
Github Mirror

Week 46


New Mich. hospital data: Of people admitted with COVID, 70% were alive and home 60 days later. Of those who'd been working, 40% either lost their job or were still too sick to work"


Hospitalizations in Sweden rising faster than anywhere else in Europe, undermining reckless nonsense about success of laissez faire strategy"

Yes. New post


WTF is that compound? It doesn't seem pressurized.. Not ammonia.. Room temparature storage.. Interest piqued.

"Saudi Arabia is constructing a futuristic city in the desert on the Red Sea called Neom. The $500 billion city ... is being built from scratch and will be home to a million people. And what energy product will be used both to power this city and sell to the world? Not oil. The Saudis are going big on something called green hydrogen — a carbon-free fuel made from water by using renewably produced electricity to split hydrogen molecules from oxygen molecules. ...

The Saudis aren’t alone in believing it’s the next big thing in the energy future. While the fuel is barely on the radar in the United States, around the world a green hydrogen rush is underway"



Research finds that restaurants, gyms, cafes and other crowded indoor venues accounted for 80% of infections in the #COVID19 pandemic"


So far as I've heard, progs dont sound unhappy about Klain as COS.

Karl Rove: "This Election Result Won’t Be Overturned"


"Plastic Injection Molding vs 3D Printing ? Which is Better? ... 3D printing has given engineers the power to create plastic designs at their desks and bring them to life in a matter of hours. Injection molding, on the other hand, is the go-to for quality and value. ... The use of 3D printing in innovative and experimental scenarios has been grabbing recent headlines, but the reality is that the majority of today's plastic parts are manufactured using plastic injection molding"


Emphasis - Vera Cruz #music


Sad picture.

TR is not surprising I guess, it is a near-apartheid state where certain sections of the population are opressed, a permanent morass of defunct ideologies with a phony national identity, and a leadership history which never had much spark. The color on the map is well deserved.

South Africa, well, an actual frickin apartheid, until recently.

Brasil, Chile make sense. Both countries opressed the left, via coups, hard or soft.

Mexico, drug lords. Largely US' fault.

Rahm liked Hyperloop fyi, disgraced former mayor of Chicago and a centrist.


Japan has 1700 miles of high-speed train lines that can go up to 200 mph. The system has been in use for half a century.

'@CNN Virgin Hyperloop has completed the first test of its high-speed transportation technology'"

SJS Big Band - International Monetary Funk #music


There is no subsititute to asking the top dog on a particular subject. Just dropped one to honcho on Zoom, got good answer.


According to the latest available statistics, US multinationals book 53% of their non-US profit in the main tax havens.

The 2018 tax reform has had no detectable effect so far on profit shifting.

A country-by-country minimum tax of 21% (as proposed by Biden) would make a big difference, since it would remove the incentives to shift profit to very low-tax places"


"Should the left make coalition with libertards?"

Instead of ultra-right freaks, these libertard guys are somewhat preferable. If they can become less pro corporate sluts, more pro small biz, then there might be hope for US right yet.

That of course also partly rests on the left acting left. As long as Dems encroach on their shit, sit on their couch, watch their TV, eat their cheetos, they'll never act like a sane party. Then Dems will spend another quarter century wondering why the GOP is so intractable, and does not allow them to be "bipartisan".

Nothing special abt 9-9, I picked it so it rhymes.

But then later I checked the date, and there were a lot of Tea Party protests that day. :)

This guy is still tea-partying like it's 9-9-2009.

Their partner BioNTech received over 300 million Euros from the DE government.


Pfizer CEO explains why they rejected subsidies. A must read for all interventionists"


NEWS: Clark ballots are in, Biden doubles lead to 22K in Nevada"


Today's deal announced by Putin, @presidentaz & @NikolPashinyan in many ways addresses core Russian interests in the conflict, and is perhaps the best outcome (at least in short term) Moscow could get out of the situation. ...

