
Github Mirror

Week 43

HEP is recommended by Gianotti, Giudice..? You know the goombah are just looking for another New Jersey, that one-step away place to move to and never to move from again.. They got no experimentation. They gon sit on their ass and eat ziti all day long, that's what they want.

The same problem keeps showing up again and again. Flailing in a random direction is confused with "courage", "experimentation", or "being adventerous". You gotta choose in which direction to shoot, being mindful of ammo. Some trials are more promising than others.

"While HEP [high energy physics, colliders] experiment is facing difficult times because of fundamental physical, engineering and economic limits, the problems of HEP theory are mostly self-inflicted. The decision nearly 40 years ago by a large fraction of the field to orient their research programs around bad ideas that don’t work (SUSY extensions of the Standard Model and string theory unification), then spend decades refusing to acknowledge failure is at the core of the sad state of the subject these days ..

About the canniest and most influential HEP theorist around is Nima Arkani-Hamed, and a few days ago I watched an interview of him by Janna Levin. On the question of the justification for a new collider, he’s careful to state that the justification is mainly the study of the Higgs. He’s well aware that the failure of the 'naturalness' arguments for weak-scale SUSY needs to be acknowledged and does so. He also is well aware that any attempt to argue this failure away by saying 'we just need a higher energy collider' won’t pass the laugh test ...

The most disturbing aspect of the interview is that Levin devotes a lot of time (and computer graphics) to getting Arkani-Hamed to explain his 1998 ideas about 'large extra dimensions', repeatedly telling the audience that he has been given a $3 million prize for them. ...

At the time it was pretty strange that a $3 million dollar prize was being given for ideas that weren’t working out. It’s truly bizarre though that Levin would now want to make such failed ideas the centerpiece of a presentation to the public, misleading people about their status. ...

This is part of the overall weird situation of the failed ideas (SUSY/strings) of 40 years ago: they still live on in a dominant position when the subject is presented to the public"


Particle Physicists Continue Empty Promises


If it was, it was misguided. EU is not on the opposite side of the world, it is UK's next door neighbor with existing trade over a trillion $ annually.

The CANZUK idea is more globalization-inspired than EU relation ever could be.. No wonder it is sold as part of "global Britain". It is ironic an anti-globalization movement flirting with globalization. Maybe it's just abt ppl missing the days when Britain was tearing shit up overseas. Good times. But those days are gone, right?

Why not experiment with new ideas like floating cities, instead of reliving old ones? On international waters, anyone can create such structures, and they would spur lots of innovation.

"Was Brexit abt being against globalization?"


[On] Pennsylvania and fracking. There are a LOT of things us national reporters are oversimplifying and dumbing down here. ... Fracking – more accurately the energy economy that has sprung up around it -- has been a real boost to the state, particularly Western Pa. Pittsburgh has become a Houstoneque energy hub.

It’s always been controversial and many Pennsylvanians have been skeptical – particularly in the vote-rich eastern half of the state. And as both Dem and GOP governors underregulated, voters wanted more scrutiny. While money poured in some places, other communities were very underwhelmed by the promises vs the reality.

There have been environmental red flags from day 1. ... this is not longer the fast-booming energy economy it was a decade ago. Thousands of wells have been drilled, and energy prices have dropped. Both have led to a relative slowdown. Voters aren’t as obsessed as GOP thinks they are"


"Ardica specializes in the production of Alane, a highly stable, extremely lightweight hydrogen powder now used by a select set of customers in industrial and military applications. The U.S. Army has been working closely with Ardica for many years to test Alane’s superior ability to power a wide range of mobile and vehicular applications. By replacing traditional batteries, Alane greatly reduces weight and extends operations while increasing the safety and efficiency of the soldiers.

The U.S. Army chose Alane because it can be stored, shipped, stocked, and accessed easily. Alane does not lose its energy potential over time and is unaffected by temperature variations. It does not require massive capital investment to develop new infrastructure, and can be recycled and regenerated"


Yea.. Spain should get rid of its monarchy. Great idea. Go for it.

What pisses me off? The guy learning a topic from my tutorials after I shat bricks collating info for that tutorial.

Just kidding.. it's okay.

Yep.. this post reminded me, Manganese Hydride-1, then I saw a company is working on it - Kubagen

Some reorg on climate posts

This is what we get when the base tech is solid, as in simple, efficient; Options multiply.

When the base is wrong, like batteries, then it's about limited resources, coups, cretin, inbred, half-brained celebrities running amok selling snake oil.

Collated previous posts.

H2 Storage Options

"This aviation startup is soaring ahead with hydrogen-powered planes"


Recycling lith from used batteries? Hah! Yea.. You really dont want to be the guy doing that job, with all that frickin acid. I've heard of ppl who were hurt by that shit.

Ask Merkel.

