
Github Mirror

Week 44

Looking more fluidy.. Nice.

Corollary: True change happens top-down, not bottom-up.

They can gauge whether they are doing good or bad and vote for the 'other' if bad (enough for democracy to work).

Spin is short term. Bad policies sink, good policies raise -- in the long run, through their outcomes. If ur party is constantly putting up bad policies, ppl might choose 'other' on you more than the next guy. Also if major blocs are all failing constantly u might get the occasional fascist who'll run roughshod over the whole thing. That, noone wants.

Exactly. People don't know shit. That's why you dont put them on the spot for specific policy (see Brexit).

"Are you saying you can 'spin' people? They are not wise processors of information?"

It could work.. the spin that is. Im not sure Dems want anything passed that wld help Trump before election anyway.

"In many of the competitive races, Republicans have risked their seats by jamming through the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett [.. m]eanwhile, a desperately needed stimulus bill continues to languish. This is precisely the message Senate Democrats used to make the four-day Barrett hearings into a advertisement against Senate Republicans"


Fantastic design - Airfish-8


The Hunter Biden attacks just aren’t landing. Rare misfire by the traditionally well oiled right-wing propaganda machine. Enormously convoluted and niche... It just has no punch in the middle of an economic depression and deadly pandemic"

"Twitter backs down in NY Post standoff over Hunter Biden"


Assange is in solitary.

Snowden's in exile.

Corbyn's suspended by his own party.

Now Glenn Greenwald's been censored by The Intercept.

There's a war on truth-tellers"

Pine Phone

"Don't expect a contested election... The cone of uncertainty has narrowed considerably. Now, the question seems to be whether we'll see a "skinny" Biden win or a landslide"


At another level anti-semitism is Labor's Russiagate. It unites certain people, against certain other people.... It serves a purpose. Obviously, just like Russiagate, is is based on half-truths, a warped version of reality. The issue is now a code word, a fraternity secret handshake of sorts.

Give it enough time even Americans would become like that... Remember that CNN reporter name calling leisure watchers while Palestines were being bombed? A CNN reporter!

Of course. Because they know Israel better!

Brits have some history in the area, hence the knowledge about these things are more widespread, so their left is naturally more vocal about it.

"But isn't it true there has been more pointed criticism of Israel in UK, especially in Labor?"

😆 😆 😆

BBC: "Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report"


Expect a lot of sniping from the reporters behind discredited Russiagate hysteria, hype mindless identity politics, aggregate partisan horse race journalism & whose beliefs are uniformly identical to whatever is popular on Twitter. The conformist mob hates principled dissent"

Glenn Greenwald resigns from the media platform he co-founded bcz of censorship and moves to Substack?

Paolo Fedreghini and Marco Bianchi - Stay (in mood) #music


Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Cairo Cairo #music


CNN: "With the race for the presidency approaching its end amid a raging pandemic, Democratic nominee Joe Biden maintains a substantial lead over President Donald Trump nationwide" via @AlanIAbramowitz



NEWS: A major fossil fuel company pumped an average of $12,000 into politics every single day for 2 years & just got a top court to bless its move to keep the money 100% anonymous. The case could set a precedent for all corporate spending to buy elections"



What made Russiagate unique as a conspiracy theory is that you need a college degree to believe it, because it requires a special sort of stupidity only conferred by higher education"

From their brochure


They use sodium borohydride..? 🤔


"The hydrogen hydride alloy used in Lavo is based on a technology that emerged after WWII, where hydrogen molecules attach to metals such as magnesium or aluminium. Professor Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou, chief scientist and executive director of Lavo and lead researcher in hydrogen technologies at UNSW, has been researching hydrides for more than 20 years. Muller says Aguey-Zinsou has 'cracked the code' with the alloy used in the Lavo storage system"


Hydride based H2 storage was listed here.

They use a form of metal hydride apparently.


With the aim of powering a cleaner, more sustainable future through its cutting-edge hydrogen storage technology, Australian technology and lifestyle company Lavo officially launched on Tuesday (20th Oct)"


Plug Power CEO: "Power Density and Range: fuel cell energy density is four times more than batteries, and a tank of hydrogen contains more than double the energy of a battery at the same weight. Fuel cells allow easy scalability for users to increase range without the elimination of cargo space. This is important in middle-mile and long-haul green mobility markets. In these applications, you must double the batteries on board to double the range of a battery-electric vehicle. With fuel cells, to double the range, you only have to add more hydrogen. That supports a 50-60% increase in payload versus battery electric vehicles"


It's not surprising fascists sometimes offering left solutions. While it's fine to get some left policies, you really don't need the accompanying drama, or deaths, and the errant stupidity.