Russia has put its 2000 peacekeepers in NK [Nagorno-Karabakh] - something that Moscow wanted to do back in 1994, but was unable to. There will be no Turkish armed peacekeepers, which is very important for Moscow. ... Presence of the [RU] peacekeepers (in Moscow's view) is a guarantee that [AZB] will not be tempted to resume the war and capture all of NK territory. The Kremlin is sure that @presidentaz took note of what happened after shelling of [RU] peacekeepers in 2008 in South Ossetia"


Clear message from a coalition of Senators.


My colleagues and I have drafted a letter to @CAgovernor Newsom to ensure that as we move towards our zero emission goals that we do not become overly-reliant on or overly invested in one single technology"


The Guardian with the same news


BP gets it too.


The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud"

From the movie Serenity

"If you can't do something smart, do something right."

Hmm.. The cables are woven by hand, there are screws, other connections too.. If the whole thing, metal + plastic was printed together in one shot, then it'd be truly 3D printed.

It's a start tho..

"3D Printed Brushless Motor"


"Chile [wants to have] 5GW of electrolysis capacity under development by 2025"


"Nel electrolysers to produce vital oxygen for US Navy"


Need to be picky with words like "Americans want". I'd change it to ".. would probably like, after they had, and might reward us for".

I understand campaigning for office can dilute language tho.

In one The Expanse ep they had a "Martian colonist" come to Earth and walk around. An Earth character makes fun of how she walks, feeling heavier weight due to different g. In reality she'd probably have died on Mars due to bone degradation. And if she ever came back to Earth she'd be crushed by mere gravity.

ah good. buh bye.


NEWS: Cheri Bustos plans to step down from her job as DCCC chair"

section 8 hoe

4/4/19: "Cheri Bustos takes on the new left... The DCCC chairwoman is standing firm against a progressive backlash."


Folks are just wildly claiming 'defund the police' had an impact on the election when:

1) Biden campaigned on giving more funding to police

2) it wasn’t a measure that was supported by the candidates whose campaigns lost

3) no one is providing any data to support the claim


DJT should take a page out of Turktiggerstan handbook; blame the son-in-law for everything and cleanse self of all ills.

Too late for the election of course. Loss for DJT. Sad.


I have voted Republican most of my life. I consider myself a conservative. I want to believe there are still 'very fine' people on both sides of the aisle but...if #GOP leaders don’t get their collective noses out of that man’s ass, we’re gonna have words"

Just kidding. It's fine.

Oh no.


This is buuul-shit. Weakly typed language binness ?!

C++ has mellowed!

What's next? String to integer conversion?


for (const auto & [ key, value ] : map) {
    cout << key << std::endl;



Just saw a song titled "International Monetary Funk"

Samúel Jón Samúelsson Big Band - Boba #music


C++ truly is fast as shit. It's just f-ing raw speed. Close to the metal.

A million particles in a simulation. An early code had >4000 but with an inefficient O(N^2) which tells me in O(n) setting, that frees up proc, ~1 Million cld be fine.

Biden was a good candidate. The incumbent was deeply unpopular, and the election rested mostly on his delivery, but the Biden campaign provided the ultimate opposite, neutralized the other side's strengths well.

"A slew of moderate lawmakers, whose wins in the 2018 midterms handed the gavel again to Pelosi, have lost or are on track to lose their seats. Meanwhile, several establishment Democrats are set to be replaced by staunch progressives, shifting Democrats’ political center of gravity further left in the lower chamber of Congress"


Can we tie (representative) democracy status (a score between 0-10) to trade barriers -- more democracy gets more trade.

Haha DETO instead of NATO? Democratic Earth Treaty Organization. Only democracies are allowed, members face dismissal if they backtrack on democracy. Unified defense, increased trade, etc.

The Sound Stylistics - Say It Aint So #music


They use hair to clean oil spills.

"There's a good reason hair gets oily. It's because your hair follicles have little fat glands that ooze oil onto your hair... Well, now scientists in Australia have taken a cue from nature to see how well hair and fur can absorb a different kind of oil - crude oil"

On the face of it, looks fine.. More friends for Israel is a good thing (I do want them to exist, also plz try to kill less Palestenians). But if ripping up an existing peace deal caused the hostility in the first place, then is lining up bunch of allies behind Israel an unnecessary fix?