"I am a country, want to get into H2, usage, logistics. What to do?"

AFAIK carbon capture works; last I heard abt it was from Dr. Finkel, a.k.a Oz Chief Scientist. Have questions? Ask Finkel.

Still prefer Navier-Stokes but good to keep in mind

The moderator was more low-key, the previous guy had too much flash, he is the ambush guy, the griller, which is fine, but his style could raise tensions somewhat (again ok on my end but most didn't like the last debate for its tone).


Well near the end there Biden did say "transition".

#debate #climate

Brunch liberals

I don't understand why Trump thinks 401k performance is a winning issue for him; most 401k holders are the top 20%, "resistance", brunch liberal types, and they will never vote Trump.


More of a tie this time, but Biden still edged out somewhat


"Young people tend to work in contact-sensitive sectors, like hospitality; and they are often in temporary job contracts, which makes them easier to fire"


Watched a docu on Coca Cola.. Guy who invented it did it for his addiction? He started comp, but then fell off the wagon, addiction returned, then he died. New chief went in heavy on marketing, CC became big. The End. I don't think I've watched a more inconsequential business story in my life. A story of suger'ed water essentially.

Full list. Monaco at #13.


Top shipping country.. no kidding.

Topper than even Japan. Baddest shippers? Not malakia...

"Greece Marks The Top Of Most Ship Owning Nations In 2018... World Fleet Values Ranking [is released]. Topping the list is Greece, with an owned fleet worth just shy of 100 billion USD, followed closely by Japan and China, worth 89 and 84 billion USD respectively"


"World Energy Council-Germany: The Global Hydrogen Age has Arrived"


And.. can this union be effective? Half the countries are on the opposite side of the world

(Literally, like Canada and Australia)

CANZUK? A strategic union between Canada, Australia, NZ and UK? Potentially military one? Without the US?

They will be against it vehemently and undermine it every chance they get. That would be my first reaction.

New Marvel or DC character idea


Shell shock: Scientists say the armor of a seemingly indestructible beetle offers clues for designing stronger planes and buildings. The aptly named diabolical ironclad beetle can withstand being crushed by forces almost 40,000 times its body weight"


With Biden's campaign talking about big plans for rail, here's a map that Amtrak is circulating with ambitious but realistic expansions over the next 15 years. The railroad says this would cost $25 billion"



Cash income for the top 0.1 percent has increased 374% since 1980 (vs. 26% for the bottom 50%)"

"Thai protesters give prime minister three days to resign.. Demonstrators handed in a 'resignation form' for Thai PM Prayuth Chan-ocha to sign, saying they would return in three days if their demands were not met"

This thing is still going on.. Interesting


According to EIA , estimated world energy consumption was 157,481 Terrawatt Hours in 2013.

consumed = (157481. / (365*2)) * 1e9 # Kwh
print ("%d mil. tons" % (consumed / 70.0 * 60.0 / 1e9))
184 mil. tons

Storing today's energy consumption for half a day requires over ten times the amount of available lithium in the world.

Unfortunately for its rabid following this route is dead. The tech has no future. Hell, it didn't even have a present based on these numbers.

Exactly. And we should be ready for that. Plus that 10 KW number itself will grow, for everyone.

Leaving that aside, even today's energy requirements are out of reach for bats

"You said lith mines aren't enough.. But 10 KW per person energy consumption is based on everyone consuming in US standards"

People making movies don't necessarily understand what they are making, in the analytical sense. Art connects at many levels, one of them is emotion, which is below analytical mind. Then movie makers connecting to that in the audience also go through their own subconcious. George Lucas thought he was making a movie with allegories to Nazi Germany, Vietnam, Nixon, but he ended up making a movie about early Christians and Rome in Star Wars. TV show Lost looked like an existential drama, pondering the afterlife, or abt nothing at all with random people running around through a confusion-made-cool wizardry, but the show is actually about our hunter-gatherer experience, and ills of modernity.

Apple's patent

😶 Wow..


#Apple files patents for #hydrogen fuel cell powered laptops and cell phones"

"In collaboration with colleagues at universities and institutions in the UK, China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, researchers in the Edwards/ Xiao group at Oxford’s Department of Chemistry have developed a method of converting plastic waste into hydrogen gas which can be used as a clean fuel"


A, AB blood types more susceptible to covid?

