuming it survives at all'"

I dont understand why some still keep harping about the Electoral Collage system... The electoral votes per state are already in proportion to the individual state population, so there is no danger of, say, Wyoming (3 electoral votes) overwhelming a state like Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes). Sure bcz of winner-takes-all nature of the process on state basis, some discrepancy can occur between popular vote and the electoral result, but that'll push the candidates care more about individual states which IMO is a good thing. Also the system makes democracy more indirect rather than direct and that again is awesome. The system is great the way it is.

Incoming national security advisor

NVidia stock price then was around 30s.. Now it is over 500.

Why are GPUs (as oppose to CPUs) so popular? They bring you parallelism on the cheap... It is getting harder to have single CPUs to go faster, but running things in parallel, w cheap GPUs (with many "cores") is possible -- first blogged here. An entry-level NVidia GTX 1050 GPU has 640 cores. Insane.

Well that's good.. current state is somewhat embarrasing..

As Verlinde says: "95% of stuff in the universe, we basically don't understand".

"The Search for Dark Matter Is Dramatically Expanding"



I interviewed a career bartender in Palm Springs, Calif. whose job just can't exist with a plague going crazy.

Lawmakers collectively understood that in March, but not now.

'I was making $80,000 a year and living comfortably and now I’m waiting in food lines,' he said"


SoCalGas and SDG&E announced the creation of a #Hydrogen Blending Demonstration Program to decarbonize their naturual gas grid"


i've already had some really fascinating and enraging emails from people about bullshit they've had to deal with; remember if you have a healthcare story of any kind and you want to talk, email"



personal news: I left the New Republic to start a Substack. It’s called Sick Note, it’s about how awful American healthcare is"


"The hydrogen economy starts today. In the midst of pandemic, the Prime Minister gave a speech on the government’s commitments to Net Zero yesterday"


Always psyched to learn different modes of parallelization. Dabbled in a few so far, in-proc threads with in-mem data, multi process with DB, and map/reduce. The one I am looking at is new, at least in the close-to-the-metal way of coding it..

Could even be better on the eyes.. Eye sees light, then makes sense for the thing we actively try to distinquish to have light -- the letters.

Lots of options for people who like inverted colors on their computers. Its like inverted color affinity is some kind of disability that is actively catered to... nice.

This guy has such a smug face. He could play that "Bob Rumson" role easy, in the M. Douglas movie, he was Prez etc and mr smugface could be Bob Rumson, the Rep oppo.

Jobs in a renewable fuel economy? Of course there will be jobs... I dont personally give a flying flap about full employment, only that people have money and health insurance (not the same thing), but a 10 TRILLION $ worth green economy would imply a lot of jobs.. How can economic activity that large involving a physical product not generate jobs?

Due to their handling of covid some of the "magic" around China's "good governance" story started to wear off. They acted in childish ways, and showed the world that a country who is not accountable to their citizens, through some kind of ballot / electoral process can actually be a danger to the entire community of nations.. The freak experiment that is their system needs to end, at the very least, evolve drastically.

This is the guy, right before a joint press conf w BC, told Tony Blair "dont fuck this up". Looks like it will be a zoo in there.. Whenever Im bored Imma hit this motherfucker. Lets make this happen..

🤣 🤣

That's probably the message aimed at too; coalition management.

"'It’s like putting Chelsea Clinton in the office,' said Kurt Ehrenberg, Sanders’ former longtime political strategist in New Hampshire"



NEW: More than 1,000 tweets have disappeared from Joe Biden Office of Management and Budget nominee @neeratanden's Twitter feed over the past month, including many that were critical of GOP senators"

Yeah.. that's dumb.

Fuuuck this shit.. Now every funky experimentation goes into its virtual machine.

My notebook went mustang but now it is back in play in less than half a day. This used to be more stressful. WTF? I lost a major point of drama in my life.

Google still does some good things... Collab lets anyone play with GPUs, for free. Useful.


Want to see a cat drumming to Iron Maiden?"


I keep saying fossil companies can be part of the solution. Huge part, even.. Renewable fuel economy would play into their strengths.

EM is a good guy. Strong H2 supporter.