"[T]he Brasilian government launched the benefits ... with an average monthly benefit of $163 per home. Now the relief is also providing an unlikely popularity boost for Bolsonaro"

Not exactly fluidy dam break yet.. but we're getting there

They have a Hoboken too. And it's likely theirs is the original.

I did lot of my first H2 read-ups while in Antwerp. 👍


Ankara and Moscow have closer ties than Ankara and Paris. Russia killed dozens of Turkish troops in March and Ankara chose to pretend the Syrians did it"

Celebrations in Chile after scrapping their Consitution

Eat Static - Love Truncheon! #music


Mad Money + H2.


In 1950, the corporate income tax raised 6.5% of national income in tax revenue. In 2019 it raised 1.2%"

"Coronavirus antibodies decline after infection, study finds, raising questions about herd immunity"


Fila Brazillia - D'avros #music


Langhorns - Slipstream #music


"12 million have lost employer-sponsored health insurance [US]"


C. Hedges: "48% of front line workers remain ineligible for sick pay [in US]"

That's lota of f-ing people, for one. Second, if the spread is too fast, it overhelms the health system, which most government in the EU and elsewhere are responsible for. That's why govs panick when R goes too much over 1. Plus slowing the spread buys time; cure, vaccine, etc.

"If covid is let roam free and 1% of people die, that is one years worth of world population growth. Why care?"

"Texas is on its way to becoming a Democratic state"

"The 'Borat 2' babysitter says she only made $3,600 for being tricked in the film. Now, she's unemployed and feels 'betrayed.'"


The seemingly daring nature of his pranks hide the fact that these are safe protests to make. After wide condemnation of W ME policies, it is safe to "get" Cheney, in a culture where there is already tolerance for that stuff. Is it safe to say millions have no health insurance and Dems have done nothing abt it for decades? Say that shit, maybe they'll pull the money for your next Borat movie.

SBC thinks Twitter alone is responsible for Trump's 2016 election BTW. He doesn't really understand what's going on. His main crowd seems to be affluent centrist types who just want to be served up some safe resistance.

Well after pressure like this from many FB caved

"Baron Cohen called Zuckerberg a 'naive, misguided child who spreads Nazi propaganda and only has imaginary friends.'"


"Palestinian Information Center (PIC) condemns with the strongest possible terms Facebook’s deletion of its 5-million fan page"

💧 + ⚡ = Boom! ⛽ ⛽ ⛽

Sweet. 💧 means ⛽ for us


We just announced that - for the first time - we’ve confirmed H2O💧 in sunlit☀️ areas of the Moon"

Chile scraps their 80 Consitution? Their diktat is usually compared to TR fascism, w its human-rights vioations, on the left especially. Pinotchet is compared to Evren, and their consitution must be just as bad, 80 and 82 respectively, ultra capitalist, fascist docs in essence. TR fascism is still around sadly

Which analyst is that? TH is already a non-democracy. A coup there wld be just another workday, like another Thursday.

"Protests in Thailand could spiral into violence and lead to a military coup, analyst says"

Let it rip

"Banks may have to brace for heavy losses as commercial property prices plunge... Commercial real estate prices have plunged this year as people stopped going into offices, and retail businesses were disrupted. That could lead to a significant losses for banks, according to a recent report"


It is my professional duty to note again that, no matter its popularity in some circles, 'the top 10% pays 70% of income taxes' is a meaningless statistic. If the top 10% earned 100% of all income it would pay 100% of all income taxes"

Real World Floating Architecture with Karina Czapiewska



Francis Coppieters - Funky Chimes #music


Francis Coppieters - Piano in Transit #music



NEWS: We confirmed water on the sunlit surface of the Moon for the 1st time using @SOFIAtelescope. We don’t know yet if we can use it as a resource, but learning about water on the Moon is key for our #Artemis exploration plans"


Great to see Giles Dickson, CEO of @WindEurope, supporting European Clean Hydrogen Alliance!"

If one has certain socdyn ability, an idea is to use it to find good anchor points, calculations, measurements, lit, and use that to build more know-how around. Can lead to more replicatable results and might even to something resembling science. I did this bcz lack of mathematics in socials sciences is repulsive for 1, and wanted to be as hands-off as possible (refs for everything). It works.

Standardization.. 👎

The Independent, 2015: "Schools are using 'dubious practices' and even cheating to achieve better performance results because of the intense pressure of the Government’s test and exam system, a major study for the largest teaching union has found. ...

The study concluded there was 'evidence that teachers in England are ‘gaming the system’, because they are under pressure to achieve good results. In some cases they are being told to cheat. Such practices are increasing in response to the intense pressure on school leaders and teachers to raise attainment as measured by tests and exams.'"