"French President Macron Wants to Advance Hydrogen Alliance with Berlin"


Forbes: "The Green Hydrogen Revolution Is Now Underway"



Chris Hedges: "The Democrats and their liberal apologists adopt tolerant positions on issues regarding race, religion, immigration, women's rights and sexual identity and pretend this is politics. But these issues are societal or ethical issues; they are important, but they are not social or political issues. The seizure of control of the economy by a class of global speculators and corporations has ruined the lives of the very groups the democrats pretend to lift up. When Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party for example destroyed the old welfare system 70% of the recipients were children. Those on the right of the political spectrum, and we must never forget that the positions of the Democratic party would make it a far right party in Europe, demonize those on the margins of society as scapegoats. The culture wars mask the reality both parties are full partners in the destruction of our democratic institutions, both parties have reconfigured American society into a mafia state"


"As few as 10% of people are responsible for 80% of transmission – and that must shape how we tackle this virus"


Peppino De Luca e i Mark 4 - Corsa Mortale #music


UK drove 303.7 billion miles in 2013. Let's say all their cars were bitch BEVs. Take miles driven in half a day and assume energ for that is stored in bat, with range 250 miles per 75 kwh bat, and 60kg of lithium per 70kWh,

mday = 303e9 / (365.*2)
print ("%d tons" % (mday / 250 * 60 / 1e3))
99616 tons

Only UK wld require 1/10th of a million ton of lithium. This is for one country just to drive. World reserves are a mere 17 million tons.

He is UK based it seems.. Is he getting some love from his gov? Guy sounds like a champ.

B. David paper on the catalyst.


Bill David on ammonia.

"[04:24] Because in 1908 and 1910, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch managed to produce ammonia. And they used nitrogen from air, and they used hydrogen from water 100 years ago to do that. And nowadays, we have 170 million tons of ammonia produced each year. And it's principally used for fertilizers. And the statistic is that about half of the world would go hungry if we didn't have ammonia, if we didn't have artificial fertilizers"

"[04:52] 40% of the nitrogen that sits in your bodies, that sits in my body, has actually made its way through the Haber-Bosch process"

"[05:31] But I guess very few of you will know this next piece of history. Because this is 1943. And this, to me, is an absolutely magnificent story. It's the middle of World War II. The Belgians have actually run out of diesel. It's been appropriated for war purposes. And their bus fleet grinds to a halt. This is in November, 1942. In May, 1943, the bus fleet was up and running with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen, running the bus fleet tens of thousands of kilometers accident-free in the middle of World War II"

"[07:03] [W]e've managed to take a combination of sodium and sodium amide. And that's actually basically cracking the ammonia, decomposing that ammonia, as well as the best ruthenium catalysts"

"[7:30] In a reactor not much bigger than AA bat, we got 30 Watts power out of it, enough to power a television"

"[13:46] But I want to say that there's actually a bigger level, a bigger moonshot that we can aim at. Because ammonia already provides food for half the planet. When you combust ammonia, when you use ammonia in a fuel cell, what comes out at the end is water.

So we've got food.

We've got water.

I've talked about energy. And in fact, what ammonia can do is it can contribute to a bigger issue, a bigger dream of contributing to the food, water, energy nexus"



Plug is forecasting sales of 1.2 billion dollars and an operating profit of $200 million after the #acquisition of United #Hydrogen Group Inc. and Giner ELX. Over 50% of the #hydrogen it uses will be green by 2024 according to its goal. #HydrogenNow @HydrogenFC


Some scifi energy stats

Stark Ark reactor outputs 3 gigawatts

Trek TNG Enterprise generates 12.75 billion gigawatts (from True Q)

Cool to be in the future! (Or even in today's fi).

"Global coronavirus cases hit 40 million as second wave gathers pace"


Green Hysland in #Mallorca, the first #GreenHydrogen project in a Mediterranean country due to get European funding"

A Canadian actress pronounces out weird... like uuut. Is that a Canadian thing?

According to Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Smolin doesn't like BM bcz "pilot wave theory fails to satisfy another of our principles: Einstein’s principle of reciprocity. The pilot wave guides the particle, but the particle has no effect back on the wave".

"Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation announced that it has signed an agreement with New Energy and the Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for a multi-utility pure hydrogen fuel cell module for large modes of transport. As a part of technology R&D programs for widespread implementation of fuel cells, this project will develop a compact, lightweight, and high-power 200kW class standard module of a pure hydrogen fuel cell"


"Japan aims to set up commercial hydrogen fuel supply chain by 2030"


Redtenbacher’s Funkestra - Baby Fat #music


Not surprising, Italian fascists built the social security system of the country.

There is no "left populism", or "right populism". A grab bag of issues stolen from right and left held together by media trickery or authoritarinism does not deserve its own lexicon. Most of the time it is simply fascism-lite. That's it.

"In many West European countries, traditional right wing parties are challenged by a ‘populist right wing’ discourse which also started to argue for redistributive welfare policies"


Karsh Kale - Mallika Jam #music


Orgone - Duck and Cover #music


It's about $2NH_3 + 3/2 O_2 \to 3 H_2 O + N_2$

not about $CH_4 += 2O_2 \to 2H_2 O + CO_2$,

nam sayin?

Ammonia as fuel

In direct combustion

In fuel-cells (solid oxide FC)