"[Former Obama Energy Secretary Ernest] Moniz was the featured speaker at the inaugural session of the Stanford University Global Energy Dialogues on June 9. In a wide-ranging discussion covering the breadth of energy resources needed to meet our climate challenge, he said that renewables like wind and solar will be 'critical components.' However, we also need 'an assault across the board on all approaches,' including longer-term storage, hydrogen, carbon capture and sequestration, even technologies that remove carbon from the atmosphere"


Scott Morrison is pissed at that China thing.

Tanden? Dont know much abt, but the impression I got from others in left was that the broad is really dumb

The Nordic Theory of Everything book opens with Clinton introducing Finland President Halonen, praising the country for its .. leftists ways 😶. BC atoning for some of his sins.,? Democrat Prez is a Democrat Prez, cant help but feel bad for some of the shit that went down probably. Half a decade before his wife would lose to a game-show host BTW.

It's funny, these dictator types really arent that informed, bright; Hitler had no idea what other leaders were truly thinking, their motives.

Lenin did little better, he was had, but only for a while, figured out Adolf early enough.


"Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice. ... If there are health benefits from eating less beef and pork, they are small, the researchers concluded"


We cannot blame politicians who went along with Russiagate. It was too easy of a narrative for the Dems, a unifier of sorts so it was followed, pandered to. The onus and the criticism should go to / be on the media; they chose to perpetuate the convenient lie. Politicians live in the backdrop where MSM looms large.

NYT: "One of the great successes of the Republican Party in recent decades is the relentless propagation of a simple formula for economic growth: tax cuts.

The formula doesn’t work, but that has not affected its popularity. In part, that’s because people like tax cuts ... It was in the context of this worldview that it became popular to argue that tax cuts would drive prosperity. Rich people would invest, productivity would increase, wages would rise.

In the real world, things are more complicated. Wages are influenced by a tug of war between employers and workers, and employers have been winning. One clear piece of evidence is the yawning divergence between productivity growth and wage growth since roughly 1970. Productivity has more than doubled; wages have lagged far behind.

The point is not that economists were completely wrong. Productivity obviously plays a role in determining wages. McDonald’s cannot pay workers more money than it collects from its customers. But economists were partly and consequentially wrong. Power mattered, too"



Important - UAE & France will participate for the 1st time in the Multinational Military Exercise Medusa-10 alongside with Egypt, Cyprus & Greece. The Exercise is scheduled to be conducted this year in the period between Nov. 30-Dec. 6 off Egypt's Alexandria coast"


"Blows my mind" = "this is an awesome way of teaching and I'd love to learn that way". And since microprocessor design is one of the hardest subjects to teach, if it can be taught like this, we can teach everything using the same method. No teachers required.

(Except the ones recording the videos -a select few-)

For many years China, a non-democracy, had high level support in US policy circles, so CH becomes dollar-rich. Then US movies wanted a piece of that muneeee, but u have to go through the CH censors and appeal to a different crowd. Ergo movies get a bunch of artificially planted CH characters, in the The Meg, Independence Day 2, even some in Avengers. These actors are not there bcz they fit the storytelling, they are plants which pulls down the quality of your art. This is nearly as bad, possibly worse, than SJW art.

"India-Singapore-Thailand Complete Second Trilateral Maritime Exercises China's ... aggressive military posturing have provided India, Singapore and Thailand strategic rationale to combine their efforts"

"Austrian village of 'Fucking' decides to change its name The long-suffering residents of the small Austrian village of Fucking have confirmed that, from January 1, the town will be known as Fugging. Fans of unusual place-names will mourn the loss"


Pakistan is to China as Vietnam is to India"

Slapping new tech on top of the old without replacing the old structure... Where have we seen this before?

"Remote school is leaving children sad and angry"


Ok.. now redo the sequels #starwars

And I just realized Katee Sackoff was in S02E03. Wonderful. #mandalorian

Rosario Dawson was great as Ahsoka #mandalorian

Val Kilmer cannot be written off too easily.. For every The Saint, Spartan there is Tombstone.

You need vitamins (from veg or fruit). Sailors on long treks would get gum disease from meat only diets. All food storage mthds from all cultures have a place for fruits for this reason. American Indian pemmican is buffola meat with berries mixed in.

"Cant you survive only on meat?"