Wld US also strategically prefer an ME Cold War? Or have everyone be in a concillatory / neutral state to both itself, Israel and eachother?

We cant just do the "out-of-the-ordinary" for the eff of it, or for tactics. There needs to be some strategic sense to it all.

"But isn't an outsider like Trump a good thing bcz he did the untried, Israel is now being recognized by many new Arab states"

Third Wave tech is overwhelming Second Wave institutions. IMO to provide some sort of sanity before the ultimate shift, we need to cut off the extra noise, otherwise the central institutions will be bombarded. The noise will do no good anyway -- e.g. Newt sitting in front of a chatroom w trolls bombarding the singular Speaker.

We should remove even the smallest direct-dem practices, along with referandums, making the whole process to go through representatives. Remember the California recall election circus?

Dont put voters on the spot for issues. Get elected somehow, enact policy, be reelected on their success.

Progs probably did not like that outcome. Be comforted with the fact that voters dont know much

"Californians overwhelmingly voted in favour of Prop 22, exempting app-based ride-hailing and delivery services from classifying drivers as employees eligible for benefits and job protections"


For us [at EFF], Prop 24 [allows consumers to prevent businesses from sharing personal information, etc] is rather a mixed bag of partial steps backwards and forwards"



I have never seen any technology which enjoys such universal support of all governments."



Because it took longer than normal to count the votes, there is the impression that the results were close. As @zbyronwolf points out- @JoeBiden’s victory was much more decisive than you think"


WaPo: "Biden plans immediate flurry of executive orders to reverse Trump policies"

CNBC: "An $11 trillion global hydrogen energy boom is coming. Here’s what could trigger it... Storing fuel in salt caverns isn’t new, but hydrogen’s growing role in decarbonization has revitalized interest in the concept.

The Advanced Clean Energy Storage project in Utah aims to build the world’s largest storage facility for 1,000 megawatts of clean power, partly by putting hydrogen into underground salt caverns. The concept is quickly gaining momentum in Europe.

Some 130 miles south of Salt Lake City, engineers are working on what will become a giant cavity in the ground. It’s a geological formation known as a salt dome, a column of salt surrounded by sedimentary layers, and when it’s filled with hydrogen, it could become one of the largest renewable energy reservoirs in the world"


Thats funny..


Simulation can be a whole new type of business domain. Any manufacturing company, before manufacturing anything, can ask these guys to run simulations on the parts they will produce before they produce them in bulk.

There is always action in US on pretty much everything, being at the center of research, but the Kraut, and the French, and the Aussies always seem to have a foot in the door, in those same fields. Brits too of course.


These guys are good..

From dive solutions GmbH, Berlin.

"We then attempted to replicate these observations with a quick SPH simulation. The flow field in the simulations and the experiment are in satisfying agreement. The matching flow patterns indicate that the fluid dynamics at the higher speeds are reproduced with certainty as well"


They can increase renewable use through solar, they certainly have a lot of direct sunshine.

Min says solar generation is done for 6 hours, 1/4th of a day -same guesstimate I'd used earlier-. For renewable storage; GenCell is local right?

"Minister of Energy Yuval Steinitz on Renewable Energy Goal" #israel


Fragmentorchestra - Metropolis #music



@JRubinBlogger with all due respect, this is a terrible piece. Ky Democrats have run 6 moderate candidates in a row against McConnell, each less inspiring than the previous & losing every time. @Booker4KY is inspiring & genuine. Unless @AmyMcGrathKY can become both, it’s a loss.


Opinion: Democrats serious about winning chose Amy McGrath'"


Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band - Laventille Road March #music


Shell gets it.

Fossil energy companies can win in a renewable fuel economy (there wont be a 'battery economy' as the amount of lithium reserves are limited). But many companies have the know-how to transport, process chemical fuels, they only have to adapt to a somewhat different type of fuel. A win-win for all.

Guess what, Japan is ready for that shit.

"Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil producer, last month shipped the world's first shipment of "blue" ammonia – produced using hydrogen derived from fossil fuels and capturing the carbon emissions – to Japan, to be used in zero-carbon power generation"