They discovered a method to produce a cheap catalyst that performs as well as current methods, but based on tungsten.

"[E]lectrocatalytic water splitting has been considered as one of the most important and sustainable processes for the hydrogen production. Because of the low HER kinetics, it is necessary to use high efficiency electrocatalysts to increase the overall process efficiency. ...

Here, we report a simple and scalable plasma dynamic synthesis method to form composite containing the single-crystalline nanosized cubic tungsten carbide embedded in the carbon matrix (WC 1-x @C), which was studied in HER both in the pure form and modified with some Pt by wet impregnation method. It was found that even by adding 1 wt % platinum, it is possible to significantly increase the catalytic activity of the WC 1-x @C composite, while with the addition of 10% platinum allows reaching almost the same properties as for commercial Pt/C sample"


These guys are developing a capsule technology to carry H2 to whereever it's needed, especially for aviation needs. Good company to watch.

There is no comparison. H2 storage capacity is nearly limitless. If there is water, we can get H2. Double the panel capacity double the fuel. As simple as that.

"How does storage of H2 vs bats compare?"

How to understand a certain country with dumb ni--rs at the helm.. You start with a child. What does a child want? Wants to do grown-up things, right. Drive like one, be like one.

But if the child type is dysfunctional, s/he wont know what those grown-up things are, will instead do things that appear grown-up, like this kid, with imaginary steering wheel, and make car sounds "wroomm wrooom". In gov that'll be vevy vevy big bridges, vevy vevy big wars... wout knowing whether these things are useful or not. This is the sad truth.

They are very similar. With golf you sorta walk around too, like regular daily life chill, then you go to a certain point, stop, concenrate, strain.. strain.. Boom!

That's exactly like taking a shit.

"You say golf is similar to a number two. How so?"


I had many spirited debates about censorship in the TYT studio, I was warning that being pro-censorship will always come back to bite the left even harder. Reminder: No matter how much you hate someone who is speaking, the antidote to bad speech is more speech, not censorship.


Facebook is now blocking our videos for violating "community standards" that trigger certain key words'"

"Gov. Newsom Pledges to Ban Fracking in California – Then Greenlights More of It. The Newsom administration has established a pattern of approving permits during busy news cycles"



Breathtaking: statewide, Texas just surpassed 80% of its total 2016 votes cast, leading the nation. And there's still more than a week of voting to go"

Making something float is much easier than making it sink. Calcs for a platform... 3x2x8 meter design, with two stacks of empty barrels in it, pour concrete over it, put a ton of weight on top, this conrete slab would still float.

Barrel, 0.16 m^3, concrete density 2400 kg / m3.

w = 3; h = 2; l = 8
concw = (w*h*l - w*1.2*l) * 2400
concv = w*h*l
ow = 1000.0
"%0.2f, %0.2f" % (concw+ow, concv*1000.0)
Out[1]: '47080.00, 48000.00'

Boeing is in the gutter, Airbus on the rise. Dam.

Airbus 👍 👍 👍

"Recycling lithium" is a non-starter for another reason. Reserves are limited, as in insufficient, and since recycling does not magically create new reserves, the main problem remains unresolved. Not enough fucking lithium.

Ikebe Shakedown- Tame The Beats #music


Yennah - Red Noise #music


Trek isn't about the "Federation" necessarily either.. How do these fools at Bad Reboot (a JJ outfit) watch these shows? With eyes closed? They seem to have perfected the "superficial pay homage" move, e.g. in Into the Darkness Khan says "my name is Khan" veery deliberately, BR is like ok, u remember that right, I pressed that button now we are okay? That was cool right..? Like it's a fan thing..? It's not a fan thing. Roddenberry's creation is the whole package, not some building, or some word you pay random homage to.

What was the other one with the fax, and Internet..? Also NYT right?

🤣 🤣 🤣

“A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth's atmosphere". The New York Times, January 13, 1920.

Earth surface area (including sea) 510.1 million km².

How much area for 1 person?

area = ( 510.1  / (7.5 * 1e3) * 1e6  ) 
print ("%.2f m2" %  area )
print ("side %.2f m" %  np.sqrt(area) )
68013.33 m2
side 260.79 m

Not too wide of an area.. a square with one side 260 meters..

Lota people.

I cannot believe post 911 was spent on such shoddy-ass solutions on the climate. Pursued BTW by ppl who were seen as "smart" too. Simple arithmetic could have shown what's what... So sad.


#Belarus Military vehicles are coming from various direction. Mobile internet is shutdown. 12 metro stations in #Minsk are closed. The authorities are clearly scared, as they are doing it earlier than usual"

IMO there will come a time when Russia will actively be involved spreading democracy itself. At least to the level it itself has.